_ CLEVELAND, r. W. H. Connors of the united news as- sociation of Detroit was in the city yesterday. Captain J. W. Westcott, marine reporter, of Detroit, was in the city yesterday. The Globe iron works company are niak- shatt tor the steamer Ed. Kelley hes diameter and 5 feet in length The Detroit and Cleveland steam naviga- jon company began making their regular Bunday trip last week. r Joseph Mohr, junior partner of Mohr & Son, of | Chicago, proprietor of the largest _ boiler plant in the west, is in the city tak- ing look over our shipyards and boiler ‘shops, On investigation we find that a paragraph in these columns, reflecting on Mr. Rumsey was “wrong. | He was not the aggressor, but was assaulted in his office by twomen. During the skirmish Mr, Rumsey had his hand broken. made us say !ast week that the Fb ig Light built by the Globe iron works _ company made the run down to Buffalo in 14 - hours, when we should have said 13} hours, thus giving her the fastest record between Cleveland and Buffalo for new steamers. nae; ee The excursion and picnic of the employes ‘of the Globe Iren Works Company at Shad- dock’s Lake grove last Saturday was most sports were indulged in and all returned to the city tired but happy after their day's outing. At the Cleveland drydock the steamer Sitka hus received new stern bearings and brasses; the steamer Queen of the West has had her stern bearings repaired, and the tug James Amadeus has had her wheel re- paired. ies Reports to Mr. Pankhurst say the new steamer Northern Light is doing finely ; she turns up 74 revolutions per minute on 140 pounds of steam in the top notch, making 12 miles per hour; the chief engineer states that thus far he bas not lost his watch be- tes low. She left Duluth Tuesday, 27th, for (bs Cleveland. The steamer Corsica on her first trip, made the following record; run 177 miles in 14 hours and 10 minutes, averaging 124 miles per hour, with a cargo of 2628 tons of ore on 20 tons of fuel. Her draft was 15 feet 84 inches aft and 15 feet 5inches forward. The speed of her wheel was 14 miles per hour, turning up 77 revolutions, slip 10 per cent. No. 2, building at the yard of the Cleve- land Shipbuilding company, is all pianked, has had her water bo:tom tested, has her shafting nearly all aboard, and is about ready to launch, The new ferry steamer is most all in frame, has her floors in and the forgings for her are about completed; all the heavy castings tor her machinery are made, including her bed plates, and three of the four boilers for her are under way. The Frank Wright is making preparations for an eluborate Jaunch July 4th; tn- invitations will be issued to personal friends which will excell anything heretofore sent out. They will be of a rich blue clay tint, bevel edged witha crest, consisting of a sea serpent rampant and a lamper eel couch- ant, refreshments, river water and ouk saw- dust will be served at 4 p. m.; please pre- sent your invitation at the ‘eeeath door. N. B. come early and avoid the rush. The Cleveland city forge bas just com- pleted the two largest engine shafts ever made in this country. They we gh twenty- four tons each and they are for the W. & A. Fletcher company, operating the North river iron company of New York. These massive works of iron are a part of the machinery of the Puritan, a sidewheel boat which will be a sister ship to the Pilgrim of the Fall river line. Cramp & Son of Philadelphia are build- ing the hull of the Puritan. The Cleveland city forge is making all of the shafte, cranks and connection rods for the new boat, anda beam strap ot eighteen tons was sent Off last week, Mr. Delos Hayden has been promoted to chief light keeper at this port, succeeding ORS Pia _ enjoyable one. . Foot races aud other athletic | Rt ST lg A a a ac Boe i of Fag as SSR LIA PR pts, Fg pt gO a LO DEVOLED TU NAVIGATION, COMMBACE, ENGINELKING AND SCIENCE. CLEVELAND..O., JUNE 28. 1888. Captain George Tower who resigned this rpting. Mr. William Jardine has been ap- pointed to fill the vacancy as assistant at the breakwater light with Mr. Fred T. Hateh. Son after the resignation of Captain George Tower Mr. Ocenr H. Cook also re- signed his position as assistant main light keeper to take command of the schooner Chappelle, he baying a three-fifths interest in her. Mr. Louis Walrose has been ap- pointed to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Cook retiring. We take pleasure in acknowledging receipt ofa yery complete chart, published by Mr Chas. Crosman of Milwaukee, Wis., showing graphically the fluctuations of the water sur- face,rainfalls, areas, tides, etc., of the great lake since 1859, which have been most carefully compiled from official data, obtained