Puttished Every Thursday at 144 Superior Street, [Leader Building) Cleveland, 0. A. A. POMEROY, EDITOR AND PROP, | BRANCH OFFICE: 2652 South Water Street, Chicago, Mlinols, THOMAS WILIAAMS, Associate Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, postage paid......... ccscseee seseeneee $2.00 Sixtmonths, postage paid...... cess sesseeees 1,00 Invariably in advance, THE MARINE RECORD can ve found for sale by the following news dealers : *‘CLEVELASD, O.—G. F. Bowman, corner of Pear] and Detroit Streets. : Evans & Van Epps, Superior street, Cleveland, R, A. Castner. 254 Detroit street, Cleveland. ASHTABULA HARBOR, O.—C. Large. OHICAGO, ILL.—Joseph Gray, 9 West Ran- dolph Street. CHICAGO, ILL.—H. B. Randolph Street. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Miss McCabe, Elk Street, near Ohio. DULUTH, MINN.—C. F. Johnson, 323 West Superior Street. MARQUETTE, MICH.—J. A. Vannier. ESCANABA, MICH.—Wm. Godley. ESCANABA, MICH.—George Preston. SARNIA, ONT.—D. McMasters, OWEN SOUND, ONT.—J. Sharpe, Jr. KINGSTON, ONT.—F. Nisbet, corner Brook and Wellington Streets. Hansen, 33 West Subscribers and others are respectfully invited to use the columns of the MARINE RECORD for the discussion of pertinent topics. Entered:at the Post Office at Cleveland as second- classimail matter. ER SIA ee el CLEVELAND, 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 8. CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS ASSN’ ORGANIZED IN 1880. [Membership, 1887] Sixty-five steamers agg’ega ing. ------...- 67,865 tons. Ninety-five sail and consort, aggregating.60,089 tons, Maintains shipping offices at Cleveland and Ashta- bula Harbor. Regulates wages, protects crews, and takes cognizauce of all matters in the interest of its members and of the Lake Commerce generally. OFFICERS. H. M. Hanna, Lae ROE ed President. HOP.Lmuremcr, - - -_ - Vice President B. L. PENNincTON, - Secretary and Treasurer. (i. D.GGOULDER = = et Counsel Thomas Wilson, R K. Winslow, W. D. H. Palmer. J. W. Moore, W. C. Richardson. ss SHIPPING MASTERS. ‘Rumsey, 98 dock, Cleveland; Fred Bennet. 8 ‘Cleveland; Wm, Reunick, Ashta- ‘M.Hanna, H. P, Lillibridge, M, A. Bradley, Geo. RD—OFFICIAL PAPER. TO VESSEL OWNERS. Jand Vessel Owners’ ‘may be admitred. It is quite important that the tonnage for 1887 the membership of which will expire April 1, should notify the ' gecretary as to renewal before that time; also, that all vessel owners who have not been members, but who desire to place their tonnage in the association for 1888, should early notify the secretary, personally or by letter, giving names of vessels and their respective tonnage. Address, B. L. Pennineton, Secretary. 110 and 112 Water St., Cleveland, O. Tue secretary of the navy has decided to contract with the Herreshoff company of Rhode [sland for the construction of a first- class steel torpedo boat. The vessel is to cost $32,750, and isto be paid for out of the ap- propriation of $2,000,000, made by congress at its last session for coast and harbor de- fense vessels. The proposition of the Vulcan Tron Works of Chicago to build a similar vessel at a cost-of $84,800 has been declined, Se, THE creditors of the Manton Windlass and Steam Steering Co, are clamoring for their money. This concern suspe:ded operations in July, 1886, and it was understood that their creditors would be paidin a reasonable jength of time. This has not been done, hence the clamor. Captain Bartlett, “the good man at the wheel,”’ willopen a general suply store at 257 Detroit street, and we woul’ call the attention of our readers t> the fact thata eapital wheelsman i+ liable to make a first- elaes and chock-tuil-of-integrity kind of a etore keeper, _ Cleveland vessel uwners have signed an agreement to hold beck their tonnage till _ the first of May. ,of these valuable machiner, | past year they have been greatly improved ! Ihe Marine Record. NEW PROVIDENCE WINDLASSES. Weare pleased to note the astonishing rapidity with which the American Ship Windlass Cos’. steam windlasses and capstans | are coming into universal favor among our | lake marine and ocean service, their books show, that with very rare excepticns, every | vessel building on fresh and salt water are | to be provided with one or both of these time | and labor saving devices. We can safely say that fifteen out of every sixteen boats under contract and construction have ordered one upon, and are to-day the most per‘ect working thing of the kind ever offered to the marine public. For several reasons they have a visable advantage over any other cap- stan or windlass manufactured. First its sim- plicitv, which enables even those who are