CLEVELAND SION. Wark DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON City, February 28, 1888. be ee the 25th instant from the chief «f engineers, ¢ and a copy of the report of Maj. L.C, Overman, corps of engineers, together with the } apers and maps on file in this department, in relation to the proposed extension of the east breakwater at Cleveland, Ohio, for an additional length of ry sponse to house resolution dated the 20th inst. P f requesting that all such papers be furnished rs for the use of the com mittee on rivera and har- for bors. WILLIAM O. ENDICOTT, Secretary of War. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. OFFIOER OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, UNITED STATES ARMY, } WASHINGTON, D. C., February 25, 1888. Str: I have the honor to return herewith the ae resolution of the hvuse of representatives of the #i United States, dated February 20, 1888, request- : ing the secretary of war ‘‘to transmit to this house, for the use of the committee on rivers and harbors, all papers, maps, tracings, «and recommendati: ns now on file in the war depart- ment in relation to the breakwater at( leveland, Ohio; especially all such papers, maps, tiac- ings, and recommendations as relate tv the ex- tension of such breakwater easterly, substan- ; tially on the pre-ent line without material de- aes flection toward the shore, for the whole length F now authorized and an additional length of not less than 2,000 feet,’’ and in reply thereto tosub- mit tae inclosed coy of the report of Maj. L. C. Overman, Corps of engineers, dated February 21, instant, together with papers and maps on file in this office in relation to the pro; osed exten- 4 sion of the east breakwater ut Cleveland, Ohio, , for an additional length of 2,000 feet, which, it 7 is believed, will furnish all required information upon the subject. It will be seen that Major Overn an gives suc- | cinctly aud elearly a description of the prop: sed eatension of the east breakwater at Cleveland, Ohio, together with an estimate of its cost, stated as $300,000. Should the p:oposed modification be adopted the area of ‘anchorage spave beyond the 16 foot curve will be increased from about 75 to 200 acres, and the shore arm is located for its entire lenyth in water average 26 feetin depth, or over; and the confor: ation of the shore jine is such that this shore-urm can be further extended 2,- 200 feet when required, and still Jeave the in- shore extremity in 24 feet depth of water, with Ao opening nearly 1,300 feet between it and the eurve of 16 feet depth.’’ The original estimate for the harbor of refuge at « leveland was $1,800,000 _ The west breakwater completed in 1883, ____inclnding repairs eost xbout.._. --- __ To which add the estimated cost for the _ parapet for same..... jeaeRaee winnin $813 000 Bras: iz $873,000 ‘The east breakwater as at present pro- ' jected is estimated to cost.......... 440,000 PN Making a total of..... pik aes 1,313,000 _ Amount appropriated to date....2..... 993,750 Estimated amount required te complete on ‘present’ plam is, 202.22. 222. 2 2L. Add to this the amount required for the proposed extension of the east break- water ._. 319,250 300,000 The total amount will be ..... Which is less than the erigina] estimate by the sum of 9 2¢ 5.3) nes case><=</ 187,000 I concur fuily in Major Overman’s recomuen- dation that the proposed extension be authorized. Very respecitully, your ubedient servant, J.C. DUANE, § Brig. Gen., Chief of Engiveers. REPORT OF MAJOR L, COOPER OVERMAN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, Hon. C Endicott. Seeretary of War: WASHINGTON, D. C., February 21, 1888, GENERAL: Lo rep.y io your ietter uf Febru- ary 20, 1888, relati.g to the proposed ‘exten- sion of the Gleveland bresk water,” I lave to respectfully submit the following: The present project for the cowpletion of the harbor of refuve at Cleve and, Ohio, adopted in 1884, provides for ao east breakwater, which be- gins ata point on the prolupgation of the Jake arm of the west breakwater, aud 500 fee! from it; extends casiwerd on the