ay ee Be 1 a Ihe Marine Record. 4 ‘GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Bult & Stel Bats Few Desi ‘Builders of lron Steamers Onoko, Wm. Chis- holm, J. H Devereux, Passenger Steam- er Darius Cole, Steamyacht Twilight, lronTugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER *e, CLEVELAND, 0. ee MARY’s, OHIO. OAR FACTORIES. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & (0,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, eho Oars. Bisehe. RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, Flags, Buntings, Cotton and Flax Ducks, MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. MONTPELIER, OHIO 34 and 35 South-st, New York. ROBERT E. HILLS, HOWARD H. BAKER & CO., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, 18 & 26 Terrace, @©orner of Commercial and Pearl Atvoute | BUFFALO, N. Y, WM. H. RADCLIFFE, Shipbuilder and Cen- eral Repairine. OLD RIVER BED, Ft. OF TAYLOR St., CLEVELAND, O. 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Il. Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. - BNGINERR’S SUPPLIES. General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. Established in 1859. “HENRY LEOPOLD. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kindsof fine and plain FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, And Manufacturer of Counters, Shelving, Bank and Bar-room Fixtures, Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture A SPECIALTY. Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Ful- ton. Factory 10 Willet-st. CLEVELAND, OHIO. R. W. ABRAM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS. . 544 DETROIT ST., CLEVELAND, O Depa Orders Promptly Filled. WARD dACESON, — DHLPSMITED. /P> All Kind of Forgings, Bolts and Truss Rods for Building. SD | Main-st Cleveland PRESLEY & CO.. Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- pairing and Spar Making. CLEVELAND, OBIO. WM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Steam and Sail Yachts, Hunting, Fishing and | Pleasure Boats, Shell Boats, Spoon Oars, Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo, N.Y | SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M. RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. THOMAS AXWORTHY LOUIS B. PRESLEY. GEO. G. ARTHUR, PRESLEY, ARTHUR & CO,, MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF COAL, Coaling Steamboats & Tugs Day and Night a Specialty. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Which Gives all Points On Marine Law, AS DEFINED BY UNITEN STATES COURTS: PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. KATZENSTEIN’S W ANTED cor sr ene siey $75 per month and expenses. Canvassin SELF RNG MAE AL, outfit and particulars FREE, STANARD SIL- ACK VER-WARE Co., Boston, Mass. 7 FOR Pekan eh VALVE STEMS, Etc. Send 10 cents postage, and ¥ we ve will mail , Adopted and in use by you free a royal, valuabie sample box the principal Iron Works i goods that will put you in the way nd of making more money at once than any- ete within the lag clght thing els :@ in. America. Both sexes of all ages cao yearsin this and Foreign live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. countries. Also flexible Capital not required.’ We will start you. Im mense tubular metallic packing pe y sure for those who siartatonce. Srinson & Co., for slip-joiots on steam ortland, Maine. F E R To introduce » them we will pipes aad for, hydraulic B ico 4 pressure. For full par- ; GIVE CO 1,000; Self. Operating Washing- addres Maeh’nes. If vou want one send us yor r name, P, O L KAMZENSTERN C0 and nae office at once. The National Co. 2 169 Christopher St, near West Street N, Y. Dey St., N. ¥. CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who} PILE uses this packing on his Steam- Poe tostty ‘5 MABON, 78 Nasoauat. ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Vessel men Lakes. 3HOULD HAVE FOR SALE ATA BARGAIN. |OUR. MARINE LAW BOOK. Marine Engine and Boiler, wheel, shaft, piping Containing all points of MARINE LAW. as de- | safety valves, etc. The engine is 18x20, hizh pressure. | termined ae the United States Courts The boiler was new two years ago, is 5 feet 6 inches ex Z, tieulars and references Uy Instant relief, Final cure in 10 davs, eand neyer returns. No purge,no salve General Average, Cemmon Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bid of Luding, Wages, &c. | Al TUG FOR SALE. This tug Is 52 feet over all, 13 feet 3 inches beam, Marine Record. REE Uc ehees ah aencd oie cece: $8. 00 BIt MONTH ee 2 See 1 oo! THREE MONTHS... .@.. ..2. 22-02 50 SEND FOR MARINE LAW BOOK MA RINE INSURANCE AGENTS. W.B. SCOTT & SON, Pire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers, Telephone, No, 18. Office, 130 South Water-St., Cleveland, 0. — PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. GEORGE EB. HALLADAY. Attorney and Proctor - in Admiralty. Marine Business Promptly Attended To, OKEKICE 2) BUAL BLOCK, DELROIE, MICHIGAN. ROBERT RAE, \Acmiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37 Merchants’ nuilding. CHICAGO, ILL. WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents and Brokers, ROOM 10, Arcade Bld. , 101 §t, Clair St, _ CLEVELAND, OFIO. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. i _ CLEVELAND, oO. Jd. J. H. BROWN, EDWARD SMITH. BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses. Exchange Building, 202 Main-st. , Buffalo, N.Y. L. S. SULLIVAN. Vessel Agent and Commercial Broker-- -Spec Attention Given to Coarse Freight. VESSELS FOUND FOR CARGOES AND CARGOES FOR VESSELS. Office, 74 Water-st., Toledo, 0. Telephone, No. 129. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Streét, Cleveland, Ohio. MOORE, BARTOW AND GILCARIS®, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. eae Street, Room 15. CLEVELAND, OHIO. H. J. WEBB & CO, Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. (ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) H. J. Webs & Co,, willcharter Vessels for Lake Trade. Special attention given to -CGhartering Vessels jn Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season fer single trip, ARCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio, TE LEPHON E { Omice, No. ass. Residenee, No. 1328. by 21 feet and is allowed 108 pounds of steam. This 8 Cae: ° ? iY # barges rand bolle: are Gptiable for tug or steam- ope Charters, ALEX McDO UYGALL, Address E. DAHLKE, 113 Franklin Ave., Cleveland. Colisions, pee napa fH VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, ae ee to Owners and masters of vessels wishing to get ea of grain from this port will do well to confer with me. and 6 feet 6 inches depth of hold. Engine, 13x14; steel The yolumn is handsomel Will be glad to f h inf y bound in stiff Board g t urnish information in regard to car- eS es 2 teens Hamat: by - ae long.’ wes covers, aud fine English cloth binding. Sent to amy | £°¢* , alsoin relation to docks, de pth of wate ir, ete., at son Went eda 1 ane 1 well built. “The “ey nig | address ss postage paid for $1.60 (Dututn, Agase na hit am ore port), Port Ar- j ar aur, asnburn Sh am and @ points near the new, MRYIDS § do ne or aly five mo nth’ sw rork since che | y 7 | west end of Lake Good | gamé out new last mmimer. She has a poop deck and WM. H. DWITT?, | Bsted oo thort notice for ihnming a6 ora Buished ca sing fore and aft, ao aarclaae es “AL. "rice, | loading and unk an ing eall kinds « vy & eight i eve $4,500. Address Maxine Ru:conp OFFICE | Adionsey and Proctor in oe JAMES 7. ROSE, 1, t | , CLEVELAND, ONTO ‘Vessel Agent and Broker, <Tessc BOX 1616, DULUTH, MINN, | ROOM 11, 130 WATER STREET, aiiecmeene:ia aud aie ce ke CLEVELAND, OHIO. Cleveland, F 1 Agent DAVID BARNHISEL, “Agent. | Onio | Ihave an excellent gang of Trimmers ae sea- on, Captain Miller’s old Crew Loca ‘ndioes Paid to Chartering ‘Veusala, and seeing that they get dispatch in Port,