Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), June 7, 1888, p. 2

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the Marine Recond. EFFICIENCY OF THK LIFE SAVING SERVICE. To the Editor of the Marine Record: AsHTaBuLA Harsor, May 24. Ex keeper's attempt to justify General Su- perintendent 8. I. Kimball's course in fitting out life saving stations with such appliance, as the English life boat, Merriman life dress, and the apology for a hand cart to trauspert the beach aparatus, is amusing and certainly should win for him a high position in the esti- mation ‘f Mr. Kimball. He speaks in his letter, rega'ding rules and regulations, for authority for keepers to repair their useless traps, We would ask how n.uch time is there to repair and patch up any aparatus in ' time of actual service, and if it woul! not be much better, when experience has shown that a thing is not adequate for the work, to replace the weak part with something strong, ‘durable, and best fitted for the purpose, Mr. Kimball knows these things time and agnin have been brought to his notice, and still you can find in the stations the same uncertain, patched-up contrivances that were there ten years ago, This does not speak very favora bly for the practical man at the head of the institution. When Ex keeper speaks 80 ‘boastingly of our life saving service being the best in the world, I ask why should it net be so. In Great Britain it is supported by subscription and has no system supported and provided by the government, and in all other countries it is the same, except Russia, which country cannot be mentioned in the same day as ours, except in tyranny and op- . pression. That we can excel in something wherein we have no competition is nothing particularly to beast of. The life saving ser- vice of this country can thank such able ad- vocates as Hon. 8. 8, Cox, O. D. Conger and a few others who are outside and least per- onally interested for its present condition, and not so much the officials who have been working more for their own interest than for ‘the interest of the service. When Mr. Kim- ball opposed the recent measure for paying living wages to keepers and crews, offering such a flimsy, ridiculous reason for his action, he advance! the interest of the service in about the same way as Hx-keeper did in stat- ing that the men worked only about an hour aday. Ex-keeper must have been pricked on the start, when he atiempted to show that the service is what it might have been during the official fathering of the general superintend- ent, for all men connected with marine af- fairs, and, who are interested in maintaining a life saving service, know it has been only half supported, and had this bill for raising the salaries been properly looked after it would hhave gone through and become a, source of relief to half paid men. Without a doubt something I have said must have pricked my Ex-keeper friend, and, for one who is as dis- PROT E CTING THE SE AMEN, The Honorable Mr. Foster is to |e com- mended for having introduced into parl men- | a bill which is designed to afford greater pro- tection to property, and also to the lives of | the brave men v ho mano r merchant marine | on the sea and on the lakes, The loss of ma y valuable lives and several ships and Cargoes during recent years, and the subsequent nquiry into causes ther of, have all t/nded to bring about the proposed changes to the laws affecting the inspection of hulls and ge n- | ,eral equipme t of both steam and railing | ‘oraft. The severe and rigid examination | which masiers and mates now have to undergo | bef re obt ining certificates of qualification | are a seemingly strange anomaly to rotten | bottoms and unseaworthy, overloaded vessels, | which they have to officer and are expected to safely guide over trackless waters and bring into p rt without mishap. It is proposed by the act to have a thorough system of inspection | voth of boats aud cargoes. Grain will here | after have to be shipped either in sac..s or bar- rels or, if in bulk, a properly arranged syst: m of shipping bo rds will dem.ided_ before the vessels can leave port. In Great Britain all merchants vessels have on their hulls what is known as the Plimsoll mark above which it is illegal to lower the ship in- tothe water. This seems asimple yet very easy and effective method of preventing over- loading. The penalties for the intraction of Mr. Foster’s proposed legislation are quite severe, yet none too much so wheh the im- portance of the question ia considered. Canada being regarded as the fifth maritime country in the world, anything which h s to do with its vessel interests should be regarded as of great importance. The good sense of our legislators, as well as the practical expe- zience some of them no doubt have had in, marine matters should guarantee, the passage of a law equally fair and just to all sea-fa ing men, whether owners. officers, or crew.