~ “THE PROVIDENCE ” THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY Co Have made arrangements with the American Ship Windlass Co. to build their Celebrated Machinery. with latest improvements for use on Ship-board for Canada. +HOR PRICES, PLANS AND Alii: OYHER IAKORMAVION APPLY TO+ THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY Co., SOR, HANTS COUNTY. NOVA SCOTIA, @ee eo). BOAI PAINI. MADE. eee BE ce 2. 2 Ae ES Fire Proof, Water Proof, Acid Proof! Porm thQOis WOOD AND. CANVASS. Guaranteed not to Crack, Peel or Blister. etwwee wanda LIN LAO. SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND TESTIMONIALS: PARAFFINE PAINT CO., 244 South Water street, Chicago, Ill. Our Paint is in use by Pacific Ocean Boats and by most all the Upper Mississippi River Boat Line. Cc ennnmmnmmmeesneemeeeeseeecemeeeeeeecsaaes aaa aaaaaaaaaasaasaaaaaaaaaaaaasaacaaaaauaaaaaauaaeaeaaa al =O, & P. GOAL GO. & THOS. AX WORTHY ss : FUEL DEPARTMENT. PRESLEY, ARTHUR & CO, AG'TS. Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. SEND FORMARINELAW BOOK Which Gives all Points On Marine Law, PRICK ONE DOLLAR, 3 WINDLASSES, CAPSTANS, ETC., 8 Whe Marine Revont. Established in 1857. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS C0,, Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank and Steam Capstans, Wharf and Ferry Drops. Their Capstan Windlasses have a Power Capstan with a single head which has power and speed ar- rangement entirely independent of the windlass, and which makes a direct connection with the windlass without the intervention of any gearing to com- plicate it and increase the friction. In all their styles of Steam Wind- lasses they make a direct connection between the engines and the windlass without counter shafts or additional gearing. This saves friction and lia- bility to break down and conduces to durability and ease in operating, They also have a counterbalance for the en- gines and an automatic lubricator for the worm and worm gear, and the en- gines are placed together in the most. accessible position, The above improve- ments and others too numerous to men- tion, but which are familiar to Masters, Owners and Buiiders, are covered by > Patents owned exclusively by this Com- pany. For plans and information dress Address, FRANKS, MANTON, Agent P. 0. Box 53, Providence, R. 1 THE GLOBE IRON WORKS ©O., CIE VeELAND, ORI, (ENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER - MAKERS, MOY- a, SS Si SSH) HHH A PATENT STEAM WINDLASS. nN Low Pressure, AMAZEEN BEAM LOG WINDLASS, Condensing, Centerboard, Mast, Gipsey, Hatch BOI LERS, | Winches, | Compound water seal Stove Pipes, Chocks,Coal_ SMOKE STACKS, MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Scuttles, Hawse Pipes Cleats. | General Platexand Sheet lronWork ENGINES FROM FOUR TO FORTY H. P, KEPT ON HAND, ~ ti tape RM DE tne