Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 27, 1886, p. 7

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GLOBE SHIP BURL DING CO., Builders of lron Steamers Onoko, Wm. Chis- holm, J. H Devereux, Passenger Steam- er Darius Cole, Steamyacht Twilight, lron Tugs International and Record. OFF E “a WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. ‘Whe Marine Revonil. ST. MARY'S, OHIO. MONTPE ELIER, OHtO. | }OAR MILLS. ‘“ NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORD AGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, Anchors, Oars,Blocks, Bul on & ee = Desi tin. RUSSIA. BOLT-ROPE, tags, Buntings, Cotlon and Flax Ducks, MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M.RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all. Descriptions. =REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHIP GREASE CRESCENT Is especially prepared for MARINE use. Tt is far ‘superior to tallow for slushing safe ein salyng that it is 25 per cent cheaper and better vi Or Our down spars, and can be applied without heating; gives them a fine, glossy appear- | 77 s¢, ance ; is better than oil for lubricating Windlasses, Steering-gear, ete. For Sale by Ship-chandlers Cenerally. wieeatactares 4 oent MANUFACTURING CO., 3 and 5 Michigan St., Cleveland, O. Asha SoS SIR DR ES Ce StoNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. ti WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED fe, French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers Mii of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. i Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers. samt FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL,. 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Gn 3 UT OB aati & Portable Engines, _MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, vrs lron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT. MICH. THE RTNA GRATE. G0. BARNES, Agt This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Mannfac’s., Office and Foundry cor of Him. and G jae Sprace-sts CLEVE LAND, == OVER H. D. EDWARDS 5 & CO. First class accommoda cays storing Me tt pam ry. FOR SALE, Al [TUG FOR ys | Fire proof building. Contract i cc Bs i ae tug Is 52 feet all, 13 fee aches beam, : enc d 10 cents postag , and we wi ill mail 6 feet 6 inches ae ooh of hold Engine 13x14; steel u free . val abie sample ‘box | | boiler 4 mga 6inches diameter by et long. The ae gasds the at will pu t you ey ae way] We GLOBE IRON WORKS. hull was built by Geo. H. Notier, Buffalo, and is an of & at one tha | exeaite nt Rone eland well built. The tug is nearly | thing else in Aime ae aay Sere a es of all age ty ca -ag ew, having done only five month's work since she | live at home and work in spare dane: ,or all the time. | ND HAND nage p BOILER four feet wide, ye tas long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes aches long, cast iron breechng, as new. pe out new lastsnmmer. Sh Gnished cabin fore and aft, con classes Al. 300. Address Manrwe Rzcorp OrpPicez. 49 Main-st Cleveland am 34 and 35 South-st, New York. CAMBRIDCE COAL. Read the following commendation of Cambridge Coal: This is what nae all say we try it. Sold only in. Detroit by Doak next to | Hodge’ 8 iro Workb:« LLP UC EAR 3 -Prices always as low as the lowest. GIVE THE COAL A TRIAL. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, DETROLT, MICH., May 72, 7886. 0. W. SHIPMAN, Esq. Dear Sir; In regard " the matter of coal, we strongt gest that the coal furnished by you to the Transfer Bo much better and cheaper than any other coal we get. = RUELLE & CO'S TUG LINE. J. L. MINER, C. D. McKINNON, QUICKSTEP. RIVER AND HARBOR TOWING, STEAM PUMPS AND LIGHTERS. WRECKING A SPECIALTY. DOWN TOWN OFFICE, J. W. We: esate ‘toot of Joodward A Telephone No. 199—3 rings Telephone No. "5. DETROIT. WARD 2 uae HIPSMITHS. 22 All Kind of Forgings, ~ | Bolts and Tr. russ Rods for Buildir ng. RIVER OFFI | Belle "Is le Ice Co,’ = dock. J.C. GOSS, [SUCCESSOR TO ED MAYES. } Sail \aker and Thiddor, } (16 Weodward ave., Detroit, Mich, | a poop deck rn | Capital not required. We will start you.I[m mense | x & Co., pay sure for those who siart at once. Tous. rtland, Maine. | Man ufactu SUG- ats is We are It burns to an ash, makes no clinker, and we get quicker aK with less coal than in the use of the other coal, your Respy J. R. INNIS, Supt. M. C. Ferry. JOHN WESTAWSAY, Chief Engineer M. C. Ferry. HOWARD H. BAKER & c0., Ship Chandlers and Sail Wakers, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, 18 to 26 Terrace, 9, | Corner of Commercial and Pearl Streets‘ D.S. AUSTIN & CO. Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers, WHOLESALE AND RErAIL DEALERS IN Cotton Duck, Cordage, Wire Rigging, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Paints. Oils, Etc. Vessels’ and Steamers’ Sim ol bests Furn- * ished on Short No FOOT OF W ASHINGTON. STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. ROBERT E. HILLS, 57 & 59 North Wells St., ee Ii. Telephone 332 STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. ENGINDER’S SURPRLIDS, General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. GEORGE SAAL’S SON. Gopper-smlthing of all Kinds, VESSEL WORK A SPECIALTY. 403 and 405 Detroit-st., corner Duane- st., Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Compass Adjuster, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, =? | Schooners com have their Compasses Ad- justed for Local Attraction at the time of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or West Courses, and which way it leads, North or South of above Courses, 161 RiverSt., Cleveland, 0. Established in 1859, NRY LEOPOLD. rand Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain HE] | FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, And Manufacturer of Co and E nter = Boas nate ving, Bank sar-ro oan Fix 7. | Mattrasses and Vessel F urniture A SPECIALTY, | Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain- *. near Ful- ton. Factory 10 Willet- CLEVELAND, onto,

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