Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), February 16, 1888, p. 4

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£ Blavine Becovi. Published lnvicy ihuresaay) au “144 ‘Superior Street, [Leader Building] Cleveland, 0. A. A. POMEROY, EDITOR AND PROP, BRANC H OFFICE: 262 South Water Street, Chicago, Mlinois, THOMAS WELLIAMS, Associate Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Une year, postage paid... } *Six*months, postage paid... tevariably in advance. 1$2.00 1,090 dee atade eens cone ne tee sale by the following news dealers; CLEVELAND, O,—G. F. Bowman, “corner of | Pear] and Detroit Streets, Evans & Van,Epps, Superior street, Cleveland, R. A. Castner..254 Detroit sireet,: Cleveland, ASHTABULA HARBOR, O,—C, Large. CHICAGO, ILL;Joseph Gray, 9 West Ran- dolph.Street, .-...., CHICAGO, etl Hi. Randolph Street. BUFFALO, N. Y .—Miss McCabe, Elk Street, near Ohio. ' DULUTH, MINN.—c. F. Jolinson, 323 West Superior Street. MARQUETTE, MICH.—J. A. Vannier. ESCANABA, MICH.—Wm. Godley. ESGANABA,-MICH.—George Prestoh, SARNIA, ONT.—D. McMasters. " OWEN SOUND, ONT,.—J. Sharpe, Jr. ; KINGSTON, ONT.—F, Nisbet, cornér Brook a and Wellington Streets, B, Hansen, 33 West 3 Subscribers and others are respectfully invited to use the columns of the MARINE RECORD for the discussion of pertinent topics. Entered at the Post Office at Cleveland as second- class mail matter. CLEVELAND, O., THURSDAY, FEB. 16. CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS’ ASS'N, ORGANIZED IN 1880. Membership ---....-..-.2--2...-..- Sixty-five steamers agg’ ega ing Ninety-five sail and consort, aggregating.60,089 tens, Maintains shipping offices at Cleveland and Ashta- 4, bula Harbor. Regulates wages, protects crews, and se takes “cognizauce of all matters in the interest of its members and of the Lake Commerce generally. U siiter A.M. Hanna, 2! 108 B21. es HP. ee. +... -, Vice President pie ee As Crties HD ‘eens r+ LSvs 4, IVE, OMMIRTE.. fen gee EL HP, Peis “M.A. Bradley, Geo. . J. W. Moore, W. C. Richardson, MASTERS., Seralans; Fred Bennet, ey, 98 elev _| than in thet our increasing) and important ipping, and the. development of oie np iron ships is a subject that must engage the attention of the maritime community at no distant date. For, even allowing that our compasses are, in the first plage, ¢ carefully and accurately constructed, and that all modern improvements and mechanical skill are use@ in the several - parts of the instrument; even so, there may still be abundant room, for errors to creep in, and it might often be remembered to ad- vantage when fitting out a vessel that the compass that costs the least money is very seldom the cheapest in the end;: for a well- made instrument will cost less for repairs, and will be more reliable in cases of emer- 4 gency during thick weather, etc., will last longer, and give better satisfaction than an ‘ inferior article. But we must not stop here, for, after securing a good and reliable compass, the ’ : most suitable location on the vessel will “have to be ascertained, and then the result- ing errors. accurately, determined and regu- y tabulated afterward by means of well-. Siw. correct magnetic bearings and a € careful supervision at all times of the instru- Sy ment upon which)so much depends. It would seem to us a rational mode if we treated and looked upon our compasses more in the light of a watch, or barometer‘or any other automatic appliance subject to the -usual defects and inequalities of workman- -sbip, and not as an infallible guide and natural determinate piece of correction. As trueas the needle to (he pole is an ex- eGo Se Hon a ‘of the business will grow FHE MARINE RECORD can ve found for | Thomas Wilson, R. XK. Winslow, W. D.