re ar Q CLEVELAND. ‘Church's ‘roubles came entirely center-board box. The rocking at in one or two aecayed planks, ce e fi led and went to = nem, yap when : about fifteen miles be- t, heavy northeaster last week. 7 beach. The crew swam y. There is no insurance e ass vadside in twelve feet “and 4 Thomas Quayle, Wm H. son, J. F, Pankhurst and family, mn and family, left the city for | will sail for Burope on Saturday, "The party have the best wishes of a hae | pleasantjtime during their sail, reported by the commissioners ige ion, for the week ending July 14th., ola, ‘Detroit, gross 54.89, net 51.68; U.8,-Grand Haven, gross 23 73, Steamer Borealis Rex, St Paul, “net 163.16. steamer Corona, sross 2408,17, net 1828.20; steamer md, Milwaukee, gross 230.53: net 46; steamer Milton, Ogdensburg. gross , net 14.57, ‘Captain George Stone returned from the sunken schooner, Alva Bradley and he says she is in bad shape. After the Bradley struck at the Limekiln she was towed to the American side of Bois Blanc island and allowed to sink at a point where she rested on two batches of boulders. The re- sult of the boat’s weight on the big stones shows in her decks and Captain Stone says he thinks her keelsons are broken. Two big pumps were put at work on the Bradley Saturday, but the water in her was lowered only three feet by their force. Had the boat been towed her length far- ther to the American side she would have rested ona level sand bar. A part ef the boat’s carge will probably be lightered and extra pump service putinto her. Mr. Frank Wright is regarded by the Sat- urday Night club, ana his trieads generally, as a‘‘grilty’’ man from the extreme interior, and we hasten to correct the eroneous re- port in cireulation. When he saw the ‘What is ‘t” scnling the drydock gate and crawling slowly along the bottom of the dock toward the engine house, Mr. Wright with blanched cheeks, expanded optics, and quaking knees ordered his bookkeeper to “lock the s.fe’’and turning to John Dracketr, the foreman, hoarsely cried ‘‘Johnnie, get your gun, get your gun, get your gun, and I'll take to the woods.”’ Programs sre out announcing a grand international regatta of the different yacht- ing associations around the lakes, to be held at the Island of Mackinac, August 14, 15, and 16, The committee who had the mat- ‘ter in hand have spared no trouble or ex- pense in completing a programe that is very interesting and entertaining, which with the prizes to be competed for, and the piexs- ure of a trip to Mackinac in: mid-ummer, will doubtless call together all the yachts _from the several clubs fora sail, The differ- ent steamboat lines, including the Detroit & Cleveland steam navigation company, will carry passengers to and from the Island of Muckinve for one fare from Aug. 18, to the 20th. It is to be hoped that all who can do so will enter into the sail with spirit, and muke it « grand success. summary for the week ending Ee ebieecseeee 2ORS Min temperature, lowest st 2 F, S. Rornacker, Obs, S' jignal Corps, U. S. A. i h " Special to the Marine Record. Phe remains tiv James Billison, wing is the tonnage of the vessels Coie “po : cocaine li bast ha taconite DEVOTED T0 NAVIGATION, COMMERCE, ENGINELAING ND SCIENCE. CLEVELAND. O.. JULY 19.1888, Captain George Stone and a portion of the expedition at work onthe Alva Bradley re- cently sunk and returned to this port and report that vessel in pretty bad shape. She is not«nly onthe bott m but is appar- ently ‘resting cn 8 cluster of boulders or block stone, as she is bulged up from keel to uppef deck. The two steam pumps taken tener have been placed on board, but by their unit: d service they were only able to-t@wWer the water in her hold about two feet. "Another Ww.s put on board the tug Forest evening and taken to the scene of, while still another pump is to be brought from Detroit, It is hoped that ali four pumps will at least lower the water so that a part of her cargo of soft ore can be tuken out. If these efforts do not succeed the work of gettiug her off will become a very sexi atter. The schoone rWadena, which came in leaking on Friday night, had, been sufficiently lightered to go into drydock. CHICAGO. who died suddenly otcheart di ease o> the dick of the echoongs airy rtus Corning, ot which be war the Mate, at Ashtibula Harbor last ’ i get op, July 12h, was brcugbtau Chicago to bis ae residence 150 N. Market Siee |, Friday night. He was buried sSunciiyatternioon at Graceland cemetagy, 2nd Was followed to the grave by many old marine and otter Triends, he