Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 15, 1886, p. 7

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Ihe Marine GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO, Recon. ST. MARY’S, OHIO. HONTPREIER peto.| QAR MILLS. NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, Anchors, Oars,Blocks, RUSSlA BOLT-ROPE. Build hon & Stel Boats Few Dswigtin Builders of lron Steamers Onoko, Wm. Chis- holm, J. H Devereux, Passenger Steam- er Darius Cole, Steamyacht Twilight, tron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Fags, Buntings, Cot MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. on and Flax Ducks, Seat, LAMPS or Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. git These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now A in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. it WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED i; French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers. FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. i ll mM ta . 8. AUSTIN. EMMET AUSTIN, D. S. AUSTIN & CO. Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers. WHOLESALE AND REAIL DEALERS IN Cotton Duck, Cordage, Wire Rigging, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Paints. Oils, Etc. ‘Vessels’ and Steamers’ Complete Outfits Furn- ished on Short Notice. FOOT OF WASHINGTON STREET, BUFFALO. N. Y. HOWARD H. BAKER & CO., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, WAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND | = COMMODIOUS STORE, ea, 18 to 26 Terrace, Corner of Commercial and Pearl Streets‘ BUFFALO, N. Y, | roserT e.Hitts. SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO.. 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Ill. M ANUFACT URERS OF EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M.RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. “REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, | Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. | Geueral Jobbing Work Done Prompt iy, Ste tionary % Portable eines MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, mand ! JACESON, Riverside lron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater, Street, SHIPSMITHS:’ : DETROIT, MICH. eS Born’s Steel Plate Ranges Bolts and Truss Rods for Building. AQ Main-st Cleveland’ = ao = For Steamboats, Hotels and Restaurants, Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and a TEA ENE INSURANCE AGENTS. WOR, ‘SCOTT & SON, Pire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Office, Room 25 Arcade Building, St. Clair St. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. GEORGE EF. HALLADAY. “Vy | Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. Marine Business Promptly Attended To, OKKICE 2) BUAL BLOCK, DETROLE, MICHIGAN. ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37 Merrhante’ -uikting. CHICAGO, TLL. VESSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS. WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10, Arcade B'ld,, 101 St. Clair $0, CLEVELAND, OHIO. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen, Forwarder. Freight and Vessel sais cL EV E LAND, 0. J. J. H. BROWN. EDWARD SMITH. BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses. Exchange Building, 202 Main-st. » Buffalo, N. Y. L. S. SULLIVAN. Vessel Agent and Commercial Broker-- -Spec Attention Given to Coarse Freight. VESSELS FOUND FOR CARGOES AND c anoors FOR VESSELS. Office, 74 Water-st., Toledo, 0. Telepede | No. 129. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. | | | MOORE, BARTOW AND GILCHRIS®, Ship Brokers and Agents, No, 101 St. Pier Stree t, at 15. CLEVELAND, OHIO, | Messrs. F. & H. Bory, Cleveland, O,, Jan. 26, 1886. |..G entlem n,—In reply to your inquiry of 25th inst, rel- | Rulye to the salisfaciion your ‘*Steel Plate Range” hws iven,I would, say that we have had one in use bout eight ipb s . eral = he ’ | Range that you put into our propeller Kalkaska. It seems will be durable. Kespectfully, Hon. S HarmMounv, CLEVELAND, OBIO. mon hs, and find it perfect in all respects. My wite is OLD RIVER BED, Ft. OF TAYLOR St. | to be the right PaO for steamboat service. Superintendent Tuscarawas Children’s Home. a R. W. ABRAM, n= | well pleased withi. Have had no trouble to keep fire Tr CLEVELAN 12. : Woops, Perry & Co, ee is Ser = r = ti 4 Ramen ene 4 Messrs. F. & H. Bory. Cleveland, O., Feb, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in | all might with hard coal. Very truly yours, Dan. H. Keys, of Lloyd & Keys. —— Cleveland, O., Yeb. 3, 1886. P R E Ss L E Y &y co Gentlemen.—We have had in this institution for some 89 NO. 544 DETROIT ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Messrs. F. & H, Born, 1, 1886, Gentlemen.—In reply to your favor I would state that we haye had in use two of your No. 9-18 Double Oven Steel Plate Ranges in our res staurant for the las t six = months, and find that they do all you claim for them We can cheerfully recommend them to nuzene in need of a first-class, durable and economical BE Yours respectfully, Messrs. F. & H. Born. Cleveland, 9., Jan. 26, 1886. Gentlemen— We are much pleased with the Steel Plate tfme one of your largest size Steel Plate Ranges, and it as given good satisfaction. It is strong, and we think Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- pairing and Spar Making. RICHARDS ‘& Mi KEAN. CRESCENT SHIP GREASE Is especially prepared for MARINE use. It is far superior to tallow for slushing down spars, and can be applied without heating ; gives them a fine, glossy appear- ance ; is better than oil for lubricating W indlasses , Steering-gear, ete. For Sale by Ship-chandlers Generally. ed by CRESCENT MANUFACTURING CO., 3 Vessel Orders Promptly Filled. | ™*==™et=re | and 5 Michigan St., Cleveland, O. | 75 HOS & W LBB & CG... | Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.] H. J. Wess & Co., will charter Vessels for Lake Trade. Special attention given to Chartering Vessels jn the Lake Superior lron Ore Trade, both for the season and i | single trip, Pg | ARCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., | Cleveland, Ohio, Office, No. 338, TELEPHONE {i<«, So. No. 1328. ALEX McDOUGALL, =| VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, a iy Ws Na Ss BR, he se Owners and ma-ters of ve-selx wishing to get cargoes = | of grain fro om this port will do well to confer with te. | Will beglad to furnish information im regard to car- — | goes, alsd in relation to docks supuattot Water, elc,, at -| Duluth, Agate Bay (new iron ore port), P ort Ar- | thur, Washburn, espe ee all points near the | west end of Lake 'S \, eric od gangs of men fur- | nished on short. notice for. ines eerg ves of grain, loading and unloading all kinds of freight SAMES TT, ROSE Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1616, DULUTH, MINN, Ihave an excellent gang of Trimme one ole sen- son, Captain Miller’s old Cre Special Attention Paid to C haeloning Wessath: and seeing that they cet dispatch in Port.

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