Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 15, 1886, p. 3

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Whe Marine Revol, 3 A NOVEL CRAFT. IRA B, BASSETT, GEORGE PRESLEY, Jr. | Grummond’s Mackinac Lin2. In Wyandotte the Detroit pice Com- | si cal pany is building a boat for E. M. Peck, E A which is in some respects of a very Stmr. Flora, Stmr. Atlantic, novel veonstruction. All her inside work, 5 (er DEIHOEE every | Leaw eS ee oni floors, frames, keelson, etc., are to be made | Tuesday at 9 p, m. | Rausing. at9 p.m, of iron, while her outside plauking except (Successors to W. H. McCurdy & Co.) STEAMER ATLANTIC the part above water, is to be of six inch : J.eaves Cleve and every Friday evening at 9 o’clock. white oak. Of the same material will be the | Office and Warehouse, cor. Elm & Hemlock Streets, Cleveland, 0. *: Mackinac, St Teudee, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda keel, the stem and stern’ post. The / ss RES ! is passage apply to GEORGE ANDERSON, Agen', foot of Superior st. keel and garboard will be strongly bolted Cleveland, 0. 8. B. GBUNMOND, Owner.” to a continuous iron kee) piate: ‘The princi- pal dimensions-of the vessel are: Length J Cc CGO O. ss, over all, 233 feet; on the water line, 222 teet; SUCCESSOR TO ED MAYES. | beam, 386 feet 91g inches; depth, of holu ail \faker and [iggor, 20 feet. The frames are 20 inch centers and the floors are 21 iuches high, con- 16 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich, OVER H. D. EDWARDS & GO. P First class accommodation for storing vessel outfits. i Fire proof building. Contractor for covering boilers. : 1 sisting of half-inch iron plates. Her main frames are 3x41¢ inch angle iron, and the reverses are 3x3 inches. he center keel plate is continuous half an inch thick, and connects with a keelson 10 inches high. About the middle of the floors are inter- costal, connected with «10 inch side keelson, runs the whole length of the bottom. Be- sides this bilge keelson and one side keelson 8'gx6 inches double angle iron are connected with the frame. The main deck . CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, | beams are [ shaped and are 8 inches deep, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN The spar deck beams are made of oak 7 Compass Adjuster, are Tavabegeh the eid on top ofan tren B R BOILER HOOP NGLE ND SHEET IRON oe a Aiding kc ee eee : A A A ’ ° LOGS \\ are fastened on the ends on top of an oe , F ' ‘ AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, shelf 3 feet wide, which is supported gussets formed by the reverse frames and | Nails, Railroad and Boat . Spikes, Boiler } Schooners com have their Compasses Ad- | connected by a 344x3!¢ inch continuous ‘ : P 5 sy Tank and Cooper Rivets, Swedes justed for Local Attraction at the time angle iron to a 4 foot wide sheer strake. Iron, Boiler Tubes, Nail Rods, EtG, Etc., Etc. . of repairs by stating how much 4 The ship has two center boards, and boxes . 9 . they are out on East or West -are-made .of-oak in the usual. manner, but We Represent in this Market the Following Well-known Manufacturers: Courses, and which way it solidly fastened to the iron frames. She) Andrews Bros. & Co.......... Youngstown, O. | Dilworth, Porter & Co., Limited..Pittsburg, Pa. | °"4%? North or South of above Courses, f} will have four masts, and everything is so| BARIRON AND POLISHED SHAFTING. RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE i | arranged that she can easily be converted ol | iver St Cleveland 0 | into a steam. boat. Rea@ing Iron Works.-....... Philadebphia, Pa. | Hoopes & Townsend, ..._.... Philadelphia, Pa. *5 F * lL BOILER TUBES. BOILER AND TANK RIVETS. DEEP WATER. Central Iron Works...:........ Harrisburg, Pa. | Sanderson Bros. Steel Co,...._.. Syracuse, N. Y. WM. rs De Wide, ; > BOILER PLATES. A passenger said to the pilot of a steam- CAST STEEL. * $ boat: ‘*You have been a long time, I sup- , Lindsay & McCutcheon, ........-- Pittsburg, Pa, | Joseph Corns & Sons ......... --.. Massillon, O. Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. pose, at this business ?”’ HOvP, BAND & STAR HORSESHOE IRON. | “ CROWN STAY BOLT IRON. ROOM No. |, 219 SUPERIOR ST., “Yes,” answered the pilot, “upward of | George W. Johnson, ...........-. Newcastle, Pa. | Peneoyd Iron Works,........ Philadelphia, Pa, CLEVELAND, OHIO. twenty years TANK SHEET IRON. ANGLE IRON. : u ‘You know, then,’’ pursued the passenger, vevery rook snd shoal A Complete Stock of all above Goods in Our Warehouse. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. “Not by a long way,’’ was tbe answer, “but I know where the deep water is ”’ : RUELLE & CO'S TUG LINE. "HE ETNA GRATE. J. L. MINER, C.D. McKINNON, QUICKSTEP, (. [; B ARNES, Ag. j RIVER AND HARBOR TOWING, } STEAM PUMPS AND IWGHTERS. This Improved Shaking y UP RIVER OFFICE, | DOWN TOWN OFFICE, Belle Isle Ice Co.'s Dock, | J, W. Westeott’s foot of | ed to Burning Slack. Woodward Ave. Telephone No, 199—3 rings DETROIT. Silthe Iron Works, Mannlac’., DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland. Ohie PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS VIA THE BED) L, H}--©, C. ©. & I, R, R, : Tae Great Trunk Lime te the South and West. The only linefrom Cleveland with no chan: PER era y ee fo trains and ¢ ok Ts to St. Louis, where direct connectio; made in Union Depot for all points west. elias Practically no change of cars to the PACIFIC COAST. ¢ ee ee | pmopand foundry, eerner-of Lim wad : a A Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, O. The only line to COLUMBUS AND CINCENNATI FOR SA L E ST. with complete throvgh ee P service. making divect . 4 LOUIS B. PRESLEY. GEO. G. ARTHUR. THOMAS AXWORTHY | °oncetions in Union Dep8ts for ali points in the | Mew Iron Tue SOUTH AND 80UTHEAST \ : A \ Dimensions 78 feet long, 17 feet beam, 1] feet deep; Tourists Tiekeis to numerous points, includin i draft, 9 1-2 feet; engine, 20x20, new steel boiler 7 feet in , ig the j diameter, 13 feet leng, allowed 112 pounds steam. ‘Three | 5 iy ROCK x MO UNTHAINS | iron breast hooks forward, collision buikhead forward, . . $ water Light bulkhead forward of boiler; iron ooal Fast Express Trains Dalty, Bew and Elegant | Steer cimnia at sma S| MIT NERS AND SHIPPERS OF COAL, |". "tars, Aare onda ; water tight iron deck forming the floor of after cabin. e For | i . Iron decks, bulwarksand deck houses; iron tow posts to Pall pd rates and any imformation pertaini } aft, Heavy angle iron frames, with reverse bars on al- way travel in general afiply (6 €ITY TIC ) teroete trimer, plat, sea! oor pines voter = OQaling Steamboats & Tugs Day and Night a Specialty. “’D-JAY GOLVER, Passenger Agent. o"° | GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. A. di SMITH, Geter Mt Eee ger kien: ° . ’ . . FOR SALE Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier d : LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, AT ig ’ a Commencing Sunday,’Nov. 29 1883 , 0 E ies (Nien iain Hee tee Si get dye a i SRT ae eth meridian) time, which is thirty-thre: foie THE GL B IRON WORKS. OFFICIAL NUMBERS AND SIGNAL LETPERS. utes slower than Cleveland time eeneee TONG oaln SECOND HAND MARINE BOI/_ER four feet wide, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, BuREAU OF NaviIGATION, WASHINGTON, April 5. 