EP FE F aes, ‘a eer Ns For Sale. 9 Marit’ Boilers and 3 thes: Marine Steel Boiler. Seventeen feet | feet dia oat this ah ss of | of 8 ea plate 48-100ths, rio we “a 110 lbs old and in gor nd ¢ Main3 tron Buller Twelve feet lot i feet ¢ ae ee era of late 4 oh of an "ne ch, Pai ed 90 lbs. of steam. ; Nine years | Tug Flossie Thielcke, Length 60 fect, beam 15 feet, webs feet, pS: et, engine 16 by 18, be oi er he feet lo 6 fet dian allowed !0 Ibs. of siea Built 1839 ovine it co od | repair Length 60 feet, beam 14 feet, ae 7 feel, ‘dratt 8 fo ot, spealge ia by 17: steel boiler 12 Jone, 5 fee diamet of oes Miate allo we d 100 "Tbs iy te Hull rebu itt in 1887 Length 51 feet, be: 5 feet 6 in Ga depth teat gine 17 by 18, be Nile IF “te et long. 5% feet diam Zeus PEAKE | alowed 90 Ibs. of steam Rel built i in 188 Apply t DUNII AM TT ane W KICKING 28 1 Water St, Ch nicago, 1. “Cleayé Buck C1, MANUFACTURERS OF fAKING THE PLACE OF | WOODEN BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES 159 River St., CLEVELAND, 0. ROBERT E. oo 67 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago ri. Telephone 35 SL. | | | | STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, | | Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings BNGINEER’S SUPPLIES. General Jobbing Work Dove Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Work:s. ROPE } ETTING - For Steamers and Steam Yachts a Specialty. | | 4 E. A. EVANS, Rigger, Fron Tackle Blocks ¥ ree tae Mhe Marine Record. LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS. Established in 1857. ol aie = a. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS 60,, wo Ay . bE 4 We, ®. Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain se and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank ii if Ns A and Steam Cs pstans, Wharf and Ferry = aoRet Their Capstan Windlasses ave a Power Capstan with 9 single hod which has power and speed ar- rangement entirely independen: of th |'Windlass, and which makes a direct connection with the Windlass without ‘the intervention of any gearing to com- | es y i F | A. 4; th KA! i : The best equipped ‘plant in Sa manufac: | ture ot Modern Marine Boilers | oe il AEE TE pee te plicate it and ine ease the friction. 4 = : aS Dae In all their styles of Ste.m Wind- — 29. lasses they make .. directconnection be- ~~ * itween the engines and the windlass 4 ‘without counter shafts or :dditional g.aring. ‘This saves friction and liabil- ity to break down,and conduces todur- ability and ease inoperating. They also ‘have a counterbalance for the engines ~ land an automatic lubricator for worm { / and worm gear. and the engines are ‘Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. Ppiaced together in t e most accessible 4 STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES. ‘position. The above improvements and st 22 to 26 Market- near Randolph-St.. Chicago. lll’s. others too numerous to mention, but | aE which ere familiar to Masters, Own CG fa, Forest City CGA ay land Builders, are covered by Patent a = PiPMws LIGEET, Props ‘owned exclusively by this Company. an MAMIFACTURER aND JOBRER OF 'For plan s and information ages Address, CIGARS AND TOBACCSS.. is 259 PEARLS? eer PRANK 0 OTA HAM TUN, Agent E 0. box 53, Providence, ee - LUTHER ALLER, Sot _ 193 South St. New York. ; Ba eENSTEIN'S SELK-. aad METAL 7 FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Ete. Adoptet and in use by the prinelpal iron Works and steamship Compa nies within the last eight yeargin this and Foren countries. Also flex tubular metallHe packing for slip-joiots on steam , pipes and or hydraulic Z, pressure. For full pur- Z. ‘ticulars and references titi 88 eid L KATZENSTEIN & CU 857 West St.. between Leroy and Clarkson-s' st, N.Y. CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Lakes. pe 2 ete Ol OER AS A NicKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Harbor, O., Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters; ALSO. DEALERS IN Engineers’ Supplies, Ibubricatin g and Burning Pile BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Compass Adjuster, COMPASSES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners con have their Compasses Ad justed for Local Attraction at the time of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or Ba a Courses, and which wa, feads, Nor or South of abore Gauiies (6¢River St.. Cleveland, 0. Cosmo nopolitan Hotel. STREET. ASHTARULA HRD O ie 0. Y. Timmerman, | Proprietor Vesselmen wil] find this h» rel comfortable rv bet ae an ently 0 eaten od Se ‘ ‘ . pe R Se mms maa maa IRON SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St FOR “SALE. bela bull of a Fishing Tuy, 49 feet over all 11 sons 44 feet depti of hold She can use.a 48-inc oe She is ready for Tatochits ae. wail be soi cheap. Apply to ; Ashtabula Barton, O,* 4 JOHN F. ‘PANKMURST, VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERALMANAGER. * WORKS COMPANY BUILDERS H. M. HANNA, SECRETARY AND TREASURER _ PRESIDENT. IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHIPS Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Lew: Pressure MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BOILERS. Blast Furnace and Steam Pumps, Steam and Hand Windlass Winches, ang Mar Appliances of ~-Ever Roling Mill Machinery, Hoisting and Pumping Engines, Portable Hoist- ing Engines. Description. GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WOREE!] . Machinists, Boiler-Makers and Founders. ? Builaers of : — OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Streets. IRON EEE nD “@ONOKO,” “W DEVEREUX,” HG, sa cae ce Upbeat gh tt “DARIUS COLE” YACHY *‘ MW TLIGHE, Ma at IREN ‘Vad * SNYERNAIO VA” AXP “RECORD.” CLEVELAND, OHIO.