not familiar with complicated machinery, to set these machines up and handle them suc- cessfully. Second, the engine and machinery are connected to the same deck plate which prevents it from getting out of line, greatly lessening the friction. Third, its patent Iu- bricating facility, which prevents additional friction and wear. Fourth, its counter bal- ance, on the cranks, which lessens the liabili- ty of breaking down by sudden jerks, and its simple and valuable reversing motion for re- versing the windlass in case the lines jam; another important advantage it possesses over all competition is in case any part of the worm gearing becomes worn out or damaged it can be replaced without taking the wind- lass off the ship or forcing it apart. The following is a list ot recent orders taken by the American Ship Windlass Co. Psince their Insc report: Donham, Carrigan & Co., New York, 4 Providence capstan windlass with T. J. Southard’ messenger chain arrangement. Neafie & Levy, Philadelphia, a Provi- dence steam capstan windlass and Provi- dence steam capstan, Yacht building by A OD. Story for Mr. E. A. Seccomb, a Providence yacht capstan windlass. Yacht building by Wm. B. Smith, Boston, a Providence yacht pump brake windlass with Emery & Cheney chain stoppers. James E. Smith, Nyack, N. Y., a Provi- dence pump brake windlass, Wm, Cramp & Sons Co., « Providence steam capstan windlass and a Providence steam Capstan. Steamer Caroline Miller, a Providence pump brake windlass with messenger chain attachment, Yacht building by Harland & Hollings- worth Co., tor Mr. A. C. Canfield, a Provi- dence pump brake yacht windlass with Emery & Cheney chain stopper. Jonn Craig and Son, Trenton, Mich., two Providence steam capstan windlasses and steam Capstans. Steamer Kasota, Thomas Wilson, Cleve- land, O., » Providence steam eapstan wind- lass with Wilson’s patent drum attachment. James Davidson, West Bay City, Mich., two Providence capstan windlasses, Detroit Drydoek Co,, one Providence steam capstan windlass anid two Providence steam capstan» for steamer building for D. & C. Steam Navigation Co, Steamers Nos, 79, 84, 86, 87, and 89, are provided with the Providence windlasses, Sehooner building by Thos. Quayle’s Sons for James Ash, a Providence steam capstan windlass. Steamer Montana, Western Transportation Co , Brffalo, a Providence capstan windlass, to replace a Coffin & Woodward windlass. Steamer building for Messrs. Rhodes, Moore & Bartow, a Providence steam cap- stan windlass and steam capstan. Ree Steamers Nos, 40 and 42 building by F. W. Wheeler, West Bay City, each a Providence capstan windlass, All the steamers now building by Mr. Wheeler will have the Provi- dence windJasses and capstans. RECAPITULATION. Th€ following vessels, before, reported will have Sie Providence windlass, ete. : Glo be Iron Works Co., Cleveland, O, stea mers Nos, 19 to 23 inclusive, five Provi-| dence steam capstan windlasses and five Providence steam capstans. Frank W. Wheeler, West Bay City, Mich., six steamers, four Providence steam wind- lasses, two Providence steam capstans and two Providence capstan windlasses, James Davidson, West Bay City, Mich., two steamers, two steam windlasses ard two steam capstans. Cleveland Shipbuilding Co., two steam- ers, two Providence steam capstan wind- lasses with Wilson’s patent drum attach- ment. Thos. Quayle?s Sons, two steamers, for Jas, Ash and Frank Perew, Buffalo, two Providence steam windlasses and steam cap- Stans, Win. H. Radcliffe, Cleveland, one steamer for Captain Minch, a Providence steam wind- Jass and steam capstan, Simon Langell, St. Clair, Mich., two steam- ers, two Providence steam capstan wind- lasses, Milwaukee Shipyard Co., one steamer, one Providence steam capstan win."sss and a Providence steam capstan, R. Mills & Co., Bots o.ore ceamer, one Providence steam wi vi.vss vn steam cap- stan, John Oades, Detrc’, one steamer, one Providence capstan windlass, John Roach’s Sons, steamer Puritan, a Providence steam vertical windlass with 14 by 14 inch engines for 2 inch chain, and two Providence steam capstans with 12 by 14 inch engines, Steamer for Savannah line, a Providence sterm capstan windlass and steam capstan. ‘Thames Towboat Co., New London, three paraeh, three Providence pump brake wind- asses, Gunboats Nos. 1 and 2, each a Providence steam capstan windJaas of latest design. Cruiser Baltimore, a Providence stearo capstan windirss to handle four 2 inch chains with 15 by 14 Inch engines, During the- | Around the Lakes Continued from Ist Page.] The river is open as far down as Lambton, Ont. Dan Ruonels ia at work with a big gang building the protection pier