Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), June 7, 1888, p. 7

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e ly a ehirt oo inthe al 1 kinds of Flannel Se e uble and single-brexsted Sailor Taterproot Shirts, Cheviot Shirts, a regular home made style, ever . wide, 40 in, long, wide sleeves, well sewed, can be foun atthe Boston Goods Store, 213 Detroit street. Ay yor from corner Pear! streets, A)so(ae™ own home-made Jean Punts, Overalls, Zimgere te., and all of above will be male{ga™ if the customer desires it, Poon ace ame. price: as sold ready-made. Don’t torget to call on KOHN & CO., Jetroit St., near corner Pearl, Cleveland 0: GJ. STARKEY. -Grovery & Provision Store. Special Attention Given to Vessel Supplies. FAIRPORT. O vA. $. DeVries, SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER 22 South Water street, Uleveland, O. * Established im 1871. ©.gn8. Bteering Balls, ae, Oops, Orna- Telephone 210. GEORGE SAAL’S SON. Copper-smithing of all Kinds, VESSEL WORK A SPECIALTY. 403 and 405 Detroit-st., corner Duane-st.. Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. He River Machine Co., [Successor to G. R, GALE,] he M Marine Recon. 4 SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF F . rn STE Ferlary & Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND Riverside lron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT. MICH. — EAGLE BOILER WORKS, M.RITER, Prop’r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, N.Y. — MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers ; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. =REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A. F. BARTLETT & CO.’S COMBINED Hoisting and Pumping Engines. 1 7 7 River St., Cleveland, Ohio, ae prepare ed to. Manufacture, and do Gen- eral Repairing on Marine wa Sg and all other Machine Wor! We have also a full line of pulleys and ‘Shaftin ube are prepared to do all kinds of Stone quarry Wor! TEARE, WIGHT & CO. "WINDLASS FOR SALE. The undersigned have a Hadfield erent (ore ora one and Pree rieny Pe ch: ae shea) me 927 Erie Re Tecine. Wis, i Wah) Fy CTSU Phipsmith, All Kind of Forgings, Bolts and Truss Rods for Building. ae 49 Main-st Cleveland Ror FE. HALLADAY. Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. Marine Business Promptly Attended To. ORKICE 2) pit BLOCK, DETROIT, MIGHIGAN. BEESON’S SAILOR’S HAND BOOK, And Synopsis of Marine Laws, Every ves- se] man wantsove. Fcrsale by marineclerk at all custom houses. Price 50c. See it. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Commencing Seas May 1%, 1888, The timejgiven a9 the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth eridian) time, which | {fs thirty-three minutes slower than Cleveland time proper. Eastward. | Arrive | Depart. Noa, Fast | Limited Express......... 6N. Y. & Boston Ex. No x Y.B&A Ex xpress... ria y ea a o inNe Y&B tEcbren * Roz, Night Ex via Norwalk.._. No 22, Night Ex via Sandusky -- fis No 26, Conneaut Accommodation 4 25 P M Westward. l Arrive, | Depart. No 1, Fast Limitea Express.........| No. 23, Cleveland Express mes Cates ae rNocwall a ich Accom ° Ex oe eae -|f18 50 | +3 20P e papain train for ‘WNottingbam— Depart 9. 920 a. m rer 1:00 p. m.; returning, arrive at 9:20a, m. and 445 ce marks—* Dally, ft daily, except Sunday, daily n exeept Monda: , A lace Cleve'and se New York sleeper, also sleeper PEs Boston, and dining car datly on No, 10, savin sta ae at 44 * M.; arrive Grand Central depo’ ew For full information as to trains and counections ap- ply at the Union ticket office, corner Bank and Supe- tlors reets, under Mercantile Bank. Ez. GAUL, City, La Ae A.J, SMITH, Gen’l ake ow Shore Block. Ss La, Used for Deck Hoists, Coal and Iron Mines, Log Conde Hoisting Sail, Loading and Unloading Coal Barges, and Other Purposes. USED ON Steamers Roumania, Bulgaria, Oceanica and Others. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICES. A. F. BARTLETT &CO;,. East Saginaw Mich, . BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO., SUCCESSORS TO RAGNALL & LOUD BLOCK CO.and PENFIELD BLOCK OO. BOSTON, MASS., and LOCKPORT, N W YORK. The Largest and Most Reliable Manufacturers in the United States ot dart dae, lf obs. Their Specialties are: Self-Lubricating Metaline Blocks: Self-locking Link *oa Snatch Blocks: Self-adjustable Five Roll Roller Bush Blocks; Loud’s Pat fea ent Non-chokable Diaphragm Pumps will pump Sand, Gravel, etc., without in hams jury to the Pump, having no plunger. Easiest Working Pump in the Market OUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. We make the most durable grade of Blocks to be obtained in the marker Cal) for our SELF ADJUSTABLE FIVE ROLL RO! LER BUSHED STAR BRAND BLUCKS AND DO AWAY WITH REP AIRS, , BORN MANUF co ow OF STEEL PLATE FRENCH RANGES For Steamboats and Vessels, Hote Ss, Restaurants and Private Families. = Best Material Used. Adapted to Hard or Soft Coal, Coke or Wood Steam Table Attached, BORN’S Steel Plate French Ranges _ to their durability, economy of fuel, convenience and elegance of finish. | er op BoRm. 128 Superior st.. CLVELAND. 0.) ARTHUR & BOYLAN, | Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. EVERY RANGE WARRANTED PERFECT | | Broiler, High Hot Closet & | are now in use on many steamboats and | Vessels, the owners of which testify | | | | Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier } ohne MILLS. TOLEDO, OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO. DEGRA Ww AYMAR&CO.,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS, BLOCKS COTTON anp FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS BUNTINGS, RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP- CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY Nos. 84 anv 85 Sours Srreer, NEW YORK, TESTED CHAINS, Bratlee & @u., Empine Chain Works BEACH AND OTIS STS., Philadelphia. Ship’s Cables and Marine Railway Chains. 7. Chains for Foundry Cranes and Slings. D. B.C.” Special Crane Chains. Steel and Iron Dredging, Slope and Chains. Fe-G- TROUE NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS: KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N.Y., ’ bib etonvkce ior Triple Expansion Marine Eng:nes, Three Cylinder and Fore and - Aftand Steeple Compound — f Marine Engines, = igh and Low Pressy rs High and Low esure Engines PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS. These ohn are moter Tor their extras eed and to or aproportionate saving tees a wing power; PRICES QUOTED ON + SEP LICAT ESE ILLEY, (SUCCESSORS TO RB. L, WILLARD) SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. DEALERS 1N LEAD, Oll, MIXED PAINES, GLASS, PUREY, EXG, All Kinds of Steamboat and Vessel Work a Specialty. Finished Liberty Caps , and Gilt Balls for Mast Heads and Flag Staffs Always on Hand. 57 Main Sreet, cor. Elm, Cleveland, Ohio. THE ATN® GRATE. G.C. BARNES, het. This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Glob Iron Works. manufac’s,, Office and Foundry, corner of Elmand Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, O. ; THOS. DREIN & SON BUILDERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PleasureBoats of Wood, Biock Cork =| servers, Sole manutacturer of Capt. JONATHAN CoNnzk’s celebrated E> PatentLifeRafts cor Tatnal and Railroad Wimington, De MONTAGUE IRON WORK §, Montague, Mich., MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE AND SIGVIONARY ENGINES l@ AND BOILERS, Of Dwery Style and Size, PROPELLER ‘VHEELS and Heavy Castings | ASpecialty. Send for Circular and Prices.

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