earch light, which may side the pilot house by 5 furnished, although th its hand-polished : sh as chief engineer. TERS’ ASSOCIATION, ‘AKE ACTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS RE NAVIGATION AND CARRYING BUSINESS OF THE AND THE WATERS TRIBUTARY THERETO, WITH TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTER OF THE RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC, TO PRO- THE COMMON INTEREST OF LAKE RIERS, AND PROMOTE THEIR: GENERAL WELFARE: BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1888, RTIN, - - = = Osw 99 ‘oledo, O. -Detroit, Mich, Detroit, Mich. o, N. Y. ‘MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. HOUSES AND FOG SIGNALS. Whiting, who is still at Washing- tothe Lake Carriers’ Association the committee on commerce, at committee reported bill 8751 therefor, The following is the roviding for the erection of sundry ses and fog-signals in Lake Superior, ron, Erie and Michigan, and range- Lake Saint Clair and Detroit river. it enacted by the senate and house of rep- tives of the United States of America in assembled, that a fog-signal be estab- at Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, ata st not to exceed five thousand five hundred That a fog-signal be established at Mackinac point, straits of Mackinac, ata cost not to ex- eed five thousand five hundred dollars. That a light-house be established at White Shoals, or at Simmons reef, Lake Michigan, as e light-house board may determine, at a cost not to exceed $60,000. That a fog-signal be estabiished at ‘Twin iver Point, Lake Michigan, at a cost not ex- ceeding $5,500. That a fog-whistle be established on the ukwater at Chicago, Illinois, at a cost not exceeding $5,200, That range-lights be established ig the chan- nel of Detroit river, Michigan, between Fight- ing Island and Lime Kiln Crossing, at a cost not exceeding $7,000, _ That a fog-whistle be established on the breakwater at Cleveland, Ohio, at acost not Point Chequamegon, entrance to Ashland Har- bor, Lake Superior, at a cost not exceeding $5,- 600, _ _That a fog-signal be established at Point Iro- _quois, Lake Superior, at a cost not exceeding That a fog-signal be established at Cheboy- gan Point Light station, lake Huron, at a cost - motexceeding $5,500. That afog-sigoal be establisded at Presque Isle, Lake Huron, at acost net exceeding $5,- 600, 2 That range-lights and stakes be established in Lake Saint Clair from Grosse Point to the _ entrance of Detroit river, ata cost not to ex- ceed $3,000. That range-lights be established at Russel Is- land to Saint Clair Flats Canal, Lake Saint Glair, at a cost not exceeding $1,500. That a fog-whistle be established at Two Har- bors, Lake Superior, at a cost not exceeding $5,- 500. ‘That a light be established at Devil’s Island, Apostle Group, Lake Superior, at a cost not ex- ceeding $15,000. That range-lights be established at Duluth Harbor, at a cost not to exceed $3,284.12. “ Buffalo breakwater light-house and tog-sig- nal item will have attention as soon as the re- quisite report and estimate have been received.” The house river and harbor committee com- pleted their bill, amounting to about $19,500,- 000 on March 27, and though not yet reported, it is understood that it proposes to give $1,000,- _ 000 for the Sault canal, new lock, and $500,000 for the Hay Lake channel, also $50,000 for St. — Flats canal, a portion if not all of which, , of war may, at his discretion, sp- 3a improving the channel from Grosse troit river. e St. Clair, to entrance of the De- It also provides for the survey and estimates for the further improvement of the last named channel. The Only 2hirt Factory in the City Where all kinds of Flannel Shirts, Navy- blue, donble and single-breasted Sailor Shirts, Waterproof Shirts, Cheviot Shirts, made in a regular home made style, every shirt 54 in. wide, 40 in. loug, wide sleeves, extra well sewed, can be found atthe Boston Dry Goods Store, 213 Detroit street. second door from corner Penr! streets. Also{3e™ Our own home-made Jean Pants, Overalls, Jumpers, ete., and all of above will be made[ae7to order_geyif the customer desires it, for the sane price as sold ready-maie, Don’t torget to call on KOHN & CO., 213 Detroit St., near corner Pearl. [Around the Lakes Continued from 1st Page. ] . TOLEDO, The following is a list of the officers who will command the fleet of steam and sailing orafts rom Toledo this