to Seventh street bridge. ‘he schooner Hattie Wells has been over- | hauled and is ready for acoat of paint as soon as weather will permit. C. M. Green has contracted to paint fifteen boats out of the fleet laying up here. No. 4. The tug Geo. R. Handis at the Wolverine Dry Dock, to receive an entire overhauling both in hull and machinery. Captain Hand of Buffalo is here in charge of the work. 8. B. Grum mond having purchased the tug Christian, looks as if the captain was going to have his share of tugs; he has now a fine line. Tugs Cherry and Spencer are now all ready for business, as soon as there is any to do. C. M, Green, the popular boat painter, has begun to paint the boats. Charlie isa hustler, he has about nine out of every ten boats here | to paint. Ithas been some time since the Indians have hid « pow wow, but in the warm spell they ussembled at the school grounds on the reserve, and the chief called the meeting to order, then called on Sa-pop (Bill Curtis) the Son-go qua, (harbor master in Sarnia Bay) for a report for the last month. Sa-pop arose and when he came to look for it he had left it on the scow Storm. He tried to make an ex- planation, but the chief would not hear to it. Sa-pop was suspended for ten days and three days to be spent in Algonac. Ka-get Ke-Bo- tis, (Petit) was. appointed to fill vacancy and by close figureing will down Sa-pop. The schooner Rosa Sonsmith has been re- paired all O. K. after the collision with the steamer Minneapolis last fallat the Soo Ca- nal. J. J.C. MONTAGUE, Special to the Marine Record, At the Montague Iron Works, Montague, Mich., they are building one fore and aft compound marine engine, 20x386x36x36 for Messrs. Davison and Holmes, and Captain John Lang of Chicego, Ill. For their new boat now being built by the Grand Haven ship building company, of Grand Haven, Mich. Also one 18x20 high pressure engine and one 63x11 ft. boiler, for Messrs. Rogers and Bird of Saugatuck, Mich., for their new passenger steamer being built by Captain R. T. Rodgers of that place. Also one 16x16 for A. E. Cartier of Ludington, Mich., for his new tug being built at Ludington, Mich., also other marine and stationary work too numerous to mention. SHEBOYGAN. Special to theMar ine Record. Reibod and Walters have contracted to build a steambarge 200 feet over-all, upon the completion of the barge now under construc- tion. SHOULD SIGNAL STATIONS BE DIS- CONTINUED? To the Editor of the Marine Record: Mackinaw City, Micn., March 5. The signal offices at this place and Esca- naba are to be removed March 30th. This is the result. of the convention of the meteoro- logical board, which was ordered by General Greely, owing to the failure of the appropria- tion bill, to provide for the renting of build- ings. The instruction to the board was to discon- tinue those stations, which would be of the le ast damage to the service. The question is, have they done so? Why was not Alpena, Mich., discontinued, instead of this station? It is safe to say that there is not astation in Michigan, of more importance than this. There are from fifty to one hundred vessels pass within half a mile of this station, every twenty four hours during the season of navi- gation, and during the fall months, there are frequently as many as fifty steamers and ves- sels at anchor, in the harbor at one time, and their captains, all beseiging the signal office for the lo west ‘‘indication,” The geographical situation of this station should make it equal to any in the state, for predictions and vesse] men are well aware of its value tothem. Of what value is the sta- tion at Alpena to the mariner? It is purelya local affair, and is not accessible to one vessel where this one is toa dozen. Itisto the in- terest of vessel men, to see that this station is not abandoned. The defiency is for rent for the fiscal year, ending July Ist, and if neces- sary the use of the building here will be given free until that time. One of the members of the meteorological board, was in charge of this station nearly a year, and was well aware ofits value to the lake marine, and had he not been prejudiced there would have been no order for ‘s re- moyal. apaborins F. J. LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION, | | | © CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS AE receiving attention again and a letter just LATING TD THE NAVIGATION AND CARRYING GUSINESS OF THE GREAT LAKES ANO THE WATERS TRIBUTARY THERETO, WITH THE INTENT TO IMPROVE THE CHARCTER OF THE SERVICE RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC, TO PRO- TECT THE COMMON INTEREST CF LAKE CARRIERS, ANO PROMOTE THEIR GENERAL WELFARE- BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1888. Tomas MARTIN, - - - - Oswego, N. Y. James AsH,- + - - - Buffalo, N.Y. W.Burrarp,- - =< - Ruffalo, N. Y¥. 