8 he ee Revond. _ANERICAN Pe YOR INCE ROL Established in 1857. vt BUILDERS OF THE EDRATED : 66 PIR DEN e mM * WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS ATTENT NTION iss 4° SS B_E_EC EP "EGP "ES EE GREAT IMPROVEMENTS In Windlasses made within the past three months. These Improvements apply to windlasses of all kinds, for Steamships, Sailing Vessels, Yachts, and wherever Chains, Hemp or Wire Hawsers are handled. The Public requested to acquaint themselves with these Improvements before buying. CONSTRUCTORS 0 OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Steel, Iron, Composit bey Wooden Ships IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft. of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich, SS a A Rees ei THE TNA GRATE. GC. BARNES, AgL pg 4 fe Mego This Improved Shaking | eee y Grate Especially Adapt- Z 4 ed to Burning Slack. ee q Globe Iron Works, Manna’, : a a Office and Fou ndry of Elm Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, ri i se THE PROVIDENCE” Windlasses, Capstans, etc., etc.,in Canada. THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY GO. Have made arrangements with the American Ship Windlass Co. to build their Celebrated Machinery. with latest improvements for use on Ship-board for Canada. +ROR PRICES, PLANS AND Ali: OFHER IAKORMAVION APPLY 0+ THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY CoO., NDSOR, HANTS COUNTY, NOVA SCOTIA, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS, CLEVELAND? GHG. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER - MAKERS, MARINE. PATENT ‘STEAM WINDLASS. High Pressure, Low Pressure, Condensing, MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. HAND AND SPOOL WINDLASS, AMAZEEN BEAM LOG WINDLASS, Centerboard, Mast, Gipsey, Hatch) Winches, Compound water seal Stove Pipes, Chocks, Coal Scuttles, Hawse Pipes Cleats. ENGINES FROM FOUR TO FORTY Hi. P, KEPT ON HAND, MARINE & STATIONARY | BOI LERS, SMOKE STACKS, General Plate and Sheet Iron Work. sik 7 RIOR OCT ae So pr Pane ts Ee ee a re ries ae a ite)