ns canes NOOO alee pa ‘the Baltimore and |) y afternoon that he tive figure. na, owned at Kewau- Chas. Bacon last | mderson of Sheboygan. . Captain Gunderson up- uled out and has been week La putting in some ‘The new steel steamship Dian the inion Steamboat Co., has succeeded in breaking all previous records between .the foot of Lake Erie and Chicago. As near as the distance, via the lakes, can be computed the run between Buffalo and ihe Chicago piers is 877 miles, as follows: Buflalo to Detroit 252 miles, Detroit to Fort Gratiot 6814 miles, Fort Gratiot to Cheboygan 227 miles, Cheboygan to Mackinaw 1714 miles, Mackinaw to Chicago 317 miles, total from Buffalo to Chicago 877. The best previous run was made by the Tioga last seaaun, be- tween Buffalo and Chicago in 63 hours and 43 minutes. The Owego has lowered this record 28 minutes, making the run in 68 hours and 15 minutes. Todo this the new Union steamship averaged 13.86 miles per hour, including checks, stops, ete., an average unprecedented in so long a run in the history of lake navigation.—Jnter- Ocean. LAKE FREIGHTS. -But a small number of vessele were re- ported chartered yesterday, less than the actual number probably engaged. In the present firm condition of the ore freight market charters are likely to follow custom- house regulations and take twenty-four hours to report. Ore tonnageis much wanted at $1 from Escanaba ani $1.30 is being paid for loads from Marquette; $1.30 is alsothe probable rate from‘Ashland and Two Harbors. Coal freights are easy, ship- _ pers getting tonnage at 65c to Milwaukee, and declining to pay more than 60c to Lake Superior ports. Burrato, N. Y., August 8.—Coal freights continue weak, Several vessels have waited four days for cargoes and others have to get loads elsewhere. No change in rates, Canal treights were active and strong, and a half cent higher with indications of a further advance. Wheat 4c, corn 83{c, oats 234c to New York. Torepo, O., August 8.—Charters: Pro- peller Lake Michigan, wheat to Montreal, 534. Cxuicaco, Inu., August 8.—There was a very good demand for vessel room today and rates were quoted strong at 3 cents for wheat, 234 cents for corn and 2} cents for oats to Buffalo. There were some negotia- tions for wheat, but only two charters were made public. The Erie canal rates, free of Buffalo charges, were 4 cents for wheat and _ 334 cents for corn. The rate on corn to Georgian Bay was 13/ cents. : to falas her. aba ri vessels for about six hours, Sunday evening the tug Mocking he towing another large r feat fhe cams € | here, chee up her wet ag-been |" he Bat adele nk since, aie r line. propeller Toledo, ners me Tate wore ere Batur nt av amuel - Bt sof the gal jo Pe tae she was hed where rebated will He piain Jo:eph Nicholson received word Monday, saying that the Pishock Oriole ; and sloop Atlanta ay bound up to Mackinac to par- \ e in the coming regatta. The Detroit boats entering this race are: the sloop City of the ‘Straits, Cora and Josephine, The | Lulu B. will not sail, owing to the fact that her owner, Mr. Walter Oades, has yea- sons for belie ving that the fast boats do not win the Tace, and not caring to enter unless an equal show with othere, he declines to go into this regatta, : ‘The large scow, building at John Oades’ . and is very strongly built. At this yard they have the ‘sloop yacht Neried hauled out for repairs. F Mr, Rob. McKenzie, shipsmith, is very busy now. He is making iron work for a cattle pen for the transfer steamer St. Ig- pace at the straits. The forgings will be extra ‘strong and heavy. e Ras t End oiler w ard, phe At Samuel F. Hodge & Co.’s they nave just finished a new wheel for the steamer Ari rikbas a hen are now working on the making general repair and i Prcing tee up. They have just closed a con- ‘tract with Captain Frank W. Wheeler, of Weat Bay City, to furnish a triple expan- ‘sion engine 20, 32 and 54 by 42 inch. stroke, | and two steel Scotch boilers 11 feet diameter and 12 feet long, allowed a steam pressure |of 150 pounds to the squareinch. Last week they also received the following or-| '‘|der from Port Huron: The Gettysburg’s wheel is broken and we wish you to make anew one as soon as possible. I do not think you can better