Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 5, 1888, p. 1

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AROUND THE LAKES. Ora are ers } Z ; “ENG: INEERIN CLEVELAND, O.. APRIL 5.4888. CLEVELAND. ~The Canadian tolls through the Welland eanal will be the same as last year, 2 cent: per ton. : The City of Cleveland came in Tuesday » morning and the same afternoon the schooner - J. B. Kitchen left thie port for Lorain. The steamer Handy Boy arrived with stone ~ from the Islands, and the tug 8. 8. Stone left for the Islands with the schooner Baldwin. ~ Captain Frank B. Grover has received the appointment as master of the Cleveland, - Lorain and Wheeling tug Selah Chamber- jain. Tug Cushing, with schooners Ferguson and Old Concord, left for Lorain to load - coal for Kelley’s Island and bring back : ‘The hull insurance went into effect April 1st. The Commercial Union Insurance Co. - has decided to write marine insurance busi- ness this season. _ Captain E. Morton, of Painesville, and his - Jittle son Ed. were in the city Tuesday. _ . Captain Morton will eail the steamer Sitka again this season. Captain Stover will command the Fair- banks again this year, and Captain Millard, last year master of the Oscar Townsend, will command the Rhodes, The wife of Captain H. A. Lamar, an old time skipper, died very snddenly on Tues- Lamar has the sympathy of his many friends in the hour of his affliction. The Marion Page is undergoing some re- pairs at Radecliffe’s yard. She is receiving new upper works, new paw! post, new butts, a new windlass, and being put in good trim for the coming season. The recent rains have melted the snow and ice sufficiently to raise the water in Lake Erie about eight inches, and with the spring rain which we usually get this time of year it is thought the water will not be much lower than it was last year. At Radcliffe’s yards they are making some extensive repairs upon the schooner King- fisher, She 's geting new upper works, stanchions, bulwarks, timberheads, upper- rail, and a general overhauling to put her in first-class condition. Bates, Mefealf & Co. have bought out the boating interest formerly owned and con- ducted by Mr. Hanks at Wade Park, and are erecting a $3,000 boat house. They will add a restaurant to the boating facilities, and make Wade Park a pleasant point for pleas- ure, boating and fishing. Captain C. H. Lane, of Luffalo, has been in the city this week, looking after his vessel property, which has been undergoing some repairs, visiting old friends, and endeavor- ing to make a sale of the propeller Nashua for the widow of the late Captain Hamilton, of Buffalo. The captain is looking well, and feels very confident that ’88 will be a good year for vessel men. Messrs. Upson, Walton & Co., of this city, have secured the agency for the celebrated metallic life boats, manufactured by Thomas Drein & Sons, Wilmington, Del., whose ad, appears on another puge in the Recorp. The reputation of these boats warrants us in saying it would be well for those contem- plating the purchase of such goods to call and examine the three 20-feet boats, Messrs. Upson, Walton & Co. have in stock, as sam- ples, before buying anything of an inferior grade for the same money. The life saving station at this port will go into commission in a few days with Captain Chas. C. Goodwin keeper, Lawrence Distel No. 1, L. Warren No, 2, J. McIntyre No. 8, P, Carohn No. 4, T. Foden No, 5, R. Gray No. 6, and D. Goodwin No.7. The station usually goes into commission about April 1, but the “powers that be’’ feel duty bound to “economize,” so it may be the 10th and pos- sibly the 15th, before the men can go to work, At the Globe shipyard work is being rapidly pushed. ‘The boi.ers are in the Wilbur, and in about a week from to-day the Hil! bo t, building for the Manitoba R. R- Co., will be launched. Sheis a fine looking piece of work, and reflects much credit upon her builders. Mr. John Smith, who has superintended the construction, nay well congratulate himself upon the resulte of his labor, for much of the credit Is due to his careful management, forethought and judg- ment, Last week we stated that the steamer New Orleans had been purchased by E, Cunning- ham, of the Delta Transportation Co. We were in error, having been misinformed. The New Orleans was bought by James P., T. B. Wallace and E. Cunningham, of De- troit, from W. B: Morley, of Marine City, and the H. A, Kent was sold by James P., T. B. Wallace and E. Cunningham to John Warner and Captain Byrnes, of Cleveland, and T, B, Wallace and