Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 5, 1888, p. 7

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” RADCLIFFE, r and Cen- EVELAND. O. ie X L Ejector. FOR SALE BY PRESLEY & CO., CLEVELAND, 0. enCE SAAL’ S SON. WATER St,, ne No, (2383, ier crt A SPECIALTY. d 405 Detroit-st., corner Duane-st.. » 1638. E CLEVELAND, 0. Saneoopee? to G. RB, GAIL,] |Are s prepare to Manufacture and do Gen- pairing on Marine Engines and all other Machine Work. 4 We have also a full line of pulleys and shafting and [are pre, pared to do all kinds of Stone quarry Work, TEARE, WIGHT & CO. WINDLASS FOR SALE. " umlersigned have “I Hadfield Patent windlass or & One cana three-eight - a bar chain for sate heap. ON & BATES, BH rk St., Racine, Wis, WARD AND ; : JARS, Si pSmuth. inind of Forgings, Bolts and Truss Rods for Buiiding. 49 Main-st Cleveland ~ STEAMBARGE FOR SALE. This isone of the finest steambarges on the lakes, | and was builtin 1884. ve = in good condition in | Soed pnd unload, 5 Hes carrying ca masts. (W8 bushels of wheat,or bo £ om 10 miles toadled or il Address MARINE K LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Commencing December 4th, 1887. The time given smith of all Kinds, ATES TEN TO THIRTY FEET. t7 1 Rit iver St., Cleveland, Ohio, ; in er fg ures below is the new standard (Ninetieth time, which is thirty-three minutes slower | than Ol Cleveland time proper. Eastward. ‘ie Arrive | Depart. No 4, Fast Limited Express......... % am °2 55am} NogN-Y.Bé&-A Express Bie vores hee a No 26, Elyria Accommodation... | $7 45. AM) -.s+.+- ser. No 24, Buffalo Ac'm via isi slo os x fit 5AM No 24° Toledo Accom via Norwark +10 05 4 mitlo 15 AM | No, 10, New York&Boston,{"Flyer”|...------- eit 35 4M | No 12. N Y¥ & B Fast Express 92°20 PM} ete No2, Night Ex via Norwalk 940 P mif10 00 P No 22, Night Ex via Sandusky ..| $9 40 P M|.....---rse 0 26, Conneaut Accommodation f4 25 P M.. Westward. | Arrive, | ia No 1, Fast Limited Express........ =| 15a 7 12154 ¥| No. 33, Gh mare Express.---.. 2 154 No 8, Shica Express via “ 904% 5 454m | d W035, tie Assoes Horwalk.. {5 45am} No 2! Toledo Ex via Norwalk... | fie ‘BOP: x) 18 0PM } 0 5, St Louis Ex via Sandusky. *10 gd bee | (0 9,Chi Pac Ex via Norwalk... > fdas ul] “7 15. PM | A Etyria ac to Elyria only... | ........+-00-» |. sls PK x vied “train for Nottinghbam— Depart { 9:20 3 p. m.; returning, arrive at 9:20a, m. pd | esa marks—* Daily, t daily, except | te except Monday. te A Gleve'and and New York slee poperanlee he Boston, and alps cat yy on No, 10, pa: Cleveland A AL AL SDA oe arrive Grand Central depot, New York. 7 a a For tull inf * Pu lormation as to trains and eign ye ap- | atthe Union ticket office, corner i Sis Agent. 'assen, Pass gt. Lake oc a eae Bank and S si | ae Whe Marine: Recond. ? SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO ee hat Wha RS OF ne Stctionary % Portable Baciiee. MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT. MICH. EAGLE BOILER WORKS, Mi. RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N.Y. MANUFACTURER OF Hizh and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. |W FBARTLETT & (O'S «ING IRON worm: COMBINED Hoisting ane Pum ping Engines. Used for Deck Hoists, Coal and Iron Mines, Log Loading, Hoisting Sail, Loading a: Unloading Coal Barges, and Other Purposes. USED ON | Steamers Roumania, Bulgaria, Oceanica and Others. SEND: FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICES: A. F. BARTLETT & CO,, East Saginaw Mich, BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO., SUCCESSORS, TO