the one we have as it tows well and boat runs fairly, and it is our opinion if made finer would not be as good an all around wheelas now. So, if yon have} kept a record of the one we have now, muke the new one as near as you can like it. To give you an idea how this one works, I will give you the record of the last coaling we used and the work done. We were out forty-four days, in which time we run forty days, engine cutting off at all times at 18 inches, steam 90 to 100, revolutions 76 to 78 towing, and 7 to 8 more running light. In that time we burned just 400 tons of coal, or ten tons for twenty-four hours work, and you know we do not have'time to keep flues and back heads elean, so I think that is pretty good. Do you think you can beat it??? Signed, Wm. Barr, engineer Gettys- burg. At the Detroit drydock, since our la:t re- port, they have had the steamer Ontario in for anew wheel, calking, and general over- hauling. They are now working on the sloop City of the Straits and the fine Cana- dian schooner yacht Oriole, putting them in racing trim for the August regatta before mentioned. The Oriole is one of the finest finished sail yachts on the lakes, and has been known to sail some before now. The Drydock company have not yet de- cided upon commencement of the two new wooden boats. They will, however, soon lay the keels for two to be about the same model and tonnage as the J. Emery Owen and Parnell, recently turned out by them. The steamer California, which was wrecked at St. Helena Island, and recently raised, arrived here Tuesday afternoon in tow of Cuptain Alex Reulle’s tug Car- rington. She was found tobe in excellent condition, and does not leak. Her cargo of corn and pork was not entirely spoiled. Some of the pork was found to be asnice and sweet as when'taken on board, and consid- erable of the corn in her can be saved. Her hull is sound, and with the exception ot her stem has suffered no damage, ex- cept the loss of her upper works. She will go either to Port Huron or Bay City, and be docked for repairs, She will be con- verted into a steambarge for freight busi- ness this fali. The new steamer F, & P. M. No. 4 made a trial trip last Saturday and worked very nice indeed, everything giving good satis- faction. The steamer Harlem has all ber machin- ery aboard, and they are puehing the work ed (oe was hal last F Friday, was | | who will | ecking expedition Oe POLS ans BAe BEL hes Island and delayed the passage of ix [ron works of | Port, totcad | ig at Boilers) | launched Saturday. She isa rks have just fin- | the ee aa Sikie| on her as rapidly as possible, She will soon be ready for sea. The new steamer F. R. Buell, built at Captain William Dulac’s yard for the Tona- wanda Barge line, will be ready for sea Sat- urday. She is’ a finely modeled and well constructed boat, reflecting mvch credit on her builder. She is 210 feet over all, 195 feet keel, 36 feet beam, 26 feet , depth of hold, with a capaciiy of, 1,200 tons, coating about $90,000. Her igi Na isa low prexsure engine, 28 by 30, e) has a/Worthing. ou condenser © rae & xb, “ oylinders 1 ty ee machin an was, formerly..in the ¥4 odenow. — box -E%DC410 by. 16, allowed, a working y | be Coonimanded™ ‘by todpeia Dick ‘Miller, y | nok. ‘Master of the Canisteo, Charles Lamb | will be chief engineer, and John Hibbard assistant, ‘The Mutual * Transportation | eompany’s The last salt’ water addition to the lake fleet, the tug Sea Gull, purchased fast. win- ter by Messrs. Reed & Young, of Bay City and Saginaw, passed up Tuesday. She is 147 feet length, 88 feet beam, and 12 feet actin Tesvonera are. new). fire |, depth, with a tonnage register of 346.57, her machinery 36 by 86, having © nominal h. p. of 999. She was built at Mystic, Conn., in 1868, and she hails from New York. It is said she cost her present own- ers $13,000. After her purchase and before delivery she had a collision in New York harbor and sunk. She was raised and dry docked, the repairs costing about $6,500. Captain Clough, of Sault Ste Marie and well known, committed suicide at the Pa- cific hotel Wednesday afternoon, August 1st. An incurable disease oupeed him to take his life. \ Hop. MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Kecord. The