I 8 Mhe Marine Kecond. | For Sale. “LAKE see BOILER WORK® , 9 Maiti Brrst aud 3 tugs- == 9 Marine Steel Boiler. | ~~ ol || os sn con 7 foot aameter, thickness of wi 4 : | : a > ere (oy Br ate Sina ofan inch, flowed 90s: of stems} | Foy ema {NI meme | | O Turin Thieloke, e VM wit Vv ws y si tie ee ta aed Tug Uncle Sam, Length 60 feet, beam 14 fe aap depth 7 7 feet, draft 8 feet, spe 17 by 17: steel boiler 12 feet long, § 5 feet 4 inches diameter, of ¢ vathe plate, allowed 100 Ibs of stea Hull Tebuilt in Tug J. C. Ingram, Length 54 feet, beam 1 5 feet 6 anne a) depth 7 feet, en- gine 17 by 18, boiler 10, feet long. 5% fee t diameter, of Yeths ett allowed 90 Ibs. of steam. Reb yuilt in 18385. Apply to ' ONITAM TOWING & WKECKING CO., 284 South Water St., C hicago, Ill. MANUFACTURERS OF eal \yraxixe THE PLACE OF )} WOODEN BLOCKS FOR j ALL PURPOSES. ” 159 River St., CLEVELAND, 0. H, F. PARMENTER . H. PRE! . H. PRESLEY & CO. DEALERS IN ‘ake Boers, Pumps HEATER sar HONS AND INJECTORS: | pPACKING,GASKETS, AND Fh STEAM & RUBBER HOSE. { SHIPBUILDERS AND CAUL KERS’ TOOLS. 24 S. WATER St,, Tel ephone No. 2383, AS CLEVELAND, 0. ROBERT E. HILLS, ' 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, mi. Telephone 332 ee, “STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings , BNGINDER’S SUPPLIES. . ‘Gone Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. - ‘ROPE PETTING For Steamers ané Steam Yachts a Specialty. E. A. EVANS, Rigger, ee 193 South St., New York. as po cenere iN SELF- ee METAL yearsin this and voreee couptries. Also exible ‘ Yj, pressure. For WY, ticulars and references address MH L KATZENSTEIN & CO 857 West St., between Leroy and Charkson-st, N. x CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ‘ ers, and THE MARINE RECORD 1 are Agents for Cleveland and the ; Lakes. Si ee : McKINNON BROS. ; Ashtabula Harbor, O., fae Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters ; i ALSO, DEALERS IN i Engineere’ Supplies, Ipubricating a and Burning Pile ae BUSINESSPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Compass Adjuster, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE BU ASeee Ber alne®. Sy way leads, “Nort or ‘Soueh of above Courses (6tRiver St., Cleveland, 0. ' Cleveland Block Co, “the best equipped plant i in America fo the ‘Ta: ture ot Modern Marine Boilers BU ee N EN G8 RIS Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES. 22 to 26 Market- near Randolph-St., Clhaicago, Ill’s. TOR iT CIGAR STORE THPMAS LEERY, Prop MAMTFACTURER AND JOBRER OF A CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. | 250 PEARL OTREET Established in 1857. "AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS C0, Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank and Steam Capstans, Wharf and Ferry Drops. Their Capstan Windlasses have a Power Capstan with a. single head which has power and speed ar- rangement entirely independent of th Windlass, and which makes a direct connection with the Windlass without the intervention of any gearing to com- plicate it and increase the friction. In all their styles of Steam Wind- ree lassés they make aw direct connection be- tween the engines and the windlass without counter shafts or additional gcaring. This saves friction and liabil- ity to break down, and conduces to dur- ability and ease in operating. They also have a counterbalance for the engines and an automatic lubricator for worm and worm gear. and the engines are placed together in tne most accessible position. Theabove improvements and others too numerous to mention, but which are familiar to Masters, Owners and Builders, are covered by Patents owned exclusively by this Company. For plans and information Address, PRANKS, MANTUN, Avant P.O bo 83, Proview, H. M. HANNA, PRESIDENT. JOHN F. PANKHURST, VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERALMANAGER.*: LUTHER ALLEN, SECRETARY AND TREASURER THE GLOBE IRON WORKS COMPANY BUILDERS IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHIPS AND VESSHLS OF ALI DIMENSIONS, Be Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low Pressure MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, MARINE, STATIONARY & plbsalal eres BOILERS. Blast Furnace and Steam Pumps, Steam Roling Mill Machinery, Hoisting and Pumping Engines, Portable Hoist- ing Engines. and Marine of Every Winches, Appliances Description. GENERAL SHEET AN D PLATE IRON WORKERS, Machinists, Boiler-Makers and Founders. Builders of IRON STEAMSHIPS “ONOKO,” “W yi gr DEVEREUX,” WHC. iil SUEEL SUEAMERS “SPOKANE” “GAB J. SHEREIELD,’ ype OWENS RIA,” °4ASSENGER SPEIER DARIUS COLE” YACHE ‘ Brancred ad ai IRON TUES “ih... sONAL” AND “RECORD.” [OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Strects, toricn® (IRON SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St. Paul St ‘ CLEVELAND, OHIO. and Hand Windlasses, — re 4