Oe 2 in ie. opel Business, ead Quiney Miller are me to the, Buffalo con- SSs8 tion “Poley’”’ got weary, and the party ade | journed to a hall in Lorain street to “chase the glowing hours with flying feet.’’ The new steamship being built by Mr, Radcliff will be provided by G, ©. Barnes with an Adtna shaking grate. 1[Captain Ira Mansfield, fortwo years man- ager of A. Young & Co.’s coal business at Amherstburg, Ont., will sail again next .} season. tug Charles Castle. ‘rick, local inspector of boil- has resigned, to take effect scessor qualifies. Hes se Stone sold a 1-24 interest. Thomas Quayle to Captain |. F of the S. P. Ely. rewstery of Detroit, Michigan, astee of the Winslow A. lee 4.16 and H. The friends of Captain Thomas Wilson and his wife will be pained to learn of their sad affliction in the loss of their little son, David M., who died on Wednesday after a lingering and painful sickness, aged 13 years and 10 tea BAST SAGINAW. Special to the Marine Record. The Saginaw river is now frozen over for good. But ten days previous to this the tug Anna has been in commission, transferrIng lighters of lumber trom the various mills, a thing that never occurred in this section be- | fore at this time of the year, Ider, who is also part awtish, nC. Pringle is also part owner, | her. in ‘admiralty of atin Uotiper e steambarge Samuel F. Hodge, in ‘the libelant makes claim for wages and expenses as deck hand during the latter part of the season of 1885, Judge Welker has granted the libelant leave to file an amended libel, and the amended libel has been filed. ‘A decree has been rendered by Judge Welker, of the admiralty court, in favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brook- lyn, New York, against the barge Colonel Brackett, for $634.50, upon its respective claims tor salvage and premium for insur- ance, The former amounted to $430.50 and the latter to $204.00. The annual ball of the union. sailors took place at Froshinn hall, the pleas ures of swhiey- will be long remembered. When thy ra struck up with a march, All eh ae rry, sailors. At 12, which was therougt, Ney Renfrew. in the amateur exhibition Ryder’ Ss art gallery, on Superior street, .wo spirited pastel marine pictures, one re presenting burning schooner ‘and a side wheel stea - eoming head on tothe rescue, and the of the schosner being transferred in the ‘small boat. ‘The other is a very accurate representation of th+»iron propeller J. iL Devereux. Both pletuacs reflect much cred on the young artist, preciated by marine 5 W. H. Radcliff has contracted with H. J.| Webb & Co., and others, to build a steam- ship of the following dimensions: Length of kee) 220 feet, length over all 245’feet, | breadth of beam 87 feet, depth of hold 19} feet. She will have three masts, and double decks with iron houses. Her engine and| boilers will be” built by the Globe Iron | Works and will be duplicates of those ir the | steamship J. H. Devereux, the engine being fore and aft compound, 27 and 50 by 36. The boilers wil] be 101g by 17. She will be provided with all the latest improvements, and will be ready for sea by the firstof July. The occasion of the 25th anniversary ot the wedding of Napcleon Tovat and his good _ wite last Thursday evening, was largely at- tended and much enjoyed by all present. The happy pair were overwhelmed with tokens of esteem evidenced by their friends, in presents manufactured of silver, (a metal - which is now attracting much attention of acy ng: and the business world) turned into every conceivable design, the articles = vambering about forty-five pieces. It was thought that toward ec end of the recep- at 9 0,clock the hall was) >was served | : Veox, murine arUsi, has placed Ss and will be readily ap: | Captain Charles D. Van Norman, who sailed the schooner A. T. Bliss last season, is to command one of the Toledo & Saginaw | es dock and réceive new steel arches 18x56, | transportation boats next season. Captain John Kelly has sold to Lewis D Sanborn a one-half interest in the schooner | Gosiawk, Whiley Captain Deady uae chased of Mr. Sanborn a one-fourth interest in