new steambarge Helena, arrived Saturday at 2p. m., from Sheboygan, to load 100,000 bushels wheat for Buffalo, rate 234¢. Her machinery worked very fine und the run was made in a little less than five hours ‘| without any trouble. In my last letter I stared that the boilers were made by Eviston of this place, I rhould have said Lake Erie Boiler Works, of Buffalo. Her cabin will be as finely finished as anything yet seen in Milwankee. The captain’s rooms and office forward ure finished in rosewood and light and dark oaks. Every convenience for quick handling has been put aboard. ‘This boat gives promise of quick time and If she don’t make it it wili be because she has not power | enough. The arrivals have»been very light !ately on account of the advance in ore and grap freights and decline in coal. Our coal receipts so far this season reach the total of 489,000 tons and it is expected they will reach 1,000,000 this season. Beginning to-day a line of steamers will be run between Milwaukee and Muskegon and the steamer Favorite will be the first boat out. A second boat will be added if the business will warrant it. The new steamer F, C. Hart, was in Jast week on her first trip and she proves to be quite a flyer Her hull was built by Burger of Manitowoc and machinery by Sherifis of this place. The cabin aft for passengers is ver) finely finished and there isevery con- venience for comfort. Messrs. Hart Bros., of Green Bay, are her owners, The barge Thos, Davidson, was in dock for a new Hodge wheel. The fourth trial of Bangs’ wheel failed to come up to the old style wheel and they are now making another one of the same style of blade as the old wheel and putting the rim around it. If it is not a success the wheel will be taken to the canals. The new boat at Milwaukee shipyard is nearly ready for the water and will be launched in ten days, Wolf & Davidson’s new boat will be ready in thirty days. The bottom ofa partially dismantled dredge lying opposite C. H. Starke & Co’s, yard on Canal street, in the Menominee marsh will, it is said, be utilized in the construction of one of the sectional docks about to be com menced. The shipyard will not be removed to the island, as had been contemplated, as the present location appears to be more ad- vantageous. The report that work is to be. gin at once ona1,000 ton steamer for the Milwaukee tugboat line is erroneous. The matter of adding another vessel {o the fleet has merely been broached, but may assume definite shape later on. It is definitely settled that the fine new steamer Helena -will take her first cargo out of Milwaukee, wheat to Buffalo at 23/ cents, Speculation is rife as to her carrying capacity. The highest estimate places the amount at 100,000 bushels; the lowest 60,000. Sherifts report 8 feet wheel for New Or- leans and five others to different lake ports. J. MARQUETTE. For several monthe the Pittsburg & “ake Superior Mining Co. Lat jee. j-rospecting with diamond drijis ou the range midway between this’ p!ace and Negaunee, The ie cult of their work has just been made pub- lic, and there is a general rush for options all along the range cle r through to sie lake in the southern limit of this city. The drill in the last hole at a depth of 17 feet encoun- tered mixed ore, and ata depth of 145 feet Clear ore was struck, through which the drill has worked tor 45 feet and is still working in it. The new find is one of the most impor- tant ever encountered in all the iron bearing districts and establishes the fact that the de- posit runs clear through to the lake. When the wonderful extent of thia find is made know n, it will case great, excitemedt Among ‘fron men evéry where, _ BUFFALO. witha tug os. True, of Panesville, Ohio, reports with the Trort wheel an increase of two miles per hour :unning alone and one and one-half miles towing. There are now 2,952,400 bushels ot grain iu store here, more than half of which is wheat. This is about equal to the amount two years ago, but it is more than 1,000,000 | steamer Cambria stopped at 0.) W, Ship- | over last year, which was 1,913,584 bushels, man’s dock for fuel on her way up. |The increase ig mostly in corn. The river tug Gladiator. was tied up by Deputy Marshal Kranz on a claim of Hugh