. giving two short blasts of the steam whistle. 10 ee T0 NAVIGATION. RULES FOR THE SAULT GCANAL, Following are the rules given out by the Treasury De- partment for the navigation of the St. Mary’s River. They were unavoidably left over from last week: Limit oF SPEED —No vessel ascending or descending the St. Mary’s River shall proceed at a greater speed than seven miles an hour between the following named points, to-wit: Between the turning channel buoy in the northern part of Mud Lake and the northern float lights of the 20-foot channel of Hay Lake, leading from Nee- bish channel, and between the crib light at the southern entrance of the upper 20-foot and Little Rapid channels and the government pier at Sault Ste. Marie, and be- tween the western end of the Sault Ste. Marie canal piers and Big Point. Bounp Up.—No steamer without a tow shall pass or approach another steamer without a tow moving in the same direction nearer than one-half of a mile between the points named in Rule 1. But a steamer without a tow may pass a steamer with a tow between the follow- ing points, to-wit: Turning channel buoy in northern part of Mud Lake and Everens Point, and between the northern end of the Dark Hole and black buoy No. 13 in Little Mud Lake. Bounp Down.—No vessel shall pass or approach an- other vessel moving in the same direction nearer than one-half of a mile between the points named in Rule 1. PassInc,—All vesels navigating the St. Mary’s River may pass other vessels moving in the same direction between Detour Lighthouse Point and the turning chan- nel buoy inthe northern part of Mud Lake, and between - the northern float lights of the 20-foot channel leading from the Neebish channel into Hay Lake, and the crib light at the southern entrance of the 20-foot and Little Rapid Channels. ’ Special attention is called to Rule 24 of the act of Con- gress approved February 8, 1895, giving the right of way to the descending vessels in the St. Mary’s River. In case one steamer desires to pass another going in the same direction on the said river at a point where such passing is permitted by these rules the pilot of the steamer astern shall, if he intends to pass the steamer ahead on the right hand or starboard side, indicate such intention by giving one short blast of the steam whistle, and if he intend to pass such steamer ahead on the left hand or port side, he shall indicate such intention by Upon the pilot of one steamer astern of another giving such _ signal the pilot ahead shall immediately answer by giving the same signal; but if he does not think it safe for the steamer astern to attempt to pass at that point, he shall immediately signify the same by giving several short and rapid blasts of the steam whistle; and under no circumstances shall the steamer astern attempt to pass the steamer ahead until such time as they have reached a point where it can be safely done, when said steamer ahead shall signify her willingness by blowing the proper signals; then the steamer ahead shall slacken to a slow rate of speed, and the steamer astern shall also slacken her speed and pass slowly the overtaken steamer at no nearer distance than 500 feet, nor at- tempt to cross the bow or crowd upon the course of the © overtaken vessel. The boat ahead shall in no case at- tempt to cross the bow or crowd upon the course of the _ passing steamer. Steamers bound in opposite directions shall slow to half speed within one-half of a mile of each other until _ each has passed the other. The patrolling vessels of the revenue cutter service shall always have the right of way over all other ves- sels as indicated by the sailing signals given by such patrolling vessel. Three distinct blasts of the steam whistle, when sounded from a patro!ling vessel, will indicate that the . vessel to which such signal is given is proceeding at too _ high a rate of speed, and such vessel must immediately moderate her speed accordingly. Three long blasts of the steam whistle followed by one short blast, when sounded from a patrolling vessel, _will indicate that the vessel to which such signal is given must stop until further orders from the patrolling vessel. Two red lanterns, one over the other, hoisted on a pa- trolling vessel at night will indicate to the vessel to THE MARINE RECORD. which such signal is given that such vessel must stop and not proceed further toward the position where such lights are displayed. No vessel or raft shall anchor in said river between Everens point and the float lights at the north end of 20-foot channel leading from the Neebish channel to Hay Lake, nor between the crib light at the entrance of the upper 20-foot cut and Little Rapids channeland the crib light at the northern entrance of the Hay Lake channels, except in distress or during a fog, and any vessel so anchored must always shift her anchorage when directed by the officer in charge of a patrolling vessel to the spot designated by such officer. Vessels navigating the St. Mary’s River may anchor between Point Detour and Mud Lake turning buoy and at Sailors’ Hncampment close to the wharves of the saw- mill. In Hay Lake between the Neebish and Little Rapids Channel outside of the channel as indicated by the ranges, but nothing in this rule shall be construed to prohibit any vessel from lying alongside of any wharf in said river. Rafts being towed in the St. Mary’s river will be re- qusred to use what is termed the ‘‘old channel.’”’ From Harwood point to Mud Lake turning buoy they will move at the time designated by-the officer in charge of the patrolling vessel. When lying by they must be moored out of the channel. In navigating the St. Mary’s River, in all cases where the foregoing rules are not applicable, the attention of masters and pilots is called to the sailing rules con- tained in the act of Congress of February 8, 1895. All vessels navigating the St. Mary’s river, in pas- sing dredges and vessels at work on improvements to the channel, will be required to slacken their speed upon such dredge or other vessel engaged in such im- provement giving the signal of three distinct blasts of the steam whistle. The pilot of every steamer descending the St. Mary’s River shall, when abreast of the black buoy at Rains shoal and before passing around the bend of said river at Sailors’ Encampment, give a signal of one blast of the steam whistle of ten seconds’ duration, which signal be answered by a blast of the steam whistle of the same duration by any vessel ascending said river within hearing. The pilot of every steamer ascending said river, not having heard such signal from a descending steamer, shall, when abreast of Everens Point and before passing around the bend of said river at Sailors’ Encampment, givea signal ot one blast of the steam whistle of ten seconds’ duration, which shall be answered by a blast of the steam whistle of the same duration by any vessel descending said river within hearing. After such signal of one blast of the steam whistle of ten seconds’ shall have been given and answered, the usual passing signals must be given. Capt. A. B. Davis, R. S. C., commanding United States Steamer Johnson, will, until otherwise ordered, have supervision of the enforcement of the foregoing rules and regulations, and all complaints or appeals arising under them will be made by parties concerned to that officer. Cc. S. HAMLIN, Acting Secretary. NOTICE TO MARINERS. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE MONTHLY. The issue for April of the Hydrographic Office Notice to Mariners is chiefly devoted to a record of notices heretofore given in these columns. It further states that a dangerous shoal, with but three feet of water over it, has been reported on the east side of the South entrance to Detour passage, St. Mary’s River. This shoal consists of large boulders and is reported as being about 3,500 feet S. W. % W(S 50° 37’ W) from Barbed Point (Crab Island). Mariners are cautioned to give this spot a wide berth, as the position given is only ap- proximate. It is also reported that the shoal shown on the charts as 2,600 feet South from Barbed Point lies about 3,200 feet S. ER. &% S. (S. 42° 11’ BH) from Barbed Point. Instructions are given to cancel and destroy the chart of Byng Inlet, Ont., published with the March issue, as it was compiled from erroneous information. The mast from which the rear range light is shown at Cape Charles, St. Lawrence River, is now 40 feet high, and the lig‘ht is elevated 120 feet above the sHrface of the river. § 7 AIDS TO DETROIT RIVER NAVIGATION. Capts. W. S. Mack and George P. McKay, represent- ‘into Lake St. Clair cannot be thrown open for its full ing the Lake Carriers’ Association, have made arran, ments with Candler Bros. to dr've three clusters of | le to mark the new Gr.sse Point channel. They will also drive three clusters marking the dredged channel fron abreast Ballard’s Reef light to abreast McDougall ca buoy above Texas dock. The usual fixed ranges will be kept by Duff & Gatfield, who will have a water guage at the lower end of Amherstburg for the purpose of telling up-bound vessels the depth of water on Ballard’s Reef and also one at Sandwich to notify down-bcund boats of the same. ‘The signal code will be printed and furnish- ed to masters. The government will move the light- ship to the outer end of Lake St. Clair channel and the tripod will be discontinued. Float lights will be main- tained on Briton, Boston, New York and Fitzgerald shoals and at the upper end of Malden’s docks, known as the Red Can, opposite Milwaukee Shoal. The Lake Carriers’ outlay for lights thifseason will reach $5,600. : IMPkKOVED LIGHT SERVICE AT THE SAULT. Capt. Leo Bernard, who conducted ranges and light- ships on the St. Mary’s River last season, is now very busy making extensive improvements to his range lights in Waiskai Bay. He is placing larger lamps to show a distance of at least eight miles. His lightship for Vidal Shoal, above the canal, will receive new tri- pods and a larger light. He is also building a new lightship to be placed at the foot of Sugar Island at the - lower black stake (a red light) at the turning point. This no doubt will meet with the hearty approval of the vessel captains, as they have many times desired the stake lighted. REPORTS AT PORT HURON. Lynn, the marine reporter at Port Huron, has been awarded the contract for furnishing the Lake Marine News Association with marine news from that port. Mr. Lynn requests masters to give his river reporters any news of interest and it will be published in all the lake papers. ‘Two long, two short and one long whistle calls by river reporters. Mr. Lynn has ordered a larg megaphone from Capt. George Simpson, of Cleveland, and will use it in calling to passing vessels. It is the first to be used on the lakes. NOTES FOR NAVIGATORS, ; The Lake Carriers’ Association has been advised by the Canadian Minister of Marine that two gas buoys have been ordered for Lake Erie. These will probably be charged at Cleveland. Notice is given by the United States Engineer that the new ship channel from the head of Detroit River width of 800 feet owing to unexpected delay on the part of the dredgers, but that a channel 15,000 feet long and 400 feet wide at the upper end, in Hake St. Clair, winen- ing to 800 feet at the head of Detroit river, has been properly buoyed for all classes of vessels. a “CAN’T KEEP HOUSE WITHOUT IT.” DeErTrRoIT, April 5th, 1896. Mr, H, C, Beeson, Chicago: DEAR Sir—Replying to yours of January 24, would say of course I want one of your directories. How do you expect me to keep house without it? Yours, Respectfully Capt, A. H. SHAFER, EEE Be —eE TOLEDO HARBOR TUG LINE. The Toledo Harbor Tug Line has been reorganized with L S. Sullivan, manager and treasurer. ‘The line consists of ten tugs, officered as follows: : Tuc. MASTER. ENGINEER. S. C. Schenck Jos. McKinley Wm. England L. Bir. khead Nathan Sullivan F. Sullivan A. Andrum, Jr. Chas. Vosburg Thos. Hunt Fanny Buher’ Chas. Sheehan Jib Burt Frank S. Butler Henry Hughes Alf Page T. M. Moore Jos. S. Spinny Wm, K. Rung Frank Nannen John Dumuth Frank Sayen EK. A. Williams Henry Moran Also the tugs Roy and Uncle Sam, no appointments for these having been made yet. EEE ee —e H. G. Trout, Eso.: The propeller wheel furnished by you for our steamer Roumania is all right in every — respect. She tows her consort one mile per hour faster _ with your wheel than any of the other wheels we ever had on her, and when any of our other steamers need a wheel, we shall certainly give you the order.—W. C. RICHARDSON, Manager Richardson Transportation Co, Geo. McNally