was well known iu Chicagy tor the past 25 years ard very much respected, he was 50 years old at the time of bis decease, and leaves a widow and three children. He was insured in the Royal Templars society, of which he wasa member, tor $2,000, and the bome- stead in which be resided wus bis own, The tug Bob Teed, became disabied in Lake Michigan Monday, and was towed in- ‘Racine. The steamship Tacoma |6st two buckets off her wheel aguinst sume piles af 18th Street bridge, last Friday night. She lett Chicazo in tow of the steamship Clyde, for Buffalo, Thomas Bagely, yacht and boat builder, has been dving lots of work since the com- mencement of the year, having built two steamboat yawle for Captain Kirby, Grand Haven; two yawls for Davison & Holmes, Captain Lang’s steambarge Street; two yawls for the steambarge J. W. Westcott’; four yawls for the Milwaukee shipyard company ; three yawls for the Northern Michigan line steamer City of Cnarlevoix; one yaw! for the steamsxbip Argonaut; «ne yaw! for the.steam- barge Hubell; one yaw! for Knapp & Gillen, Racine, for the steambarge Seymour; two yawls for Captain Campbell, for the steam- barge Covell; two yawls for the Goodrich Transportation Co. ; two yawls for the Mil- waukee Tug Boat Co., for steamships build- ing at Sheboygan, Wis.; one yaw! for the steambarge McCormick; also yawla for the schooners Michigan, Nicholson, David Duws, R. B. Hayes, Stampede, Bertha Buarues, Barbarian; one mail and supply boat for the government for use at Beaver Island; one cedar surf boat for the government for us- ut T'wo Rivers; two yawls for new steam- barge built at I. W. Kirby’s, Grand Haven; one yaw! for the steambarge George Dun- bar, one yaw! for the steambarge Charles Rietz; one fifty feet long steam launch with twin screws for French & Son, Chi- eugo; one thirty-two feet long steam launch for the Coleman Hardware Manutacturing Co,, Morrie, Ila one twenty-eight feet long steam jaunch, tor Captain McCarty, Chicago; one eighty feet long steam lauuch twin screws for Captain D. Chapmua, Council Biuffs, Lowa, for use as an excursion steam- er on Lake Monama, Iowa; two yawle for th: new steambarge building at the Milwau- kee Shipyard Co’e, yard; one double scull cedar copper fastened boat for V. M. Burn- ide, Chicago, for use in Lake Geneva; one cedar surf boat for Muskegon life saving station; one yaw! for the steamer J. L. Hurd; one forty-six feet long sail yacht for John H, Smethells, Chicago- one eighteen feet Pet SS SRS TTA me Foto ater Fen hears Se sersaseas ee ayreosFer sees as Sear eer se lony copper fastened pleasure boat for Chas, E. Fargo, Chicago; one hull 25 feet long tor a steam yacht for seth Curlin, Union City, Tenessees one boat tor the cutter yacht Verve. At the Chicago Drydock Co’a., the schoon- er Ada Medora, was in dock for bottom calking and general repairs, the schooner Australia and Charles Luling received new jibbooms, The splendid new steamship Chemung ot the Union line srrived here Saturday after- noon trom Buffalo, with a cargo of mer- ehandise in command of Captain Sam Shan- non. She is 352 feet in length over all, 4144 feet breadth of beam, 25 feet molded depth and has a splendid appearance, She made the run from Buffalo, to Chicago in 68 hours, which is good work tor a new boat. Sae will, no doub', make much! quicker time when her machinery has got into proper working ; order. She is a duplicate of the Owego otherwise my account or her should be of greater length. The damage to the schooner Lem Ells. worth, which struck on a rock and sank near Oswego was appraised by 8. V. Par- sons, of Buftal . She was insured by Crosby & MacDonald, Chicago. It was 10 o’clovk Thursday morning be- fore Hirbor master Irwin had fully relieved the jam of vessels in the South Branch caused by the grounding ot the Horace Tuitle at Halstead sireet bridge Tuesday morning. The previous night City Engi- neer Northway visited the scene of the trouble, and he and the commissioner talked it over in the morning. When commissioner Swift was asked later what, if anything, would be done to punish the captain of the Tuttle he said: ‘‘It has been done. The jam is relieved, That’s all there was to do, In two hours from the time we got notice of the jim the boat was pulled out. When the Tnttie pays the bills we’incurred for tugs he wil be punished enough, here is, as I see, no other practicable way of regulating the dratt of vessels. It we should attempt to do so directly we should require an in- spector on every boat loading at the elevator, besides