E. Cunningham sold the steamer Wm, Christie to E, L. Thomp- son, all of Detroit, At the yard of Messrs. Quayle’s Sons the A. P. Wright hag her boiler on deck, and by Monday of next week this wil} be placed, and in a week or ten days she will be ready forsea. The Ash steamer has her machinery all aboard, planked, calked, and has a coat of paint, She will probably be Jaunched in a week, and immediately following the steamer will be the schooner building for ‘the same party. She ts nearly ae far along as the steamer, and if nothing occurs to pre- vent, will be launched in about a week or ten days after the steamer. The Moore, Bartow & Co.’s boat is being rapidly pushed. She is all in frame, with floors laid, and by Monday they will commence her lower deck frames. ; W. H, Conner, 0° the United news‘associ- ation, headquarters at Detroit, was. in the city last Friday. Capt. John Wysoon, long time master the tug Forest City, and who is heavy enoughto cast a long shadow, got there. On Monday the captain was elected councilman of the 80th ward, andif he knowsas much about side walks and street light as he does about side lights and running tugs the city coun- cil has gained a valuable adjunct to its staff. At the Globe dry dock, since the Argonaut well on the Outhwaite has been ealked and repaired, The Wallace has been looked over and some work done in her. The Camden has been calked between wind and water, and the Everett which leaves there this after- noon has b2en recalked and cyerhauled, she will be followed by the J H Devereux which will receive some minor repair, ete. Meteorological summary for the week ending April 4, 1888; Mean actnal barometer............---. 29.26 Mean temperature,., . 39-3 Mean humidity... .... 75.0 Total precipitation............... 0.89 Prevailing direction of wind. West. Total wind movement. 1306 Ay. cloudiness...... 4 Av. state of weather,............ air, Max, temperature, highest....... 70.3 Min temperature, lowest........-..... 29.4 W.H. Hammon, Sergt. Signal Corps, U.S.A, DULUTH. The tug Hope goes to Ashland early in the! spring. Repairs are now being made on her. Capt. Barker is building a large and substan- tial damp scow for use with his dredges during the year. ‘The council will probably appoint a harbor master soon. The } osition is one of importance to shipping and no less to Duluth and such ap- pointment should be made, The propeller V. Swain is being overhauled at her moorings in the elevatorslip, Extensive boiler rapairs are being made on her at a cost of about $2,700. She and her consort will carry out wheat as their first cargo. Several of Williams, Upham & Co’s. dredges and tugs are being over-hauled and maje ready for spring. The Eliza Williams will have peenteny. anew boiler, the Upham is being re- uilt aad ea gp and will anakea very fine tug, and several other boats of the firm will be improved, ST, CLAIR. Special to the Marine Record. Engene Smith, aged 67 years, died at his residence Thursday, March 29, He formerly owned the barges M. R. Goffe and Hemis- phere, and at the time of his decease was one of the principal stockholders of the St. Oluir S'eamship Co. He was a very old resident and was greatly respected for his universal kindness and generosity, Thompson Bros., salt manufacturers, have purchased the steambarge Bessie of San- dusky parties; consideration $6,000,. They will use her for carrying salt and coal. J. C. H. Priygle will leave for Ashland this week and will get ready to commence the business of vessel agent and broker and ore trimming at the opening of the season. He will be glad to have all his friends call on him and will ase them well and give them quick dispatch, The barge building by Simon Langell for John L. Woods, Cleveland, is drawing near completion and will be Jxunched about the 20th of April. Her length is 187 feet over all, 84 feet beam, 12 feet 2 inches depth of hold. She is very strongly and well built and is diagonally iron strapped... She will have an American Ship Windlass Co,’s steam capstan and windlass. She will tow with the steamship Kalkaska. The barge which Simon Langel is build. ing for the St. Clair Steamship Cv., will be ready for launching in May. She is 250 feet over a}l, 40 feet beam, 234 feet molded depth. She is construeted: so-that » power can be put in her. She will have an American Ship Windlass Co.’s steam capstan and windlass. She will be consort to the steamship Kaliuga. Captain T. Emmy is giving the schooner Goodell ten new stanchions on the port side, new stern, jibboom, repairs to center board box