—Port Arthur Sentinel. THE annunl pamphlet issued by the gov- ernment, tocating all lighthoure:, . buocy-, etc., on the lakes, is just out and can be had at the custom houses by captains on appliea- tion. HENRY ESGH, Groceries and Provisions, | Fresh and Salt Meats, | DRY GOODS AND GhOWHAING. | Special attention given to vessel supplies. Corner of Jay and 9th st. Manitowoc . Wis. | Propeller Wheeis. | FOR BARGES, TUG:, CANAL | BOATS AND YACHTS | Two, Tree or Four | Blades for - SPEED OR TOWING \ From 12 Inches to 14 feet in Dlumeter interested as an ex-keeper, be is taking con- ; siderable trouble and I would be pleased to have him come out in his true character in his: next and tell me just ‘where. he has been hit. I will gladly do the same in a reply I shall certainly make. Seat Ex-SURFMAN. — ———-— AGREEABLY SURPRISED. Albert She Spencer, vice president of the Lake Michigan and Lake Surperior Transportatien Co, was 66 years of age yesterday, At 3:45 o'clock, the veteran was seated in his temporary office on Washington street when President Leopold and General Manager Austrian came in upon him The former carried in his hand a long gossamer- covered something, which he tried to conceal be- beneath the folds§ of his coat, but failed. When Messrs. Leopold and Austrian entered they found the aged but well preserved mariner chatting on business topics with his son, C.F, A. Spencer. Mr. Leopold, having exchanged courtesies with Captain Spencer, addressed him as'follows: Mr. Spencer: In the name of the Lake Mich. igan and Lake Superior ‘I'ransportation Company, permit me to present you with this slight token ‘of our appreciation of your many kindnesses and courtesies shown the members of this company. Let this not remind you that there isa time com- ing when you will have to lean upon it for support It isa cane. Do not permit itto impress you as “coming from us because of any anticipated o, existing physical defect. You are, despite your ripe years robust, healthy, and strong. May you long continue so Its donors intended the cane to be more ornamental then useful. Carry it and “enjey carrying it and when you look upon it think “of yeur associates of the L. M. and L.8, I am no orator yet these few feeble expressions come from the bottem of my heart. The cane is one of the most magnificent ever turned out. It is of ebony, highly polished, and is mounted with a very ornate, heavily chased gold head, on which is inscribed, ‘‘Compliments L. M. and L, 8. A. T. Spencer, Mayg, 1888” The recipient looked more than voiced his thanks and after receiving the congraulations of every- body the little gathering dispersed. © PUSHING THE DRY DOCK SCHEME. Last evening the dry dock committee met and began the work of pushing the scheme for the con struction of a dock in Kingston, Alderman Muckleston and Gaskin representing the coun- cil, and Mr. W. Leslie representing the board of trade, were appointed a deputation to proceed to Toronto and Hamilton to lay the matter be. fore those interested, such as boat owners and insurance agents, and to request them to sign a document pressing upon the government the ne- cessity of beginning the construction of the work atonce Letters have been received from the Toronto and Hamilton boards of trade, which express ao Jwith the scheme,— Kingston News. ” VULC' NIRON WORKS | Wire gee | Mead | sage or freight apply to ANDERSON & 80 NORTHCLINTON ST:, CHICAGO, ILL. MONEY 8AVED, : MONEY GAINED, BY BUYING GOODS DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AT JOBBING PRICES. | J. W. GROVER & SON. SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS AND RIGGERS. IMPORTVRS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Qanilta, and Garred Cordage, Canras, Blarks, Oxk- wm, Gar, Pitch, Ours, An> hors, Ohains, fg. 