from the U. 8. lake survey, Smithsonian Institute and the Wardepartment, This chart bears evi- dence of much careful work, and is a valuable source of information to any one interested in marine matters, é Acvording to the report from the com missioner of nayigation the tonnage of the following lake vessels steam and sail is: Sehooner Toutana, of Port Huron, gross 1163.68, net 1105.47 schooner Phantom, of Grand Haven, gross 8.38, net 7.97; steam- yacht Mat Wagner, of Buffalo, net 38 03 steamer Oswego, of Oswego, gross 115.99, net 92.29; steamer Pastime, Cape Vincent, gross 20.03, net 13,48; steamer Servia, of | Cleveland, gross 1425.44, net 1182.11; -team- er Vita, of Detroit, gross 69.38, net 4851; and barge ©1017’, Dulnth, Michigan., gros- 412.32. Captain C. E. Benham, owner of the luke tug Samson, has commenced proceediugs in admiralty against the propeller Fountain City. The two boats collided off Long Point May 10. Captain Benham claims $970 dame ages. The Fountain Ci y was attached, but was afterward released, bond being given. The new ore docks of the Minnesota Lron Co. have received their first cargos of ore It comes from Two Harbors, as will all of that company’s ore, and Is the first of a con- signment of an amount variously placed at from 100,000 to 300,000 tons. The new dock machinery is of the best build and _ latest mold, and is said to be able to handle about 1,800 tons a day. Sergeant Hammond, of the signal service states that the signal station will be re- moved from the present location to the At- water building on the viaduct. This change is necessituted by the erection of the new Payne block adjoining the bank building where the station now is, in such a way as to shelter the instruments on the roof from the weather, Lieutenant Mitchell, the signal service inspecting officer, who has been mak- ing an examination of this station, left the city Tuesday evening. He made a very thorough investigation here, and found everything in a very satisfactory condition. Several new and improved pieces 0} ap- paratus are expected to replace the old ones, These will increase the efficiency of the ser- vice. Meteorological summary for the week ending June 27, 1888: Mean actual barometer.............--. 29 84 Mean temperature,,.. Mean humidity..... 75-1 Total precipitation.,.......... Prevailing direction of wind... Total wind movement....... er, COMINGS oon. eect otek cond 1265 Av. state of weather.................- Fair. Max, temperature, highest... . re wee) Min temperature, lowest........-.-.-. 58.6 W.H. Hammon, Sergt. Signal Corps,U, SA, ERIE, The schooner Nelson is hard aground in the bay, and although she is in no danger she will have to be lightered, PORT CLINTON. Special to the Marine Record. Captain J. E. Spaulding has sold his tug Sallie to East Saginaw parties for $1,050 cash. She goes to Hammond’s Bay to go into the logging business. Captain William Curtis is building a light draft scow, length 80 feet, beam 28 feet, and 3 feet depth of Lold. CHICAGO, Special to the Marine Record. Captain J, F. Moore, who sailed the schooner. Minnie Slauscn for fourteen sea- sone, and who has made his home at Girard, Kanens, for the past twelve months, was in Chicago last week on a Visit. The schooner - Helen Piatt, Captain Thomas Fahey, arrived Sunday, June 24th, with lumber trom Charlevoux. She had been in collision with the schooner Rosa- belle when about ten nnlee north-east of Two Rivers point at 10a. m. on the 2let instant; it was foggy and the Pratt was by the wind coming up Luke Michigan when she met the Rosabelle, light, bound down, running nearly before the wind; the Pratt’s fog horn was blown at regular intervals. No sound was heard from the Rosabeile and she was only seen when about tliree times her length off by these on board the Pratt, Captain Fehey kept on his course to avoid collision, but the crew of the Rosabelle did not see the Pratt soon enough to do any- thing to prevent the collision. The Pratt had her cathead, rail and stringers and fore- rigging on the port side carried away and the Rosabelle lost ber jibboom, anchor siock and mainsail. The new steambarge Robert C. Wente, recently built by R. W. Lynn, shipbuilder, Gibralter, Mich., for the Manistee lumber | company, made Ben maiden trip to this port Monday, Jone 25th, “with 400/000 feet of lumber from Manistee. She is 141 feet in length over all, 30 feet breadth of beam, 10% feet depth of hold; she has a fore and aft compound engine 19 and 30 by 86, built by Samuel F. Hodge & Co., Detroit, and a steel boiler 9 by 15 built by McGregor, De- troit. Cuptuin Gilbert Budge, who saper- intended her building, 1s in command of her and be bas a very useful, substantial, good