season: Schooner Anna P. Gro- ver, Homer Durand; schooner P. B. Lock, George Durand; echooner W. H. Rounds, T. Rooney; schooner R, Haliaran, D. L. Boyce; schooner Montana, Ben Calboun; schooner F, C, Leighton, Wm, J. Harlom; schooner Arthur. M. J. Enright; schooner Montgomery, M. Chris- tie; schooner St. Peter, F, Abair; schooner C B. Benson, John Duff; schooner Maumee Valley, E, Winchester; propeller Germania, Capt. Pel- tier; barge M. Butman, H. Balfoar; barge Wm. Case, Wm. Potter; barge H. C. Sprague, H. Normanton; barge Josephine, George Rogers; steamer Chief Justice Waite, Ed MeNalley; steamer Saginaw, H. Tyrrie; steamer Evening Star, L. Stoddard; tugs Swansea, Fannie Tut- hitl, John Robertson; tug C. W. Moore, George Sage; tug May French, Thomas Cassey; tug Maggie Ashton, L. Wilkinson; tug Pathfinder‘ H. Arundel; tug Joseph S. Spinney, John Dun- keith; tug L. Birckhead, Frank Hannan, Sullivan & Hubbard have made the following appointments for their fleet for the coming sea- son: Propeller Monnahasset, Capt. Al Fitts; en gineer, Fred Trauftler; schooner Massascit, Capt. John Grady; schooner Penokee, Capt. Jo- seph Skeldon; schooner John Schuette, Capt , James Woods; tug A. Andrews, Jr,, Gapt. Jas. McKinley; engineer, R. M. Hall; tug M. A. Green, Capt. Charles H. Hubbard; engineer, E. Passena; tu. Syracuse, Ca) tain Ed Williams; engineer, William England; tug William E. Rooney, Capt. William J. Leaver. The scow Garibaldi has received new deck frames and deck, gunwale, center board box and center board, The steamer Remora has been hauled out and lengthened 22 feet and had her cabins built up, to put her in good shape tor the passenger business on Sault ste Marie river. The tug Parker is hauled out ready to be rebuilt. WILLIAMs. GREEN BAY. Captain John Y. Tuttle, acting for the under- writers, has sold the schooner Riverside, which lies stranded on Spider Island, at the Death’s Door, entrance to Green Bay, to Captain P. F. Thrall, of Green Bay City, for $2,000. Cap- tain Thrall is the owner of a tug and scow, which, with asteam pump, jack screws and other wrecking outfit engaged from Messrs, Hagen & English, of Green Bay, will enable him to release the Riverside without assistance from outside parties. It is his intention to haul the schooner out at Green Bay, on the ways now occupied by the schooner Ellen Williams, and make all needed repairs. The sale of the River- side leaves only the schooner Blazing Star, ly- ing upon Fisherman’s Shoal, in Captain Tuttle’s hands, and for her he has been offered $750, This includes hull, lumber cargo and outfit, TRIE. Anchor Line captains who live in Erie have been notified of their appointments as follows: Captain Mike Riley, from the Philadelphia to the Susquehanna; Captain C. H. Wilson, Alaska; Captain Sisson, Lehigh; Captain Cor- coran, Lycoming; Captain Pat Riley, Conestoga; Captain Christie, tothe Delaware, with Gap- tain J. M. McCarty, of the Sherwood, as mate. The remainder of the appointments are said to be the same as last year, with the exception of the promotion of one of the freight captains to the Philadelphia, The propeller Farwell is being fitted out, also the schooner F, W. Git- ford, which has had her upper works rebuilt, KINGSTON, D. Graham & Co., will establish a line of freight steamers between Ghicago and Montreal on the opening of navigation, The ice is two feet thick in Welland harbor, just double that of one year ago. This does not look much like an early opening of navigation, Col. Twitchell, the American consul at Kings- ton, has just been notified that Canadian sailors who ship on American vessels are entitled to all the privileges accorded Anverican sailors, and are regarded as American citizens, A Canadian sailor who leaves an American vessel at an American or foreign port is recognized as an American while he remains on shore, but does not engage in any other business and till he again reships on an Ameriean vessel. When he ships on a Canadian craft, then he forfeite the privileges referred to, BUFFALO, Special to the Marine Record. Monday evening Mr. David Vance of Mil- waukee, who represents the Commercial Union’s marine interests on the lakes sald there was no hull meeting called, and he was not here on any such business. He knew of no;other agents bound in this direction, and oe eee ee he was not anprised of any attempt to come io an understanding in regard to hull