6 Mae bet ni Record. First-class Merchant Tailoring. | IRA B. BAS2ETT. - GEORGE PRESLEY, Ir. A. R. TRAIN. oo . in & 8 sowes| A SS ETT, PR Hi : H Y x TR L IN, monthly new fashion plates; made by non but first-class mechanics and none delivered unle+s to the entire taste of the Customer, ae can be procured by Jos. rf ed practical | Bid id cutter st the taiiorip epariment | ; ‘ Of Kohn & Oo, 18 Berle uineer, second Manufacturers and Wholesale Jobbers of ‘ door from corner Pearl kaown as Boston | | Diy Good Theaoresiova tae sock) DAL, Bridge and Car Iron, of the latest patrerns of Cassinerss, C yee } Over Coatings, Silk Vestings, can be founc B d d Sh t I a} and owing to the fact, that this young genius e | OOPS, an S an Pe ron, i ‘ of a garment cutter Mr. Jos. L. nd i ¥ ‘ his own cutting, (which nloue saves $30 per B l B d d T Pl t week) and has the appartment in the above | Ol er, |e ge an an kK a es, Store free of any expense it enables himto | peepee ones io fla pares . Nails, Ship and Railroad Spikes ing at 218 Detroit street, second door from | corner Pear] known as Boston Drv Goods ans ous STOLL BOILER AND SHIP PLATES, ANGLES, BEAMS, CHANNEL AND IROW. cormeuenn maw" BOTLER ‘TUBES, BOILER, TANK AND COOPER RIVETS, We also Represent in this Market the Following Well-known Manufacturers :| Sanderson Bros. Steel Co, a a a aS a a RS RS SASS aS SS Andrews Bros, & Co., CAST STEEL. \ 4 BAR IRON, y 4 Joseph Corns & Son. N\ Reading Iron Works., CROWN STAY BOLT IRON. BOILER TUBES. ; DRE, { es f Central Iron Works t Pencoyd Iron Works, ANGLE IRON. y BOILER PLATES. : — , > i eorge W. Johnson, HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP STEERING EN- Dilworth, Porter & Co,, 1 gines; with elther Frictional, Spur or Worm Gearof RAILROAD AND BOAT SPIKE. TANK AND SHEET IRON, & various patterns to suil all purjoses. > 7 Spang Steel & Iron Co., Falls Rivet Co., SAMUEL McCUTCH EON, BOILER AND SHIP PLATES. 4 TANK AND COOPER RIVETS. } | STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Spaulding Iron Co. { Lindsay & McCutcheon, f Wound a Ou eee Shure et HOOP AND BAND IRON. Gopper, prass and Shee Tron Sas WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE, Cor. ELM AND HEMLOCK ST., CLEVELAND OHIO: or Manufactory. ron Pipe ano Fittincs. DURDEN IRON COMP’Y BOILER RIVETS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and Ome Patent |W@ Always Carry a Full Stock of Goods in Our Line. Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, All Correspondence and Telegrams Answered Promptl Our Correspondents will please note that the Western Union Telegraph Co’s Wires are connected with our office, and much time will be saved in the tra uffalo, IN, WZ. (and delivery of messages to us if sent via that Company. on : age aires ~ Scott's NewCoastPilot|__ Wei SOLIOLrs YOUR TRADE — - Ben satin, Reise ad Enlarge, Si" PHCINIX IRON 8 SOLD BY iP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER. - GEORCE SCOTT, 2 . Ar 162 LaRNeEp st., E, DETROIT, red i Z A Z NA A WA Z| WY 2g NA H : MANUFACTURER & Eke IN Ne Ls cA nal Cigars ie y is WY SSSINT) AK MMMY - ae’ PASS SSS SS AND << ZN N IN NK Ny Ree iN aan ——- SSS) J a ORSECCO. EY oie (2 i 156 River-st., Gleveland, Mhio. No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marinecigars. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO.’S Famous “Belle of Bourbon?’ Is DEATH TO MALARIA; CHILLS AND FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER, INDIGESTIUN DYSPEPSIA, SURGICAL FEVER?. BLOOD POISONING. CONSUMPTION SLNEPLESSNESS OR INSOMNIA AND NON-ASSIMI:,ATION OF FOOD, TEN YEARS OLD. = & Co, fifo N "tg Manufacturers Sect “STEEPLE FORE AND APT COMPOUND, “IND TRIPLE EXPAN! Wee, MARINE ENGINES, WITH BOILERS OF MODERN DESIGN, en ag apse ca PORT HURON. Vi e THOMAS CHARLTON, 129 Suverior st 2 = Re Oeveland, 0., and Druggists, Wi MARINE REPORTER AT THE STRAITS, ' Merchants i. Grocers el ‘E D- a KE N D A LL. p R, OL, D HAM, 6, ) ssing V' sa alty. 5 ‘orth We LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO, Louisville, Ky Naval Architect, nancebuivecicneitca i) 2 nn TWO FERRY STEAMBOATS = The M all ] fF Re po le [ I S marine Inanecten ee ee Operated on one of the most paying lines on Lake PECIAL EXPDRIENCE IN Dusiening, PRICES MY IOE REPORTS MAY BE RELIED ON, } Michigan, will be sold for $2,900 cash. No enpostion, LVAD Fat ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO FUSIL OIL YaSLLAdd V dock privileges and franchise secured; boats in goo SeLr-Tromine Harcars, Coan SHures > eel one - igreny 1887, tae othen rebuilt in 1838. eve Collections Made and Prompt Remittance, AND BLAKL’s PATENT BornEers SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. ; stri ) % ; “ean os Aa ane Qt Bee ht pa arial Orders Promeiy Delivered with Small B | d The Patronage of the Marine Public Respect- gagedin other business out of the city wich d Boat Day or Night—Reference ents personal attention. Write for Ndigalane rh Port Huron eck ep Bank, 32 Exchange a! fully Requested--Qharges Reasonable. once to THE CONSOLIDATED FER RY GO 7D ; $i) 3 be Roe Ot e3 he ea * Mich. PORT HURON - - - MICP, B UF. eg A. L 0, N. Y bf F. J- STIMPSON, MACKINAW CITY MICH