and decks, and ealking, Captain Emmy has sold one-half interest in the Goodell to Captain Ed Rice; consideration $1,800. She will tow with steambarge Mackinaw in the Black River and Cleveland lumber trade. Captain W. C. Brown has purchased one- fourth of the steambarge Oswegatchie and will command her this season. He is havy- ing a new stern put on her, is giving her a general overhauling, and fitting her up in good shape. Capisin Brown has purchased one-fourth of the barge Alice Richards and sold one-half of the barges Goffe and Genesee. WILLIAMS, MARINE CITY, Special to the Marine Record. A new shipbuilding company, to be known as the Marine Transit Co., has been started here, Captain David Lester being president. The company will commence this month uilding a steambarge, about 180 feet long, and two consorts for the lumber trade. Robert Holland is about to lay the keel for a steamship, length of keel 212 feet, over all 226 feet, breadth of beam 36 feet, depth of hold 14 feet. She will be constructed as fol- lows: Two main keelsons 14 by 14, two assistant keelsons on each side 14 by 14, two . | rider keelsons 12 by 14 to receive lower end of stanchions under deck frame, floors 6 by 17, and an extra floor 6 by 17, extending to each bilge; blige keelsons three strakes 6 by 10, two 7 by 10, two 8 by 9, two 6 by 9; ceil- ing from bilge keelsons to clamps 5 by 10; three strakes of clamps 6 by 12; shelf pieces comprise three strakes, two strakes 5 by 12, center strake 6 by 12, notched into deck frame one inch; hanging knees under every deck frame. She will have a steel cord d by Ythe, running from stem to stern, and diagonal steel strapping 414 by Séths. Her planking outside will be 4 and 5 inches in thickness, She will carry three spars. Her engine will be fore and aft compound 27 and 50 by 40; boiler 12 by16. The Phenix Iron Works Co., of Port Huron, will bulld the engine and boiler. The steambarge, to be built by M. P. Les- ter for the T. and S. T. Co., will be 186 feet over all, 313g fect beam, 1234 feet depth of hold, Her engine will be a steeple com- | pound 22 and 40 by 40; boiler 9 by 16, to be built by the Phoenix Iron Works Co., of Port Huron. 10-foot wheel for her. Captain H. Donaldson wil! command the steambarge Araxes, The steambarge A. A. Turner, Captain W. H. Scott, has received considerable re- pairs. She will go to Port Huron and re- ceive a new boiler 9 by 16,0f 5¢ths steel, also new keelsons, Her consort, the barge Mont- pelier, hss received considerable repairs nd ealking. ; Captain A.C. Smith is here from Detroit looking after repairs being done on the steambarge Birckhead, The fine: new steamship W. B. Morley, building at this port, has all her frames up, ceiling on, and plank on bottom, steel cord and strapping and deck frames all in place. | She is 298} feet over all, 414 feet beam, 234% feet molded depth. Her engine, a triple ex- pansion, 19,30, and 52 by 40, and two Scotch boilers, 11 by 11 each are being built at the. Detroit Drydock Co.’s engine and boiler works. W. B. Morley intends launching her about June Ist, and she will go to De- troit and receive her machinery and boilers, and be ready for business about July 1st. She will carry four masts aud will be fitted out with the Providence improved steam windlasses and steam steering gear. WILLiaMs. SARNIA, ONT, Special to the Marine Record. Captain Alex. Birnie, of Colling: here, looking after the ‘work doing on the. 8 ¢ambarge Africa, whch he commands, and the schooner Marquis, one of her consorts. The Africa is having her decks calked, ex- tensive repairs to her machinery, and a new smoke stack. She will also receive a new Trout wheel, which will be put on at Port Huron. The Marquis has received new bow, stanchions, rail, :nd covering board, con- siderable new ceiling, several strakes of plank, a general overhauling, and has been in dock and recalked. The barge Severn, another consort of the Africa, is at Colling- wood, where she has received new stanch- ions forward, covering board, rail, mast partners, and hatchways, some new ceiling, and had her decks calked. The Africa and her consorts will trade between Georgian Bay and Chicago with cedar. James Wilson, who was second engineer on the steamer Alberta three seasons, will go first engineer on the Africa, Captain Larsen, of Toronto, will command the Marquis, and Captain Crawford, of Sarnia, the Severn. Captain Robertson commenced fitting out the steamer Empire on Monday. The schooner Wawanosh, Captain John Reid, has received new keelsons, center- board box, refastening