line about 1,100 feet, then inclines towards the shore ina depth of 619,250 | supplies for credit. Ithe Marine Record. BREAKWATER EXTEN-| yond the 16 foot curve 1s increased from about 75 acres to 200 acres, and the shore-arm is lo- cated for its entire length in water averaging 26 feet in depth or over; and the confor ation The secreta'y of war has the honor to trans-| of the shore line 1s such that this shore-arm can mit to the house of representatives a letter dated | he further extended 2,200 feet when required, and still leave the inshore extremity in 24 feet depth of water, with an opening nearly 1,300 feet between it and the curve of 16 feet clepth. The harbor of refuge as originally projected was estima'ed to cost $1,800,000. The west breakwater, completed in 1883, to- 2,000 feet, the same being transmitted in re-| vetner with repairs to same, cost in rund num- bers $813,000; to which add the estimated cost for the parapet fur same, 860,000. The east brenk water as at present projected is estimated to cost $440,000, making a total of $1.318 000. There has been appropriated to date for the harbor of refuge $998,750, 80,that the eatimated amount required to complete ac- cording to present plan is $319,250. The proposed extension requires the con- struction of .about 2,000 linear, feet ad- ditional of breakwater, in water of an aver- nge depth of 28 feet, and. will cost (at pres- ent contract prices) about $160 per linear foot, or $800,000. forthe extension, making a total of $619,259 to complete ‘on ‘the pro- posed enlarged plan, 4 The total cost. of \the harbor of refuge would then be $1,613,000, or $187,000 less than the original estimate. If, then, congress in 1875 deemed it ad- visable to commence a work estimated to cost $1,800,000 there should be no hesitation in 1888, when the needs of commerce are more than quadrupled, to sanction a change of plan whieh materially enlarges and im- proves the harbor of refugeat a cost of $187,- 000 less than the original estimate, Weighed against the interests to be bene- fited and the large amount of commerce to be accommodated, the amount required for the extension is very small. Ihave, therefore, to earnestly recom- mended that the proposed extension of the east breakwater at Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, be sanctioned and approved, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, L. Cooprr OvERMAN, Major of Engineers. The Chief of Engineers, U.S. A. NEW LIGHT HOUSES RECOMMENDED, The committee on commerce his re,orted a bill to provide for the erection of sundry light houses on Lake Superior, Huron, Erie and Miel- igan. Following are some of the fog signals and ligtits provided fur: Fog signal, Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, $5,500; Mackinac Point, $5,500. Light house, White Shoals, Lake Michiyan; $60,000. Fog signal, Twin River Point, Lake Michigan; $5,500. Fog whistle, Lapointe, Asb- land Harbor, Lake Superior; $5 500; Point Iro- quois $5,500, Fog signal at ‘lwo Harbors $5, - 600; Light-on Devii’s Island, Apostle group» $15,000; Range lights at Duluth, $3,284.12, In its report upov the various propositions sug- gested in its bill, tie board says, in relation to its recommendatiou for the erection of a fog. signal at Two Harbors, Miun., that it was una- ble to purchase a s:te ujon the headland, where the fog-sigual cugit tostand, and that it will have to be coutent with placing iton the piers now in course of construction. In recommend- ing the range lights at Duluth, the bvard sug- gests that the words ‘‘white fing’? be omitted from the bill, as they have grave doubts whether the tower to be built could stand the vib:ation necessary to secure a flash-light. : MARIVIME. LAW, PRINCIPAL AND AGENT—SUPPLIES FUR- NISHED ON CREDIT TO AGENT—LIABILITY OF PRINCIPAL. U. 8. District Court, Southern District of New York. Exceptions to Commissioner’s Report. Brown, J. The libelant sold supplies to one Gibson, who was engaged in the management of a oumber of canal boats, some of which be- Jonged to the respondent. As respects the re- spondent’s boats