gines; with elt: er various patterns to suit all purposes Famous “ Belle of Bourbon 18 DEATH TO MALARIA; CHILLS AND FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, SURGICAL FEVER , BLOOD POISONING, SLNEPLESSNESS OR INSOMNIA AND NON-ASSIMIZ.ATION OF FOOD. TEN YEARS OLD. ISlLGddV LVAD ABT " Ni “a WE USE ONLY THE ein OR HOMINY PART OF THE GRAIN THUS FREEING IT OF FUSEL OIL BEFORE IT IS DISTILLED © Lawunce Clumd Co kouiswille iy, BSOLUTELY PURE. NO FUSIL OIL. Ee Sale by JOHN SOHLITZ, 120 Superior THOMAS CHARLTON, 129 Suverior st Ceveland, 0., and Druggists. Wine Merchants & Grocers Everywhere. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & C0, Louisvil e, Ky CERES NERY OA SS IS SAMUEL McCUTCHEGN, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS SUPPLIES’ Bee Brass and Sheet [ron Manufactory. 30N PIPE AND FITTINGS. avidson’s Stent Pumps, Amazon ey und, and Orme Patent afety | ‘and Relief Valve. i | Ohio Street, | Buffalo, N a. — The Colbourn House, (FORMERLY THE STANDISH HOUSE.) Capt. H. L. Brown & Son, Prop’s 11 to17E. Congress St. Detroit, Mich. Centrally located, o e block from City Hall, and convenient to street cars running to all poibts of ship- ping up and down the river us been thoroughly refurnished and renovated. Rates, $1.00 to $2 00 per day. Special rates to steam- botnet vesselmen, whose patronage is especially solicit BRITTON & WEST, sOLE MANUFAC!URERS OF THE B & W Gelebrated Tpu oricante. #180, @ylender and Machine Pus. Sole Agents for the Danvigan Antomatic Compression Oil and Gr ase Cups, LUBRICANTS are the only strictly pure mineral oil, s lidified without te use of alkalies, rosius, *cids, or any deleterious ma'erial whalever, Acknowledged by the best grease 4udves of America to be the bet grease yet made. Exrpe ially recomme :ded for use on steamboats, on account of its low cold test and wah melt'ug point, famples free. Send for circulars of both grease and grease cups. Britton & West, 54Grand Arcade,Cleveland.0. ED J. KENDALL. The Marine Reporter. Collections Made and Prompt Remittance, Orders Promptly Delivered with Small Boat Day or Night—Refcrence Port Huron Saviugs Bank, PORT HURON, - - - MICH fametesgesnoss” SPREL BOILER AND SHIP PLATES, ANGLES, BEAMS, CHANNEL il { nN BOILER TUBES, BOILER, TANK AND COOPER RIVETS, We also Represent in this Market the Following Well-known Manufacturers: CONSUMPTION HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP sTEERING EN- | rictional, Spar cr Worm Gearof | INDIGESTIUN ~ WILLIAMSON BROS. GOR. RICHMOND AND YORK S¥S. PHILADELPHIA, PA. | : : _ lithe Marine Recond. IRA B. BASZETT. ~ BASSETT, PRESLEY & TRAIN - GEORGE PRESLEY, Jr. Manufacturers and Wholesale Jobbers of E ) Bar, Bridge and Car Iron, Hoops, Bands and Sheet Iron, * Sanderson Bros. Steel Co, a a a em a atm as aaa ta ata a a ata at aa ta aes aa CAST STEEL. & ee Joseph Corns & Son. ( CROWN STAY BOLT IRON. \ + ( + Pencoyd Tron Works, Y rae y ANGLE IRON. P iy 4 Dilworth, Porter & Co., ; 4 RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE. N 4 Bie ( ; 4 Spang Steel & Iron Co., BOILER AND SHIP PLATES, 1 aE 4 Spaulding Iron Co, { aa Set == = at STEEL NAILS. GO INDO DDE SOO BURI JRO! Boiler, Bridge and Tank Plates, WARE HOUSE AND OFFICE, Cor. ELM AND HEMLOCK ST., CLEVELAND OHIO: COMP’Y BOILER RIVET We Always Carry a Full Stock of Goods in Our Line. and delivery of messages to us if sent via that Company, eo POLITIC you TRADE: All Correspondence and Telegrams Answered Prom Our Correspondents will please note that the Western Union Telegraph Co.’s Wires are connected with our office, and much time will be saved | in 1 the ber SO SOM i SS : fy s if if h B. +i} Ss =e SONY AN SOT x A : Z g 3) Yj A re RY IN S S Za SSS = Se N N N eee Manufacturers of STEEPLE FORE AND AFT COMPOUND, AND TRIPLE AE PHCENIX IRON WOR Ties & & Ca. Buffal N A. R. TRAIN. Andrews Bros. & Co., BAR IRON. Reading Iron Works. BOILER TUBES. Central Iron Works BOILER PLATES. George W. Johnson, TANK AND SHEET IRON. Falls Rivet Co., 2 TANK AND COOPER RIVETS, Lindsay & MceCuteheon, HOOP AND BAND IRON. B Z i WL c