Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 1, 1888, p. 7

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RADCLIFFE, ilder and Cen- pene iecchibysapbactuetessovusvevendsuabsnesenvinivecensteeesebe? ee hhars ms do Gen- on Marine Pst Salted and ~ = Machine _ full of pulleys and shxfting and are kinds f Stone quarry Work, TEARE, WIGHT & CO. LASS FOR SALE. ned ha’ as 2-10ths feet. breadth 24 feet, hold 7 feet, Ase Capacity, 175M lu mber under ht of § feet. Largest cargo ever aboard, mber, Grand Marias to Tonawanda. fs order, rat : Bi new eae and fore sails last norepars. Vessel now lying at New Balti- ie 0 For Hees pergenits, acdress ae ERT HATHEW. Mrs, E, L, HATH BWAY, sum talecrelcix, ew Baltimore, Mich. - For Sale. 154276 Marine Engine. Two Steeple Compound Marine | _ Engines, Cylinders 72 and 20 by 76 stroke. - These are under construction and can be completed | ’ on short notice. Wiil furnish BOILERS with these if desired. For prices, etc., address Sassoon IRON WORKS, Port Huron, Mich, . WANTED, OWN A STEAMBARGE, and want to buy one or I two barges or schooners to tow. that will carry from 500 to 550 M feet of lumber. Any person having ‘ such boats, who fart ape ‘them at a peienee i price and on long time ress 5 BOX 181, BAY crry, MICH ¥ WANTED, ‘4J\O BUY, on easy terms, a schooner of 250 to 825 | tons capacity, on from’s to 9 feet draft of water | r such a vesse or barge to stil on ashare ot earmn- | e ings. Address MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, 0. | ~ STEAMBARGE FOR SALE. This isone of mee finest steambarges on the lakes, | He is in good condition in masts, Her carrying capa 008 bushels of nine or spect 240,000 feat He lumber on | a dratt of 9 feet 9 in ches. Her engine is high pressure | 18x20 and her ey oreels foe feet of 7-16 Otis steel. Speed 10 miles loaded or 11 aire MARINE RE fot. “Cleveland, Ohio. sncin, acenter 4th, 1887. The time given +n gues, belo us the new standard (Ninetieth tio’ ts. which is thirty-three minutes slower Beas thevalan’ Hime proper. Eastward. rrive > | Depart. “ WoaF “Limited E ‘Express No x 2 B& A Express No 26, Elyria cpommnodaric 45 AM No 24, anergy np via Sandusky|fi0 654 ™ ~ No 24, Toledo Accom via »orwark){10 05 a a No. 10.NowYork& Boston 4 Payee Lee 12. N Y & B Fast Express... 20 &x via Norwalk.. No 22, ht Ex vin sandu-ky-- OP No 26, Conneaut ‘Accommodation v4 25 P -3 sent Denice aa i Westward. | Arrive, ge it Fant Limiies nee 12 Waxes i a 4 i train for Nottingham— rt 9 " and 1:0 p. m.; returning, arrive at 9:20 a, = enil 445 ae as Daily, tdaily, except Sunday, 1c a A local Cleve’and avi and New York mleopers also sleeper tort Boston, and dining: car datly on No, 10, leaving Cleveland a Ui 85 4 4; arrive Grand Central depot, / New York. $0 a. For tull i arene as to trains and counections ap- | gly at the Union ticket office, corner Bank and Supe + eat nate Mereantile Pane s GA nger Agen A, J. SMIT: Gea Paes Acts ‘Lake Shore Block | | SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF TAR Oy }|Stctionary & Portable Er sihes, MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside lron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT. MICH. M. RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF Hivh and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers ; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. = REPAIRS PROMPTLY AISTENDED TO. ARTHUR & BOYLAN, Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. xe a a ee be LEWIS MARINE MARUAL, A SUMMARY OF THE LAW RELATING TO OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE Shipping Mercantile and Marine Interests of the Lakes And the Sea-coast Waters of Canada and the United States, By EDWARD N. LEWIS, Proctor in Maritime Courts. |OVER 500 PAGES Z F PRICE $250 Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE, Cleveland, 0. ALF. BARTLETT & CO0.’S COMBINED Hoisting and Pumping Engines. : Used for Deck Hoists, Coal and Iron Mines, Log Loading, Hoisting Sail, Loading and Unloading Coal Barges, and Other Purposes. USED ON ‘Steamers Roumania, Bulgaria, Oceanica and Others. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICEs. A. F. BARTLETT &CO., East Saginaw Mich, BOSTON & LO KPORT BLOCK CO., ea Thine sins age a TO BAGNALL & LOUD BLOBK CO.:nd PENFIELD BLOCK CO, pr Pg) Bid oe Ba i eR YS The Largest and Most Reliable Mactitactuceck in the United States of Pore pect Their Specialties are: Self-Lubricating Metaline Blocks: Self-locking Link Snatch Blocks: Self-adjustable Five Roll Roller Bush Blocks; Loud’s Pat | ent Non-chokable Diaphragm Pumps will pump Sand, Gravel, etc., without i, jury to the Pump, having no plunger. Easiest Working Pump in the Market OUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. We make the most durable grade of Blocks to be obtained in the marker, Call for our SELF ADJUSTABLE FIVE ROLL ROI LER BUSHED STAR BRAND BLOCKS ANI DO AWAY WITH REPAIRS, Ihe, Marine Recon. EAGLE BOILER WORKS, TOLEDO, OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO. boar MILLS. DEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS, BLOCKS | COTTON anp FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS BUNTINGS, RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOJDS GENERALLY. Nos. 34 anv 35 Sours Srreer, NEW YORK. TESTED CHAINS, Bratlee & ©s., Rmpine Chain Works BEACH AND OTIS STS., Philadelphia. Ship’s Cables and Marine Railway Chains. Chains for Foundry Cranes and Slings. *D. B. G.” Special Crane Chains. Steel and Iron Dredging, Slope and Miniag Chains. El. Ge TROL, NEPTUNE ANCHOR ¥ KING TRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N.Y., Triple Expansion Maring Engi Three Cylinder and Fore Aft and Steeple Compour Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines, SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, These wheels are wilted for their extra speed and towi or aproporttionate saving of coal. p ang power, PRICES OUOTED ON APPLICATION. ——__________ een (WILLARD & FILLEY, (SUCOESSORS TO R. L. WILLARD] SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. DEALERS IN IiKAD, OI, MIXED PAINS, GLASS, PULLY, EXC. All Kinds of Steamboat and Vessel Work a Specialty. Finished Liberty Caps , and Gilt Balls for Mast Heads and Flag Staffs Always on Hand. 57 Main Sreet, cor. Elm, Cleveland, Ohic. THE ATWA “RATE. tO. BARNES, Ae, This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt. ed to Burning Slack. lobe Iron Works. Marufac’s., Officeand Foundry, cerner of Elm and Spruce-sts , CLEVELAND, 0. THOS. DREIN & SON BUILOERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PleasureBoats gq of Wood, Biock Cork Life Pre- servers. Sole manwotecturer of Capt. JONATHAN Conk’s celebrated PatentLifeRafts Tatual and Railroad, Wlimington, D A S, DeVries, SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER GEO. RANDER SON & SON.| DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Fresh and Salt Vessel Order's PrOMpLLY FIED, sastianosinisss. neupnone, Telephone 1732; 286 Detroit st. | Cleveland O, Telephone 1025 Signs, Steering Balls, Liberty Oaps, Orna- mental Work in Oabins a Specialty. PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS ~

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