1886. aT Leawa oy eave tieseee 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes| To the Editor of the Marine Recerd: : i E Nod. Fast Limited Express) ) 55; wos UE 60 inches long, east iron breechng, good as new. Following is alist of merchant vessels of the United States te which official numbers and N08, NY,Bé& A Bxpress.......-u) #8 iecubeas ee = i assi d 2 of Navigation, Treasury Department, during the | N° 26, Elyria Accommodation... .| +7 45 4 m4) Al TUG FORSALE,. [S2itenten ar 518502 0 nh.” | 8026 Billo Aon via Seadusiy la 304 MiG 307% z = : : a - Yo 24, Toledo Accom via Norwalk|}10 : i ity J Is 52 feet over ts 13 a 3 inches beam, | Official Signal fonnage. ne y NY& vghbeh Express, a m ee es mn ‘ ¥ and 6 feet 6 inches depth of hold Pngine, 13x14; steel 5s; . H NO. 14, special New York E | v boiler 4 feet 6 inebes diameter by fe feet long. The Number, Letters. Rig. Name of Vessel. Gross Net ome Port, No 2, Night Ex via Norwalte S 0 aoe hull was built by Geo. H. Notter, Buffalo, and | —~- Taare saad pounds 0) oF As iF RENE ge — | No 22, Night Ex via sandusky. excellent mode) and well built. The tug is nearly SAIL VESSELS. No 26, Conneaut Accommodation +4 25 Pim sy new, having done only five month’s work sinceshe | so¢ 404| Anna I. Gale 38.93 36 98 |Princess Anne, Md, =o Westward —_—_— se eame out new last summer. She has a poop deck and ? 4 Chea ee a $ H ; 6 1c 24 ‘Eastham. Ma-s N a ere — . finished cabin fore and aft, and classes Al. Price, | 106,405). Arthur H., pe Eien ae ps ; ce © 1, Fast Limited Express.........\"12 “12 24M $4,500. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE. F Basliiss ci.ieecis ; Bertha M. Miller, 35 07 42 82 G oncester, Mass. | os Hissrs og ine via Sandusky | "i 4 1 Gis er, iT zo Dover. N. H, lac ok AI oO SXDrerS, Via 0% oe 6 ¢ ANTED An active Man or Woman in every 76.617;K DH G Se. Jonathan panne 399-15 | 379 Mnancoal No 25, Mich Accom Norwalk....... {6 a ss ¥ eounty to sell our goods, Salary OL O20) erect ccetneen OE: Mary E Crockett, sagrernicee | 20 75: , PARAS OCH. ¥ Be | N9 21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk...| 13 30 Pm $75 per month and expenses. Canvassin 130,347/K DH LSc. Novelty, eons es 584 20 |Empire City, Ore. era Bs St Louis Ex via Sandusky..!"10 50 a M11 00 4 outfit and particulars FREE, STANARD SIL- 150, 366 S| Paarl 15.90 15,10 |Goshen, N. J. No 9,Chi Pic Ex via Norwalk....| 615 Pp m| “6 4 pas VER-WARE Co., Boston, Mass. Post ER caked bad rae ns 308 | 17.18 |Port Norris N No 31, Elyria ac to Elyria only...| 0... +4 30 Pe Pees Ree ih SE. TO7) isis: . (Se. William Dennis, 1906 | 17.1 ort Norris, N, J, ; No27. Conneaut Accommodation! {8 i0 4M bed SSSeae — | = ae nace | eS : Satine B Ic OF F E To introduce STEAM VESSELS. | : 3 | Sunday train for Nottingbam- Depart 845 a> cn e ‘them we will | 157,173|........- |St. p. Darius Cole, 548.20 | 402.11 |Detroit, Mich, and 1.45 p. m.; returning, leave Nottingham at 8:50 a, GIVE AWAY 1,000 Self Operatine’ Washing- 157.174) 3t bge. |David S, Hutchinson, 89.30 | 85.33 |Trenton, N. J. bal ers 8:45 p. eae K eee Maeh nes. If vou want one send us yo rname, P. O grb Bios a > a 570 IG 5 velerence marks—* Daily, + daily, except 8 and express office at once. The National Co. 2 135 874 ghee st. S., Emma S. Bradford, 33-39 16.7 oucester, Mass, daily, exeept Monday. , : pt Sunday, : Dey St., N. ¥. OE N78) eset St. s |Harry Schaubel, Jr., 34-08 | 17.04 |Philadelphia, Pa. + local Cleve’and and New York sleeper datly on aj — 155,123|K D H JiSt.s. — |Ozama, 905.88 | 644.24 |New York. N. Y, | Ro. 12, leaving Cleveland at 2.45 p. m.; arrive Grapd BE ES ne farssBlagee lng famed oe ta PE Sed ’ Simon Langell 845.27 | 679,82 |St. Clair, Mich | Central depot. New York. 10 30 a. m } Seand never returns, No purge,no salve TIG OOT) nw. sce wseeime § : imon PANS Ho ey 5: 9. mre ir : | For full informarion as to trains and counections ap- no Sunpository Sufferers will learn or a simple reme- | UNRIGG’D VESSELS | ply at the Union ticket office, corner Bank and Supe- dy. Free, by addressing C.8. MASON, 78 Nassau-st. 42.685| ..