‘the Marine Recon. GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., oa Bilt In & Ste! Brats Fry Desa on Builders of lron Steamers Onoko, Wm. Chis- holm, J. H Devereux, Passenger Steam- er Darius Cole, Steamyacht Twilight, lronTugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. MONTPELIER, AIO 0. {OAR MILLS. NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & C0O,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, Anchors, Oars,Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE tags, Buntings, Cotton and Flax Ducks, MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. 34-and 35 South-st, uth-st, New w York. ST. MARY’S, OHIO. EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M.RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers ; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. =REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. CRESCENT SHIP GREASE Is -especially prepared for MARINE use. It is far superior to tallow for slushing down spars, and can be applied without heating; gives them a fine, glossy appear- ance ; is better than oil for lubricating Windlasses, Steering-gear, etc. For Sale by Ship-chandlers Generally. a A em UFACTURING CO., 3 and 5 Michigan St., Cleveland, O. SIGNAL LAMFe For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS PERFECT COLORS. _ These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. wil They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers = Qver Ten Thousand. Now in Use. a WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED i Gua? French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers Me of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. Hy Hh t }| Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers iigeeee KELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. P COAL YOUR BOATS — AT DOCK. Quickest Despatch, Best Coal, Bottom Prices! JJock---sldjoining §. f'. [[odge's [ron Works, TET EXGAL dy Dele ee HOWARD H. BAKER & CO., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, 18 to 26 Terrace, g,' Corner of Commercial and Pearl Streets‘ BUFFALO, N. Y, a cy D.S. AUSTIN, EMMET AUSTIN, D.S. AUSTIN & CO. Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers. WHOLESALE AND RELAIL DEALERS IN Cotton Duck, Cordage, Wire Rigging, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Paints. Oils, Ete. Vessels’ and Steamers’ Men tend bite Furn- ished on Short Noti FOOT OF W ASHINGTON. STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. ROBERT E. HILLS, 57 & 59 Nene Wells St., Oana: Tl. Telephone 332 SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO.. MANUFACTU BEES OF Ste soceene Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT. MICH. THE TNA GRATE. G. 0. BARNES, Agt This Improved Shaking “J.C. GOSS, Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Mannfac’s. Office and Foundry, oe of = an Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, O. FOR SALE, | “a1 LUG FOR SALE, | | This tug Is 52 feet over all, 13 feet | and 6 feet G inalite di; th of hold. Engin e, eld; Et cal | | boiler 4 apeG inehes diameter | hull was built by Geo. H. Notte = pine ah | sxelie ass mode Vand well built. The tug is coeetep g do nly five month’s work since she | a poop deck and | Price, | SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four ba wide, moh — oe ey Poet She has 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes | finished cabin fore and aft, and classes Al. 60 inches long, cast iron breechng, good as n oar $4,300. Address MaRINE RECORD OFFICE. Py | Sail Maker and fridder, STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. ENGINEER'S SURPLIDS, General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. GEORGE SAAL’S SON. RUELLE & CO’S TUG LINE. J. L. MINER, C. D. McKINNON, QUICKSTEP. RIVER AND HARBOR TOWING, STEAM PUMPS AND LIGHYERS. WRECKING A SPECIALTY. OWN moe OFFICE, Ji W. Wes tgetie foot of UP RIVER OFFICE | Belle Isle Ice Co.’s Dock, romtnese vee ee | Comner-smithing of all Kinds, VESSEL WORK A SPECIALTY. '403 and 405 Detroit-st., corner Duane-st., Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Compass Adjuster, WARD or SHIPOMITES, All Kind of Forgings, Bolts and Truss Rods COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS for Building, AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners cea have their Compasses Ad- justed for Local Attraction at the time | of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or West Courses, and which way it leads, North or South of above Courses, [61 RiverSt., Cleveland, 0. Established in 1859, HENRY LEOPOLD. | Manuf acturer and Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain ‘9 Main-st Cleveland eae [SUCCESSOR TO ED MAYES.} ‘16 Woodward ave., laa Mich, OVER H. we ‘BDWARDS & CO. clas: 7 Ao yi r storing vessel outfits Fire pro SghT ilding ar a AGEL? thing else in 5 ie pe Bo oth prcibe! ° ¥ for covering boilers. | FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, nd 10 ost nts po >sta age, and we will mail | And Manufac etwas nf Counters. Bh nett ving, Bank an ar-room abie sample tox af Ry seas th x wil p ut. yee “y -_ beamed t once tha wy. | Mattrasses and ‘Vessel Furniture al net can | live at home and work in spire time, or all the Beppe Ay BER OTAL ES 3 | Capital not required. We will start you. Im mense baa ee ues and 800 Lorain- ead near Ful- pay sure for those who siart at once. 7 BrINSON : Co., Factory 10 Willet- ‘ortland, Maine. byte ELAND, OHIO. 4