Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), June 28, 1888, p. 3

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er, Tow, Bills Gol. = ssel Agents _ AND: : MARINE UNDERWRITERS Gand 8 Shermay $t., Rooms. 10 and 11 CHEICKE®, Thh Parker — Blick H. J. WEBB & Cv. Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents, [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.] - HJ. Wess & 0o,} will charter Vessels for Lake Trade es attention given to Chartering Vessels 1n the Jen aie Tron Ore Trade, both for the season and -ROADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. - TELEPHONE {o203.8%: 3° 1328. WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10, Arcade B'ld,, 101 St. Olaiz S0, | CLEVELAND, OHIO. bre af ag sis Brokers and Agents. gs Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- & ing and Settling Marine Losses. Eines Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N. Y. en cE ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, ‘ dae lina C12. } ehomners and’ masters’of vessels wishing to get cargoes n from this port will do well to confer with me. cre begiad to furnish information 1m regard to ¢ar- geet also in relation to docks, depth of water, etc. aluth, Agate Bay (new iron ore port), Port ae thur, Washburn, Ashland, and all points near the west end of Lake ‘Superior. "Good gangs of men fur- nished on short notice fortrimming cargoes of grain, |: loading and unloading all kiuds of rreight. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, |: / i i New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Street. Cleveland, Ohio. EN peaked erate ea flOORE, BARTOW AND GILCHRISY, J ‘Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Mair siEeel, Room 15. CLEVELAND, OHIO. JAMES IL. ROSE,. | Vessel Agent and Broker, Marine Insurance, ss Room 6, Exchange Building, Duluth, Minn. | Ihave an excellent gang of Trimmers this sea- son, Captain Miller’s old Crew. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, and seeing that they get dispatch in Port. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. Gen. Forwarder. ‘ag f, GO. ad KIN G, General Stevedoring. Discharzing Load- ing and Ore Trimming Promptly At- tended to. A Large Force of Men always on Hand. Information in regard to DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKs IN ASHLAND HARBOR gladly furnished. Quick dispatch guaranteed, Patronage Solicited, ©, A. KING, Ashland Wis, WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. BAe yas Saupe ne aN Bought ‘and “Sold, Lake iiqe Marine Revort > — — next saci sinecou wrest - a ROBERT WALLACE: VICE PRES'T. oa Wit = ct paheg F°: ND SHIP-BUILDING COMPANY Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, x RO N SHIPS. Marine and Stationary ENGINES AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, AND MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. We take pleasure in announcing that we have purchased the property, business and pede of the: Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company, and will add’ to thess works, so long and favorably known, a first-class Tron ‘Ship-building Department, with sufficient, room and all modern. facilities for building two large vessels at the vane time, and a Boiler Shop with, most approved tools for large work, including Tweddell’s Hydraulic Plant for flanging, riveting, etc. We have associated with us Messra. H. D. Coffinberry and Robert Wallace, late of the Globe Ship-building Co., and the Globe Iron Works, and Wm. M. Fitch, late ff the Winslow. Line of Steamers. We have made the following appointments :Mr. ON. Steele, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Thomas W. Bristow, late foreman af Wyandotte Ship Yard, Superintendent of Ship Yard ; Mr, Quincy Miller, Sian ee of Boiler ais Mr, John ne Gapaintendati of t Fonndry, ras Mii G, Wallace, Draughtsman. We purpose buildizg Iron and Steel Vessels of all descriptions Marine and ' Bon Hanae Engines and Boilers, Blowin Engines Beam Halve ‘Hammes + and ron othe work us our large assortment of patterns eminently qualify us to build,'at a minimum price. . : a Your patronage is solicited, and we trust that the excellence of our work, with fair dealing and strict attentle to business, will secure its continuance. Cee MO S THE CLEVELAND SHIP-BUILDING COMPANY. Travelers’ nia 7 {ion Bureal Ocean, Lake and Railroad TICKET AGENTS, 23224 Bank St., Y CLEVELAND,O GOULDS CRNTRIFUGAL PL Manufacturers of tho Hfinest |’ reck- ing Pumps in the World. Fy [Line Alas on Han, GOULDS 2 AUSTIN f (67 & 109 Lake-st.,’ “AND AUSTIN. Ni MACHINERY, VESSEL PROPERTY FOR: SALE, HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale cheap. Is in first-class condition. For ersiots lars write to FRED GROCH, Sandusky. 