ad TE TTS TE TTR é 5 SSDS eee LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS. _ Established in 1857. -ou' <7 ss, AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS 60, sine Ce ; Tim ee @ | : ae et Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain Ay rit A$ frie et nga Ria and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank é oh bik | eye ci it }: }} |and Steam Capstans, Wharf and Ferry 7 WS a 0 Drops. Their Capstan Windlasses 1 eee Cee have a Power Capstan with 9 single : ajo i cn te | aes Sits i eee head which has power and speed ar- ooh rangement entirely independen of the The best equipped plant in America for the manufac- Windlass, and which makes a direct ture of Modern Marine Boilers connection with the Windlass without the intervent:on of any gearing to com- qo NY OR _plicate it and inc ease the friction. THE ATNA GRATE. | In all their styles of Ste m Wind- lasses they make .. direct connection be- tO, BARNES, AgL : | tween the engines and the windlass This Improved Shaking 'without counter shafts or additional Grate Especially Adapt. gc.aring. This saves friction and Jiabil- ed to Burning Slack. ity to break down. and conduces to dur- Globe Iron Works, Manufac’s., = comte wu i 'ability and ease in operating. They also Spru acpi, OLEVELAND, oO. have a counterbalance for the engines 66 THE PROVIDENCE” and an automatic lubricator for worm and worm gear. and the engines are WINDLASSES, CAPSTANS, ETC, pisces togsther, in te most accessible IN CANADA. : others too numerous to mention, but THE WINDSOR FOUNDRYCo which ere familiar to Masters, Owners Have made arrangements with the American Ship Windlass ves pees ek. Py, Patents Go. to build their Celebrated Machinery, with latest | OWMCG exclusively by is Lompany. improvements for use on Ship-board for Canada. For plans and information, +KOR PRIGES, PLANS AND Ald: OFHER IAKORMAVION APPLY 10+ Address, : THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY CO... | FRANKS. MANTON, Avent P.O. Box 53, Providence, &. H. M. HANNA, JOHN F. PANKHURST, RIGWis ©2640 Geen Ae PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. 3 SECRETARY AND TREASURER THE GLOBE IRON WORKS COMPANY | BUILDERS OF . | IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHIPS ~— AND VESSELS OF ALL DIMENSIONS, 2 Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low Pressure __ MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BOILERS. Biast Furnace and Steam Pumps, Steam Rolling Mill Machinery, ; and Hand Windlasses, Hicisting and Pumping Winches, and Marine Engines, Portable Hoist- ees 4 Appliances of Every ing Engines. ‘MAMIE ‘i Description. GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WORKERS, Machinists, Boiler-Makers and Founders. Builders ofr ron eT over n ete, Nm Cisholm,” OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Streets. Pacenger Sie “Spokane.” : TRON SHIP YARD, Old River: Bed, foot of St. Paul St eam Yacht “Twilight.” ; Iron Tugs “International’’fand “Record.” CLEVELAND, OFIIO.