the new steambarge J. H. Prentice. Captain Harry May, of the barge ‘I'rans. port, is putting in the winter in the coasting trade, with headquarters at Baltimore, Md. SHAW. — ” TOLEDO. Special to the Marine Record. Propeller City of Coneord arrived here last Wednesday from Port Huron to load coal. She loaded Thursday and left here Friday morning for Port Huron, but when she got down on the bay found the ice too heavy and returned and laid up here for the | winter. Captain G. W. ‘Swaddard, formerly. master | of the propeller Gault, has been appointed | ™ | master of the steamer Mascotte for the seas | | son of 1886. inches thick. | : Captain Peabody is thoroughly « over haui. ie Obio Yacht | qc of Gt spd boiler ord of burned at Douck Tank summer. Herengine is.a. steeple compound, ‘and was for $1,000. ‘tween Mt. Clemens and Det ole. for freight and passengers. Thesteambarge City ‘Mt. Clemens, Captain Gilbert Lacroyx, last season made forty-two | down trips with lumber from Oscoda to De- | troit and Toledo, carrying about seven mil- jlon feet of lumber, beside up freight, start. , ing out May 13 and laying up November 23, L. OGDENSBURG. Special to the Marine Record. Following is a list of Ogdensburg, N. Y., with masters : ottawa: tain John Vanalstine; Chas. Howard; E. P. Beals, Captain I’. Bol- and; C. B. Benson, Captain J. Duff; A. L. Andrews, Captain Frank Boland; D. G. vessels laid up at e names of the Fort, Captain C. H. Daniels; Riverside, | Captain M. Enright; Comanche, Captain Wm. Becker; Willie Keller, Captaiv Thos. Murray. Bes Os ay OEE BEG 5 RE PREN EON FANS ly. vi ~ | pany, will be 322 feet over all, 40 feet beam Jee in more river” ond bay is eight | P i, ae and | Butman in a | manufactured | ie | Windlass. Company at | r ve | and every modern improvement tom: sal = | her a high class stee steel arches; propeller | on the Union Line Co’s, propellers Starue | Newburgh, Ny: | Louis and i propeller Delawa purchased | Her route will, perhaps, be be- | : espe Moab ath | Hattie will receive new decks; the comma “She can also be chartered | New York will be reoalked all over for excursions three days out of the week. | sai ; pita. ea ‘ ‘isin drydock receiving a thorough rebuild | | comprising new cants and frames forward | | Wm. I. Preston, Cap- | L. Seaton, Captain | ND. D. O.. _ JANUARY 14, 1886. $2.00 Pex ANNUM SINGLE Copies b CENTS BUFFALO, Special to the Marine Record. G. F. Williams, who held the position of assistant snperintendent shipbuilder at the Union Drydock Company’s shipyard for ten years, goes this week to Bay City to take charge of the mechanical department at F. W. Wheeler’s shipyard, He takés with him the best wishes of all his friends for his future welfare, — At R. Mills & Co’s. drydock, the propeller | P. Donaldson is in receiving new steel arches 20 inches by five eights of an inch, also a center arch in the hold about 100 feet long 5 feet high of 4 inch on each side of the stanchions, the whole capped with a steel plate 4 inches wide by 34 of an inch thick fastened to the keelsons at both ends, and a thorough recalking. ‘he propeller J. E. Potts is in receiving new floor timbers, floor ceiling, bilge keelsons, four courses of main keelson, riders three courses, and an upper keelson of two courses, her bottom recalked and general repairs. _ The propeller Alaska will receive entire new upper works. | , The propeller White & Friant will go into two hog posts, recalking and general re- pairs, The propellers Fountain City and Tale. will xo ivy ¢ deck and receive ‘repairs | " | to their arches and considerable other hg pairs. The schooner Fannie B, Gardner will | receive new decks and other general repairs, The barge Dan Rodgers will receive con- siderable repairs. ‘he schooner John | Wesley, which was ashore at Windmill poiut and was purch by H. J. Mills in October last, has been be and made A2 again at R. Mills & Co.’s shipyard and was sold last week to Edward. Mitchell of Oswego for $5,000 cash, without anchors and chains and a portion of her outfit, which were lost. At the Union Drydock Company’s the new steamship of steel