usua 8 ‘Ihe Marine Record. LAKE ERIE | BOILER WORKS. 7 ee aa, Wes). Ss B Nia if ws / inti, a oe ms sie =i i a . i i "| roteer tit Nat tyre ty \t SE ge eee a siiicihtiei Tle oe) | a SMa ADe | C IC oy] |x ( a HAN g|% 7 f Pa ‘ap : hate} —~ S ZA, ‘ an 4 t | sue Z t } i] | - me d Si | | at = - ap Saeeeeen a a ; J The best equipped plant in America for the manufac- ture of Modern Marine Boilers BURE ALO. N Ea sie THE ATNA GRATE. G. 0. BARNES, Al This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Maunfac’s.. Office and Foundry ada uat Spruce-sts., ‘CLEV "ELAND, oO. “THE PROVIDENCE” WINDLASSES, CAPSTANS, ETC., IN CANADA. THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY Co Have made arrangements with the American Ship Windlass Co. to build their Celebrated Machinery. with latest improvements for use on Ship-board for Canada. +HOR PRIGES, PLANS AND All OFHER sop ee ae 10+ THE WINDSOR FOUNDRY C et) WINDSOR, HANTS COUNTY. co SCOTIA, H. M. HANNA, PRESIDENT. Established in 1857. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS C0, Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank and Steam Czupstans, Wharf and Ferry Drops. Their Capstan Windlasses have a Power Capstan with a single head which has power and speed ar- rangement entirely independen: of the Windlass, and which makes a direct connection with the Windlass without the intervention of any gearing to com- _plicate it and inc ease the friction. In all their styles of Ste m Wind- lasses they make .. direct connection be- ‘tween the engines and the windlass without counter shafts or additional gcaring. This saves friction and Jiabil- ity to break down, and conduces to dur- ability and ease in operating. They also ‘have a counterbalance for the engines and an automatic lubricator for worm and worm gear. and the engines are placed together in the most accessible position. Theabove improvements and others too numerous to mention, but which ere familiar to Masters, Owners and Builders, are covered by Patents owned exclusively by this Company. For plans and information, Address, FRANKS. MANTON, Agent P. 0. Box 93, Providence, Rf JOHN F. PANKHURST, VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL, MANAGER. THE GLOBE IRON WORKS COMPANY LUTHER ALLEN, SECRETARY AND TREASURER BUILDERS oF IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHIPS AND VESSHIS OF ALL DIMENSIONEe, Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low Pressure — MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BOILERS. Blast Furnace and Rolling Mill Machinery, Hoisting and Pumping Engines, Portable Hoist- GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WORKERS. Machinists, Boiler-Makers and Founders. Builders ofr Iron Steamships ‘‘Onoko,” “Wm. Chisholm,” |QFFICK & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Streets, IRON SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St. Pe CLEVELAND, OHI “J, H. Devereux,’’ Etc. Steel Steamship ‘‘Spokane.” Passenger Steamer ‘‘Darius Cole.’’ Steam Yacht ‘‘Twilight.’’ lron Tugs “International’’fand “Record.” Steam Pumps, Steam © and Hand Windlasses, Winches, and Marine Appliances of Description. 2 ea ey ne ES en lS Every 1 oe + : eh et) A