Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 5, 1888, p. 2

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i SHIP AND SUN, The poet of the House and Lot, Cnicago, has perpetrated the following: The mind’s eye, to make things go rightly, must conceive the ship, crowned pinnacle of the new board of trade building, with a fat-faced, radiant picture of é the sun in close proximity, Thus grinds the poet: I; Aloft in space—fit framed by azure sky, And swept by swallows as they homeward fly— A golden ship, with golden sails displayed, Triumphant rides the pinnacle of trade, Ii. His Royal Highness, Sol, bright King of Day, Who in his daily rounds doth pass this way To cast o'er shining sails his sunny smile Holds conversation with it for a while. III. "Oh! Emblem of the great commercial worth ‘To which this noble city owes its birth; You represent to us the glorious West, And fitter symbol ne’er has it possessed,’’ Iv. “Ay, ay, good Sun, and look around me here, Bebvld the stately buildiugs of a year, LaSalle street—long neglected—what a sight, These walls kee» out your rays from morn till night. Vv. “Come, come, sir, tell if ever on your round A city such as this ysu-may have found; So swift in growth, so firm and strong in form, So beautiful— with strength to meet the storm.” VI “And still your West is but an infant yet— Mammoth it seems, but much. there isto get; i ‘ And though it’s growing fast, so grand and fine, In very wany things 1t is behind, VII. “O’er Eastern lands, I traveled, sir, Jast night, And there, beheld, ab! such a doleful isight; The corn, fr want of which the children cried, Lay useless in the fields my beams had dried. | | VIII, "And must these helpless children starve for foud While in your glorious country manv a rood Of yellow grain to willful waste must run, Because the glut of mart low price has won? Ix. *‘With navigation lies the fault, you ll find; For could our products reach a foreign clime, At rates so low that it would pay to try, Our plenteous grain to ship so they might buy. x: “Then heed this wise suggestion Old Sol makes, As in the past, in future trust the lakes; Ganals so deep ’twixt them and St. Lawrence : mike, That large tonnage vessels then could cargo _ take xi. To foreign ports at such @ nominal rate That choking biusin u any a Western State, Would give to them their wealth of goldenstore, 3 geen. oor, starved. fein suffering would be ne was a aa aha at ilo town hall Witness the presen'ation of medals, to the cap- hayieaded the Gode ich lif boat, from perican governnient. On the morning of the 9th of December 1885, it was discovered that the American schooner A.C. Maxwell of | ; Cleveland, Jaden with pig iron, end bound from | ‘Escanala to. Cleveland, wes driven on shoals, a couple of miles south of Goderich, where she Jay helpless with the waves beating over her. For four previous days she bad been battling with the storm out on Lake Huron, but her steering gear having become unmanageable all : efforts to keep ber off the shoals had proved un- oan J availing. The hoisting: of signals of distress and the ringing of the alarm bellon theill-fated vessel, caused the immediate launching of the life boat, and Captain Wm, Babb and the crew, ‘Dan Melver, Neil MeIvor, Malcolm McDonald, John MeDonald, John McLean and Tom Finn started for the wreck. Although a heavy sea was running, the rescuers succeeded in tuking from the disabled yessel the entire crew, con- sisting of the captain aod crew of five men, and * one woman, aud bringing them safe to land, al- though iu a helpless condition, The presenta- tion was in commemoration of the good work done that day, and Captain Babb was made the recipient of a gold medal and each of his. wen recei ved a silyer medal, The medals ail bore the name of the rescuer together with the words, “Jn testimony of heroic deeds in suving life from the perils of the deep.” On the obverse side of the medal is the representation of a drowning wan being rescued by an angel of mercy. Mayor Seager occupied the chair, and opened the meeting by stating that too much could not be said in favor of the bravery of the men