Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), August 19, 1886, p. 3

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OG ER Room 27. : TELEPHONE | Soucene, ne: 1328. counties have been burned over, and the flames only die out when there is nothing “more to feed on. _f A dispatch from Ashtabula said: ‘The yacht Marietta, owned by Mr. George Gardner and others, Cleveland gentlemen, - is expected here with a party of prominent * Cleveland men on board,’”’ Ata meeting of the Merchants’ Exchange President Wright was employed to appoint a committee to attend the Canal Convention to be held at Syracuse August 25. Mayor Becker is to appoint a committee of Buffalo citizens for the same purpose. MURPHY ROOT, Shipbuilders 2 Contractors BNERAL REPAIRING, Yard,Old River Bed, ft of St. Paul st., CLEVELAND, O. Besidence 150 Harbor street. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL . Cleveland, Ohio VESSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS. H. J. WEBB € CO., Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.] H J. Weep & Co., will charter Vessels for Lake Trade Take Baperior prow Ore Trade, bots 16 the seaman ane A dro ; ‘or the season an ARCADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. MOORE, BARTOW AND GILGHRIS®, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Mair Street, Room 15. CLEVELAND, . ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, S971 t AE a nn ea ERT en sina ag artnet Notas ee eras Whe Marine Record. greater than was at first stated. Whole IRA B, BASSETT, GEORGE PRESLEY, Jr. BASSETT & PRESLEY, {Successors to W. H. McCurdy & Co.) Office and Warehouse, cor. Elm & Hemlock Streets, Cleveland, 0. 3 Wrens Set Tb " ay WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BAR, BOILER, HOOP, ANGLE AND SHEET IRON. Nails, Railroad and Boat Spikes, Boiler, Tank and Cooper Rivets, Swedes Iron, Boiler Tubes, Nail Rods, Etc., Etc., Ete. We Represent in this Market the Following Well-known Manufacturers: Andrews Bros. & Co, -....-.. Youngstown, O. BARIRON AND POLISHED SHAFTING. Reading Iron Works......... Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ BOILER TUBES, Central Iron Works............ Harrisburg, Pa. BOILER PLATES. Lindsay & McCutcheon,..........Pittsburg, Pa, | Joseph Corns & Sons HOvP, BAND & STAR HORSESHOE IRON. George W. Johnson, ........-.--- Newcastle, Pa. TANK SHEET IRON. Dilworth, Porter & Co., Limited..Pittsburg, Pa, RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE. Hoopes & Townsend,........ Philadelphia, Pa, BOILER AND TANK RIVETS, Sanderson Bros. Steel Co,....._. Syracuse, N. Y. CAST STEEL. weewue ,.. --..Massillon, O, CROWN STAY BOLT IRON. Pencoyd Iron Works,........ Philadelphia, Pa, ANGLE IRON. A Complete Stock of all above Goods in Our Warehouse.’ M. T. COUCHLIN, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Oils & Engineers’ eupplies Owners and masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes died from this port will do well to confer with tne. Will be gied to furnish information in regard to car- ord also in relation to docks, depth of water, etc., at uluth, Agate Bay (new iron ore rt), Port Ar- thur, Washburn, Ashland, and all points near the west end of Lake Superior. Good gangs of men fur- COUGHLIN'S CHALLENGE COMPOUND, TO REMOVE AND PREVENT INCRUSTATION IN STEAM B ILERS, WHICH IT IS GUARANTEED TO DO. 49 North Market-st,, Chicago, nished on short notice fortrimming cargoes of grai loading and unloading all kinds of freight. os? THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0, J. J. H. BROWN. EDWARD SMITH BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Sarveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses. Exchange Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N.Y. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10, Arcade Bid. , 101 St. Clair St, _ CLEVELAND, OHIO. JOAN P. DEVNEY, Marine Collector. Proempuly Attended to. ASHTABULA HARBOR , OHIO. JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, Room 4, Exchange Building, Duluth, Minn. Ihave an excellent gang of mamers this sea- son, Captain Miller’s old Crew. