EA war CANAL DISCRIMINATION, . A couple of days ago we laid before our read ers the complaints of the Americans, a8 con- tained in the utterances of acting secretary of the Treasury Thompson regarding the discrim- ination against American vessels passing through the Welland canal and bound for American ports. The discrimination is not only agaivst ‘American vessels. but Ganadian as well in all cases where their destinations are American "The com Jaint referred to is practically a discrimination in favor of Montreal. The facts in connection with the matter are these: Aly vessels passing through the Welland canal are called upon to pay tolls to the eatent of twenty cents per ton «n their cargoes. In the case of such vessels being destined for Canadian porta) a rebate of eighteen cents per ton is made, If, however, these same vessels arejbound for Amer , ican ports no rebate is ciade, avd thus the dis crimination. For instance, take the steawer Algonquin, which recently left, Duluth with a} cargo of wheat for Kingston. On her load she would pay something over $400 ‘toll in passing throngh the Welland canal. Being pouue for at Canadian port sbe will geta rebate of the whole amount excepting about $40, If, howeve.: estinedt.for, say, Ogdensburg, no Tbe discrimination is erican than Canadian she had beea di rebate would be made. not any more against Am nt vessels, bat is obviously 9 discrimination against 8, 3 American ports and the American route to the seaboard. It’ will be easily seen then that the Americans have just cause for complaint and trade, which is allooe way, would never pay for the more expensive vessels, A ship costing $100,000 or $500,000 would not be very profitable, however large a cargo she carried down, if she had to return light. In the face of such insur- mountable difficulties the government should very wisely refuse te spend any more money | then is required to keep the canal and rive safely vavigable by vessels of the presen draught. pa eee ee SMOOTHING THE WAY. The value of oil in storms at sea has been is no longer a matter of speculation. So well | vessels, both on salt and fresh water, now go equipped with oil bags especially prepared for use in rough weather. These bags are punctured yin such away as to let the o:) ex- | ude slowly when the bag ishung over the ship’s side and a thin film of oil spreads with great rapidity to a considerable distance. The wind is prevented by this oily film from catching the surface of the water and forming 1 the minute ripples that are soon augmented into waves and then into destructive seas. The result is the absence of coamers in the immediate neighborhood of the ship and the danger of the sea breaking oyer the sides is thus prevented, only the rollers being left. Government vessels are now provided with these bags or similar contrivances for spread ing the oiland the government has spent con they threaten to retalliate against vessels pas: sing through the Stult Ste Marie and St Clair flats canals and bound for Canadian ports. The regulation is an absurd one and should be speedily done away with. It appears to have been adopted at the instance of Montreal, and a company which has a monoply of the carrying trade between Kingston and Montreal. This company now receive a rate of two and three quarters cents per bushel for carrying wheat be- tween these two points, a distance of two hun- dred miles, while the rate from Port Arthur to Kingston, a distance of one thousand miles, is only three cents per bushel. The advantage to this company of having the wheat forced, by discriminating canal tolls, to Kingston is obvious. Not only should the same rebate be made to vessels destined for American as well as Cana- dlan ports, but the collection of tolls would be petter to be abolished altogether a np the Wel: Jand canal, and, in fact, the whole canal system of Canada, thrown oven for free traffic the same asthe Soo and St. Clair flats canals, If the Americans should decide to retaliate by dis, criminating against Canadian? ports in the col- lection of tlls in the Soo canal it would be found to bea very serious jmatter. It is to be heped the matter. which is likely soon to ¢ ome of mt, will be made right an cae rates Tanoved Port Arthur Sen- eae fs ut from South America. about 500 miles American republics wnen left to themselves can do nothing so effectively as make revolutions and anfeuterprising foreigner who {would con- tribute to the commercial progress of the coun” try ie hampered by various restrictions and reg- ulations. Peru isa country situated {between the tenth and tweuty-fourth degree south lati- tude- It has three times the area of Ontario, is remarkably fertile, aud has valuable wines of gold and silver, yet its population is under 3,- 000,000 or little more than that of Ontario. This is largely owing to. the Peruvian jealousy of foreiguers which is almost Chinese in its. in- tensity. On this occasion the trouble is owing o the atte »pt of the Peruvian government to gulaae the railway rates, speed of trains, ete., an attempt which was resented by Mr MacCord. The American minister at Lima, the capito' of the country, Mr. Bucks, has entered a protest which up to the present time the Peruvian authcrities have ignored. Oue would suppose that the Peruvians would have had war enough after their recent contest wish Chili. Their haughty atiitude must be due to the fact that they are safe from invasion by the sea, If the Amer icans have any need for a navy for the presen difficulty, they kad better apply tous for th loan of a few ships.