who had taken their lives in their hands to saye the * lives of their fellow men. The U. §S, authori- ties in recognizing the service of the crew of the Goderich life bout in this matier had exhibited @ spirit of international good will that was highly praiseworthy. Mr. BR. 8. Chiltov, Amerievan Consul at this ; - port was’ introduced, and said:—‘It gives me _ pleasure to be present on an occasion like this _. to witness the presentation of medals awarded by the governme:t of the United States to Gap tain, Babb and others tor meritorious services rendered by them in the rescue last autumn of : crew of the American schooner ‘A, G, Max- ee St “well,” Atthe time this occurred I called, in eg _ the line of my official duty, theattention of the department, of state to these services, and Iam “ment bas taken this tangible shape,..The. pre- tified that the appreciation of my goyern- | the river to their home. Ihe Marine Record. sentation of such testimonials by govern. ents to individuals is, as yoware aware, not uncom mon, and is always gratifying, especia ly so, a8 in this instanee, when they are given to men who haye risked their lives for the relief aud succor of others. To my mind such acts, the rescue of our fellow-man from the perils of flood and fire, often undertaken at the imminent risk of life on the part of the rescuers, are fuller of true courage and moral grandeur than all the achievements on all the battle-fields the world has ever seen. In concluding, Mr, Chilton congratulated the recipients of the beautiful testimonals presented to them by the government of the United Sta es, Reeve Juhustou then presented the medals to those of the recipients who were present amid loud and prolonged a)plause from the specta- tors. Owing to the unavoidable absence of Tom Fion and John McLean, their medals could not be presented on the occasion, aud. were for- warded privately. Following isa copy of the official communication from the U. 8. Govera- meni, accumy anying the medals: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, } OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 2, 1888, Mr. Fred W. Johnston, Reeve, Goderich, Ont. Canada. Srr—Herewith are transmitted this day, by Adams’ Express, one gold life-saving medal and six silver ones, which have been ‘awarded Cap- tain William Babb, Thomas Finn, Daniel Me- Ivor, Neil McIvor, Maleolm MeDonald, John MeDenald, and John MeLéan, respectively, un- der authority of section 7, of the act of June 20, 1874, and section 9 of the act of May 4, 1882, for heroism in rescuing the crew of the American schooner, A, C. Maxwell, December 9, 1885. I will thank you to cause the medals to be de- livered to the above named persons, with the ac- companying letters, taking their receipt for the former, which you will please forward to this department, These medals are sent to you upon the recom- mendation and request of Mr, A. A. Pomeroy, of the MARINE RECORD, who forwarded the appli- cation and evidence in the case. Respectfully yours, J.S. MENYARD, Assistant Secretary. Captain Babb’s letter is'as follows: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WasHineton, D. C.,. Feb. 2,,1888, } Captain Wm. Babb, Goderich, Ont., Canada Sir—I have the honor to transmit herewith a gold life-saving medal, which has been awarded you under authority of section 7 of the act of June 20, 1874, and section 9 of the act of May 4, 1882, for heroic service in conducting the rescue of the crew of the American schooner A. C. Maxwell, December 9, 1885. Respeotinily yours, G.8. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. ‘The proceedings terminated with three cheers for the Queen, three for the American Govern- | ment and three cheers and a “tiger’’ for the life- saving crew of Goderich, y LOW WATER. The water level in the lakes continues to fall and people concerned in navigation are begin- ning to feel serious alarm. The Sarnia Canadian «f this week says the water fell. six inches in the St, Clair river Jast week, and the fall was common to the whole lake system, .AtSaultSt. Marie the water is very low and boats drawing over thirteen and a half foot will not be able to get through when navigation opens, which means that boats will not be able to carry any- where near their maximum capacity next sea- son and that all elasses of freights will be higher than usual, The cause of this remarkable state of affairs is a mystery. -Whethber some immense subterranean outlet ha» suddenly been afforded for the vast body of water or whether the tribu- tary streams have been affected by drouth isa matter upon which scientific men are not agreed. The opening of navigation, will be: looked. for- ward to with interest. Captain Paul Boyton, recently paddled ont into the lake at Chicago, in his rubber suit, for a little exercise, An ice flow carried him many miles out and he was wedged in from 7 o’clock in the morning until midnight, during which time he was without food or drink, and the chill of the icy waters had driven him to hard work to keep up the ciaculation so that he would not perish. Atnidnight, when ‘he was rescued at the crib, his vilality was almost gone. Stimu- lants were applied, and he was put to bed. HEROISM OF TWO WOMEN AT LIGHTHOUSE, Lieutenant Rogers, chief of the eleventh United States. life-saving district, is in re- ceipt, of the following special report from Captain N. Robius, of Grand Haven, Mich,, which was transmitted by Keeper Henry Finch, of the life saving station at Manistee, Mich, Lieutenant Rogers says it is one of the most extraordinary episodes recorded in the annals of the service, and the conspicu- ous beroism. and..bravery. by which it is marked, is entitled, he says, to special recog- nition: Two ladies were visiting at the lighthouse keeper’s dwelling at Manistee, March 19 last, Captain Roberts, the lighthouse keeper, saw a gale was rising, at 4 o’elock in the after- noon, and started to take ‘the ladies across Mrs. Johngon, one of the ladies, got down off the pier into the A emall -kiff, and as Miss Fagin, her com panion, went to get in she struck on the side of the boat and capsized it, throwing them both into the water. Captain Roberts, who has but*one arm, saved himself by hanging onto the pier. The skiff turned bottom up, the two women hanging on to the half-inch keel with their fingers. A bowline was made by Keeper Finch and thrown over Miss Fagin’s head, and she was puiled to the pier. Keeper Finch continues: “I got down on the pier, got the line under her arms, and tried to pu!l her up on to the pier, It was so icy we could not get her ont, She was stiff and could not help herself. Mre. Roberts came out of the lighthouse and helped and we landed Miss Fagin on:the top of the pier. The ice was ab ut fifteen feet high over the pier, and two or three feet thick all around it.” Mre, Johnson hung to the boat, and the wind, which had increased to over twenty miles an hour, with a five- mile current, '\ad taken her near the end of the pier, about a qnarter of a mile from the place. where the boat capsized. Captain Roberts and I got into.a skiff and. started after Mrs. Johnson. We.came her at the end of the. pier, but she was fast to the boat, After difficulty we finally got herinto the skiff, but the wind was blowing so hard I couldn’t pull up. to the station, and, was drifting out to the lake... Mrs. Finch grabbed the surf boat rope, ran, down. the’ icy. piers with Mrs, Hamilton, a neighbor, and threw. the end of the rope to me. . I make it fast to the skiff and they towed us to the station. Without the help of Mrs. Roberts we could not have got Miss Fagin on the pier, andit Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs, Finch had not thrown me the line, Mrs. Johnson, Vaptain Roberts, and myself would. have been drowned, as it was impossible for us to get up the icy piers.’’ Lieutenant. Rogers says it is probable the department. will make some special recogni- tion of the bravery exhibited by the women who aided in the rescue. ABOUT THE COMPASS. CHrELsKA, Mass., March 26. To the Editor of the Marine Record: IT have read with interest letters in your paper on variations of the compass, und how to find them. I would say that our captains need g ve themselves no trouble about how to find’ the variation, as it is marked on all government charts, and can be found by in- specting them, and Captain Scott, in his «Coast Pilot,” gives a little chart with the lines of variation marked on it, which is quite near enough for practical purposes. Now, variation is found by amplitudes or azimuths of the sun, ‘The former is quite simple, but the latter requires a good knowl- edge of natitical astronomy, and an accurate compass for either; otherwise, one would have the variation and the compass error combined, or one plus the other. ‘lo find the error of the compass by either of the above rules, one would require to know the variation at the place where the observa- tion was taken and ‘the difference between it nd the’variation’ shown by the compass would be theerror. If the compass was true the observation would give the varia- tion at that place. But as there are but few boats with true compasses and the errors | vary on nearly every course, it would take a good part of the season tor a captain’ to find the error of his compass on all courses, A quicker and better way would be to take the ship to some clear place, free from iron, take the true magnetic bearing of some distant object, aud swing the ship on all points of the compasr, noting the bearings on each point, thus making a deviation card. Or by compeusating for the local attraction which, at the present time, is universally practiced on all ocean ships where compasses deviate. I find the greatest variation on the equa- tor, brought down to the year 1882, to be 21° west, and in 60° north latitude vartation 61° 80’ west; 60° south latitude, variation The greatest variation found in is 80° west, and in south latitude 58° west. I send you magnetic variation chart tor the year 1882, You will find the lines of variation are very irregu- lar, and would indicate two magnetic poles in north latitude an@ two or more in south J.8. Scott’ sNewGoast Pilot Second Editton, Revised and Enlarged, With new Maps and Illustrations corrected to the opening of Navigation in 1888, 1s SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER. 51° west. north latitude iGEORCE SCOTT, Ar162 LARNED ST« EyDETROIT,; MICH: Propeller Wheeis. FOR Uy BARGES, TUG*, CANAL ZA BOATS AND YACHTS Three or Four Blades for SPEED OR’ TOWING From 12 Inches to 14 feet in Diameter ” VULCAN TRON WORKS 80 NoRtH CLINTON ‘ST., CHICAGO, ILL, Tf. DOYLE, PRACTICAL STEAM FITTER. AND MECHANICAL. ENGINEER, ENGINERS,’ SUPPLIES OF* .ALL) KINDS; Rubder Goods and Packings Con stantly Kepton Hane, Parttonlar atlention paid to vessel work, . ATR PUMP VALVES A SPECIALTY, 81 Mainst., Cleveland, O. Established in 1859. HENRY LEOPOLD, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kindsof fine and plain FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, And Mamufacturer of Countens, Shelving, esis and Bar-room Fixtures. Mattrasses and Vessel Furntture A SPECIALTY, Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Ful- ton. Factory 10 Willet-st. , CLEVELAND, OHO. Cleveland Dry Dock Co, Shipbuilding, Drydicking, Re- pairing and Spar Making. CLEVELAND, OBTO. rwo, FOR SALE. i fs fe SCHOONER LEN HIGBY—For sale cheap. Capacity 55,000 feet of lumber, Sails and outfit in good condition. Repairs made in 1887, Address D, A. BOELKENS, 92 and 94 Third Street, Muskegon, Mich. STEAMBOAT FOR SALE, ‘Bose -CLASS in every respect, Nearly new. Ca- pacity—400,000 feet lumber, 650 tons of ore, 700 tons of coal, 25,000 busheis of grain, and in addition the best tow boat on the lakes and the most econom- icnlof fuel; Present owners no further usé' for her, Address LUMBER, care of Clowry, 8. W, Div..P. On, Chicage Th. % FOR SALE. BARE COL. BRACKET—She carries 260M feet of lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $900 worth of re- pit our good. Price $1,600; -Men- J. KENDALL, Port Huron: pans last season. tion this paper. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA anmypace OFFICE 130 RIVER- ST.. CLEVELAND, oHIO. SIGNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS 2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID: COLLISIONS.” These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers © Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED | — , French Wrought Iran Ranges and Broilers. of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. Steamboat Copper, Tin, FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y, and Sheet Iron, Workers, i VESSEL PROPERTY FOR SALE, FOR SALE. TEAMBARGE MONITOR—Length of hull 96 feet. breadth of benm 28 feer, depth of hold 7 feet 6 inches. oiler 5 feet by 12 feet. Engine 14 by 16 ao fone for eo 1 f Wo scows. ngth 125 feet, breadth 30 feet, hold 8 feet, tight and dry, and freight of ki be beaded lo ‘the hola?” pbeaarbeise = Also, steambarges, tugs and vessels. Address, DAVIDSON & HOLMES, 32S. Water St , Chichago, TL. FOR SALE, Sanrio JOHN M. HUTCHENSON—Built by ey shed ecg peter Sd 1.900 to 2.000 toms. Ime RANK PEREW, Buffilo, N. Y. HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Oe for sale cheap. Is in first-class condition. rf ae a lara write to FRED GROCH, Sandie quire of FOR SALE. ROPELLER TOLEDO—About 700 tons capacity. Apply to EBER WARD, 51 Griswold Street. Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE, CHOONER CITY OF SHEBOYGAN—Roebuilt S tall. Bntire pew outfit of srils, ~i Ing anid ar furniture For further particulars ress. * F. HERHOLD & SONS. 160 W. Erie 8t , Chicago, Til. POR SALE é ee powerful tug J. W. Bennett. th over all 95 feet, breadth 17 feet, depity of hold ies ‘et, draws 9 feet of water. Engine 22 by 24. For prices and in- formation address SANDUSKY STHAMBOAT & FISHING CO,, Sandusky, Ohio. ~ FOR SALE J r]\HE TUG CAS, DAVI4—Over all 65 ‘feet, beam 14 feer, depth of hold 6% feet, draws,7 feet of water. Has boiler allowed 90 pounds of steam, outboard shaft (no engine.)» All in good « ndition. Price, $1,2u0,. ~ For fui ther information sddress HENRY LAY & CO., Sandusky, Ohio, FOR SALE. HE SCHOONER VENTURE—Tength 50 feet, breadth 15 feet, depth of hold 4 fee; ca ity 45 tons; built in 188%. Address WM. FARAGHER 38 West: linton St,, Cleveland, 0, A2 VESSELS WANTED. N EXCHANGE for improved Buffalo city prop- erty, three-fourths of a mile from Ci,y Hall, West Side. Fine een houses that alwave rent. Address, M OS., 22 Root St., Buffalo, N. ¥. FOR SALE, HE SCHOONER E. M, STANTON—Capacity, 130M Jumber, or 5,000 cedar ties. Sails and outfit in ood condition. Extensive aeuairs in 1880. e, 2, 800 cash. dress E. JOHNSON, : 835 Seen St., Uhica o, I FOR SALE. : ‘Boe SALE, and must be sold quick—Too many partners. Propeller Benton, A2. Ayerige load, 800M. $28,000, Barge Midnight, A2.. Average. load 385M. $8,000. Burge Roscius, B4y. Average load, $6,000M. Terms to suit’ purchasers if parties good. * For tur. } ther particulars, address. N. D. FISHER, Cleveland, 0.0" Mich: EK. J. VANCE, Bay City, Posi 3 FOR SALE, uf MS ANNIE ROBERTSON--Length 51 feet, Pep a 13 feet 6 inches, depth 6 feet, engine 14 in square, and new steel boiler last August, allowed 125, lbs of steam. For further information enquire of — Y BROS,, Sar.dusky, Ohio. Fe SALE, the passenger steamer Ms ripe 13 tons net, ‘0 feet long over all, 184 feet feet depth of hold. ingine 10xi2, teh bol ler 414x8. She is fully equi: ped for the’ pr business. Tome. 93 000. Address, ey ‘AIN RICHARD CONNELL, Muskegoa, fis : FOR.SALEB., it athe CHOONER VERNIN M. BLAKE—For eale: S st aches 60 tons; Glinclicldees tick 3 ‘als Pe eee 19 feet 6 ine! a pth of ‘hold’ 5.feet.6 phat. es Bellis 22 Territt street, Ch ert FOR SALE, HE Steamers Russell Sage, Ji L re ari ail in ar ant ge Al, For ull Pron ae Wy unre HE FINE IRON ‘TUG M.D. J.ength of keel 67 feet, bread? depth 8 fet 8 inches. High. diameter, 23 inches stakes "Roller 14 anes She is in excellent condi : Suehe aleul ‘ucther parti iculirs a RUELLE, Nei twakee Street, Dart” "FOR SAI Tis STEAM FERRY BOATS— Will carry f a8: each; also, good- BY "Nese fer boats are peru t ) WHI clear $14" a ye: in is nat a practical bipt man and Mere By offers for si tine 1 dhthee interest te me rt - BD ORD, Cleland, BE “et aba Woden aba W sale i as Salts ee Pee a inte, Fic ito aus BI: > Aigs BS ¢ pac”. ye" Gove r t} Ps Jif ntiW (20m & atex Mepis AC. Arebags uoieriqay 6d

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