6 Mhe M nine Record. Vessel Owners! The Cheapest} IRA B. BASETT. GEORGE PRESLEY, Jr. A. R. TRAIN. SSRN ORR oa Wii Si anil charge. Owing to the extreme small ex- nses of the Boston Dry Goods Store ot : A ohn & Co., 213 Detroit st., second door Bar, Bridge and Car Iron, from corner "Pearl it is them only ge} whe ‘ trial order to KOHN & CO-,219 Detroit st. Hoops, Bands and Sheet Iron, | | second door from corner of Pearl, Cleve- Or icinniainaiandinditans Boiler, Bridge and Tank Plates, WILLIAMSON BROS. Nails, Ship and Railroad Spikes ee SEBEL BOILER: AND SHIP PLATES, ANGLES, BEAMS, CHANNEL AND T IRON, BOILER TUBES, BOILER, TANK AND COOPER RIVETS, We also Raptawent in this Maries the Following Well-known Manufacturers: Bedding rene l fe | aa, Comfortadles, co: a BA S S e Table linens, Towels, etc., as well” Sheets, Pillow-vases, a sewed to ae ts ey t tor 20 per cent Jess than big e 3 | tensive extblishbents Fe ‘wecustomed nine and Wholesale Jobbers of e Andrews Bros. & Co., Sanderson Bros. Steel Co, a aS aS aS am ne ea es ae eae. a a ae ea te es CAST STEEL. ' ) BAR IRON, 4 Joseph Corns & Son. 4 Reading Iron Works.,, CROWN STAY BOLT IRON, : BOILER TUBES, HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP *TEERING EN- 4 - gines; with elther lrictional, Spur. or Worm Gearof eco various patterns to suil al) purjoses. 4 @entral.Ivon Works ; — Pencoyd Iron Works, 4 BOILER PLATES. . i ANGLE IRON. ; 7 4 ‘“orte, LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO.’S pment 52 rf ; : pees NN eA aha ontt adh 3 , TANK AND SHEET IRON, Famous “Belle of Bourbon RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE. 4 MALARIA omiens- aN ruven s Steel & I Cc q i Falls Riyet Co., ; s OVER, pang Stee ron Co., TYPHOID FEVER, INDIGESTIUN BOILER AND SHIP PLATES. q TANK.AND, COOPER RIVETS, DYSPEPSIA, SURGICAL FEVIR:. BLOOD POISONING. CONSUMPTION Lindsay & McOutcheon, j SLEEPLESSNESS OR INSOMNIA Spaulding, tron Vo. \; } AND NON-ASSIMI:.ATION OF FOOD, ae NAILS. Lp BEB BBB BBB LBBB BBE BEB BBB E BAAS SD HOOP AND a BN IRON, TEN YEARS OLD. - WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE, Cor, ELM AND HEMLOCK ST.,.CLEVELAND OHIO: BURDEN IRON COMP'Y BOILER RIVETS. We Always Carry a Full Stock of Goods in Our Line. All Correspondence and Telegrams Knswered Promptly. Our Correspondents will please note that the Western Union Telegraph Co.'s Wires are connected with our office, and much time will be sayed in the transmissio and delivery of messages to us if sent via that Company, re oe VV ae SOO L-CS LD pS ee Es Pye dae a= PH@NIX IRON WO RKS. rae TOF FUSEL sa ae. : @ (a “MUShiadav LVGaO ABT Pa Gee a PURE. NO FUSIL OIL. 7 oH 8 -SOHLITZ, 120 Superior OHARLTON, 129 Suverior st , 0., and Druggists, Wine ‘Merchants & Grocers Everywhere, . NCE, OSTROM & CO, Lonisvile By) ~ SAMUEL MoCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Copper, Brass and Sheet Tron Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and Orme Patent Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, a on ha he gS ata | The Colbourn House, | (FORMERLY THE STANDISH HOUSE.) | Capt. H. L. Brown & Son, Prop’s ; 11 to17E. Congress St. Detroit, | Mich, * Centrally located, 0 e block from (ity Hall, and ZZ ZOE XZ ETT TTZZZZZZZZZZXZZZEEZZEEEZZEZEZEZEZEZEDEZEL} convenient to street cars running to all poihts of shi ping up and down the rive rr Cag hae ue Has been thoroughly renrnial ned and renovated, Rates, $1.50 to $2 00 per day. Sjecial rates 10 steam- boat and vesselmen, wh i i M a f CT poet ane whose patronage is especially n ul a r r ail St sown SPEEPLE FORE AND APT COMPOUND, AND ‘TRIPLE EXPANSION ith new Maps and Iljustrations correcte tothe _SScics= MARINE ENGINES, WITH BOILERS OF MODERN DESIGN, édShar cose: PORT HURON, MICH. TT ARNED ST., ETROIT, Mio. M.M.GLEKLER, | ED- J. KENDALL. ae eel ee ie ee ROBERTE, aie ee tier eam iter and Mahi a —— ; eerie’ The Marine Reporter, ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES. ner a —<—— i ges Sole agent for Cleveland for the Giant Red Valve. 156 "| Collections Made and Prompt Remittance, Mead & Thomson’s Feed Water Purifier. SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE, River-st., Gleveland, @hio.| Orders Promptly Delivered with Small | gent for wud Medal Cylinder Olle,” O*P*! | Whe Patronage of the Marine Pubic Respect- W rm Di No one should leave port without a box Boat Day or Night—Reference f fully Requested--Charges Reasonabl General Sobbing q me Port Huron Savings Bank, 128 River Street, Cleveland, 0. Pamplin ton air ccek sih of M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars, PORT HURON, - =e TORE, Telephone 77, F. J. STIMPSON, MACKINAW CITY MmrcH Also, Proprietor of North Side Bras