those to look atter vessels coming in, All we can do is to get the Fouts off as soon as they go ay! ound, and I have issued orders that in all such cases hereafter the harbor- master shall at once employ enough tugs to release the ves-el. This must be done at once, and the harbor master must not wait around abourit, either. ‘Ihe vessel’s cap- tain will have pothtng to say in the matter. The tugs will be sent him, and he must give them lines or suffer the consequences. His duty. will be to pay the bills presented to him by the department for the tugs, ‘This is the only wav I see to sulve the overloading ques- tion. When vessels have once paid the penalty for loading deeper than the water in the river allows they will be slow to re- peat it.” Captain Sam Shannon came up the river Saturday afternoon with the bell-cord of the new. alee) steamship Chemung in hand. The steamer came into the outer barbor at 1:30 p.m. The tug C.. W. Gardner was passed steadying lines aud the massive hull began to work slowly up the river, She is an exact duplicate of the Owego in-con- struction, but for the arrangement of the houses and the. main deck. | She: measures 852 feet over all, 414 fect beam, and 26 feet deep. Including orlop and hurricane, the steamer has four decks. She is built en- tirely of steel, and is propelled by Quintard ne expanison engines. Shecame in with 1,500 tons of package freight, and goes light to Milwaukee for a return cargo. Frank J. Firth of Philadelphia, president, and KE. Y. Evans of Buffalo, western mana- ger, of the Anchor line, were in the city last week on business connected with the com- pany. They inspected the hoisting ma- chinery in the new Anchor line warehouse, and the several exhibitions of rapid work were given them. One hundred barrels of sugar were lifted to the fourth story on an endless chain elevator in less than seven minutes and as many sacks of coffee brought down in the same time. WILLIAMS, DETROIT, Special to the Marine Record. The barge ‘'101’’ passed down Saturday evening, and taking a sheer went aground ou Bois Blanc island, but was released after three or four hours, Captain George McLeod, Buffalo marine inspector, and Captain William Dana, of Algonac, were in the city Tuesday. The steambarge C, H, Chamberlin, seized last winter by an insurance company for damage to the cargo of her consort, which she let go in a gale of wind, was sold ut public auction Monday at 12m. to S. A. Murphy who bid her in for $7,800, The revenue cutter Fessenden has just returned from a cruise up around the straits and Detour. Mr. Albert Keaney, a seaman aboard the Thomas Nestor, met with a serious accident Monday afternoon, He fell through a hatchway into the hold of the vessel, sus- taining severe injury to his hip and other bruises which may put him in the drydock for a short time. Sawnel F. Hodge & Co, have just closed a contradt to repair and put in working or- der the machinery of the burned steamer Cumberland, which is being rebuilt by Mr. Wm. Radcliffe, at Cleveland; as much of the old engines will be used as possible. This firm has just farnished for the steamer | Gurden City one of their ‘well known wheels 9 teet 2 inches diameter by 13 teet pitch. The Cleveland tuy Forest City stopped here on her way up and after taking Mr. Quinn, our diver, aboard passed along to the limekilns to work on the release of the &chooner Alva Bradley, which went on last Thursday vight. Tue Bradley is in bad shape. She is in 19 feet of water and has a cargo of 1,304 tons of soft ore in her. Her bottom is very badly damaged and it is the opinion of those who have been and exam- ined her that it will be quite a job to effect her release. Thetvg M. D. Carrington, Captain A. Ruelle owner, has gone up to work on the steamer California, sunk Jast fall at St. He- lena, Tuesday Captain Ruelle received word from the master of the Carrington stating that they are getting along very sat- istactorily with the work. The chains are all under the sunken vessel and they are all ready for the pontoons. The parties who are raising her have no doubt as te their success. Mr. F. W. Wheeler, prominent ship- builder of West Bay City, was in town Sat- urday. The East End boiler works are building two sticks for the steamer Saginaw, They will be 4 teet 2 inches diameter and 32 feet long. ‘They have also made some repairs on the steamer Nellie, calking and putting in ‘ hand-hold lates, and patching the boilers of the steamer Ruby. The Frontier Iron works have just ship- ped away the triple expansion