’ ‘and seeing that they get dispatch in Port. " YESSEL OWNERS AND AG ENTS. er > Grummond's Mackinac Line |Stmr. Atlantic, hip Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. Stmr. Flora, [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) W. E. Comer, Ma : -R. tuts 2C pEVE L 7 Bevery H. J. Wee & Co., willcharter Versels for Lake Trade | Leaves TOLEDO eve ery pecial attention give n to Chartering Vessel« in the Tues lay at 9a, m. Friday at9p. ake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season and City time City time, ngle trip, For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Chebovgan, Alpena, Oscoda and way ports. For Freight or Passage apply to RCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., ANDERSON S CAee aoe Cleve jiand, Ohio, TELEPHONE {0¢,.8°° 52°" 506 WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10, | Arcade B’ld., 101 St. Clair $8, | § ‘ CLEVELAND, OHIO. | | Dock Foot of Superior street, Cleve aand, 0. 8. B. GRUMMOND, Owner, Detroit, Mich. A.J MORSE & SON. N rae i i a \ ) ©) J. J. H. BROWN EOWARD SMITH | BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses. Exchange Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N. Y. ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, 28 dA t Es Owners and masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes of grain from this port will go well to confer with me. Willbe glad to furnish in#rmation 1n regard to car- oes, also in relation to docks, depth of water, etc., at uluth, Agate Bay (new iron ore ped Port Ar- thur, Washburn, Ashland, and all points near the S H west end of Lake Superior. Good gangs of men fur- nished on short notice for trimming curgoes of grain, loading andunloading all kinds of treight. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Street. Cleveland, Ohio. . one ee 2G Sie sae RUBBER STORE SPECIAL GRADES OF FOR MARINE USE. Sicam Packing, Gaskets, Valves, etc., etc, Ship Brokers Mand Agents, HUDUEY Clothing, Qoots& shoes. sez sewcezemene of ny . 101 St. porit See Room 15. OL EVELAN OHIO. JAMES T.° ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker E,W. HULL, Room 4, Exchange Building, Duluth, masse i 237 Superior-st, CLEVELAND, 0 The J. P. Donaldson Co. ’ Thave an excellent gang of Trimmers this sea- son, Captain Miller’s old Crew. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, Send for Price List. CANVAS OIL BAGS for use on board Vessel and Steamer to lessen the danger- ous effects of heavy Bseas. Write for pam- = phiet. CORRESP )NDENCE SOLICITED. - THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. of orwarder. ese end Vessel Agent. M. H Dodge & Co., 24 Broadway, Cleveland,O JOHN P. DEVNEY, GEORGE SAAL’S SON. Marine Collector. Collections Promptly Attended to. ASHTABULA HARBOR. OHIO. . PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. Heemeva li! William H. Gondon,} MARINE LAWYER, 940 La Salle cor. Jackson st. CHICAGO, ILL. . ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, ue j VESSEI WORK A SPECIALTY. 403 and 405 Detroit- st., Corner Duane- st.. ' Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. MARTIN MULLEN, Agent, DEALER IN 'y oughiogheny & MassillonCoal DOCKS AT GOVERNMENT PIER AND RIVER BED SLIP, Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone No. 2701. BOATS COALED DAY OR REE AD SLED DAY OR MIST: 2 Room 37 Merenants’ ouilding, CHICAGO. ILL. WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. ROOM No. 6, BLAUKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Spring import just received at LH. SOLOMONSON’S, Optician, GHORGE FL. HALLADAY. Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. Marine Business Promptly Attended To, OFEICE 2) BUAL BLOCK, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, VESSELS SUPPLY 8 TORE, SPLEGLE BROS. MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; Kresh & Salt Meat of alll Kimd, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, CLEVELAND, OHIO, ¢ ‘apy, JL Rx. McK ARLAND. Iron Ore Trimmer and Contractor, ASHLAND, WIS., Has a large gang of men, and isin a position to give prompt attention to all orders intrusted to him, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY RESPECT ————— Ct. KING, General Stevedoring. Discharging Load- ing and Ore Trimming Promptly At- tended to. A Large Force of Men anere on Hand. Information in regard to DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKS IN ASHLAND HARBOR gladly furnished. Quick dispatch guaranteed, Patronage Solicited. C, A. KING, Ashland Wis. Sheek MOy la WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT SARNIA BE SURE TO CALL AT CAPT. A. E- MCGREGOR’S, FRONT