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, and seeing that they get dispatch in Port. ROBERT RAE, Acmiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 87 Merchants’ nuilding. OMICAGO. I11, GHORGE EF. HALLADAY. Attorney and Proctor im Admiralty. Marine Business Promptly Attended ‘Bo. Collections OFRICGE 2) BUHL BLOCK, DEFROI, | | bunkers, water tight bulkhead aft at shaft-gland, with | MICHIGAN. WANTED. — boiler or boiler and A second-hasd, smal! marine Scott's New Coast Pilot IS SOLD by SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER, GEORGE SUT. AT 162 LARNED ST., E,, DETROIT, MICH: VESSEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. ASTEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE, A handsome new steam launch 57 feet long over all, 8 feet beam, 4 feetdepth of hold Engine 8x8. Steel eliptie boiler 5% feet high, 3/4 feet wide, 6% feet long. Tested to carrv 120 lbs. steam per squareinch. Li- censed to carry 48.passengers, Can run fourteen miles an hour. Address, DUNCAN ROBERTSON, Shipbuilder, Grand Haven, Michigan. STEAM YACHT FOR SALE. The steam yacht Entei prise now at Congress Lake, near Canton. Length 85 feet, beam 9 feet,depth 4 feet, draws about 2 feet 6inches. Has carried 64 passen- gers. Engine 5x5 high pressure. In good shape, and will sell for $400 at Con; ress Like. Address JAMES N: RMAND, 252 Washington Street Cleveland, O STEAMBARGE FOR SALE. This isone of the finest steambarges on the lakes, and was builtin 1834. Sne is in good condition in every respect, serviceable, easy to load end unload, and agreat favorite. She can mot be duplicated for the same money. Her dimensions are 131 fect keel, 148 feet Over all, 23.4 feet beam, 8.4 feet depth of hold, and is classed Al} by In!and Lloyds. She carries two masts. Her carrying capacity is 400 to 425 tons or 14,- 000 bushels of wheat,or about 240,000 feet of lumber on a dratt of 9 fect 8inches. Her engine is high pressure 18x20 and her boiler 64x12 feet of 7-16 Otis steel. Speed 10 miles loaded or 11% Jight. Address MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, Ohio. FOR ALE. STEAM PASSENGER TUG TEMPEST Steel hull 60 feet over all, 10 feet beam, 6 feet hold steel boiler, return flue, 110 pressure. _Complete pass- enger outfit fur forty.three passengers. Speed 12 te 16 miles. H. F. LOOMIS, 151] Arlinglon-st, Cleveland. ry | | iL v,,) Al TUG FOR SALE. This tug Is 52 feet over al!, 18 feet 3 inches beam, and 6 feet 6 inches depth of bold. Engine, 13x14; steel boiler 4 feet 6 inches diameter by 9 feet long. The bull was built by Geo. H. Notter, Buffalo, and is an excellent mode! and well built. The tug is nearly new, having done only five month’s work since she eame out new last snmmer. She has a poop deck and finished cabin fore and aft, and classes Al. Price, $4,300. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE. | FOR SALE, ibYrew7 Ircn Tue. Dimensions 78 feet long, 17 feet beam, 11 feet deep; diameter, 13 feet long, atlowed 112 ;,ounds steam. ‘'hree iron breast hooks forward, collision bulkhead forward water ‘ight bulkhead forward of boiler, tron coal water tight iron deck forming the fioor of after cabin Iron decks, bulwarks and deck houses; iren tow posts | aft. Heavy angle iron frames, with reverse bars on al- | ternate frames; % plate, steel floor plates; boiler, en- | gine and bearing foundation of iron. For sale cheap ine, about 10x10 or Jess. Must be cheap. os dered H. L. SHAW, E. Saginaw, Mich | draft, 9 1-2 feet; engine, 20x20, new steel boiler 7 feet in | GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. ' R. W. ABRAM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS. NO. 544 DETROIT ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Vessel Orders Promptly Filled. SPIEGLE BROS, 4 MARINE SUPPLY STORE Vr" dom } Vy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL aul Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; Fresh & Salt Meat of alll Kind, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Established in 1859. HENRY LEOPOLD. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, And Manufacturer of Counters, Shelving, Bank and Bar-room Fixtures. Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture A SPECIALTY. Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Ful- ton. Factory 10 Willet-st. CLEVELAND, OHIO. CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Compass Adjuster, COMPASSES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Sehooners can have their Compasses Ad- justed for Local Attraction at the time of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or West Courses, and which way it leads, North or South of above Courses, 161 RiverSt., Cleveland, 0. - LOANS 1 per cent to 4 per cent per annum; Investments. Ny will secure one BRUNSWICK 20-THa | Engines fore and aft compound, 8 and 14x12 0 is | LER Bonpand one ITALIAN RED Cross BOND, the next redemption of which soon takes place Every Bond partieipates in FOUR REDEMP- TION DRAWINGS annually—more than one chance to obtain a Premium #20,000 to #100,000. Bonds at all times werth their face value. Remit $3 by Money Order, Draft, Registered Letter or Express. Balance pomapie ta monthly instalments. U 3S. Government Bonds sold on monthly payments Addregs for