oI si! ts WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cordage, Wire Rope, Blocks, | Canvas, Anchors, Chains, Paints, Oils, Naval Stores. Cylinder, Lard, Sighal and Lubricating | Oils a Specialty. AGENTS FOR THE merican Ship Windlass Company Puy Wan. Hl, Quayle. tot Hukts Erie and sdaitat Importers Na arte A of Every De riptio 18, 20, 22, 24, & 26 Terrace. | BRANCH ee shington street (fo: ely D. A ‘PENBERTHY’ S IMPROVED Automatic | njectors FOR STATIONARY, MARINE, PORTABLE | AND LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, ei DURABLE. a aga O¢ LATT TIM A Written Guarantee with each Injector. C. H. PRESLEY & CO., aatehoos hor 2883, CLEVELAND, 0. HOWARD H. BAKER & CO. fe Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers Buffalo, N. Y. : " G¢ HONVYA “GEL OL “Y — a “AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASSCO, — fs 4 aL Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain a S y f and fens Windlasses, Power, Crank Thos, B, Quayle, Ss . George Le Quayle, have a Power Caneen with a single " Glavelane © head which has power and speed Pe rangement entirely independen: of th ILA KE ERIE ROILER WORKS. ‘Windlass, and which makes a direct connection with the Windlzss without tip et ot Q- — The, the intervention of any gearing to com- ; | | = We \plicate it and inc ease the friction. | wi Ic In all their styles of Steam Wind- ; lasses they make x direct connection be- tween the engines and the windlass without counter shafts or dditional gearing. This saves friction and liabil- | ity to break down, and conduces to dur- ability and ease in operating. They also The hest equipped plant in America ng the manufac: have a counterbalance for the engines ture ot Modern Marine Boilers. BUFFALO. NEW YORK and an automatic lubricator for worm and worm gear. and the engines are placed together in tae most accessible position. The above improvements and others too numerous to mention, but which ere familiar to Masters, Owners and Builders, are covered by Patents i? owned exclusively by this Company. SKlb & : oon For plans and information SELF- Sa eta Pete EPS TEIN © is FOR piaeon ioe: VALVE STEMS, Ete. and Ste: L Oreeecn 4 between Leroy and Clarkson-st, N. Ca fee THOS. WILSON, who ‘uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Lakes. McKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Harbor, O., Machinists, