mke “Marine eee Vssel Owners! The Cheapest Chao Supplies! e furnished as, Comfortadles, Blankets a3 -linens, Towels, eic., 48 well (a Sheets, Pill _w-cases, wre sewed to order, ut shortest notice gepior 20 per cent jess than big ex tensive estublirhments are =o a ree. Owing to the extreme sma psi of the naistat Dry Goods Store o! obn & Co., 213 Detroit st., second doo from corner "Pearl it is them only ge\who save 20 per cent unnecessary taxes. Give a trial order to KOHN & CO., 213 Detroit st., second door from corner of Pearl, Cleve- land O. LIAMSON BROS. WORM GEARED q|SHIP STEERING ENGINE. HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP STEERING EN- gines; with elther I rictional, Spur cr Worm Gearof various patterns to suil all purioses. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO.’S Famous “Belle of Bourbon?’ Is DEATH TO MALARIA; CHILLS AND FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER, INDIGESTIUN DYSPEPSIA, SURGICAL FFVFR?. BLOOD POISONING. CONSUMPTION SLINEPLESSNESS OR INSOMNIA AND NON-ASSIMI:,ATION OF FOOD. TEN YEARS OLD. il LVauo UHI “INPRODUCING OUR WM BELLE cFBOURBOW’ WE USE ONLY THE FLINTY GR HOMINY PART OF THE GRAIN _THUS 5 FREEING IT OF FUSEL OIL BEFORE tT IS Wy TLLED For Bale by JOHN SOHLITZ, 120 Superior 3! ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO FUSIL OIL me THOMAS OHARLTON, 129 Suverior st - Oeveland, 0., and Druggists, Wine Merchants & Grocers Everywhere. ‘aun OSTROM & C0, Lonisvlle, ky SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Gopper, Brass and Sheet Tron Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and Orme Patent Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, Buffalo, aN. eres The Colbou rn ‘House, (FORMERLY THE STANDISH HOUSE.) Capt. H. L. Brown & Son, Prop’s 11 to17E. Congress ” Detroit, Mich. Centrally located, one block from City Hall, and convenient to street cars running to all poihts of ship- ping up and down the river. Has been thoroughly refurnished and renovated. Rates, $1.50 to $200 per day. Special rates to steame ap mie vesselmen, whose patronage is especially solicited Scott's NewCoast Pilot Second Edition, Revised and Bularaed, With new Maps sit Illustrations corrected tothe opening of Navigation in 1888, IS SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER, CEORCE SCOTT, AT 162 LaRnep st., E, DErRoir, atl M. M. GLEKLER, MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars ; AND ' Lokacco, 156 gooey @leveland, Phio. No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marinecigars, BELTS say We TDR ne ee ara RR IRA B. BASETT. | ~ GEORGE PRESLEY, Jr. A.R. TRAIN. BASSETT, PRESLEY & TRAIN, Manufacturers and Wholesale Jobbers of Bar, Bridge and Car [ron, Hoops, Bands and Sheet Iron, Boiler, Bridge and Tank Plates, Nails, Ship and Railroad Spikes STEEL BOWER AND SHIP PLATES, ANGLES, BEAMS, CHANNEL AND T TRON, BOILER TUBES, BOILER, TANK AND COOPER RIVETS, We also Represent in this Market the Following Well-known Manufacturers :j Andrews Bros. & Co., BAR IRON, Sanderson Bros. Steel Co, CAST STEEL. VA iia tid AE Oe So Reading Iron Works,, BOILER TUBES, 4 ces 4 Central Iron Works Joseph Corns & Son. CROWN STAY BOLT IRON. Pencoyd Iron Works, 4 BOILER PLATES. ANGLE IRON, George W. Johnson, Dilworth, Porter & Co., > 4 TANK AND SHEET IRON. RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE. is 4 f ‘ shes ieeno y ) Falls Rivet Co., Spang Stee’ ron Co., BOILER AND SHIP PLATES. > ‘4 TANK AND COOPER RIVETS. — \ 4 Ts Spaulding Iron Co. + wf Lindsay & McCutcheon, STEED NAILS! SB BBB BB BBB BBE BBB BE BARBARA BSE OO ee WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE, Cor. ELM AND. HEMLOCK ST.. CLEVELAND OHIO: BURDEN IRON COMP’Y BOILER RIVETS. We Always Carry a Full Stock of Goods in Our Line. All Correspondence and Telegrams Answered Promptly. Our Correspondents will please note that the Western Union Telegraph Co.’s Wires are connected with our office, and much time will be saved in the transmissio and delivery of messages to us if sent via that Company, Wet SO LOTT. Y: © Ue. te ye PHCENI* IX IRON WORKS. ee ny ‘5 Seeger acess Mette tee te tt te H+ tie t+ 4 t+ He He HH Pattee ee tt tt ttt t¢ tot t+ + + + 4 +i hetee+ tt tt tt ttt tt +t + + + + 4S ) iy | V4 i 4 ) E Ce TITER PORT HURON, MICH. ‘ED. ule KEN PALL d R, OLDH AM, él MARINE REPORTER AT THE STRAITS.| ROI The Marine Reporter, ms : Messages Delivered to Passing Vessels Day Marime Inspector, Collections Made and Prompt Remittance, or Night, Weather Permitting. SPECIAL ExppRreNncE IN DESIGNING, PRICES MY IOE REPORTS MAY BE RELIED ON, Orders Promptly Delivered with Small Boat Day or Night—Reference SELF-TRmimine Hatcans, Coat Sxurns SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. AND Buaku’s PATENT Borers. ‘ The Patronage of the Marlne Public Respect- Port Huron Savings Bank, PORT HURON a - 2 ) General Jobbing | 32 Exchange B Id,, fully Requested--Charges Reasonable, Hees Also, Proprietor of Nort BULPLALG, N.Y. F. J. STIMPSON, MACKINAW CITY MICH MIOF,