| athe Marine Record. inde dd aptiortem so far as andenn nav vieatOre are concerned, and the question remains, nct how to make and.bave the needle true, but how t) keep well posted in its variations and irregularities Guring the course of changes it undergoes in moving from one position to another. Nor are we to suppose that our insthements are sometimes right and at other times wrong, for there must be a direct uniformity whep the same or similar agen- \cies areat work Whether.we compreben door | otherwise. Nor’ does it require a very in- jtricute or difficult study ot the science of | magnetism to acquire a knowledge of these | avericless bit it” siniplyask¥ for thewstial | Precautions of being observant and noting bearings as they regularly occtr during a change of latitude or from other causer, and it has béen passed along ‘from’ héatrsay Low ‘thata flash of lightning has depolarized the ‘magnetic needle, and a local cauge taken Control so that thé cofipass “Would be in error On almost every point you tight swing, it toy Yet, at present we belieye that we con: tribute ourselves, more generally than, is supposed, to form the errors of an otherwise tolerable instrument, just if a similar way as by rough or thoughtless usage of a time keeper it is thrown out of Its usual running order, and the instrument blamed fur inaccu- racy instead of vursel ves; consequently, the possessor of a well Bhish ded ahd even, work- ing compass ought to prize it accordingly, for it is not every seu-clock that, even with a fair show, will act as it.ought to. THE EARTH'S ROTATION, To the Editor of the Leader: In your issue of yesterday you state thata man on the equator is carried about 16,000-miles farther during the twelve hours of night than the twelve hours of day. I confess my igno- rance and should like to be enlightened. Mar- INER. Newburg, O. Move an orange or apple in a circle, from right to left, around any stationary object, and you, will have a rough representation of the movement of the earth on its orbit around the sun. Fix a spot on the orange which is its most forward point, so to speak, in relation to its movement on this circle. Then turn the orange fiom right’ to left on its axis, as.if on a pivot, at the same time moving it forward on its orbit. Fight.toJeft, the spot,will be as far back as pos- }, sible, on the earth's path, Throughout the half revolution it “would face the stationary object’ representing the | sun,...This is. the. equivalent f. theman’s.. movement, during the day, At e he siarts at the most advanced spot on the earth, and at sunset is at the point farthest | bac! upon its orbit. He has mot’ goneso far se as the center of the earth has, progressed its” aidineter™ or 8,000 miles, “In the twelve hours of night the process is just reversed. He starts 4, 000 miles behind the center of the earth and ends at sunrise 4,00 ahead of it, having gone 8,000 miles, farther, or 16, 000 ) miles farther elve hours of day. The bove explanation is perfect! y true, though paradoxical, and to the ordinary reader it might convey the impression that we were actually propelled through space at a faster rate during the hcurs of night than we are duringa similar period of time in the hours of daylight. To those of our readers who may have forgotten the tormula, we have thought it is advisable to mention that the daily rotation of this planet is almost uniform and that we travel pretty regularly over the space of 990 miles or an equal of 15° each and every hour in the twenty-four, and the small aberration due to the earth’s inequality of movement may be found in almost atiy reputable almanac on astronomical points under the column of equation of time and hourly difference. Safer than as our diurnal fotatton is con- cerned onr rate of traveling is uniform, and most of our readers will remember that. astronomers give 19 miles per second, or in round numbers a mean of 68,000 miles per hour as the annual movement, or orbital yelocity of this planet around the sun, which calls to memory the old, well worn lines that The earth’s rotation makes the night and day, The sun revolving through the ecliptic way, Effects the various seasons of the es ca Dre, wut seamen a Mr. Rocers, Ark., introduced a bill, provid- ing that the criminal jurisdiction of the circuit and district courts shall extend to all crimes and offences now punishable by law committed upon | the great lakes, or any bay, strait, or other navigable waters connecting or connected with said lakes, on board of any vessel belonging in whole or in part to the United States or any cit izen thereof, with like force and effect as if the| who. assisted hini in digging the tunnel, Same were committed upon the high seas, and | that the trial of all such crimes abd offenses not committed within any stale shall be in the) dis-| triet where tke offender is ahd. or into which he in first brought, 199% Jind ® 4 | this assertion by adding a day before Or after. “may be mentioned the following: When the orange is half turned