8S D. Catpwett, President, - ~~ Buffalo, N. Y. F. T. Evans, - - - - Buffalo, N. Y. W. P. Henry, - + Ps Buffalo, N. Y. P. P. Mreier, - - - - + Ruffalo, N. Y. Frank J. Firtu. Vice President, - Erie, Pa, M. A. Brapiry, - - - - Cleveland, O. H. M. Hanna, - += = = - Cleveland, O Tromas Witson, Vice President, - Cleveland, 0. A.W.Couton,- - - = = Toledo, 0. JAMES MILLEN, Vice President, - Detroit, Mich. KpuR Warp, - - - - - Detroit, Mich. James Davipson, - - - - Bay City, Mich. Jos AUSTRIAN, - - - - + Chicago, IIL W.M. Faay,, - - - - - Chicago, Ill. Tra H. Owen, Vice President, - - Chicago, Ill. R. P. FrvzGERALD, - - - - Milwaukee, Wis. Davip VANCE, - =~ - - = Milwaukee, Wis. ALEX McDOoUGALL, - . 5 Duluth, Minn. HARRY MILUER, Secretary, - - Buffaio, N. Y. Jas. Carry Eyans, Trensurer, - Buffalo, N. Y. MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. ——————— PROCEEDINGS OF LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Lake Carriers’ Assoviation was held at Detroit on Satur- day, Mareh 8, 1888. There were present Messrs. S. D. Caldwell, I. ‘T. Evans, W. P. Henry, Francis Almy, James Carey Evans, H. H. Baker, and Martin Niland, of Baffa- lo; Thomas Wilson, of Cleveland; A. W. Colton, of Toledo; Thomas Adams, J. H. Farwell, John Dalgett, John V. Moran, Eber Ward, James W. Millen, A. MeVittie, J. W. Candler, A. T. Whiting, George Wallace, J. W. Westcott, John Stevenson, B, Wilds, C. C. Blodgett, and Gen. O. M. Poe, of Detroit; W. J. Oaley, of Mt. Clem- ens ;Capt. Hangood, of Bay City ;Capt. J. G. Keith, of Chicago; and many others whose names escaped record. The meeting was one of the best attended and moat satisfacto- ry that the association has had. The president’s annual report was read, and its subjects were then taken up in order, On motion of Mr. Colton, of Toledo, the incoming board of managers was requested to have the next annual meeting held some time in January at such place as they might cons der adyisable. CHICAGO BRIDGE REGULATIONS. President 8. D. Caldwell read — letrers from Chicago stating that an ordinance had been introduced in the Chieago common council last Monday, proposing to close the principal bridges over the Chicago river be- tween the hours of 6and 9 o’eclock in the morning, and 4 and 8 o’cloeck in the even- ing. Mr. E. C. Evans, who had just come from Chicago, thought some action should be taken to prevent the passage of the or- dinance, but not such as would excite any antagonistic feeling. He stated that the vessel despatcber system introduced last summer seemed to give good satisfaction. On motion of Capt. Wilson, of Cleveland, Mesers. Ira H. Owen, W. M. Egan, and James Austrian were appointed a commit- tee of three to investigate the prospects «f the proposed ordinace and report what ac- tion they deem desirable to be taken. SAULT STE MARIE LOCK. On motion of Capt. W. P. Henry, of Buftnlo, the following resolutions were unanimously passed :— Warreas. The commerce through ‘the Sault Ste Marie ship canal and lock is’ in- creasing so rapidly that, should the present rate of progress be continued for two years more, the estimated ultimate capacity of the present lock—the Jargest in the world—will have been reached; and Waerkeas, Immediate and liberal appro- priations are needed for completing the new lock to avoid seriously crippling the enorm- ous and rapid growing commerce of the great northwest; and : Wuergas, A bill has been introduced in the senate (sec 1821) by Mr. Palmer and in the house by Mr. Farquhar, calling for an appropriation of $4,740,000 for the improve- ment of the Sault Ste Marie lock and ap- proaches, Resolved, That the Lake Carriers’ Associ- ation urge Upon congress the pressing ne- cessity of appropriating this sum, as reeom- mended by the chief of engineers, at once, so that all contracts for the new lock may be let, material furnished and work done with the least possible delay. Rosolved, That certified copies of this res- lution be sent to the members of the senate and house committees on commerce, to the secretary of war, and to the se:ators and representatives from the districts repre- sented by this association, WRECKING Laws. The secretary stated that the subject of. our wrecking relations with Canada was tuken up two years ago and it was then found that, by an act of congress passed June 19, 1878, the president of the United States was xuthorized to extend free wrecking privi- leges to Canada at any time that she might grant'the same tous. ‘The subject, at