2° A2 VESSELS WANTED. fs EXCHANGE for improved Buffalo city prop- erty, three-fourths of a mile from City Hall, West Fine dwelling houses that always rent. Buffalo, N, Y. il 4 . . t Side. Address, M. BROS., 22 Root St., ‘FOR SALE. 4 Bare coL, BRAOKE —She carries 260M feet of lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $900 wor th of re- Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron* pairs last season. tion this paper- OR SALE, the passenger steamer M. E, MINTER, 18 tons net, 60 feet long over all, 18)4 feet beam, 4 feet depth of hold. Engine 10x12, Seotch type boiler 444x8. She is fully equir pail for the passenger business, Terms, $2,000, _Addre CAPTAIN RICHARD, CORE ELL, Muskegon, Mich. “FOR SAL E. Ses 3R VERNIE M. BLAKE—For sale cheap. Capacity 60 tons; dimensions, keel 55 feet, beam 19 feet 6 inches, d-pth of hold 5 feet 6 inches. Address 22 Territt street, Cleveland, O. STEAMBOAT FOR SALE. IRST-CLASS in every respect. Nearly new. Ca- pacity—400,000 feet lumber, 650 tons of ore, 700 tons of col, 25,000 busheis of grain, and in addition the best tow boat on the lakes and the most econom- ieal of fuel, Present owners no further use for her, Address Ly et R, xe of Clowry, W. Div. P. O., Chicago, Ill. Y | UI FOR SALE. HE HANDSOME NEW FORE AND AFTSCHOON- er W. CG. Kimball, built at Manitowoc last winter, outfit all new and comple te, 65 feet over, all, 17 feet 4 DEALER IN inches beam, 4 feet 9 inches hold. Tonnage 31, 40 | i~ GROCERIES, Apply to A. D JOHNSTON, Manitow, Wis. AND | | NOTICE TO MARINE MEN. ATE official charts, showing the straight channel, PROVISIONS. purge a ay ge aT Ng Low: being dredged, and soundings in bay and river 7 a ~— are for sale b Green Canned oa 4 Gro iH. HARDY, Marine Cole er c 7 | 207 Madison street, Toledo, Ohio* — — Price 50 cents by mat goods, |Western Su | A ency, ts b 1. TY AND | VE El UPPLAK FOR SALE FAM SS SUPPLIES. JE. WILLIAMS, Manager, {HEAP.—The hull, engines, boiler and outfit of the GOODS DELIV ERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY SOULE, MANUFAC orURERS oF 121 River-st , Cleveland, 0, Telsphone 745. Cleveland Block Co, MANUFACTURERS OF DronTackle Blocks \ TAKING THE PLACE OF WOODEN BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. 159 River St., CLEVELAND, 0. Olank’s Patent "Mesa Lite cated HIGHLY INDORSED BY THE BOARD OF SU PERV SPECTORS. Life Roats °°“ Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Order. Shops ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETROIT, MICH. in stock 14, 16, 18,20 and 22 feet long. Yawl Boats | 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. | RockY MOUNTAIN GREASE ISING IN-| } 34% to 4 feet of water. ——MANUFACTURERS’ AGENTS FOR-— Pure Lard Oils, Lubricating Oils, | Cotton Waste & Pure Natural W- Virginia Oils ——SOLE AGENTS FOR—— CuPS AND RELIABLE CRANK PIN GREASE. 129 RIVER STRFET, Telephone No- 137. State lowest prices SHAW TRANSFER Cv. East Saginaw, Mich. CLEVELAND, 0. | | My ANTE Da small passenger sveamer, capacity 50 to 75 passengers; also small tug not to draw over | _/burned tug Paddy Murphy, as she lies in Dover Bav. Two H. P engines, 17 square and boiler 14x64 and were first-class in every respect, Call or address WARNER & BECKER, Room 10, Arcade Building, St. Clair 'st., Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE, steambarge 125 thousand capacity; will carry Ag 20 passengers, only one year old; a good twelve mile boat in the best, poesible condition; will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. For further particu- Jars inquire of MARINE RECORD , Cleveland Ohio. FOR SALE HEAP, for cash, the schooner H. M. Avery, of South Haven; length over all 67 feet, be am 17 feet, depth of hold 5 feet 3 inches; will carry 2,000 bushe’ ig Came out in May of corn, or 42,000 feet of lumber. F, SMITH, drawer 1887; is very fast. Apply to J. 6, South Haven, Mich.

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