BAGNALL & LOUD BLOCK -CO,end PENEIELD BLOCK CO, F BOSTON, MASS., and LOCKPORT, NEW YORK., The Largest and Most Reliable Manufacturers in the United States ot Ss OR pr ge ES J Ore Their Specialties. are: Self-Lubricating Metaline Blocks: Self-locking Link Snatch Blocks: Self-adjustable Five Roll Roller Bush Blocks; Loud’s Pat- ent Non-chokable Diaphragm Pumps will pump Sand, Gravel, etc., without in- jury to the Pump, having no plunger. Easiest Working Pump in the Market OUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. We make the most durable grade of Blocks to be obtained in the market. Call for our SELF-ADJUSTABLE FIVE ROLL ROLLER BUSHED STAR BRAND BLOCKS AND DO AWAY WITH REPAIRs, *. 2. BORN, MANUFACTURERS OF STEEL PLATE FRENCH RANGES For Steamboats and Vessels, Hotels, ihe and Private Families. ee Best Material Used. EVERY RANGE WARRANTED PERFECT. | Broiler, IHEOLLEL, Steam Table Attached, SE BORN'S Steel Plate French Ranges : & now in use on many Steamboats and ) Vessels, the owners of which testify ‘ to their durability, economy of Adapted to Hard or Soft Coal, Coke,or Wood, High Hot Closet & ‘GEO. RANDERSON & SON. | fuel, convenience and elegance of finish. | © on ets ee. 128 Superior st., CLVELAND, 0." TOLEDO, OHIO;" MONTPELIER, OHIO. DEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO), MANUFACTURERS. AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, - CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS, BLOCKS COTTON and FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS BUNTINGS. RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. Nos. 34 ann 35 Sourn Street NEW YORK. TESTED CHAINS, Bratllee & ©o., Kmpine Chain Works BEACH AND OTIS STS., Philadelphia. Ship’s Cables and Marine Railway Chains. Chains for Foundry Cranes and: Slings. D. B.G.”’ Special Crane Chains. Steel and Iron Dredging, Slope and Miniag Chains, LLG. TROUT.” boaR Mitts) NEPTUNEANCHOR WORKS. he _ BUFFALO, NLYS Trible Expansiol ae. aie 6S, Three Cylinder and Fore a it Aft and Steeple Comnenen | Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines, SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS These wheels are noted Tor thei? extra speed or aproportionate saving of coat, BY woh 16 aoe eae PRICES OUOTED ON APPLICATION, WILLARD & FILLEY, [SUCOESSORS TO RB. L, WILLARD) SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING DEALERS IN LEAD, Ol, MIXED PHINES, GLASS, PUY, EXG. All Kinds of Steamboat and Vessel Work a Specialty. Finished Liberty Caps , and Gilt Balls for Mast Heads and Flag Staffs Always on Hand. 57 Wiain Sreet, cor. Elm, Cleveland, Ohio. THE TNS “RATE. G. C.BARNED, fet This Improved Shaking _| Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe [ron Works.. @anufac’s., Officeand Foundry, ccrner of Elm and Spruce-sts , CLEVELAND, O. THOS. DREIN & SON BOILOERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS = and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PI earn oBonts =: of Wood. Biock Cork Life P. servers. Sole mavutecturer of oe JONATHAN CoNnz’s celebrated ' PatentLifeRafts cor Tatnal and RailroadWimington, Dey DEALERS LN. ALL.KLNDS OF Je S. ‘DeVries; ‘Fresh and Salt. | SHIP AND: ORNAMENTAL. PAINTER MEATS | 22\South: Wuter street, Cleveland, O, if sselOrdsrs Promptly File, | matnbitoned tn 1871 Telephone 1732 }/ 236 Detroit st. | Signs, Steering Balls, yiee Caps, Omer 1 Cleveland, O. li mented Work in Oabins » Specialty, Telephone 210

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