Hogan for $50. The claim is for supplies and was settled. Captain Gibson, of the propeller Lacka- wanna, reports that on his up trip when from 14g to 134 miles out of St. Clair river on Lake Huron and steering the regular course northeast by north, the vessel struck an obstruction in about five fathoms of water, From the sound and from the appearance of the epot after passing it the captain thinks some wreck has drifted down there, boat was not injured, but the presence of such an obstruction is a menace to all pas- sing craft. It looks as though some evil spirit had Possession of the canal, When three breaks had done their worst it was thought that the trouble was over, but there is ayain fresh evidence of the unruliness of the ditch, About 20 feet of the tow path wall between Evie stret bridge and No. 1 élip tell in con- siderably obstructing the canal and making the tow path impaseable. It is expected that more will go. A w:tch has been set over the spot and workwen put on to repair the break. Of course this can not amount toa break, as the canal is not built on a bank at this point. The tollowing from the Buffalo Express: The survey of the propeller T, W. Palmer to make an estimate of her injuries received in a collision with the Gladstone foots up $8,380. She will need new ceiling down to the upper turn of her bilge, eight frames, shoved over from port to starboard about | six inches. Temporary repairs, costing about $1,300, are about made, and she will load coal for Chicago, The tug Johnson, with the barges Mani- towne, C. B. Jones, and Dan Rodgers of the D. Wilson’s tow, in tryingto land them at the blast furnace dock left the Manitowoc and Joneson Strawberry Island, where they were being ligt tered. There is no particular reason given for the accident beyond the cnrrent and the narrowness of the passage. The Dan Rodgers, though the last in tow, made the dock safely. Her captain was feel- ing very well over his escape, and says it was “head work’’ that saved him. The steamer A. P. Wright arrived here last Tuesday with 151,000 bushels of oats from Chicago. She made the trip to Chicago and return in just nine days. This is a good showing. The surveyors were still at work on the in- juries of the propeller T. W Palmer, in Mill’s Drydock, but were not ready to report. The propeller Missoula on her last visit here arriy-d at 7 a. m. with 2,100 tons ofore and at midnight of the second day following left with 2,385 tons of coal and 175 tons of fuel, all loaded here, and this after having been in dock 22 hours for anew wheel. This rate of speed is said neyer to have been beaten in Buffalo and the record is very ac- ceptable by giving the new Minnesota ore dock a character. The coal docks are known to be fast and do not need any praise. The boat was here only 65 hours, more than one- third of which was spent in dry-dock, It is stated semi-officially that the new dock company in which the Central and Reading railroads and J. Langdon & Co. are indirectly interested, has narrowed its choice of site down totwo localities, the property on the river below Georgia street and West Shore property on the Blackwell between the Erie trestle and that known as Scott’s. This latter is already in possession of a new half- organ- ized company emanating from the firm of H. K. Wick & Co. and is to be made into an ore dock, as has already been announced, but it was stated that it was still possible that it would pass into the hands of the Reading dock company, though in just what shape was not divulged.» The whole is in transition state as yet, as may be inferred from the fact that members of the new dock company are still buying land on the river front, while they are at the same time looking at the other | site —Buffalo Express. LAKE LINDEN. Special to the Marine Record, The sieambuirge Oswegatehie and tow ar- rivel here with coal from Buffalo, The Guiding Star, Captain L. ©. Cole, was sold last winter by the Lake Michigan and Lake The: 5 Snperior Transportation Co. tu C, H. Weeks. of Bay City. Captain Cole has been master of the Guiding Star eight years. K. ASHTABULA HARBOR, Special to the Marine Record. We have to record the death of Israel G. Shaylor, an old shipbuilder, 79 years of age, who