ST., FOR GROVERIES anp PROVISIONS; ALSO, AT W. A. BUCHNER’S, OPP. CITY HALL for Fresh and Cured Meats, Ice, etc. Prompt delivery. Open day aoe night. A. E. MoGRRGOR, W.A-. F ole hag | ‘Winslow,’ ‘Leviathan,’ *M. Swain,’ ‘Champion,’ | . ‘ Copper-smithine of all Kinds ars Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main | #24 at as low prices as any one on the Lakes. t Barometers 1/ ll) Lihautlers & Sail Makers, ome | PIG RED, = 6 Ihe Marine Record, Ss. B. GRUMMOND, Tugs for Wr ecking, Raft Towing, Ete. ALSO, 16STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON, Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulie Jacks. ‘Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Etc. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, BEL. FIRST AND CASS STS, OWNER OF TUGS Detroit, Mich. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, “Wa i ‘Wm. A. Moore,’ and ‘Oswego. 8GF-OrFICE OPEN DAy AnD Niaur. } BRANCHOFFICES at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH. WRECKING TUG = LEVIATHAN, CAPT. M. SWAIN, Kelitedieivein AT T_CHEBOYGAN HOWARD H. BAKER & CO.,| Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cordage, Wire Rope Blocks, Canvas, Anchors, Chains, Paints, Oils, Naval Stores, etc. QYylinder, thard, Signal and Tou- bricating Qils a AGENTS FOR THE American Ship Windlass Company for Lakes Erie and Ontario. eS OF NAUTICAL INSTRU»ENTS F EVERY DESCRIPTION. MANUFACTURERS. OF* MANILA ROPE (-RED-STAR-BRAND:) SOLD BY ALE:DEALERS’ "GIVE “IT ATRIAL: Cleveland Block Co, MANUFACTURERS OF lronTackle Blocks WN CAKING THE PLACE OF i]/ ‘WOODEN BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. Spe cialty. can not be undersold. | Call at Our Mammoth Store and See for Yourselves.---18, 20, 22, 24 & 26 Terrace, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. Ship Ghandlers, 159 River St., CLEVELAND, O. SAll, MAKERS AND RIGGERS, ROPE NETTING Manufacturers of OARS and OAR LUCKS, Dealers in | ifs For Steamers and Steam Yachts a Specialty. Gotton Jue, Wire Ropes FA. EVANS, Rigger, 193 South St., New York, KATZENSTEIN’S SELE- PACKING METAL Cordage, Etc. 22 and 24 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. EMMET AUSTIN. AUSTIN & CO. Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cotton Duck,. Cordage, Wire . Rope, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Paints, Oils, ete. les Outfits of Sails. Rigging, etc.» for Vessels and Steamers, furnished on short notice and Steamship Com a mes within the. lasteight tubuiar metallic packin A for slip-joiots on stea: —Y pipes an call h pcssae y ressure. ull pars xs and references . LKATZENSTEIN & CO 857 West St., between Leroy and Clarkson-st, N. Y. . CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD vs. onanwon | are Agents for Cleveland and the immey 2 @anmon, |bakes SS Marine Glasses imuey # Ol McKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Harbor, O,, Maehinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters; ALSO, DEALERS IN Ft. of Washington St., BUFFALO, N. Y. GEO, ©, FINNEY. Manjila,hlemp and Wire Rigging . ’ i ; a bee peel sce SUPERIOR S7., LEV ELan o. | BIOS, AudwOrS, Chaits, Paints, Oils, ete,| ™eN°e"S PABENS® Babmeating and Burning @ils. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, Aw di MIBLS} = OTS | taekce and River Tug Line J. W GROVER & SON, Detroit, Mick = 4 Ss H | P Cc H AN D LERS Office No. 8, Foot of Woodward Ave., on the - Dock, peer seimpesinicg cine. Sa Telephone No."608, Wire Rope, Manila and Tarred Oordage Canvas, Blocks, Oakum, Tar, Pitch, 3 Tugs Shoo Fly, Dave and Mose. Oars. Anchors, Ohains, etc, {17 & 119 RIVER ST., & 184& 135 DOCK, Special Attention Given to Out-jits and Repairs. 270 amd 272 South Water $0, Steam Pumps and Divers on Short Notice. HARBOR TUG MOLLIE SPENCER. Eire 20 by 24, Port Huron, Mich. For light CLEVELAND, OHIO. wrecking th e tug has the most complete outfit on the lakes. Supplied with steam ejectors, capacity of H . L Ss H A WwW lon inute, h steam e P .¢ 8 A i — na e, hawsers, pu Imps, EAST SAGINAW, - - - MIOH., io mi adteeen al hap sate Berca VESSEL BROKER, AGENT AND OWNER F towing: Telephone, ele inG OFFICE. Special attention aves to charters forthe LUMBER TUG FOR SALE. COAL AND STONE TR exahanaik: rot erty and ane chinates yy we poder Length over all, 52 feet; beam, 13 feet; di th buy write me; no commission anlees sale is made. of hold, 5 feet 8 inches ; net tonnage, 7. 38, ne MARINE COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, gine, 10x12 i hoy fe ste! ree One y: ear old, nd in first-class order Sane tebag OPIS TOTE 95; hands’, Coprenpon d= JAS, LAIRD, Ashtabula Harbor, 0..;