mn- surance. He was inclined to think there was not going to be uny pool this year, disastreus as running wild was likely to be. One difficulty was the terribly expensive way in which this business was done, especially in general average adjust. ment and wrecking charges. No money was made last year, and it was thought im possible to raise the rates for this year, in’ view of the bad outlook for the lake*,busi- ness. He was thinking of not insuring the vessels he was interested in, and certainly a raise in rates would cause a stampede. Mr. Vance was not positive as to the effect ot the present state of things on the rates of coal freight, though his argument was in favor of a good rate, There was next to no coal at Chicago, Milwaukee, or Duluth, He had looked in the leading yards at those ports and there was nothing but sweepings. These ports would have taken 400,000 tons more hard coal from Buffalo last year if it could have been handled here. They took about that amount over the year before as it was. He believed that tonnage was not going to be plenty early in the season. There was actually nothing on Lake Michigan to hurry vessels into commission, Nota bit of ore Ithe Marine Record. only thing done is an offer of 30 cents over Bay City rates toGreen Bay, They say they prefer to wait until the business shapes itself instead of going up and coming back light. The creek is now open, and vessels are mov- ing to the docks for repairs. In 1887 navigation at Buffalo opened April 17; the straits opened April 24; the Sault river opened May 3, Townsend Davis, who returned from Chi- cago, says that no bull pool has yet been formed. There is still time enough to form one. Captain G. W. Stoddard will not command the propeller Newburg this season. It is stated that he will go on one of the new steel boats of the Manitoba line, Parker & Millen of Detroit have written to Brown & Co., vessel agents, that they have made no ore charters from Marquette at $1.67 or $1.70 and that they know of none baving yet been made at any figures. President O. T. Flint and Chairman Town- send Davis of the executive committee of the Inland Lloyds have arranged that Cap- tains James Rardon and W. H. Rounds shall survey the propeller John Pridgeon at Chi- cago, their reccommendation to be final. The propeller Northerner has been char- tered for 1888 to the Delaware, Lackawanna and butasmall amount of grain. could be had yet, and it might be June before the ore men were through watening the tariff tinkers and getting rid of the over stock laid down last year, After that he hoped for better business. It was certain that a large amount of lumber was going to be needed, He believed many vessels would not fit out,even on the first of May. Captain William Dulac of Mt. Clemens was here Monday looking after the propeller A. Weston, in which he has an interest. He is building a new propeller. She will run in the general trade, and is to be named the F.R. Buell, after a Milwaukee coal dealer, and will be launched at the opening of navi- gation. The propeller Isaac May and barges Waubaushene and Muskoka will bring 20,- 000 000 feet of lumber from Serpent river, Georgian Bay, to Tonawanda. They wi!l be managed by Mr. John L. Crosthwaite, in- stead of going up light this year they will carry up coal from Ohio ports. The propeller E. S. Tice will tow the barges William Crosthwait and Oneonta in the lumber trade from Ashland, and On- tonagon to Buffalo and Chicago. It is now stated that the cargo insurance rates talked up at the Buffalo meeting of general agents In March will be lived up to, though no regular agreement was made then. The new Lehigh coal trestle at the Tifft arm will hardly be ready before June. Quite a number of lake line managers and shippers are in New York attending the railroad trunk line meetings. , D. Y. Howe & Son, of Toledo, O., write to H. G. Trout as follows: Please make for us and shipped by freight one wheel the exact duplicate of No. 35, ship us tor steamer Douglass, February 24th, This wheel is just what we want and we want another to have on hand in case any mishap might occur. There were three grain charters made in Butialo on Saturday. The propeller D. Ballentine and consorts Ironton and C. G. King were taken for wheat, Port Arthur to Buffalo, at 34g cents. This makes in all nine grain charters, from that port, and will turn out fully 500,0000 bushels probably. It