in the early days of lake navigation was a popular builder, he having built the Mary Collins, Edwin Harmon and Many vessels before them. Ail old lake men will remem- ber him and although he had lived to a ripe old age and enjoyed a comfortable fortune, they will learn of his death with feelings of sadness, The propeller Rosédale, of Sunderland, England, is loading coal for Port Arthur, She is over from London with cement to Chicago and is intended for the lake trade carrying about 1200 fons. ‘She is built of iron and the absence of wood is quite notice- able. She bas the ocean appearance, bridge amidships, ete. My judgement is she was built for carrying and not for beauty, but I look through Yankee eyes, however, Through the courtesy of Captain Hum- phrey, of the steamer Neosho, I had the pleasure of looking that steamer over and I find the Cleveland papers were not far out of the way in calling her the queen of the lakes, I can’t resist the temptation to give her once more favorable mention, Her lines are fair and easy as a yacht and she has not a single bulky or clumey feature. The cap- tain’s cabin is finished with cherry and birdseye maple rubbed toa hard surface and * varnished. The floor is also finished in sectional order cherry and maple hard finish and varnish and covered with rugs of brussels made to order, Bath room and state rooms all complete and by no means inferior to the palace of the millionaire. The mates cabin is finished in cherry varnished. ‘The sailors quarters are also finished with cherry. The cabin is cherry and is built with an eye to beauty and convenience. The engine room is finished in ash varnished, maple floor with oilcloth matting and has the most airy appearance uf any engine room I ever visited. She flies the Harrison and Morton flag and if beauty counts she wins. The dredge Erie is slicing away at Plum Point and the intention is to dredge away enough of that old land mark to make in the near future anew ‘channel to the Lake Shore slip. “besides clamps and shelf pieces. She is| - When the flaines were discovered they ade |all possible haste to reach the imperiled craft but the fire had gone beyond their con- trol. They towed. her close to shore where she burned to water edge and sank. The Cowan is about one year old, owned by Way & Martin, and valued at $2,500; not insured. " | Tug Dodley P. Hall was sold to Pardee, | Cook & Co., of Ludington, this week for 1 $9,000. The Hall is one of the best tugs on | the chain of lakes, built by Thomas Notter, of Buffalo, and cost $11,000. Captain P. McGregor, of the steamer Sanford, will command her. Charles Butler takes the Sanford’s captaincy. The gospel ship “‘Glad Tidings,’’ Captain Bundy, called here a short time ago and is now cruising around the islands, foot of Lake Michigan, engaged in preaching the gospel at these out of the way atations, The steambarge Edward Smith, barges Robert L. Fryer, 8. E. Marvin, John Hana- ford and William Brake sailed for Tona- wanda July 31, Tug Maggie Lutz, ot Two Rivers, has arrived and engaged in fishing of this port. The tng Alice Campbell, now at Charle- voix, will be stationed at Frankfort to take the D. P. Hall’s place. BURMEISTER, *PORT HURON. The steambarge George Spencer, towing the schooners M, E. Tremble and Our Son, and the steamship E. P. Wilbur, both bound up, when abreast of this place collided. The wheel chains of the Wilbur parted. The Spencer was damaged to the amount of $1,- 000. The Spencer let go one end and the Tremble let go the other end of the tow line. ‘The ferry boats are trying to pick it up. Captain James Reardon, of Chicago, is here. He will leave with a full wrecking outfit and try to release the propeller Osceola, ashore at Point aux Barques, The schooner J. H. Breck lost her fore and main mast and mizzen topmast. They were blown away on Lake Huron. FAIRPORT, The six-year old son of Captain G. F, Babcock, keeper, of the life saving station at this port, fell into the riyer Wednesday afternoon and was drowned. The body was in the water twenty minutes before being recovered. YACHT FOR SALE, be LOO: ORDEN, 45 feet water line, 13 feet cone ft-elae sailing Kage cgi inoe- red sale at a bargain. Smalere Home ‘A. FINCHER, Pentwater, Mich,