engine for Thomas David-on’s new boat at West Bay City. It is 20, 88 and 52 by 42 stroke; the boilers will be turnished by M. Riter, of Buffalo, They will te 11 feet 6 inches di- ameter by 13 feet long. ‘The large scow, building at the yard of John Oades, is progressing rapidly, She is an odd Icoking craft, but will be just the thing for: the business she is built tor. Cuptain Geo. McLeod, marine inspector, wvas in the city Monday. The stea ner Greyhound, running to Grimsby park, was detained in port frowa Thursday even- jng until Saturday witha broken rudder, The rudder was first noticed last Monday, when so nething was found to be wrong with her steer- jug appartus while on the way tothe park. On her arrival there the rudder was examined and one ot the iron sheets found to be bent from, presumably, striking some object. The Grey- hound was then laid up fur a day and the dam- age repaired, but on entering the harbor on Thursday afternoon about 5 o’clock, the rudder was discovered to be gone jaltogether, the stock having broken into three pieces. The loss of her rudder caused the Greyhound te strike pier 5 at the Northern, and while it did not injure CE — | is fa-t ge ting into shape and will also be | will come from ‘Trouts and 2.00PER ANNUM SinGLE Copies 5 CENTS the vessel any, the Greyhound left her mark on the wharf. The captain of the Greyhound blames her bnilders for putting bad iron in the rudder, which he says was the cause of the breaking. An entirely new rudder is being manufactured and the Greyhound will be-once more ready for service on Tuesday, Mr. David vance, of Milwankee, was in the city Tuesday. Hop. MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Record. ; The Milwaukee Tug Co’s new boat will b e ready for business Augnst 1st and from ap- peurances will be launched on the 21st of this month, The new boat building at Wolf & Dayid- son’s yard, will soon be planked and it is hoped to have her ready by S: ptember Ist, This boat is somewhar larger than the Busi- ness and has much finer !ines aft. ~ The new boat at the Milwaukee sbipyard ready by September Ist. Her machiuery She cracked bers from top to bo to * and prevent it the charatie noticable on boats tried several times in the last fitteen or twenty years aud found to be impractable; but it may be a success now, The propeller Newburg was compelled to run buck on account of some. trouble with her piston. She was not detained long, get- ting out the same day. The big Davidson of this port is reported ashore; but no particulars can be obtained at present. She is bound down with ore. ‘This is her first season out. The coal receipts continue large. The steambarge Columbia and consort Comrade, brought in 43800 tons. Sherifis report one seven feet ten inches wheel shipped to tug Gregory, of Cleveland,- one five feet to San Diego Cal., one five feet to New Orleans. They have a'so shipped several others to Lake Superinr ports and report business very good. J. ASHTABULA HARBOR, Special to the Marine Record. Items are scarce and [ attribute it to the fact that Sunday work has ceased on our docks, The docks present on the Sabbath duy a quiet, homelike appearance; as our good old English vaptain remarked, “It makes we think of home to see no work in an American port on Sunday.’? May the time come, and speedily when all lake ports like Ashtabula, shall have more regard for the Lord’s day. James Elliot,a sailor on the schooner Erastus Corning, dropped dead last week from heart disease. His home was Chicago, and he leaves a wife and small family. The steamer Algonquin called here for fuel. She is an iron steamer built at Yon- kers, Scotland, six miles below Glasgow, and as a carrier she looks complete. Yon- kers are partial to Ame ican models, She loaded at Kingston with railroad iron for the Red River railroad company, Duluth, and is intended for the lake trade. Schooner Erastus Corning loads coal for Duluth. Propeller Shickluna and consort load coa) for Port Arthur, i The tug Thomas 8, Thompeen is laid up for acoat of paint and general repairs. Propeller N. K, Fairbanks loads coal for Luke Linden; propeller New Orleans coal for Duluth; steamer Gogebic coal for Lake Superior ports, Our shipyard men report repair work in a small way quite lively. The L. 8. & M. 8 railroad have their new dock on the river front in running order, It is supplied with two machines from MeMiley & Whiley’s and looks over in the bushes like a little transfer point, independ- ent and loneiy. BLT. when they are light. This idea has been —