looking steambarge to take care of; every inch of space on board her has been made the most cf to make her a large carrier, and her excellent machinery will make hera flyer. She towed the schooner City of To- ledo, lumber laden, from Manistee to this port in 16 hours. The schooner Quickstep, Captain Becker, arrived with lumber Sunday. Her first ap- pearance at this port this season. She looks good, as usual, and so does her captain. The fine new steambarge Charles Hebard, ?! recently built at Detroit by John Oadegs, for C. Hebard & Son, Pequaming, arrived Tues- day morning with 775,000 feet of lumber from Pequaming. She is 197 feet long over all, 34 teet beam, 134 feet hold; her engine, atriple compound 24 and 46 by 36, was built by the Froatier iron and brass works, Detroit,and her boiler 12 by 124¢ of the Scotch type by Thomas McGregor, Detroit. She has the American ship windlass com- psny’s cupsetans and windlass, Her cabins are nicely fitted out and she is very substan- tially built and basa fine appearance. Cap- tain James Parsons is commanding her, William Schumaker is first engineer, James Carter second engineer. Captain James Ferguson, of the well known firm of Magner & Co. vessel supply- men, gaye away his eldest daughter Isa belle, Wednesday morning, June 20th, at Saint Andrews church, Chicago, to Wm. Strouts, of Chicago. The happy couple left Chicago the same day for Denver to spend afi} their honeymoon, At Miller Brothers Drydock’s, the steam- barge 8. K. Martin, was in for a new Trout wheel, the schooner J. W. Wright for bottom calking the schooner Ida for new assistant keelsons and calking all over, the steambarge T, D, Stinson fora new Trout wheel, the schooner Windsor is receiving a new foremast. The steambsrge Otego, of Marquette, is in port with her flag at balf mast. Captain Frink, who commanded ber having died suad- denly Saturday afternoon last, in this city. The engine of the steamer Douglas got on the center last Thursday as she was ap- proaching Rush street bridge. She struck the bridge, doing it considerable damage and also her own stem and bows. Six hundred thousand bushels of corn was taken for shipment Monday by vessel agents and the spare room on the market was about cleared up. Rates were unchanged on the basis of 14g cents on corn to Buffalo, the same to Georgian Bay, aad’ 33{ cents to Kingston. An inquest was held on the body of Captain Frink Saturday. The verdict is that the deceased came to his death by an overdose of chioroform administered to alleviate pain- The missing money, $1,330, has not yet been located. The body was embalmed and shipped to Marquette for burial this afternoon by P. H. Fleming. WILLIAMs, , MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Record, Since her arrival in Michigan City the staeambarge Huron City has been attached by Messrs, Wolf & Davidson and in all probability will be sold, I don’t know what laws her captain has been guilty of breaking, but should judge that a five hundred dollar fine for leaving port with- out clearance papers is what he ih be}. made to pay. $2.00PzR ANNUM? SINGLE Copixs 5 CENTS. ASHTABULA HARBOR, Special to the Marine Record. Business at our port is lively, everything and everybody working to their full capac- ity; eternity ia even crowded out of our thoughts by Sunday work; the L.'S., how- ever, only worked one boat last Sunday, but the A. & P. dock was being worked 100 strong. The pleasure steamer Burnhurst: was up from Erie Sunday on a pleasure ex- cursion and worked the harbor for short, trips. into the lake at 25 cents a head per trip; and here we inquire where will it all end? We hope, unlike Sodom and Go- morrah, there may be found here good men enough to save-our city from destruction. Propeller E. B. Hale is bein’ painted. 8. K. Sheldon and consort load {coal for Port Williams. | Steambarge Alpena is at Devney’s yard having new stem, new bulwarks forward, coal fo r Lake Linde rail; propeller 8. Mather The steambarge S. Chipman was in dock I for a new Sheriff’s wheel and to have her| ~~ shaft straightened : * The steambarge Starke came in ‘under canvass having been broke down in mid lake, Her high pressure piston, is broken, as is also-her rod,and-she-bas a-small crack in| her cylinder, The coal arrivals continue large and steady, but the coal freights continue low and have a tendency to slump through the botiom. Probably some of our boats will pay shippers for a load if it keepson. The lumber freights are still weak. Hart Brothers’ new boat, building at Manitowoe, will be launched Wednesday. She is 170 feet long, 294 feet beam, 1014 feet depth and will carry about 400,000 feet of lumber. Sheriff’s report'a 6 feet 6 inch wheel ship- ped