| \ | ; ; weer aan OO IT Ln BOn Amc ne TT pg TEN AIT eA OG ON IE ON LTE | AT Ny aE A RO eet at aes esate, S amma. erent GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., bul _ = Isnt Builders of lron Steamers Onoko, Wm. Chis- holm, J. H Devereux, Passenger Steam- er Darius Cole, Steamyacht Twilight, lronTugs International and Record. 25h RR OcR ER wee es eee ec eee ag he Marine Record. 4 OMAR GOH }OAR MILLS. | NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, Rotors: Oars,Blocks RUSSIA. BOLT-ROrE Flags, Buntings, Cotton and Flax Ducks, MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. is hie WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M.RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. =REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. CRESCENT SHIP GREASE Is especially prepared for MARINE use. It is far superior to tallow for slushing down spars, and can be applied without heating ; gives them a fine, glossy appear- ance ; 1s better than oil for lubricating Windlasses, Steering-gear, etc. For Sale by Ship-chandlers Cenerally. eer ee Sa NUFACTURING CO., 3 and 5 Michigan St., Cleveland, 0. SIGNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED | French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers ili of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- gest that the coal furnished by you to the Transfer 34 and 35 South-st, New York. CAMBRIDGE COAL. head the following commendation of Cambridge Coal; This is what they all say who try it. Sold only in Detroit by O. 3% SalAPways Dock next to Hodge’s Iron Works---Prices always as low as the lowest. _ GIVE THE COAL A TRIAL MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH., May 72, 7886. 0. W. SHIPMAN, Esq. Dear Sir: In regard ot the matter of coal, we strongly sug- oa is much better and cheaper than any other coal we get. We are safe in saiyng that it is 25 per cent cheaper and better for our © use. Lt burns to an ash, makes no clinker, and we get quicker steam with less coal than in a 4 use of the other coal. Resp'y yours J. R. INNIS, Sup't. M. C. Ferry. JOHN WESTAWHAY, Chief Engineer M. C. Ferry. HOWARD H. BAKER & c0., Ship Chandlers and Sail fakors, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, 18 to 26 Terrace, g,| Corner of Commercial and Pearl Streets‘ BUFFALO, N. Y, D.S. AUSTIN, EMMET AUSTIN. D.S. AUSTIN & CO. Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IN Cotton Duck, Cordage, Wire Rigging, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Paints. Oils, Etc. Vessels’ and | tape mers’ br oor Furn- ed on Short No FOOT oF WASHINGTON. STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. ROBERT E. HILLS, 57 & 59 North Wells St., ees Ti, Telephone 332 nL Set SAMUEL F. HODGE g CO. MANUFACTURERS OF {Ba 3 = Ste honary. FS Portable ie MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT. MICH. THE ATNA GRATE. GC, BARNES, aul This Improved Shaking | Be Grate Especially Adapt. ed to Burning Slack. Globe Trou Works, Manufac’s, Wtaeand Fo oundry of Elm nee Spruce-st , CLEVELAND, O. FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. : SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 20 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes | §nis hed eabin 6 inches long, cast iron breec echng, good as new. #4, sumer e has = © an daft, — clnanes Al. Price, . Address Mazrnz REcoRD OFPICE. 8 liv Ph Ae deck and Ganttal a one eames ed. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, RUELLE & COS TUG LINE. Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. TRIVER AND HARBOR TOWING [tote eee ee eee eee. Ets General Jobbi STEAM PUMPS AND LIGHYERS. Also, al Jobb a ee opty. vein || orn, | GEORGE Sea's Sn Gopper-Smuithing Of all Kinds. J. W. Westcott’s foo ot of Woodward Ave. Telephone No. 199—3 rings Telephone No. 55. VESSEL WORK A SPECIALTY. 1403 and 405 Detroit-st., corner Duane- st., _ Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. > RIVER OFF | Belle on le Ice Co.'s 8 Dock: DETROIT. Wand t JACRSOY, SHIPSMITHS, ->-s98 be CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON. | All Kind of Forgings, Compass Adjuster, | Bolts and Truss Rods &4 if | COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS for Building. Sa Ping AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, 4 Main-st Cleveland’ Se | ieenrre ea mere insle Compasses Aa of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or West Courses, and which Way it J. C. GOSS, MSR 1S Se leads, North or South of above Courses, ap! 161 RiverSt., Cleveland, » Sail \faker aud Rigse i, ee one. 0 Established in 1859 16 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich, | HENR VY L HOPOL DD, OVER HD, EDWARDS & CO, Manufactu of fine and plain 8 0 on ior stor ring bo tes | FURNITURE ‘& ‘UPHOLSTERY, ail | And Manufacturer ¢ pt nters pone elving, Bank ox and Bar-room Fix i Es | | Mattrasses and Vessel F urniture pees of ail agen. ran A SPECIALTY, ps 498 ail’ the time. We will siatt’s ou.Im mense | | Witeaeboens 798 and 800 Lorain- og near Ful- |B, sure for tho ose who siart at once. "Stinson & CO., | ton. Factory 10 Willet- Jand, Mai | CLEVELAND, OHIO.