SAMUEL a Stctionar Ihe Marine Record. F. HODGE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SOA IE y * Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT, MICH. = ay VESSEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. STEAM YACHT FOR SALE. The steam yacht Entei prise now at Congress Lake, near Canton. Length 85 feet, beam 9 feet,depth 4 feet, draws about 2 feet Ginches. Hag carried 64 passen- gers. Engine 5x5 high pressure. In good shape, and will sell for $400 at Congress Lake. Address JAMES N' /RMAND, 852 Washington Street Cleveland, O STEAMBARGE FOR SALE. This isone of the finest steambarges on the lakes, and was builtin 1834. Sne isin good condition in every respect, serviceable, easy to load end unload, and a great favorite. She can not be duplicated for the same money. Her dimensions are J31 fect keel 143 feet over all, 23.4 feet beam, 8.4 feet depth of hold, and is classed Al}3 by Inland Lloyds. She carries two masts. Her carrying capacity is 400 to 425 tons or 14,- 000 bushels of wheat,or about 240,000 feet of lumber on a drait of 9 feet 9inches. Her engine is high pressure 18x20 and her boiler 64x12 feet of 7-16 Otis steel. Speed 10 miles loaded or 11) Jight. Address MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE. STEAM PASSENGER TUG TEMPEST. Steel bull 60 feet over all, 10 feet beam, 6 feet gee SWY/g7 tis | § t compound, 8 and 14x12 steel boiler, return fluc, 110 pressure. Complete pass- enger outfit for forty.three passengers. Speed 12 to 16 miles, H. F. LOOMIS, 15] Arlinglon-st, Cleveland. Al TUG FOR SALE. This tug Is 52 feet over al!, 13 feet 3 inches beam, and 6 feet 6 inches depth of hold. Engine, 13x14; steel boiler 4 feet 6 inches diameter by 9 feet long. The Aull was built by Geo. H. Notter, Buffalo, and is an excellent model and well built. The tug is nearly new, having done only five month’s work since she came out new last snmmer. She has a poop deck and finished cabin fore and aft, and classes Al. Price, $4,300. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE. YACHT ENGINE AND BOILER FOR SALE CHEAP. The engineand boiler just taken out of the yacht Engines fore and Calumet, built by Clute Brothers, Schenectady, in! 1881. Engine 11212 crlinder with cut off. [soth war- ranted in first claw order. Pony pump, heater, Han- cock inspirator, fiee whistle, two ; atent pee valv:s, copper exhaust pipe smoke stack, boiler covered with Asbestws ¢ Complete rig. Price $1250. Apply 10 WM. W. ANGEL, Clayton, N. Y. FOR SALE, A POWERFUL RIVER AND HARBOR TUG. Built for wrecking purposes. Length 87 feet, breadth 17 feet, depth 9 feet, draws 9 feet. New tonnage 40 old 81, Engine 22x24. She is allowed 90 peunds of steam. Has new main valve, new throttle valve, new eccentrics, two new tow posts, four new timber heads one new metallic life boat and new wheel, ironed al, around for work in ice. Cabin, pilot house and enl gu room remodeled, Can carry sixty (60) tons fuel, brass bards. is allowed to carry passenters. in Hoyd’s at $10,000, and is warranted in first-class shape. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE, Cleveland, Ohio. ————_—_—_————— ENGINES AND BOILER FOR SALE. ®he undersigned has in stock a number of engioes and one boiler. all new, Which will be sold cheap fer cath. While the angifes are not marine engines they can be made so, at very slightexpense. The size of the engines awe as follows: One is 12x16, one 0x12, 9x10, 8x10, 7x8, 6x8, 5x6, and two 4x6. s JOHN THOMSON, 95 River Dock, Cleveland, OF | er eer ~ oth, and Russian iron jacket with | EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M.RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -C, A, RICHARDSON'S' ' Rudder folder AND Lama oe ole | A Practical and Invalua- ble Invention, Patented May, 1884 Whole or Half of .Right for Sale. C. A. RICHARDSON, Alpena, Mich. » gp 4 ‘Anehor’’ Snatch =O, & P. GOAL GO. & THOS. AXWORTHY = FUEL DEPARTMENT. PRESLEY, ARTHUR & CO, AG'TS, Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. PENFIELD BLOCK