he was his general agent in Managing the boats and business connected therewith, but had been forbidden to procure Gibson rendered to re- spondent accounts trom time to time in re- His general management ot the business that was entrusted to him was sufficient to charge the respondent for the supplies actually furnished to his boats, although they were procured upon credit in violation of the re- spondent’s instructions to Gibson as agent. The Suliote, 28 Fed. Rep. 919. In the case of Lanig v. Butler & al. (837 Hem, 144) it was held that where the seller trusted the agent exclusively, not knowing the principal, and the principal had furnished the agent the money with which to muke the purchase the principal was not liable. That case is not applicable here, because the essential fact on which it turns does not here exist; the respondent had neither furnished the money to the agent with which to make the purchase, nor had he settled with him on the basis of a previous payment of the bills-by the ageut; nor, in so. far as ap- pears, had he surrendered any claims or right agninst the agent; or in any way changed his own position. Whatever he may lose, he Joses simply by the agent’s dis- honesty and treachery; and of this the principal took the risk, as re-pects the ager ts dealings with third persons, See the Suliote, 23 Fee, Rep..919; Berwind v. Schultz, 25 do., 912, 918.. a As respects’ the owner of the note, for $144.52; the evidence and the inferences to be drawn are confliciing. There can be no doubt that the note was not abso- Jute payment; but the note is not produced, and itis alleged to huve been lost. Upon the it stands, I do not think [should be warranted in reversing the commission er finding that it had not been paid. The usual bond of indemnity with sufficient surety and justification must be given. The report is therefore confirmed, Sasa Oe a ea SHEBOYGAN, The following is a list of the Sheboygan fleet snd the captains who will be in com- mand the coming season: Schooners— Stampede, D. Buchanai master; John Mee, Nels. Olson ma-ter: Vegu, Geo, Johnson master; Lilly E., Gus. Gunderson mister; Lottie Cooper, Rudolph Rieboldt master; Evening Star, Fred Lorenz master; J. Duval, James Williams master; Sardinia, Nick Gunderson master; L. E. Raesser, Wm. Lorenz master; H. D. Moore, Fred Gunde:- son master; Nancy Dell, Andrew Gunderson master; J, A. Holmes, — Coristainson mas- ter; Waleska, — Bruns master; Elva, Mar tin Johnson master; Davspring, R. Johnson master; Mary, Geo. Bolson master; J. L Green, Peter Peterson master; Petre), Martina Nelson master; Jessie Winter, Anton Nelson master; Eliza Day, L. Olson master; Ex- change, © O’Hara master; I. A. Johnson, H. Meuhlenbery master; Duwn, J, Freimuth master; C. Gordon, Ingbert Larson master; J. H. Stevens, John Olson master; O. New- house, A. Kilson master; Clara, Chr. Brauns* dort master; Abbie, H. Halverson master; Island City, Henry Kane master. Towing tugs—Sheboygan, Wm. Groh tnas- ter, Wm. Aherm engineer; F. Neitson, Cal. Heath master, Wm. Tehk engineer, Fishing tugs—Hoffnung, H. Wilson mas- ter, Tom Lemere engineer;-F, Koehn, C Pooler master, Wm, Koehn engineer; Carrie Muther, F. Shraut master, Geo. Shraut engi- neer; F, Karste, J. Geneit. master, John Carr engineer, Barge—Welcome, E, Sonnemann. Steambarge—Mary Mills. ED. KENDAL: The Marine Reporter, Collections Made «and Prompt Rémittance, Orders Promptly Delivered with Small Boat Day or Night—Reference Port Huron Suvings Bank, PORT HURON, - - - Scott’ sNewCoast Pilot Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, With new Maps and Illustrations corrected tothe opening of N.:vigation in 1883, Is SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE 'UBLISHER CEORCE SCOTT, Ar 162 LARNEDST., E, DETROIT, MIcH. Propeller Wheeis. FoR BARGES, TUG, CANAL BOATS AND YACHTS fwo, Teree or Four Blades for SPEED OR TOWING From 12 Inches to 14 feet in Diameter VULC‘N TRON WORKS 80 NORTH CLINTON ST-,.CHICAGO, ILL. P. Hf. DOYLE, PRACTICAL STEAM: FITTER AND} MECHANICAL ENGINEER, ENGINEERS,” SUPPLIES O° ALL KINDS, Rubdeéer' Goods apd. Packings Con Stantly.Kepton Hane, . c Parttcnlar atlention paid to vessel work, ATR, PUMP VALVES A SPECIALTY, 81 Main st., Cleveland, O. Established in 1859. HENRY LEOPOLD. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kindsof fiae and plain FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, And Manufacturer of Counters, Shelving, Bank and Bar-room Fixtures. Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture A SPECIALTY, Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Fui- ton. Factory 10 Willet-st, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Cleveland Diy Dock Co, Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- pairing and Spar Making, BEESON’S SAILOR’S HAND BOOK. Aud Synopsis: of Marine Laws. Every ves- sel man wantso ve. F rgale by marine clerk Prive 500. af alleustom hoses, See jr. FOR SALE. HE SCHOONER LEN HIGBY—For sale ch 1 Capacity 55,000 feet of lumber, Sailsand outht ta good condition, Repairs made in 1887. Adress D. A. BOELKENS, 92 and 94 Third Street, : Muskegon, Mich, STEAMBOAT FOR SALE. IRST-CLASS in every respect. Nearly new. Ca- F pacity—400,000 feet Iumber, 650 tons of ore? 200 tons of co], 25 000 busheis of grain, and in addition the bast tow boat on the lakes und the most econom- ical of fuel, Present owners no further use for her. Address LUMBER, care of (lowry, S. W. Div. PB. 0,, Chicago, Til. ‘ FOR SALE. ARGE COL. BRACKE!I'—She carries 260M, B lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $000 a py pis last season. Fit out good. Price ‘$1,600. Men- ‘ion this paper. ED, J. KENDA LL, Port Huron: ARTHUR & BOYLA Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. | Docks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernme EMS mow | OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND, OHIO, SIGNAL EAMEPRS VESSEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. _ FOR SALE. TEAMBARGE MONITOR—Length of hull 96 breadth of bem 28 feet, depth of hold 7 feet inches. Boiler 5 feet by 12 feet. Engine 14 by 16 aa pees for sae ~ ' two scows. Length 125 feet, breadth 20 feet, hold 8 feet, tight and dr d freight be losded Jn the bold, 7 en any Sa eaR Also. steambarges, tugs and vessels. Address, DAVIDSON & HOLMES, 2625 Water St, Chichago, IL ‘ FOR SALE, ; GOONER JOHN M. HUTCHENSON—Buit by” Quayle & Martin. Ca.acity, 1900 to 2.000 ton. Pm quire of FRANK PEREW, Buffalo, N.Y. manmiarhlh aera i= HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLF, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale cheap. Is in first-class condition. or aed 2 lars write to FRED GROCH. Saminekw ee ¥ FOR SALE. i: PROPELLER TOLEDO—About 700 tons capacity. — Apply to EBc.R WARD, 51 Griswold Steeet, Detroit, Mich s FOR SALE, Zot 3 CHOONER CITY OF SHEBOYGAN—Revuilt dat fall. Entire new outfit of swils, ~i < furniture _ Por further arcenaen my ngs — F. HERHOLD & SONS. 160 W. Erie St , Chicago, It. FoR SALE TI\HE powerful tug J. W. Bennett. Length over {} 95 feet, breadth 17 feet, deptn of hold’ Oeall onsen 9 feet of water. Engine 22 by 24. = formation address fs ie Fut, Prlene a SANDUSKY STEAMBOAT & FISHING CO,, a s Sandusky, Ohio. : FOR SALE. _ Bs T]HE TUG CAL DAVISOver all 65 feet, be: feet, depth of hold: 614 feet, draws 7 feet of oe we Has bower allowed 9) pounds of steam, outboard shaft (no engine.) All in good e ndition. Price, $1,200, For farther information address . Mi HENRY LAY & CO., Sandusky, Ohio. FOR SALE. YHE SCHOONER ‘ VENTURE—Length 50 f 2 breadth 15.feet, depth of held 4 fou ea ity tons; built in 188.’ Address WM. FARAGHER. f 38 West linton St., Cleveland, O. bts A2 VESSELS’ WANTED. ' Ts EXCHANGE for improved Buffalo cit p< ee L erty three-fourths of a mile from Ci.y Bal, West Z Side. © Fine dwelli* £ houses that always rent. + Address, M. BROS., 22 Koot St., Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE, HE SCHOONER E. M. STANTON—Capacity, 180M lumber, or 5,000 cedar ties. Sails and outfit in vod condition, Extensive repairs in 1880, Price, 2, 800 cash. Address E. JOHNSON, 835 Dayton St., UNica o, Hl.” nae FOR SALE. es, pee SALE, and must be sold quick—Too many partners avr Propeller Benton, A2. Avergeload, 300M. $28,000. Barge Midnight, A2. Averkan load. 885M. oan, Hae Ruarge Ro<cius, Bly. Average load, $6,000M. na Terms to suit putchasers if parties good. For fur. ther particulars, address : N. D. FISHER, Cleveland, 0., k. J. VANCE, Bay City, Mich. FOR SALE. ne TUG ANNIE ROBERTS) N--Leugth 51 feet, beam 13 feet 6 inches, depth 6 feet, engioe 14 inches _ Square, and new steel boiler list August, allowed 125. Ibs of steam. For further information enquire of LAY BROS,, Sar dusky, Ohio. ee SALE, the passenger steamer M. E. MINTER, _ 13 tons net, ‘0 feet long over all, 18% feet beam, Soiet souls of on Enaine ea Et oiler 444x8. She is fully equi: tor thi f business. Terms, $2,000. Addane : aoe CAPTAIN RICHARD CONNELL, X Muskegon, Mich. FOR SALE. (QCHOONER VERNIE M. BLAKE—For sate cheap. S Capacity 60 tons; dimensions, keel 55 pombe 19 feet 6 inches, d pth of hold 5 feet 6 inches. | i Be Addwess 22 Territt street Cleveland,O. = | ES FOR SALE, : dere Steamers Russell Sage, John (. Gault, and A. L_Hopkins, all in first-class conditio A Al. For full particulars add?ess ; “ee A W. CoLTON, Manager, Toledo, 0, : FOR SALE. “ie "tE FINE IRON (UG M, D. CARRINGTON— _ length of keel 67 feet, breadth of beam 16 feet, depth 8f-et 8iaches High pressure engine 20 inches diameter, 23 inches stroke; boiler 14 feet long, 6 feet 8 inches diameter. She is in excellent condition, For further particulars apnly to A. RU&LLE, 372 Atwater Street, Detroit FOR SALE. | eS NWO STEAM FERRY BOATS—Will passengers each; also, good-will and aoe loues These ferry boats are operated on a f will clear ' a year. &® panty i is not a practical marine man and ts engaged In tsi offers for sade entive business or ie o Bc interest to ca) party ro ke fut selt is Price, $8,900 100) cash; yon | ef ag ie of same. Witte for particul r ps MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, 0 = Ceod fr 0d 25 feet of water, and exteuds 2,400 feet, having | : bE an ei trance 1,20U teet wide between the eastern , SPeCt to respondent’s bout, showing funds in end and the curve of 14 feet deptn. ! his hands, Gibson bad given notes frum time Ou account of the rapidly increasing com- | to time to libelant, some of which were paid, merce of the Jakes, the increased size and in-, and others 1emained unpaid in whole or in creased draught of vessels now employed naa parr. The libel was filed for a certain balance now building, and to provide for further euJarge- ' claimed to be finally due on account of the mentin the future when required, it 1s proposed | respondent’s boate andthe commission hus to modify the ; resent plan and thereby extend | found the sum of $204.92 due to the libelanr, the east breakwater. The respondent had no knowledge of the _ The reasons tur this change arefully presented | yurgtanding bills until shortly. before the - in she report of the Cleveland board of trade. libel was filed, Gibson. dieappeared, ap- Briefly described, 1t istproposed to extend the parently owing. respondent'a much largér lake arm of the east breakwater, as at present ‘ > projected, from about 1,100 feet in length to 3,- |°7™> Fredley during bis dealings mith Gib- son supposed he was the owner of the re- 500 feet in length, then incline towards the shore spondent’s boats. Gibson owned several ona line parallel with the present projected breakwater, and construct 2,000 linear feet of | bouts, and condueted the business of all alike. breakwater, making a total of 5,500 Jinear feet The respondent became answerable for for the east breakwater. By this modification the anchorage space be-! the debts contracted by Gibson as his agent. For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS 2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now . in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. 7 WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED - French Wrought Iran Ranges and Broilers of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers, FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, © 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N, Y¥, /