is stated that there is but little wheat now at Port Arthur, All of these last charters, and presumably some cf the others, are made on wheat that is to come in from Manitoba some- where, There is no stir in coal or lumber yet. Brokers report vessel men firm in asking last year’s opening coal rate, 75 cents to Chicago but there are no offers, The first charters last year were made March 26th. It is said that there is more lumber ready for ship- ment this spring than ever before and also that the demand for it is good. This ought to insure a good season if too many boats do not go intoit. So far no charters bave been made except on Bay City basis. If that rate opens at $2 there will be money in the traffic, Vessel men are wondering why there are no apparent efforts to fix upahull insurance pool, The season is about to open but there are no solicitors of hull business by any of the hull companies and the owners almost hope there will be no pool this year. The vessel men here are growing some- what anxious over the situation. No coal charters have been made,-and each side is waiting for the other to givein. One broker says he was offered 70 cents to Chicago, but has refused it. Vessel men claim to be waiting for some movement in ore freights, but have lost all hope in that quarter. They are now looking for lumber, but about the & Western Transportation Co., and is being fitted out now. The Waverly and the Orange will sail next season with the Gilchrist fleet. Captain Klumph will command the John Breeden, Captain Buie will be master of the Nevada. Captain D, H. Kiah will com- mand the Newburg. The past month has been a very bad one for shipbuilding. There has not been a March in several years when so little work could be done outdoors on account of rain and snow. The Chemung, which was recently launched, will not be finished till some time in May. Work on the propel!er Robert Mills is being crowded every pleasant day, but so much time has been lost that she will not be launched till April 15. The Jay Gould came out of the dock and the Calumet went in to receive inside arches, The Oceanica will take the place of the Gordon Campbell as soon as work is completed on the latter. The Scotia was taken out and the repairs on the Araxes and Weston are finished. A number of yes- sels will be placed in the docks as fast as room can be made for them. The steambarge W. M. Egan and the barge Brightie will be thoroughly recalked. The propellers Badger State, Arabia and Winslow and the barge Dan Rogers are to receive general repairs. The coal freight situation appears to be of chief interest at this port just now. Brokers are actively at work at the task of bringing shippers up to their figure for the opening rate—75 cents to Chicago, They not only point out the fact that tonnage is going to be scarce after the first fleet is gone, but that the shippers who steps in and takes all the tonnage he can load up to thetime navigation opens is going to make a big thing. [f some shipper should happen to become a convert to that sort of argument there is going to be a sensation some day not far distant. No such move has been reported yet. STURGEON BVY. Special to the Marine Record. Extensive repairs are being made on the tug George Nelson, of Leathem & Smith’s fleet. The ice on Green Bay is beginning to break up, and our local mariners predict the opening of navigation as imminent. The schooner Pewaukee, owned by Lea- them & Smith, of this port, has been con- verted into a steambarge during the past winter, the work being done at the Manito- woe shipyard. The canal range light, at the head of Sturgeon Bay, which was taken out last fall by moving ice, will be replaced as soon as the weather permits, The fleet of craft belonging to this port will be commanded as follows: Thos. N. Smith, Captain John Walker; Sam’l Neff; Captain C. B. Packard; Pewaukee, Captain Alstrom; tugs Jose Spalding, Captain Rd Stoaks; George Nelson, Captain Ed Cox; Jvhn Leathem, Captain Dave Ramage; W. ©. Tilson, Captain Louis Legot; A. S,|priee. Address The owners | Piper, Captain John Culnan. of the above named craft are getting their respective vessels in running order, an they will all be ready for business at the opening of navigation. Recent advices, received from Washing- ton by the Hon. E, 8S, Minor, informs him that the lighthouse board will make a change in the beacon light at the entrance