—Kingston News. [The United States has need ofa navy at 1 present time, and it is to be hoped thata navy can be acquired without borrowing from the surplus of England.—Ep.] ES EE OEE SS Sa IY ST. LAWRENCE NAVIGATION. Speaking of navigation of the St. Lawrence the Kingston News says: Practical men are not likely to waste much time speculating on what the river ought to have been but will apply themselves to make the best ;use of it as it is. Those best acquainted with the St. Lawrence know the engineering difficulties in the way of navigation of vessels of deeper draught. Shoals exist all the way from Kingston to Cornwall as the number of vessels annually damaged by run- ning aground will prove. These shoals are in some places solid rock, in others deposits of sed- iment; at one place there is a navigable channel which within the memory of men stil] living could be forded; at another a deposit is now at the surface and it 1s even stated that last winter the river cut a channel for itself through an island. The cost of blasting and dredging would be enormous, It will sufficiently tax the resources of the Dominion to maintain the canal and keep the canal navigable for vessels of the present size, and the people of Canada have no wish to be saddled with an enormous debt for an impossible and unnecessary undertaking; un- necess ry because if it could be completed the siderable effort in persuading owners and captains of merchant ships to adopt means of the same kind.—Cl: veland Plain Dealer. The rapid change from sail to steam craft in the lake commerce of Chicago is shown in the arrivals of sail vessels at this purt for the month of July. They aggregated 723, while for July, 1887, the arrivals of schooners and barges were 961, This makes a decrease of 288 arrivals of sail vessels, or about 25 per cent. Perhapsé the chief cause of this falling off is the change in the lumber carrying traffic. Vessels which once never sailed farther than Grand Haven or Muskegon now make long trips through the straits or to the north end of Lake Michigan. The dec’ea-e is also due to the rapid superseding of sail by steam ell over the great lakes. The incre se in the ar- rivals of steamer has not kept pace, however, with the decline in sail. The river interests have felt the change most {severely, as it rep- resents a loss to tugmen of about $12,000 a month in towing. and nearly as much to the stevedores and kindred trades, At the same time pressure on the bridge has been corres- pondingly lessened, and on this account the figures do not represent an unmixed evil.— hicagy Times. RACINE, The fishermen of Racine make some serious charges avainst Chicago tugmen. The charge that they rob the nets is general inits seope, and therefore is directed at the crews of all the out- side tugs. A local publication thus puts the case: It ig alleged that Ghicago tugmen are guilty of lifting gill nets set in the Jake off this port and robbing them of the fish, taking them to Ghicago and there disposing of hem. The owners of the tug’ West report that one day last week they lifted 100 uets and did not find a fish, besides the nets were tangled in bad shupe, Some of them had grease on, which 18 sufficient proof that asteam craft had been meddling with them. Kenosha fishermen make the same com. plaint. Itisastate prison cffence to rob fish nets, and an effort will be made to ferret out the guilty ones and punish them, ESCANABA, The master of the schooner Charles Foster reports a large loaded schooner ashore on the northwest point of Poverty Island. She was out two feet forward. He thinks it was eht Annie M. Peterson. The government, proved so often by actual experience that it | established a fact is it that large numbers of | ~tvamer Dahlia aud tug Ouap-ng were work. | ing at her. THE TWO OLDEST VESSELS. The oldest vessels in the world today, says the Philadelphia Record arethe barks Rosseau_and ; the True Love. Both vessels were built in Phil- adelphia and have outlived both their owners and builders, The Rosseau was one of Stephen Girard’s fleet, and when she was launched asa } full-rigged ship she was the pride of the old mer- | chant. Many years ago Nicholas Vandusen was | } a prominent builder of this city and had his ship- | yard at what is now Shackamaxon street wharf. | In 1800 he made a contract with Stephen Girard | to huild a full-rigged ship, and the Rosseau was | | constructed and lau ached the foliowing year, The Rosseau was considered a very fair-sized | vessel in 1801. She was 95 feet long and 28 feet | breadth of beain, and registered 305 tons. «After doing service for Girard for several years her rig- | ging was changed and she was known as one of | the fastest barks sailing from this port. She | | made several trips to the whaling ground of the | North Atlantic Ocean, and was one of the most successfull whalers in the fleet. Of Jate years she has been used for miscellaneous hauling, and she is now discharging a cargo at New Bedford Mass. But few repairs have been made. on her, and to- day she is almost as good as when she was | launched, eighty-seven years ago. GREAT AGE OF THE TRUE LOVE, The bark True Love was built in Phil delphia in 1764, and tu-day is the oldest ves known of her