8 | Mhe Marine Revont. - AMERICAN DETROIT DRY DOCK CO, SHIP WINDLASS COMPANY, | |, cuss mee YY IDENCE: Ro EL Established in 1857. SOLE BULDE Uf TE VELEBRATED Steel, Iron, Composite, and Wooden Ships BE eer aa Vat =\5 en (OES ee diy SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS. SEND FORMARINE LAW BOOK ATTENTION ‘Which Gives all Points On Marine Law, ass «oO EBUE_BCmP EP ECR PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS “THE PROVIDENCE” In Windlasses made within the past three months. WINDLASSES, C APSTANS, ETC., These Improvements apply to windlasses of all a a ee kinds, for Steamships, Sailing Vessels, IN CANADA. THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY Co Yachts, and wherever Chains, Hemp ane a ier ate pi ee st beni . o. to build their Celebrated Machinery, with latest or Wire Hawsers are handled. improvements for use on Ship-board for Canada. The Public requested to acquaint themselves) +xor PRICES, PLANS AND Ali OVHER IMFORMAVION APPLY 40+ with these Improvements before buying. THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY C pr ey = Gy eS Z ee ee em ee ae Saad Se SEE FO CONSTRUCTORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF L} s . NDSOR, HANTS COUNTY, NOVA SCOTIA, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS, re VRE AND OF, GENERAL FOUNDERS MACHINISTS AND BOILER - MAKERS, MARINE. ae STATIONARY PATENT STEAM WINDLASS. High Pressure, HAND AND SPOOL WINDLASS, | MARINE & STATIONARY Low Pressure, AMAZEEN BEAM LOG WINDLASS, | iS Condensing, Centerboard, Mast, Gipsey, Hatch Bor LERS, | Winches, Compound water seal stove Pipes, Chocks,Coal +4 SMOKE STACKS, MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Scuttles, Hawse Pipes Cleats. | General Plate and Sheet Iron Work. ENGINES FROM FOUR TO FORTY H, P, KEPT ON HAND.