Ithe Marine Reconil 3 H. D. COFFINBERRY, | pani tana : —— sical “SEC 5 Ge hip Braker, Vessel Owners and Agents: ee [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) BS. Wess « Co, paar voce ic ees pein ap Bie ape Oe Trade, bo both thie the season and _ gle speed BUILDING, 101 ST, CLAIR ST., a Cleveland, Ohio. - TELEPHONE (223.2; No 1328. lees ea (Detroit and Center Streets, Biaucland Onis Vessel Agents andBrokers, ie Brid,., 101 Bt, late Bt, . AR R, oO NT S 1 I EP — GLEVELAND, OHIO. SSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS. dé. a. H. BROWN. EOWARD SMITH Ship rok and Agents Marine and Stationary Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- cate sua. 202 "i aiid geererls N.Y. resco anak ALEX McDOUGHALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Tons Tat me masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes ae Lesa port will do well to confer with ang ERS aac re Bae Beer ere A Peiasane Engines and Steam rignamamite west vend of Lake omni soa Goo gangs of men tur- SS AND MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. 0 & Agents, pee ai poe : : ee ee Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. “<a sian GILCHRIST, “We take pleasure in announcing that we h jurchased th b : ; ‘ we have p e pro i . j oe iiskers Ship Brokers and Agents,| os a osany xo property, business and good-will of the Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company, and will add to these No, 101 St. air § Street, Room 15. orks, so long an vorably known, & first-class Iron Ship-building ‘Department, with sufficient room and all modern facilities for building two large vessels as the MES T. ROS Z, | ne time, and a Boiler Shop with most approved tools for large work, including Tweddell’s Hydraulic’ Plant for flanging, riveting, etc. JA. We have associated with us Messrs, H. D. Coffiriberry and Robert Wallace, late of the Globe Ship-building Co, and the Globe Iron Works, iad wm. M Kit ny tas Vessel Agent and Broker, f the Winslow Line of Steamera We have made the following appointments : Mr. O. N, Steele, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Thomas W. Bristow, late foreman of oom 4, Exchange Building, Duluth, Minn.| Wyandotte Ship Yard, Superintendent of Ship Yard; Mr. Quincy Miller, Superintendent of Boiler Shop ; Mr, John Stoney, Superintendent of Foundry, anu Mr. Jas Ihave an excellent gang of Ae lsomners this sea- | oe son, Captain Miller’s old Cre % i Special Attention Paid to Ghartering ‘Vessels, ©. Wallace, Draughtsman. and seeing that they get dispatch in P: f \ = _QORRRSPONDENCE BOXACITED. We purpose building Iron and Steel Vessels of all descriptions, Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Blowing ae Steam Helve Hammers and | each ; : AS: ae THOS. WILSON tho work us our large assortment of patterns eminently qualify us to build, at a minimum price. : , & \ wi Tanai ihe Your patronage is solicited, and we trust that the excellence of our work, with fair dealing and strict attention to business, will secure its continuance. Gen. ‘erhael Freight and Vessel nee, THE CLEV ELAND SHIP-BUILDING COMPANY. | { oo hegre ae oO. i i ; : JOAN r. DE NEY, General plage AIAG Load- A Marine Collector. a Fey ap a i =x a Collections Promptly Attended to. on Hand. Information in regard to DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKs IN ASHTABULA HARBOR, OHIO. A SS : JOHN GC: ft: PRINGLE, gladly furnished. Quick dispatch BOR | Vessel Agent Broker and Ore Trimmer, ere Oe aia) t] ASHLAND, WIS. C. J- MACILL, ‘All Information Furnished on Application and correspondence solicited, V E S S E I AL EN al ' M an ulacturers PROCTORS (N ADMIRALTY. Yee Chartered, B sught. and Sold, Lake WM. H. De WITT, es aap River HOM: Bills Col- ® Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. 948 a Spe pi prepty ranking ofthe inest j reck- ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. oard of Trude, Chicago, Ill. le See AND OR) o(« /) | MARINE REPORTER AT THE STRAITS, ind Pumps in the ene eH HALLAD AY. | “Reports of Passing Vessels a ‘Specialty. Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. Mer NIChe Waether Penitaeee ld Marine Business Promptly Attended To, |“¥JOB REPORTS May BE RELIED on. YP RS EXPERIENCE @KEIGE 2) ites ale DETROIT, abe earonare of the Marlne Pubiic Respect- 'y Requested--Charges Reasonable. TART MULLEN Ae STARKEY ‘Pullaediayson Youghiogheny & Massillon Bal DOCKS AT GOVERNMENT PIER AND RIVER BED SLIP. | Grov ery & Provision Rinne, Hand Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main | : 5 : Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. | Specirl Attention Given to Vessel Supplies. i} | MONTAGUE IRON WORKS, SUULDSEAUSTUN Montague, Mich., I6/ 169 Lake-st," MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE AND SMTONARY BverNKS CHICAGO, ILL, AND BOILERS, BEESON’S | ~~ SPIEGLE BROS. | AN IRON MINE FOR SALE.;_ This mine is on the shores of Lake Huron, close to MARINE SUPPLY STORE ecand harbor... First-class ore, assayed 70 pew cont SAE <3 soiree Pacem Of ory Sty7le and Size, SAILOR’S HAND BOOK, ee ap hg Stat fot ne es a : f PEE aga ce ship Si gaat its ain ae fee cineorered on this eontiment ftir} PROPELLER ‘WHEELS and Heavy Castingss|s-asrrrmscratsrine tare. troy ve | RRR et eae of all tum, | geeesrenreticire sm omen two silyer mmes on to d rcul 30 & 32 Ri A Specialty. Send for Circular and Prices, | at a1 custom houses. Price 50c. See it. ooo 2 err ie: Ebene Deteatt Sion bont | et harbor. ai farniahed. “Agety 1 —e oe eee