116 & 119 RIVERST., & 134 & 135 DOCK CLEVELAND, OHIO. DETROIT DRY DOCK CO,, ~ JOHN THOMSON, St:am Fitter and Machinist, DEALER IN ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES. Sole agent for Clevelund for the Giant Red Valve. & Thomson’s Feed Water Purifier. Agent for Lubricitiog Oi Agenttor the Capital and Medal Cylinder Oils, 123 River Street, Cleveland, 0. Telep) one 77. ari earn DEALER IN GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Green Canned ; ee goods, FAMILY AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PAKTS OF THE CITY 121 River-st , Cleveland, 0, Teisphone 745. Grummond’s MackinacLine STWR ATLANTIC, Captain J R. dones. |; LEAVES CLEVEL AND EVERY FRID AY AT8 P. M., CL1Y TIMK, For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, and way ports. For pas- CO, Agents, Dock ft. of Superior-st. S, B. GRUMMOND, Owner. Cleveland Block Co, MANUFACTURERS OF ronTackle Blocks ‘“AKING ‘THE “PLACE OF WOODEN BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CONSTRE CrORS oF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft, of Orleans-st.,. Detroit, Mich. : 5. Bw. HROWMOND, Tugs for Wrecking, Raft Towing, Ete. STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON, Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Etc, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOL OF FIRST ST, OWNER OF TUGS - . . Tito tates: Moun chamnie) DOTTOUG, mine Also, Steam Barge M \RY PRINGLE, with Steam Hoister and Wreaking Outfit on Board, 8@°OrricE OpEN Day AND Nieut. SATisrFACTION GUARANTEED.“@K BRANCHOFFICES at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH WRECKING TUG LEVIATHAN, CAPT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN: With plenty of Wrecking Material on board and in W: arehouse, Which Man is the Tallest? 159 River St., CLEVELAND, O FOR SALE CHEAP. THE boiler and mac hinery of vas Log George Hand, all im first class SO notpee oMORAN or D. L RON ELS, Port Huron, Mich. | MONEY WELL SPENT. W. B, RUDOLF & CO., 3 ee MAN hal OF MANUFACTURERS' AND DEALERS ING FINE CYLINDER, ENGINE, LARD, BLACK OILS, WAT- ER-PROOF GREASE RAILROAD, STEAM BOAT AND ENGI- NEERS’ SUPPLIES. Yearly Contracts a Specialty. 29 South Clinton-st.. Chicago, tli HULL’S RU BBER- STORE. Paventep Ocr, 2%, 1989, SPECIAL GRADES OF WATER AND E. W. HULL, 237 2uperior WE STAND READY TO HAVE OUR GOODS TES- TED AGAINST ALL OTH- ERS, AND WILL CHEER- FULLY SUPPLY SAMPLE CAN OR BARREL, NOT TO BU PAID FOR UNLESS SATISFACTORY AT THE END OF THE TRIAL; TO , BE PAID FOR AY REGU- » Ak RATES WHEN THE $4 7OODS ARE PRONOUN- 7” CKD SATISFACTORY, _ Goodsel’s Rub- s ber Back Flax Packing,Stearn | Packing Valves i] Gaskets, ete. Rubber Cloth- ing Boots and Shoes. STEAM HOSE FOR MARINE USE. st., CLEVELAND, gend for 3 Price Lise. MARTIN MULLEN, Agent, | DEALER IN Youghiogheny & Massillon Coal DOCKS AT GOVERNMENT PIER AND RIVER BED SLIP. Office. 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone No. 2701. BOATS COALED DAY OR NIGHT. SPLEGLE BROS. MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; Hresh & Salli Moat of ali Kimd, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 1$4 Broadway. Telephone 112, Cosmo nopolitan Hotel. H STREET. ASHTABULHA HARBOUR, 0. @. Timmerman. Proprietor Vesselmen will find this hotel first-class for clean, comfortable rooms and plenty of excellent food amr good acommodations. SIGNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sai PATENT FLUTED LENS PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in They have been adopted by the p French Wrought Iran Steamboat Copper, Tin, FELTHOUSEN 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y¥, Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. of You measure carefully the fig- ures in this cut you will find that the man who appears the shortest is in reality the tallest. If you will coal your boats at my dock, adjoin- ing S. F. Hodge Iron Works, you wilt get better dispatch and better sone than at any other Place t in the city. 0. W. SHIPMAN, OFFICE: Corner Griswold and Larned Sts Retr en ter yl Ship Ohandion, Sail Makers and R1 STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES. 22 to 26 Market-St. near Randolph-St., Shica sgers ling Vessels. use. rincipal Ocean and Lake Steamers Ranges and Broilers and Sheet Iron Workers & RUSSELL,

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