to the Sturgeon Bay and Luke Michigan ship canal, Owing to generally unsatisfactory experi- ences with flush-lights, it is not considered advisable to establish more of these until there has been a great improvement in the machinery that operates them. It will be Mr necessary to increase the height of the tower, as the present one is not large enough or high enough to accommodate a light o the order contemplated by the board. D. KENOSHA. Special to the Marine Kevord. The tollowing is a list of masters appointed to take command of the Kenosha fleet: Schooners I'wo Fannies, Alfred Miller mas- ter; Jura, Samuel Miller master; Ostrich, C. C. Miller master; D. 8. Austin, John Maloney master; Melvina, Thos, Maloney master; Gilbert Knapp, Michael Maloney master; Narragansett, Chris Willnaugh mas- ter; J. V. Jones, Olie Hanson master; Wol- verine, Robert Symonds master; Morning Star, A. M. Elliott master; Eveline, Steve Jaxon master: German, George Hartnell master; tug Fred Engel, A. Barkenhagen master. The first signal for navigation to open at this port was made by the schooner Contest which spread her white wings and departed for Racine on the 3lst. John Hartnell and John Gregory have purchased the emall scow German from Tom Johneon, of Racine, for $1,300. Frederick Wygatt and Charles Allen have purchased from Quaille, of Grand Haven, the schooner Eveline; consideration $3,200. Captain Burt Blouert bas had the scow Quickstep hauled out and is giving her a thorough rebuild. The life saving station was opened on the 2d inst. with Captain Cameron in command. The crew is the same as last season. On her return from Owen Sound the schooner Melvina will be converted intoa three-master. She will have the spars of the schooner Mycsotis, which was wrecked last fall near St. Joseph, Mich. ; Gee tee C.A.E. MUSKEGON. ae Special to the Marine Record The ice in the harbor t black, and the time when the sound of mill can be heard,at the morning’ On the Ist inst. eamba New York, of Chicago, came to thi: acargo of lumber, which 1 at C. D. Nelson’s mill, at the m« harbor, and will leave on the 3d. The life saving crew went into sery on the 2d inst. ‘he following are the | bers: Captain H. J. Wood, Geo. Morancy, Jacob Joostin, Allen Kent, John Powers, Alex Park, W. B. Coates, William Park, Montgomery, Shampane & Co.’s mill has been running for over a week on logs that were brought here on ears, The old Muskegon tug association has dis- solved, and each tug will have to look out for itself this year. All vessels coming to this port will probably be picked up out on Lake Michigan. The little schooner Ada, that went ashore here early last fall, was hauled out on the beach and is now in good shape for repairs. Schooner Quickstep has received some re pairs this winter. All the tugs are fitting out and getting ready for the spring work. Be SANDUSKY, Special to the Marine Record. Considerable dredging is being done at the B, and O, docks. Mr, Hayden is super- intending the work. The steamer B, F. Ferris hes had her boiler thoroughly overhauled, and is now in first-class condition. She has also received a new smokestack. J. B. Hart, Esq., is overhauling the steamer Schnoor’s machinery. All vessels lying here are being fitted out for the season, The steamer Jay Cooke is expected to ar- rive here about April 15. The sum of $35,- 000 has been expended in giving her a thorough rebuild, and she is now compara- tively a new boat. No name has yet bee decided upon, Cc. G. 8. ElectroNervine all Diseases of th Cures Permanently serous Sysiem other Acute or Chronic mpaire in either Sex. It Restores or Lost Power Cheoks all forms of Waste or Drain; Makes Strong the weak, Full package, $1; Six for $5. ‘Trial package 12c, (with book), sent SeeUrely sealed on receipt of DR. G. F, ADDAM, No. 3701 Cottage Grove Ave.; Chicago, Ill. First-class Merchant Tailoring i Doue in the nobbiest style, according to monthly new fashion plates, and the prices made as low as for ready-made store gar- ments is adopted by Jos. L. Kohn, practical tailor and cutter, who furnishes none but Gent’s, finest Dress Suits, Business Suits, single Pants and Vests with the guarantee that none be delivered unless they are to the entire taste of the customer, Call on J... KOHN, 218 Detroit street. FOR BALE CHEAP. boiler and machinery of the tug George Hand, in first class condifion. A HENRY MORAN or D.M RUNNELS, Huron, Mich,