to Olympia, W. T., one 5 feet 4 inches to Escanaba, besides others to the south and west and orders are coming in every day, Captain T. Richardson, of the Big Hilton, starts the ball rolling by flying the first C. and T. flag of the campaign, and _ his is styled the ‘tbanana’’ boat. At Hatfield’s coal dock they have been tryinga new hoisting rig, but it is nota success, and they have gone back to horse power for the time being. The last coal fleet has suffered considera- ble delay. In some ca+e: it amounted to four and ftve days. The Davidson has been here a week but got away Saturday, 8. FRANKFORT, Special to the Marine Keeord, Propeller Cuba ran‘ashore half mile south of Point Betsy, at 7p. m, June’ 22, a heavy fog prevailed, the lifesaving crew were on board jn a few minutes, informed them of their posj- tion, and secured the tug D. P. Hall from Frankfort. The Cuba was out 18 inches, The tug dredged achannel and released her at daylight. She was uninjured, and passed down on her trip to Buffalo, corn laden, The new steam barge, Mark Hopkins, is here load- ing lumber}for Buffalo; she is astauuch craft now on her seventh trip. U. S, revenue cutter, Andrew Johnson, Captain Baker, came in last Sunday, remained until Friday, during which time she was thor- oughly repainted, and left port shining as bright as a dollar. U, 8. supply steamer Dahlia, commander, ©. E, Clark, called here Thursday with sup- plies for Pierhead light. Lieutenant J. H. Rogers, inspector; and Captain N, Robbins, superintendent of life saving station, 11th district, were here this week at Frankfort and Point Betsy station on official business. The past week has been very foggy on lake, andhot onland, Steam fog whistles are continually heard from morn- ing till nlght. BuRMEISTER. SAULT STE MARIE. The big lumber barge Wahnapitae went hard aground in the Soo river and will have to be lightered. for donb; will i Duluth; the | Piaslev. ‘is “having main rail put in a3 a result of collision wi the steamer Corsair. ; Schouner Owasco at Laird. & Mclaren’s yard is getting new main boom, lost on Lake Huron; also new bitts fore and aft. Propeller Henry Chisholm is repainting. The dredge Erie is working in the river channel abreast of upper L. S.slip, making it — wider an4 deeper. Dredge Hercules is cleaning out the chan- nel from the government pier to the swing bridge. The schooner Frank Perew loads coal for Lake Linden. BE. Bs DULUTH. The directors of the Y. M. C. A. have decided to build a boat-house at once. Architect Ru- dolph has drawn arough sketch of a one story wooden structure surmounted by a cupola, whose dimensions shall be about 25x50 feet. It is in- tended to make it a floating building, so that it can readily be moored, A location has not yet been obtained, but there is a probability that it will be placed in N. P, slip, A numberof pleas- ure boats will be ordered at once. The associa- tion now has in its possession a four oared shell and a double. Captain Flvnn, of the Barker, arrived early Saturday forenoon from Grand Marais, where he reports having left the Ossifraze leaking badly. The Ossifrage had run aground in the dense fog near Grand Maraias, but was pulled off by the Barker after several! hours work and towed to that place. She is receiving sufficient repairs there to allow her to proceed to Duluth, and will probably arrive here all right. Wheat freights are still dull, atthe lowest point of the season, Waterin the harbor is resuming its normal stage gradually, and work is not impeded by it, It is stated that several bad bars and humps have been formed in the Superior side of the bay by the current of the river. Captain Alexander MeDougall’s cigar-shaped barge, launched at Duluth last Saturday, is be- ing examined by the committee for a classifica- tion inInland Lloyd’s Register. The commitee is somewhat puzzled, as the boat is something new in marine architecture and has features vot covered in the requirements fora high rating, and sowe important points are omitted. The Chicago bull pool has taken her insurance, and Captain Rardon says that is the best proof of his confidence in the new boat’s success. He states that she cannot be sunk by any storm. When she is loaded the boat is hermetically sealed and presents an oval appearance above water The work of steering and managing is done from turrets. The success of Captain McDongall’s experiment means a partial {revolution in the construction of lake tow-barges, The new steamship Northern Light arrived in port Sunday June 24, and has been unloading coal ever since, she isa trim looking craft and one of the finest of the many fine vessels seen in Duluth this season. and new chocks; herself and consort load