around, from’| SIGNS OF WE ATHER. To the Editor of the Marine Record: There is not the slightest doubt but that | the various changes in the weather herald | their approach, and a tolerable knowledge | of these signs may be acquired by a careful observer without entering the shadow of the weatherwise, who judge from a narrow, | prejudiced and untenable point of view, and | in accordance with their own ideas, not| based upon® reliable ors any well autbentt} cated principles, ; For instance, we have been told that a long experience on the Jakes warranted our | informant in saying thyit avgule of wind would.always occur on a Friday, qualifying Again, we are assured that if a storm ie brewing it will avail itself of the oppor- tunity to whistle Along oft it®own particu- larcurve just at the period of full moop, and instances might be recorded without num- ber where people have set up their own standard and expect the weather to act in accordance with their Wiggins-1ike prognos- tications, It would seem more/péeasonable to remem- ber that the mercury in a barometer is more sensitive than the most careful observer could ever attempt to be; hence, an excel- lent authority has said tuat he who watches his baronréter watehes bisstipe™ Yet,on the otlier band, the above measure is influenced more by the coming weather than the exist- ing state of the atmosphere at the time, which. brings to mind the old proverb: «Tiong foretold, long last,.cte.’’ Buttoleave artificial measures on one side, there area ftumber of well developed, natural signs which are indisputable, and among them A red sky at sunset preesages fine weather. A more than usual twinkling of stars ‘ia | significant. of approaching rain, with .or without wind. A high dawn or when the indications of daylight are’ seen above a bank. of )clouds presages,wind. A red sky at sunrise indiextes bad weather or much wind; and a Jow dawn or when the day breaks on or near the horizon indicates fine weather. Also, a clear dry atmosphere or what is known as a good hearing day, may be regarded/as the forerunner of rain and | probably wind. These are’ a few) of the’ weather signs .which any ordinary person can hoist aboard without the fear of ever being misled or contradiéted, RpPEyaay, OUTPUT OF. IRON ORE. . Sse The Marquette Mining Journal has pub- ‘lished revi-ed and corrected tables, showing the output of the Lake Superior mines for 1837, and the entire.production of the mines}, ot that region up to date. The table gives the shipments by rail and lake of the differ- ent mines, but does not include ore remain- ing in ‘stock at the mines, or in cars and in the pockets of the ore docks. ‘he figures represent, therefore, the quantity of ore act- ually placed on the market and made avail- able for consumption. The rw were as follows: tal 1885. 1886. 1887, ha gate: Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons, Marquette range, 1,430,416 1,636,883 1,836,958 25,183,592 Menominee range 690,485 880,006 1,193.748 7,427,398 Gogebic range.... 119,756 756,572 1, RBT 704 215,044 Vermillion range: Min/esota Iron Co 225,484 304,896 304,252 986,257 Miscellaneous .,.. Baie one. Soee 2,320 Grand total..2, 466,582 3,577,307 4,667,652 35,714,0,0 The entire consumption of domestic irou ore in the United States in 1887 was about 11,000,090 gross tons, of which the Jake mines supplied about 4214 per cent of the ore, or about 55 per cent of the Be iron produced from native ores, ‘The production of lake ore in 1887 over 1886 was 1,090,295 tons, of which nearly one-half came from the Gogebie and 300,000 from the Menominee districts. We believe these regions will continue to grow rapidly, having immense bodies of ore easily, ob- tained near the surface, ono ‘ THE TUNNEL AT LIBBY PRISON. The March Century will contain the story: of “Colonel Rose’s Tunnel at Libby Prison,’ told by one of the one hundred and nine Union officers who escaped on the night of February 9, 1864, The suczessful construc- tion of this tunnel, dug from a dark corner of the cellar of ge prison, through fifty feet of solid earth—the only tools being two broken chisels and a wooden spittoon in which to earry out the dirt—was one of the most remarkable incidents of the war. Colonel Rose, to whose indomitable will and. perseverance the success.of..the scheme. was due, is now a captain in the 16th United States infantry, and of ‘the