Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), August 2, 1888, p. 3

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2 Chartered, Bought and Sold, Lake Freight: and River Tow Bills Col- ~ Jeeted and poomptly remitred, oard of Trude,C — g, W. ELPHIGKE& GO, E UNDERWRITERS, 8 herman St, sat CHICLES, TED aac alah : oo ae ST. CLAIR ST., : Cleveland, Ohio. ~ sh act ep No, 338. = Residence, No. 1328. RVER & BECKER, Agents andBrokers, fot ROOMY accois seo “GUEVELAND, O10. 2 2 Main-st., Buffalo, N. Y. | McDOUGHLIL, | AGENT AND BROKER, i Hee ee eo oo d masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes: m this port will do well to confer with me. . furnish information, 1m regard to car+ 1 tion to docks, depth of water, etc., at 2 apy paeetis ae: ort), Port — r shburn, Ashlan: and all points near the: not Lake Superior. "Good gangs of men fu ‘nished on short notice for (rimming curgoes of gr Joading and unloading all kiuds of ireight. PALMER & BENHAM, : Building, corner’ of Superior and Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. pee MOORE, B) IND Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Clair Street, Room 15... 1+» » | CLEVELAND. —-'» OHIO. James 7: ROSE, Vessel Agent and -Broker, Marine Insurance, Room 6, Excnange Building, Dulutb,+Minn. Thave an excellent gang of Trimmers this sea- gon, Captain Miller's old Crew. 4 Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, ‘and seeing that they get dispatch in Port. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent, CLEVELAND, 0- C4. KING, General Stevedoring. Discharging Load- ing and Ore Trimming Promptly At- tended to. A Large Force of Men always on Hand. Information in regard to DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKS IN ASHLAND HARBOR gladly furnished. Quick dispatch guaranteed, Patronage Solicited. Cc. A. KING, Ashland Wis, WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Orda asin PROVISIONS. Green Canned SI a ae goods. FAMILY AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY 121 River-st , Cleveland, 0, Telsphone 745. Cleveland Block Co, MANUFACTURERS OF TaTackle locks TAKING THE PLACE OF} | WOODEN BLOCKS FOR VY) ALL PURPOSES. y oy 159 River St., CLEVELAND, 0 W'id., 01 St. Clair St) "grown £00,” Brokers and Agents. A) ee ed essel Owners & Agents, | REOW AND GILCARISY, | 8 H. D. COFFINBERRY, PRES'T. fH cL Detroit and Center Streets, ROBERT WALLACE, - VICE PRES’T. LAND SHIP-BUILOING COMPANY ET eS ee I Cleveland, Ohio, ON: ek. LEO SS, | [. larine and Stationary ‘ Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, AND MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. | Manulacturers ofthe [linest Wreck. ing Pumps in the World. Pu LLine Almays on Hatt, GOULDS & AUSTIN (67 & 169 Lake-st., CHICAGO, ILL DEMROIM BOAM WORKS. Glank’s Patent Metalliv Life Rafts. BY THE BOARD OF SPECTORS. Life Boats *" Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Order. Shons ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETROIT, MICH. in stock 14, 16, 18,20 and 22 feet long. Yaw! Boats 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. ae Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. : ;OULDS: AUSTIN. - MPN AUR HIGHLY INDORSED | SUPERVISING IN-| |STEAMBOATOILS A SPECIALTY} Western Supply Agency. J, E. WILLIAMS, Manager, ——MANUFACTURERS’ AGENTS FOR-— Pure Lard Oils, Lubricating Oils, Cotton Wasie & Pure Natural W- Virginia Oils | —SOLE AGENTS FOR—— | Rocky MOUNTAIN GREASE CUPS AND RELIABLE CRANK PIN GREASE. } | OUR CLIMAX CYLINDER OILS SI A FAVOVITE WITH MARINE ENGINEERS. 129 RIVER STRFET, CLEVELAND O. Teleephon No. 137 | outfit all new and complete, 65 feet over all, 17 feet 4 Office on Viaduct. Travelers’ Informa To Bra Ocean, Lake | and Railroad ‘TICKET AGENTS... 224 Bank St... CLEVELAND, 0 HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale Cheap. Is in first-class condition. For ticu- lars write to FRED GROCH, Sandus = ny A2 VESSELS WANTED, 4 EXCHANGE for improved Buffalo city prop- erty, three-fourths of a mile from City Hall, West Side. Fine dwelling houses that alwavs rent, i Address, M. BROS., 22 Root St., Buffalo, N. Y. gFOR SALE, ARGE COL. BRACKET—She carries 260M feet of lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $900 worth of re- pairs last season. _ Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- tion this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron- 18 tons net, 60 feet long over all, 1844 feet beam 4 feet depth of hold. Engine 10x12, Scotch type boiler 414x8. She is fully equinped for the passenger business. Terms, $2,000. Address, CAPTAIN RICHARD CONNELL, Muskegon, Mich. FOR SALE. ; QOBLONE R VERNIE M. BLAKE—For sale cheap. S Capacity 60 tons; dimensions, keel 55 feet, beam 19 feet 6 inches, d’pth of hold 5 feet 6 inches. Address 22 Territt street, Cleveland, 0. 1 ee SALE, the passenger steamer M. E. MINTER, JAMBOAT FOR SALE. JIRST-CLASS in every respect. Nearly new. Ca- pacity—400,000 feet lumber, 650 tons of ore, 700 tons of col, 25,000 busheis of grain, and in addition the best tow boat on the and the most econom- ical of fuel, Present ow no further use for her, Address LUMBER, care of Clowry, 8. W. Div. P. 0,, Chicago, IIL _—————— TT FOR SALE, \WE HANDSOME NEW FORE AND AFT SCHOON- er W. ©. Kimball, built at Manitowoe last winter, inches beam, 4 feet 9 inches hold. Tonnage 81,40 4 Apply to A. D JOHNSTON, Manitowoc, Wis. Lae NOTICE TO MARINE MEN. iE ATE official charts, showing the straight channel, 4now being dredged, and soundings in bay and river are for sale by ar | GEO. EB. HARDY, Marine Collector, 207 Madison street, Toledo, Ohio’ Price 50 cents by mail, FOR SALE, A steambarge 125 thousand capacity; will carry 120 passengers, only one year old; a good twelve mile boat in the best, porsible condition; will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. For further particu- Jare inquire of MARINE RecorD, ClevelandOhtlo. FOR SALE HEAP, for cash, the schooner H. M. Avery, of South Haven; length over all 67 feet, beam 17 feet, depth of hold 5 feet 3 inches; will carry 2,000 bushels of corn, or 42,000 feet of lumber, Came out in May 1887; is very fast. Apply to J. F, SMITH, drawer 6, South Haven, Mich. WINDLASS FOR SALE. The undersigned have a Hadfield Patent windlass ora one and three-eighths inch bar chain for sale sheap. JOHNSON & BATES, 927 Erie St., Racine, W

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