all over and calking. WILLIAMS. IRONVILLE, Special to the Marine Record, Captain A. Gillmore, bas bailt for D. Y. Howell & Son, a screw steamer 90 feet over all, 18 feet beam, 8 feet depth of hold. Her engine is 1346 by 16, boiler 4 by 9, Trout wheel 5g feet diameter. She will carry from 250 to 300 passengers. She is a handsome strongly built boat and will be launched this week and named the Douglas, Captain John Edson, will command her. Immediately the Douglas, is launched Captain Gillmore, will lay the keel ai d coms mence building a tug 55 feet over all, 12 feet beam 6 feet depth of hold for Davis Brothers her frames are all ready to go up. He is building a new dump scow 75 feet long, 23 feet wide, 7 feet deep for Captain N. French, He will place the schooner Montgomery in drydock at once and do repairs on her which will amount to three er four thousand dollars. WILLIaMs, BAY OITY. Special to the Marine Record. The passenger steamer Plough Boy com- menced running between this port and Saginaw Monday afternoon, April 2d. She is the first to make a start. The steambarge Burlington, owned by Trout, of Buffalo, will supply a! .F. Whittemore and Captain E. D. Ballan- ‘tine who will command her, is receiving new stanchions, rail, solid bulwarks, new decks and deck beams around the boiler, new cabin, engine room and boiler house, 4 new steel boiler, 8'¢ by 15, to carry 120 pounds of steam, built by the National boiler works, Bay City, and a new cylinder to her engine by the Bay City iron works. The whole of the work doing on her will cost ‘about $9,000 She will go in the Ohio trade, and will tow tour or five barges. J, ¥. Whittemore’s barge Aramantha is receiving new deck frames and deck, stanch- fons ‘and rail, solid bulwarks, some new plank outside, new breast hooks, knight- head, and recalking. She is chartered. for the season, and will tow with the Germania between Bay City and Toledo. Captain Oscar Olsen will again command her. Captain Simon- O'Day, of Muskegon, is here, having some alterations made and a thorough overhauling given to his new pure chase, the steambarge D. W. Pi The barge: | Jackson, is in the Bay City ing new cants I general Beste fh cal tow with the steambarge D. — also the barges Botsford, Exile ar MILWAUKEE, _ Special to the Marine Record. -riveris:ne } The M.£ P. Butters’ will probably be | first lumber barge to try the east shore ports, and if she succeeds in making an entrance to Ludington or Muskegon, she will be fol- lowed by the rest of the fleet, The Milwaukee syndicate boat will be launched about the 14th of this month, and will be followed in two weeks by the Starke barge. The Thomas Davidson, at the Wolf & Davidson yard, is nearly ready, and will probably be in the water by the 15th. The Milwaukee Tug Co,’s mammoth boat, building at Sheboygan, is now in frame, and it looks as though she would be ready for the water by August 15 or September 1 at the outside. Vessel property rules strong, judging from a sale just made of a 1-24th interest in the steambarge Omaha, at the rate of $90,000 for the whole. This boat has been out a year, and was built at a cost of $70,000. That don’t look like a poor season. The steambarge Massachusetts went into dock for minor repairs, as did also the Joys. There are rumors of several new boats be- ing built, but we are not at liberty to divulge particulars. Our shipyards are now supplied with electric light plants so as to facilitate night work, The Milwaukee Shipyard Co. have about completed their stationary drydock, and will open it up for work very soon. The deck frames and considerable other of the work is well under way for the Omaha No. 2, at the Milwaukee Shipyard Co, The steambarge Veronica will come out in the spring with a new dress of dark green and white eke works, The W, &D.S8 of $10,000 to give up the charter made last fall to carry 50,000 tons of ore from Mar quette to Lake Erie ports, at $1.40. They refused, Jas. Sherifts estate report minor repairs ag made on the steambarges Minne3zota, Masga~ cbusetts, Merrimac, Monahansett, Starke, Joys, Chipman, Ballantine, Nahant, Carter, Huron City, and several others; also, new wheel, shoe, brasses, etc.,on the barge L. Pahlow at’ Detroit, and new crosshead, brasses, etc.,on the barge E. Tice at Mani- towoe, Est, Downey & Mullins, grain trimmers, started to load the schooner St. Peter at elevator No. 5. She takes wheat to Cleveland at 14 cents, This is the first cargo from this port this season. 8. 8. Co. were offered a bonus |

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