circulars, &c,, G, W. FOSTER, Banker, 42 BROADWAY, NKW YORK. Vesselmen sdOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW 4s de- termined by the United States Courts — ——ON —— Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Cemmon Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Lading, Wages, &c. The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff’ Board covers, and fine English cloth binding. Sent to any address postage paid for $1.00 sey ened Bh nigh om intent men Dey St.. N. ¥ Grummond’s Mackinac Line Stmr. Flora, | Stmr. Atlantic W. E, Comer, Master, J.B. Jones, Master, ! Leaves DEVROIL every | Leaves DETROIT every Tuesday at 9 p, m. Saturday at9 p.m, STEAMER ATLANTIC J.eaves Cleveiand every Frida, evening at 9 o’clock For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda For freight or passage apply to uperior st., 8S. B. GRUMMOND, Owner. and way ports GEORGE ANDERSON, Agent, foot of Cleveland, U. aroKHe Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND St. "nace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Ha ‘Oscoda, Sand Beach, ee wie St. Clair, Oakland House, Marine City. Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and August. Our ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Rates and Exroursion Tickets will be furnish by your Ticket agerit, oraddress a c, Do. WHITCOMB, Gen’! Pass. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co, DETROIT, MICH. T. Fr. NEWMAN, Pass. and Freight Agent. A, J. JACKSON, Ticket Agent. e 23 River street, Cleveland, Ohio. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, Commencing Sunday, May 30, 1886 at 5 o’cloek the time given in the figures below is the new vandaed (Ninetieth meridian) time, whieh is thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time proper. Eastward. No 26, Conneaut Accommodation +4 25 th "hee Westward. No 1, Fast Limited E: ieee 5 » Fast Limited Express.,....... 2 No 23 Cleveland Exprerg..... > re Seghetac No 3, Chicago Express via “ ., 26 00.AM] 6 304 M Norwalk........|.s00. Se adhe 6 No21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk...|f12 50 pu Ls mae = and 1:45 p, m.; returning, leave Nottingham at 8:50 a. For full information as to trains and counecti ply atthe Union ticket office, corner Bank and ai rior streets, under Mercantile Bank, a Her stroctseunder Mensanil Hehe 0. ( The NickelPlate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO « ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. _ The passenger equipment of this New i is all new and is supplied with the latent oat (eed necessary to safe, speedy and comfortable travel Bee igh hoe arrive at the Union Depot Van uren street, Chicago ‘ at Buffalo. Bee BY depot Following is the time in eft i til further notice: ort April 28, 1886, and un- EASTWARD. A Buffalo Passenger *.., a aia ce #10 404M Perot Chicago Passenger. M a Local Freight : WEST WARD. Chicago Passenger .... .. Fostoria Pascenger .. Loeal Freight.........cccccosceses oosee i ROCKY RIVER ACCOMMODATION. Depart—*7:4() a. m., *1:35 Pp. m. ae ; EUCLID ACCOMMODATION, Depart—*6 24 a.m ,*9:10 a, m,. *5:05 p.m ada except Sunday. : rough tickets to all points are on sale at princi offices of the company at LOWEST RaTEs for LA da of tickets dusired Baggage checked to destination For information, call on nearest agent of the Com. pany, or address B. F. HORNER, Gen’! Passe LEVIS WILLIAMS, yen’l Passenger Agent, General Manager. Cleveland, 0, BESEacn fm Me, | > DIEECE THROUGH CAR ROUTE FOR TOURISTS TO DENVER, PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS, MANITOU And all Summer Resorts of the SOUTH AND SOUT HWHST, Eastward from Cincinnati, Indiana polis and St Louis, | this route furnishes the quickest through car line to the Whité mountains, ¢ditondacs, Catskills an ne fea. ours via NIAGARA FALLS AND THE ST. LAWRENOR RIVER, With the aption of going DOWN THE HUDSON Either By Steamer ar Rail, to the famons EASTERN WATERING PLACES, and all the renowned beaches of the ATLANTIC COAST. THIS LINE HAS NO SUPERIOR, P. 8.—Get tickets via BEE LINE, (00 0 &I R’y.— |D.&U. R R.—I & St. L, By.) A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agt., BIC OFFER. tian vent GIVE AWAY 1,000 Self Operating Washing- Mach nes. If vou want one send us yn rvame, P. O. and express office at once. The Nutional Co, 2 FOR SALE CHEAP. The powerful tug Robert Tarrant, 71 feet over all 15 feet beam, 9 feet depthof lhold. Engineer 26x21 boiler 544x14, now carrying 100 |bs of steam, all in ex- celient condition, Address A. G. Rowell, 147 Rumse street, Chicago, or at the Ch'cago Towing Company’s Office, 210 South Water street, Chicago. SB, / ¢ t bs p

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