for the Anchor Line Com- 26 feet depth of hold ; she will have a triple | ,3 cy linders on one shaft, ‘The propeller — Avon tor same; considerable work is being done Dean Richmond, Sai Arctic. The Anchor anew main deck, the barges Elma and | M. & L. S. T. Co’s propeller City of Duluth | and aft, leaving no unsound timber in b any where, new ceiling forward and aft, new | ‘ keelsons under boiler 4 extra floor keelsons, 5 strakes of outside plank from the plank | | sheer down, new plank-sheers, all new deck | | stanchions, bulwarks and raile, new arch posts and new steel arches, side plates 16 | inches wide by half an inch thick, top plate 14 inches wide, three qnarters of an inch | thick, arch rods and plates, entire new deck | frames, new main deck, new hatch combings | the L. | | im | is being added to the schooner 8 way, two new offices for clerk and steward between decks; new passenger gangway, all new closets; the cabin will be fitted up with all modern improvements conducive to the comfort of passengers, Her engine and ma- chinery will receive a thorough overhauling | by H. G. Trout, who will also supply her with a new 10 foot wheel; her main boiler will have entire new farnace Stays stay bolts and legs and all the flues will be re- placed by new to be done by Riter Brothers, who will also supply her with a new donkey boiler of steel, and she will have steel beams and steel deck over her boiler. The Amer- ican Ship Windlass Company will also supply her With a new latest improved Providence windlase, to be placed on her main deck, Captain Lyman Hunt, who com- mands her, is in constant attendance look- ing after the work and will have good rea- son to be proud of his almost new boat when she is completed. Howard H. Baker & Co., shipchandlere, have supplied the schooner John Wesley with two anchors and seventy-five fathoms — of chain, the propeller City of Duluth with seventy-five fathoms of chain, the bar, J.Carney with eighty fath hawser, and they are furnishi er S. V, R. Watson with The fi ee are removing t their ship eh: good bi the Terrace ca Pearl stre settled there ready for businese, Ist. The Lake Erie Exeursion Cold asked the Union Drydock Cotnpany to pr pare plans and specifications for a new ex- cursion steamer to equal the steamer pe. riwinkle in speed and to carry from 1200 to 1500 passengers. In addition to the work doing by H. G. Trout, King [ron Works, mentioned in But- falo Drydock notes, they are building 4 steeple compound engine with cylinders 20 and 36 inch bore and 36 inch stroke, and a 9 feet 2 inches Tront wheel, for the Mil- | waulkee Banya Sree de # new steim- Win IAMS. “eHleAgo.” then went to ore have been dis- nture the opinion that shermen, who are the shore, and after valuables were buried. ried several hundred gold watch. The cook Line} receiving new deck | s | over her coal bunkers, the propeller Arizona | Captain James Stuart and wife have been spending a few days with parents and rel- atives i in Cleveland. . Horton went to » Washington last 10 try to obtain an »ppropriation for ‘harbor at this port. What success he’ with we ure unable at this time to state. Captain J. Doville, wife and son, of Cleve- ! land, have been visiting at the residence of Mr. R, Case. Messrs. Gilchrist & Co, having added a th me! ments, now have a repair yard of The entire fleet is undergoing | trove their mill property, and made other their own, e | repairs, but the most extensive jmprove- ments are being made to the follo nk ves-' sels: Besides general repairs, a) deek 7S oP ‘Beieas, new shelf piece very heavy, thoroughly | | new decks and quarter rails to ik schooner’ fastened heavy hanging knees to every | | Crosthwaite and Francis Palms. frame, recalked all over and ironed; the | promenadedeck will be raised 16 inches; she | will have new stripgers under the prome- | nade deck and new back stanchions, three new state rooms and cabin, new main stair- | of timber. M.M. ‘Thompson, a shipearpepter in the employ ot Gilchrist & Co.. met with a pain- ful accident at the above firm’s yard, by having his fout crushed under a heavy p iece PER