the request of this association, was brought to the attention of the Canadian government, As but nothing was accomplished—owing ! draw up resolu mainly to the friction induced through the fisheries complications. The matter is now | | received from Montreal states that a bill ia | ubout to be submitted to the dominion par- | liament by Mr. Kirkpatrick, the member | from Kingston urging free wrecking. | On motion of Capt. W. P, Henry the fol- |lowing resolutions were unonimously | adopted :— Wuereas, Under laws and regulations now In force in the Dominion of Canda all United States vessels are prohibited from rendering aid to wrecked or disabled vea- sels in Cinadian waters; and Whereas, By an act of congress ap- proved June 19, 1878, Canadian vessels of all de-criptions were to be permitted to ren- der ald to Canadian or other vessels wrecked or disabled in the waters of the United States contiguous to the Dominion of Can- ada, suid act to take effect by its terms when by proclamation of the president it was de- clared that reciprocal privileges had been extended by the Dominion of Canada to vessels of the United States wrecked in Can- udian waters; and Wuereas, No proclamation of the presi- dent as contemplated tn the act aforesaid has yet been promulgated, and the com- merce of the United States, especially upon the lakes and rivers.of the northwest suffers greut injury by the neglect of the govern. ment ot the Dominion of Canada to extend the reasonable comity of privileges sought in the act aforesaid; therefore Resolved, That the secretary of state be, and he is hereby requested to, acquaint the government of the dominion aforesaid with his desire for the friendly and equitable re- lations sought under the act aforesaid, and to urge that the requisite action be taken by the dominion government in the premises. Resolved, That certified copies of these resolutions be sent to the senators and rep- resentatives from the districts represented by the association and to other persons in- terested. LEGISLATION. The bill (H. R., 6135) introduced in con- gress by Mr. Cummings, prescribing im- prisonment for not less than six months for any owner, agent or master requiring any licensed cfficer of a steam vessel more than twelve hours in any twenty-four, was next discussed, and the following rego- lutions passed :— ; Wuerxas, House bill 6185 has been ine troduecd in the national house of represent- atives at the present session entitled, “A — bill for the better protection of human life on merchant steam vessels of the United States,” providing (under severe penalties), that the maximum hours of labor for a li- censed officer, as prescried by law, shall be twelve hours in each twenty-four hours and : be Wueregas, The effect of such a law in op- eration would be to require the master, when beset with dangers, to nicely caleu- late how long each licensed officer ha served; in moments of supreme necessity to rest the safety of all on the voluntary ob dience of the licensed officers and the nice construction of a law; to require the captain on occasion to sacrifice his ship, his passen- — gers and crew, on pain of going to prison he sought to save them, and in every. | longed emergency to jeopardize the ¢| with all on board, by placing the ma every steamer completely at the mercy of — his subordinate officers at such times. Resolved, That such proposed law shou Resolved, That certified copies of. resolutions be sent to the senators and 1 resentatives from the district! by this association, et Concerning the bill (H. R., 4977 duced by Mr. Ta:sney, of Michis following resolutions were passed on tion of Mr. C. C. Blodgett, of Detroi onded by Mr. W. B. Daley, of Mt. ens:— Sate Resolved, That house bill 4977, wh | bids any steamer to leaye port w full complement of licensed officers, practicable upon the great lakes, where, trips from port to port, minor licen: ficers often leave the steamer as she is ; to sail, and that it should not be m plicable upon those lakes, where the — cy ean be filled by promotion or at thi port at which the steamer stops. — Resolved, That copies of this reso) sent to the senators and represe from the districts represented by t ciation, and that they be asked to the bill in iis present shape. | ‘4 With reference to Mr. Nutting’ R., 6948), it was decided that soi nite and uncertain, conferring arbit irresponsible powers on the offi appointed under it. It bein, that the author of the bill w: ‘ept a subst'!) te, ~ com mitt Mesers. This + sVrieeu. of © P. Henry, o: iws-i>) vad Ebei Detroit, was appointed to confe tate Purpose of drafting measure, The same com to serve —