Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), June 24, 1886, p. 3

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Ihe Marine Recond. 3 IRA B, BASSETT, GEORGE PRESLEY, Jr. mone BASSETT & PRESLEY, ,Successors to W. H. McCurdy & Co.]) nice-withte the lastcient | Office and Warehouse, cor. Elm & Hemlock Streets, Cleveland, 0. yearsin this and Foreign eountries, Also flexible tubular metallic packing for slip-joiots on steam pipes and for hydraulic pressure. For full pure: , tiewlars and references address L KATZENSTEIN & CO 857 West St., between Leroy and Clarkson-st, N. Y. CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Lakes. M. T. COUCHLIN, Dils & Engineers’ 2upplies COUGHLIN’S CHALLENGE COMPOUND, TO REMOVE AND PREVENT INCRUSTATION IN STEAM KATZENSTEIN’S = SELF-ACTING METAL f PACKING Es FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Etc, Adopted and in use by Grummond’s Mackinac Line Stmr. Flora, | Stmr. Atlantic, W. E, Comer, Master, J. R. Jones, Mester, | Leaves DELfROIT every | Leaves DETROIT every Tuesday at 9 p,m. , Saturday at 9p, m. STEAMER ATLANTIC J eaves Cleveland every Friday evening at 9 o'clock. For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda and way ports For freight or passage apply to GEORGE ANDERSON, Agent, foot of Sexier st., Cleveland, vu. 8S. B. GRUMMOND, Owner. MACKINAC. Summer. Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. "enace pen Cae Alpena, Harrisville, ‘Oscoda, Sand Beach, Port Huron St. Clair, Oaklana House, Marine City. Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND: Special Sunday Trips during July and August. OuR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Bates and Exoursion Tickets will be furnished by your Ticket Agent, or address WHOLESALE DEALKKS LN - BAR, BOILER, HOOP. ANGLE AND SHEER IRON B ILERS, WHICH IT I8 GUARANTEED TO DO. Nails, Railroad and Boat Spikes, Boiler, Tank and Cooper Rivets, Swedes Nor 2 ; Iron, Boil bes, Nail Rods, Etc., Etc., Etc. C. D, WHITCOMB, Gen’! Pass, Agent, 49 th Market Sty Chicago, cma engeavnnaiaiog demas ged ” Cig hoe | Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Oa. UT CURE THRU acpete wee ssc UNREne Meh Karen MAM ) a-7 pean ps ta IS SOLD BY BAR IRON AND POLISHED SHAFTING. RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE. 283 River street, Cleveland, Ohio. Se ne Reading I WOPES cc.2cc.. Philadelphia, Pa. | Hoopes & Townsend,........ ’ ° 5 SHIP CHANDLERS |“ “ “norte renes, 7" | "°"horem ap raxn mivers. "| LARB SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND BY THE PUBLISHER, Central Iron Works...._....... Harrisburg, Pa. | Sanderson Bros. Steel Co,....... Syracuse, N. ¥. 3 Commencing Sunday, May 30, 1886 at 5 o’clock .m the time given in the figures below is the new santard (Ninetieth meridian) fine, which is thirty-three mine CAST STEEL, Joseph Corns & Sons ......... .... Massillon, O, G i & R G E . = ® O a8 As Lindsay & Recieet es Pa, utes slower than Cleveland time proper: AT 162 LARNED Ck ae E,, DETROIT, MICH, | HOvP, BAND & STAR HORSESHOE IRON. CROWN STAY BOLT IRON, Eastward. | Arrive | De part, = aAeaAG ih SCA ke aeenee I; oecrge W. Johnson, .....20s.o:2 Newcastle, Pa. | Pencoyd Iron Works,........ Philadelphia, Pa. | No 4, Fast Limited Express......... *2 55am) *8 05 a co WM H RADCLIFFE TANK SHEET IRON, ANGLE IRON, No8, NY, B& A+ Express.......... *8 25 a m| *8 50.4 wr : : ‘ No 26, Elyria Accommodation... . $7.45. M) cvcccceserecee Shipbuilder and Gen- A Complete Stock of all above Goods in Our Warehouse..: eral Repairine. No 24, Toledo Accom via Norwalk|#10 30 4 aM No. 10, New York & Boston Ex.. *11 40 ae as ba dello No 24, Buffalo Ac’m via Sandusky|#10 30 4 xifto 45 4M: No12, N Y & B Fast Express... ... *2 10P M| "2 45P M. SSB MLE Aran | 8 bait OF x * OLDRIVER BED, Ft. OF TAYLOR St., WELEPHONE 1447. ESTABLISHED IN J864 | 80 28, Conneaut Accommodation fa 96 sea 2112 Westward. CLEVELAND. O. PRESLEY & CO., _ Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- pairing and Spar Making. SPIEGLE BROS. 1 MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL * Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; a ae Ei i I No 5, St Louis Ex via Sandusky..|*10 45 a m|*10 50 4M 615 PM] ¥6 4) Pw » the Vessel Trade a Specialty. A local Cleve'and and. New York } e oca eve'and an ew York sleeper 227, 229 & 231 Dearborn & 30 & 32 Quincy-st | 52%, vine Glerelana m3 pr elon No 27. Conneaut Accommodation "98 i0 AM Mies es Central depot, New York. 10 30 a. m. For full information as to trains and counections a: Sunday train for Nottingham— Depart 8:15 a. i ply at the Union ticket office, corner Bank and Supe- : i : ; “4 and 1:45 p. m.; returning, leave Nottingham at 8:50 a OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE, rior streets, under Mercantile Bank. m, and 8:45 p. m. aq” Ea Ea” AG. 2D, £1... _!WHlMH —_ No 1, Fast Limited E eae | Depa [ Fai Ate < Beptea ee KS iz rs 3 eee a ape ba ay | Xo: Mich AcceeeMoesie. aieall ptr Le we j No 21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk... 412 80 bik § 30 Pw is ia emia fdaily, except Sunday, 2 Kg Rae Ak GE R. Z. WINSLOW. The NickelPlate! : NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LoUIS he-rrreenn tate. Ac Pe Ce ets Fresh & Salt Meat of alll Kind, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, CLEVELAND, OHIO. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Ohio Cleveland, . W. ABRAM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS. NO. 544 DETROIT ST., CLEVELAND, O. Vessel Orders Promptly Filled. FOR SALE, iwrew7 Ircn Tue. Dimensions 78 feet long, 17 feet beam, 11 feet deep; drait, 9 1-2 feet; engine, 20x20, new steel boiler 7 feet in diameter, 13 feet long, allowed 112 pounds steam. ‘lhree iron breast hooks forward, collision bulkhead forward, water tight bulkhead forward of boiler; iron goal bunkers, water tight bulkhead aft at shaft-gland, with water light iron deck forming the floor of after cabin Iron Gates, bulwarks and deck houses; iren tow posts aft, Heavy angle iron frames, with reverse bars on al- ternate frumes; $4 plate, steel floor plates; boiler, en- gine and bearing foundation of iron. For sale cheap GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Vesselmen SsoOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de termined by the United States Courts —ON Lockport, New York, Sole Manufacturers of the pr zl Celebrated Anchor Brand Tackle Biovks, ALL STEELROLLER BUSHED: OR WITH SELF-LUBRICATING PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bushings is the Celebrated Phesphor-Brenze, the best bearingmeta lin the market, and being perfect self-lubricators they are fast eu- For sale by SHIP CHANDLERS every where. ‘“*ANCHOR BRAND” The accompanying cuts represent ‘the sleeve part and a Ph»sphor-Brenze, Self. Lubricating Bushing complete ; the former as applied to iron sheaves and the latter as applied to Lignumyitae sheaves. ee IMustrated Catalogue and price list mailed free om applieati perseding all other styles, ASK FOR PENFIELD BLOCK TACKLE BLOCKS, Sample orders Solietted =O, & P. GOAL 60. & THOS. AXWORTHY.= PRESLEY, ARTHUR & CO,, AG'TS. Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Loaled Day and Night. FUEL DEPARTMENT. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky !s'and, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Tar BEST BOAT] PAINT “MADE, Eee es wee ee EB. SE” CATES Fire Proof, Water Proof, Acid Proof! RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New is all new and is supplied with the latest pee necessary to safe, speedy and comfortable travel ben eo nage at the Union Depot, Van uren street, Chicago, and N Y, L ? at Buffalo. body aw See ener Following is the time in effect Apri til further notice: EAE SHOES, ead ae EASTWARD, Buffalo Passenger ., Chicago Passenger Loeal Freight ..., WEST W Chicago Passenger .. Fostoria Pascenger .... Loca] Freight...,.....ecccccssoas aes ROCKY RIVER ACCOMM Depart—*7:40 a. m., *1:85 p.m EUCLID ACCOMMODATION, Depart—*6 24 a. m , “9:10. m,. “5:05 p, m, *Daily exeept Sunday. Through tickets to all points are on sale at principal offices of the Aan ge at LOWEST RaTES for any class of tickets desired. Buggage checked to destination For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B. F. HORNER, Gen’! Pa LEVIS WILLIAMS, i Tenet Tah General Manager. Cleveland, 0, PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS VIA THE BEE) LINK).-©, C}. ©. & I, R, R, Tae Great Trunk Line te the South and West. The only linefrom Cleveland w to the Mississippi River, Solid trains and through Sleepers to St. Louis, where direct connections are made in Union Depot for all points west. Practically no change of cars to the PACIFIC COAST. The only line to COLUMBUS. AND CINCINNATI with complete through train service, making direct connections in Union Depots for all points in the SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST Tourists Tickets to numerous points, including the ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Fast Express Trains Dally. New and EI Cars, A Perfect Roadbed, sl ne..For low rates and any inform : Arrive, | Depart. --- "10 40 4 M10 45 AM wee] 7900 PM] ccc one 4 40 AM|* 545 PM Arrive | Depart. | *6 45 a M 446 P M| 451 PM * 500 P M\* 550PpM ODATION. ith no change of cars ation pertaining Senmmen, Pidedrnedy | OFFICE 75 SULEMOR ST REUE o UEX, TICKET Towase, Registry, FOR [RO N VV OO D A N D Gy N VASS. Ta Bea et Passenger Agent, _ “is Collisions, Enrollments, _D. OWN, Ticket Agent. General Average, Common Carriers Guaranteed not to Crack, Pes! or Blister. Ae J SMIEM, Senor dt Papeniner Aa Duties Jit ian CO LC ee COT ae ae A og eS cline Ke. ABIG oO F F E R i To, introduee ee ee ee eect cei tian” been te ony | SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND TESTIMONIALS: HIVE AWAY 1,000 Self Operatine Washiont address postage paid for $1.0 L. S. SULLIVAN, Vessel Agent and Commercial Broker--Spec Attention Given to Coarse Freight. 'PARAFFINE PAINT CO., 244 South Water street, Chicago, III, Our Paint is in use by Pacific Ocean Boats and by most all the Upper Mississippi River Boat Line A ES A RRR KN A A VESSELS FOUND For carcors anv JIOORE, BARTOW CARGOES FOR VESSELS Office, 74 Water-st., Toledo, 0. Telephone, Ne. 129. ‘Ship | AND GILCHRIS®, | Brokers and Agents, | Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. No. 101 St. Gair Street, Room 15. CLEVELAND, OHIO. WM. H. DeWITT, ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. adie nes. if row want one send us yo: r name, P.O and express office at once. The Nutional Ce, % Dey St,, N. ¥. Mae $75 per month and expenses, Canvassin outfit and particulars Free, Srayanp SiL~ VER-WARE CO., Boston, Mass. ANTED An active Man or Woman ia every | county to sell our goods, Salary PI [ ES Instant relief, Final cure ‘n 10 davs, 4h 4Jeand never returns. No purge,no salve no suppository Sufferers will learn or a simple reme- AE A ia by addressing C. 8, MASON, 78 Nassau-st,

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