-...... ..}Barge. Hopatcong, 131 Ir 124.56 |New York. N. Y. | rior streets, under Mercantile Bank. N.Y. ! Sates! —————— —_—— : ——————___—— - rarer ———_— ts tI — Jakvis Parren. Commissioner of Navigation. | Send 10 cents postage, and we will mail asa eT Se ak ie NOIR SS LPVMENGPINGS TSW Mirch Sd sede Dic Pckross ber i etees iar hares oink bs te re a Tt he N ick | P| ! you free a royal, valuabie sample box Established in 1859 ’ | e ate! of goeds that will put you in the way| — ci aoe 'K ATZ ENSTEIN S | vew YORK, CHICAGO 5 of making more money at once than any- | H EN RY T EO! >( yl D } : : Oo «& ST. Lou thing el-e in America. Both sexes of all ages can yp 4 4 . | Fr i “i SELF-ACTING METAL | RAILWAY. nye ere and oo has = sp a time, or a the time. | Manufacturerand Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain | -t era CT PACKING | The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line Capital not required. e will start you. Im mense da 4 FOR PISTON RODS, | és all new and is supplied with the late. ili pey sure for those who at once. " Stinson & Co, FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY. | ~ _ VALVE STEMS, Ete. | necessary to safe speedy and comfortable iressh ee ortland, Maine. | 9 | Ze ) Adopted and in use by Trains leave and arrive at the Union Depot, Va ——_— = | And Manufacturer of Counters, Shelving, Bank | “<> Sei dea r Buren street, Chicago, and N Y > 7 Diy 4 im and Bar-room Fixtures | the princi pel Tron Works at Buffalo. * a .VEaW ey depot ” : | and Steasship Compa | het jac eb | . | ishi ‘ ; Following is the time in eflect J 28 * Ve ssel men 'Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture ree this tad Foseent | til further notice: Pet BRO Zen oe eRe ’ SHOULD HAVE | A SPECIALTY. | countries, Also flexible : EASTWARD. ; Arrive. | Depart. / Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Ful- | inhaler metallic packing Boshie Passenger SESH 1040 4M/*1045 aw / ton. Factory 10 Willet-st. ole yg Melee oA pen Meee aah. wadetrsan geen 902 PM) a srece sonnee ibececcosss fl | pipes and for hydraulic | Loeal Freight ........-cccsesesesecceereee|*I1 45 A Mi"]1215 pM | CLEVELAND, OHIO. | pressure. For full pire WKST WARD. | Arrive ticulars and references | Chicago Passenger Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de address Fostoria Pascenger .. H termined by the cadence Courts S U B S C R I B E L KATZENSTEIN & CO | Local Freight... 1012 20 B _ y span : : , ‘ N.Y. ¥ RIVER ACCOMMODATION. Seamen, Owners, FOR THE 169 Christopher St, near West Street N, Y 7:45 a. m., 71:35 p. m, can a a nt es i CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who EUCLID ACCOMMODATION, Depart—*6 24 a. m , 9:10 4. m,, %5:05 p.m. yea Rm em Marine Record. j uses this packing on his Steam- Thovegn thekets to ail palais are on sale at p:incipal General Average, Common Carriers, : ; i offices of the company at LowKsT raves for any cl Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, ONE YEAR.......................---- $2 00| OFS, and THE MARINE RECORD. of tiokets desired apeege checked Lo destination Bill of Luding, Wages, &c. i or information, cal] on nearest agent of the Com SIX MONTH........................ 1 00, are Agents for Cleveland and the | pay, o =44re~ BF. HORNE, The volumn is coca Anes in stiff Board | creas wrariicas aud tine English cloth binding. Sent to an “ a . j J -LIAMS, Soren, wal, Sue Be oe é ti VHRRE MONTHS... so Lakes. ! General Manager. Cleveland, 0. Gen’! Passenger Agent,

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