fourteen men}, eleven are still living: | Whe tarrative'to the Mareh Century, which is illustrated, forms one of the untechnical papers supplement- ing the War Series, and ‘it is aid to be on- of the most romantic records that the Cen tury hus ever printed. « 5) oes § whey _|congress direct... .others; are under’ consideration by the Lake | Sept. | important will probably be discussed ‘at their + Yea s : fi eed I aaE Re Se et Will see SaaS eS Sate ae TORT LENE SOME REEL MTU POSES SED OR. Ue: a ee FOS Saks Ont ce LAKE CARRIERS’ RS’ ASSOCIATION, | Mr. Tarwney, of Michigan, at one Himes a = TO CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS RE LATING TD THE NAVIGATION AND CARRYING BUSINESS OF THE GREAT LAKES ANO THE WATERS TRIGUTARY THERETO, WITH THE INTENT TO IMPROVE THE CHARCTER OF THE SERVICE RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC, TO PRO- TECT THE COMMON INTEREST OF LAKE CARRIERS, AND PROMOTE THEIT GENERAL WELFARE- BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1857. Tuomas MARTIN, - - = Oswego, N. Y James Asu, Vite President, - ‘ Buffalo,’ N.Y. W. BULLARD, - - . - Buffalo, N. Y. 8. D. CALDWELL, President, - .- Buffalo, Ny Y. Dane DONALDSON, arom, SS Buffalo, N. Y. ie Evass, - - - = = Buffalo, N. . PR. HERRY, ~~ Buffalo, N. Y. Feaxee Firtu, Vice President,” - Erie, Pa, M. A. BRADLEY, - - Cleveland, 0. H. M. HANNA, =) - - - « Cleveland, 0. THomas WILson, - - - - Cleveland, oO. A. W. Cotton, - - - Toledo, 0. JAMES MILLEN, Vice President, - Detroit, BER WARD, - - - - Detroit, M AMES DAVIDSON, - + = ,+ Bay City Jos. AUSTRIAN,- - = = «# Chicago, i. W.M.Eean, - eee Til. Ira H. Owen, View: Presidents - R, P.. Frtz@ErRatp, - Davin Vanck, - ALEX McDouGatt, FRANCIS ALMY, Secretary, Buffaio, N. Y, JaS°CAREY Evans, Tréasurér, - Buffalo, N. Y. MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. Duluth, Miias PLACE OF ANNU2L MEETING Burra.o, February 11, 1888. There was such difference of opinion at the meeting of the board of managers thir morning, as to the most desirable place for! ~ the annual meeting, that the secretary was instructed on motion of Captain W. P- Henry to ak all the managers, by mail for ) their views,’ and» especially as to whether’ the coming meeting should be at Buffalo or Detroit. It is contended on the one hand that inasmuchas the headquarters | tom with them, in most cases, the entire crew, of the association, and its administratitive officers, are at Buffalo, this should be the place of the annual business meeting; on the other band that the association is not a local Buffalo affair, that there is danger of its be- ing regarded so, that the very best way to avoid this evilis by having the anoual meet-| ing occasionally at some port other than Buffalo and/that Detroit is the most central place for such purpose. As it is desired that the meeting shall take place this month, if possible, kindly let me know at once which course you think it better that we should this year pursue. By order of tke board, Franots Aumy, Secretary. The annnal meeting of the members of the Lake Carriers’ association will be held at March 9th 188s, The president will submit a report show- ing the work ot the association during the year. A new board of managers will be elected, ‘and other important business will come. before:the meeting. Members. make. an. effort to be present, and to bring with them other ves- sel ‘owners. All ‘vessel men are ‘cordially in- -wited_ to - ‘attend, whether members of the association or not. aoe pipcerely, yours,. — ; 34. D. Carpwate, President, } WASHINGTON NEWs. Mr. Whiticg writes from Fr apoioatna, to the secretary of the Lake Carriers’ Associa- tion, as follows: ‘Soon after receipt of yours of the 10th relative to the proposition, to build 4 & bridge over canal ‘ entrance to Da- Doige general freight agent.of St, Paul & Duluth R.)R.j on ‘same subject; and to-day sent you and him a copy of said bridge bill, and wired Mr. Dodge, as follows: ‘The question | lof abridge. across the canal en- trance at Duluth has been referred to Cap- tain Quinn, United States engineer at Duluth, and awaits his report. You should inter- engineer, House bill 6948, which we have not one received, wus introduced February 10 by Mr. Nutting, of Oswego, N. Y., and is designed to prevent the overloading ot vessels on the great lukes. It is introduced by the follow- ing sweeping resolutions: f - Mr. Nutting, of Oswego, N. Y., by unani- mous consent submiited the following reso- lution; which was read, and referred to the committee on merchant matide and stipe, ping: WHEREAS, ata , convention of seamen “hla at Toledo, Ohio, January 1888, delegations were present from Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, ‘To- ledo, Cleveland, Buffale and Oswego, and said delegations represented more than 5,000 seamen — of the great chain of lakes; that ~ conven- | ‘ WHEREAS, seventy-three yaeatiy aggregat- — ing a tonnage of 20,678 tons and valued - ith | cargoes at $2,500,000, together with two dred and tour lives, were lost on the great lakes during the season of 1887; and ‘ “WHEREAS, the two hundred and four lives — lost, with the vessels mentioned, caused such an intense feeling of indignation throughout the country that the press was loud in its de jia- - lion of underwriters and the incompetency of Governtient i ins] éctors; ind : ‘‘WHEREAS, as is well known, a majority of vessels Jost on the great lakes during the season He of 1887 were rendered unseaworthy by being _ luaded beyond their carrying capacity, thereby i causing them to founder and carry to the and as a consequence, leaving widows and or- phans. destitute of their natural protectors:”” - therefore, Resolved, that the secretary of thet of the United States be, and he is hereby requested, if consistent with the public good, to transmit to this House all information in custody of-said department in regard to the matters and things set forth in said preamble; aud said secretary is réquested to-state whether there is any rule, or- der, or regulation of the treasury department the enforcement of which would prevent the overloading of vessels with freight, and as to whether there is any law or laws in force regu- lating the quantity of freight vessels, a | thie great lakes shall carry. Mr. Nutting also, by unanimous consént, introduced a bill (H. R. 6948) to prevent | ‘the overloading of vessels and boats on the Bleak” lakes, etc.; which was read a first and second ‘|that will aid in refuting the time; risirea to the committee on merchant — marine and shipping, and ordered to_ bsg printed, pe Of course, overloading of vessels, to an} 5 dangerous degree, is directly contrary to the interests of the owners, and legislation o the subject seemshardly necessary. It should certainly be approached in some less sensa- tional way. Mr. Whiting is trying to obtain from the life: saving service bureau, some information as to the loss of life and erty on the lakes through: | the season ot 1887, charges made in the preamble a and locate. the isas' their true causes, ee ‘THE RA H. OWEN. a : “The weak : following. ia) a ’ ‘of the s atkadiae “Tra H. Owen” mad five trips between S. Manitou light 1 oschanee, distance 73 miles; wheel 11 fee eter, a feet ves and 40 blade. — view him, and protest against such obstruc-| >) tion,’”’ We have not yet received the bill referred to, but. print this week a number of other important bills affec. ing vessel interests, re- ceived through the Lake Carriers’ Associa- tion, A number of the longer bills we have been obliged to abbreviate, but they can be obtained in full, by any person interested, | either through Mr. J.) Do Whiting, Ebbitt House, Washington, or by application to These bills,, with many Carriers’ Association, and some of the more al meeting. 0 ‘house bills 6135, 1527, 1995, and mapnate ciswaot 1448, 1517, and 38a A 1g ment for from six months to a year any |I owner, agent or master» wha compels any licensed officer’ of a steam vessel to be on twenty-four. ‘This places a master com- pletely at-tne mercy of~ Rada in any prolonged emergency. , ‘ter what the circumstances, | or how neces- sary for the safety of the ship, cargo, and | crew, require them to do any service outside of their tworsix hour watches, The bill is ‘being strongly pressed: Sar e com,| mittee on commerce. It iD ene re | t gtrceel St- eA * aes. duty more than twelve ‘hours out) of each/tons of ore, ave Todiana blocks He pan not, no mat-| , Aug. 29 Sept, 15. Sept. 22.. Oct. Average i es I Ye ‘Avecage speed of boat 10,6 m page of wheel 145 a cent; T ae Mer ses Sepey 47 csc House bill 6135 punishes with tnipeteop- Average: carte per ton of ore Bilao 123.2 der two boat ; was 3 Cleveland run about

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