early career, but ber papers prove her age beyond question, All her iron work is hand forged, and the moldings and interior Mecoraticns of the cabin are of a style that plainly shows no machinery was used in their construction. For many years she was engaged in the coasting trade and plied between the West Indies and Phila- delphia. Some years ago she became a coal carrier and sailed trom Greenwich piers to ‘Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships. RON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. sel.iu.the commercial.world. Bat little.is_| eastern poris. She received many hard knocks, but she was staunch and was built to buffet heavy seas by mer who understood their business, and she always came out of astorm safely. For the past few years the True Love has been trading along the coast of England, and she is looked upon as a curiosity in every port she stops. FOR SALE. ee HANDSOME NEW FORE AND AFTSCHOON- er W. ©. Kimball, built at Manitowoc last winter, outfit all new and eomplete, 65 feet over all, 17 feet 4 inches beam, 4 feet 9 inches hold. Tonnuge 81, 40 Apply to A. D JOHNSTON, Manitowoc, Wis. Dixen’s Black Lead [OR POT LEAD] For Bottoms of Yachts Speciaily Prepared for the Purpose and Une. qualled for Purity and Uniformity of Grain. JO-EPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., emey City, N. J. New York Office, 68 Reade St. Grummond’s MackinacLine STWR ATLANTIC, Saree Captain J R. Jones, LEAVES CLEVELAND EVERY FRIDAY AT 8 P. M., CITY TIME, ‘For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, and way ports. For pas- sage or freight apply to ANDERSON & CO., Agents, Dock ft. of Superior-st. S. B. GRUMMOND, Owner. : YACHT FOR SAREE. ; Cr008 YACHT NORDEN, 45 feet water line, 18}, | KYfeet beam, in first-class sailing eondition, for want | of tme to run, is offered for sale at a bargain. Address ‘ F, A, FINCHER, Pentwater, Mich. HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLF, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale cheap. Is in first-class condition. bor particu- lars write to FRED GROCH, Sandusky. = FOR SALE. ARGE COL. BRACKEL—She carries 260M feet of lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $900 worth of re A steambarge 125 thousand capacity; will carry 120 passengers, only,one vear old: a good twelve mile boat in the best, possible condition; will be sold: reasonable and on easy terms. For further particu- ar, inquire of MARINE RroorD, CleyelandOhio. Rarentep Oc. 27,1985. HULL’S RUBBER STORE Goodsel’s Rub- § Packing, Stearn Packing, Valves Gaskets, ete. Rubber Cloth- ing Boots and Shoes. SPECIAL GRADES OF WATER AND STEAM HOSE FOR MARINE USE. E. W. HULL, 237 @unerior st., CLEVELAND, 0, 2" MARTIN MULLEN, Agent, DEALER IN Youghiogheny & Massillon Coal DOCKS AT GOVERNMENT PIER AND RIVER BED’SLIP. Office. 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main | Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. | Telephone No. 2701. BOATS COALED DAY OR NIGHT. | SPLEGLE BROS, MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; Rresh & Salli Meat, of alll Kimd, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam beat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, Cosmopolitan Hotel. HIGH STREET, ASHTABULA HARBOR, 0. . ‘Timmerman. Proprietor, ‘Vesselmen will find this hotel first-class for clean, comfortable rooms and plenty of excellent food and good acommodations. Send for SIGNAL TAM Bone pe For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS 2 PE GET THE BEST AND French Wrought Iran FELTHOUSEN 139 & 141 MAIN sae eee bt pairs last season. Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- | | — se RRL : tion this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron: |: eet Cre — wes a Br JS : i HRS: FOR SALE, ; ~\ 5 ica? These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now ; in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers, DETROIT DRY DOCK mma ae e i COS, a fa ee Oa pe Se CON STKELLIOLS OF BIERY LESCBIFIION OF eer Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft, of Oriears-st.. Deiroit. Mich. OWNER oad wurlaees dod Tugs for Wrecking, Raft Towing, Ete. STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON, Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. \ zi Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Ete, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOr OF FIRST st, ‘winslow, ‘Leviathan,’ "M. ~wain’ Champion’ | Detroy i ee a pee aire Bay € roit, Mich. Also, Steam Barge M\RY PRINGLE, with Steam Hoister and Wreaking Outfit on Board. 8@"OFFICE OrpEN Day anp Nicur. Satisraction GUARANTEED. “BA BRANCHOFFICES at PORTHURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH WRECKING TUG LEVIAT HAN. C/FT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN | With plenty «f Wrecking Material on board and in Wa ehouse A PUZZEs Which Man is the Talle : Lf you measure carefully the 7 ures inthis cut you will find th Man who appears the shortest reality the tallest. Lf you wil coal your boats at my dock adjoin ing S. F. Hodge Iron Works, wilt get better dispatch and COAL than at any other place Ca i na Oa Corner Griswold and - Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Ri; STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES. 22 to 26_Market-St__near Ran dolph-St., Clic RFECT COLORS. — AVOID COLLISIONS, Ranges and Broilers & RussgLL, ST., BUFFALO, N. ¥, ~