Co, Lockport, N. Y. ANCHOR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, Store and Warehouse Trucks. f ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHINGS, Phosphor Bronze Self-Lublicating Bushings. \ : Bloek, No 511. GOODS FOR SALE BY PROMINENT DEALEKS PVWERYWHERE,. Ask for Anchor Brand Blocks. Hiustrated Catalogue and Price List Mailed on Application, ST. MARY’S, OHIO. OMe Tee ato. |} OAR MILLS. NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, Anchors, Oars,Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, Fags, Buntings, Cotton and Flax Ducks, MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. TELEPHONE J447. ESTABLISHED IN J854 JAMES MAGNER &CO,, PROVISION DEALERS: ,The Vessel Trade a Specialty. = 227,229 & 231 Dearborn & 30 & 32 Quincy-st OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE, a “EEE @” QA GL aD, EEUU JAMES MAGNER. R. Z. WINSLOW, SEND FOR MARINELAWBOOK PRICE ONE DOLLAR CRESCENT SHIP GREASE Is especially prepared’for MARINE use. It is far superior to tallow for slushing down spars, and can be applied without heating; gives them a fine, glossy appear- ance ; is better than oil for lubricating Windlasses, Steering-gear, ete. For Sale by Ship-chandlers Cenerally. Manufactured by 2 CRESCENT MANUFACTURING CO., 3 and 5 Michigan St., Cleveland, 0.. D. S. AUSTIN. EMMET AUSTIN. D.S. AUSTIN & CO. “Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cotton Duck, Cordage, Wire Rigging, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Paints. Oils, Ete. Vessels’ and Steamers’ Complete Outfits Furn- ished on Short Notice. FOOT OF WASHINGTON STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. —————————eeeeeeseSeSsese 4 3 KATZENSTEIN’S 1 TNT SELF-ACTING METAL Al be PACKING 4 FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Ete, Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Compa nies within the last eight yearsin this and Foreign countries. Also flexible tubular metallic packing for slip-joiots on steam » Pipes and for hydraulic 4 pressure. For full pare jj, Urealars and references address L KAQZENSTEIN & CO 357 West St., between Leroy and Clarkson-st, N. Y. CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ers,and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Lakes. Single In- side Iron Strapped, No. 7 Scott's New Coast Pilot IS SOLD by SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER, GEORGE SCOT, AT 162 LARNED ST., E., DETROIT, MICH M. T. COUCHLIN, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Oils & Engineers’ 2upplies AND COUGHLIN’S CHALLENGE COMPOUND, TO REMOVE AND PREVENT INCRUSTATION IN STEAM B ILERS, WHICH IT IS GUARANTEED TO DO . 49 North Market-st., Chicago, as forty life preservers, water-tight bulkheads, and | ail fee Sic ate SE an ee e She rates A2, valued | SPIEGLE BROS. MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Eresh & Salt Meat of alll Kind, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; | | DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. ROBERT E. HILLS. 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Tl. Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, {)-— | Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. — | BNGINEER’S SURELIES, <> \(eneral Jobbing Work Done Promptly, Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. GEORGE SAAL’S SON. Copper-stuithing of all Kinds. VESSEL WORK A SPECIALTY. 403 and 405 Detroit-st., corner Duane-st., Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. PRESLEY & CO., Globe Drydock WARD 2 UACKSC}, NHIPOMITHS. All Kind of Forgings,;=— Bolts and Truss Rods for Building. 49 Maiu-st Cleveland’ WM. H. RADCLIFFE, Shipbuilder and Gen- eral Repairine. OLD RIVER BED, Ft. OF TAYLOR St., CLEVELAND. O. IM DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio Weer = Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- county to sell our goods. Salaay asa ‘ pairing and Spar Making. $76 per month and expenses. Oanvassing outfit and particulars Brezx, STANAwD SIE- CLEVELAND, OHIO. VEE-WARE Co., Boston, Mass.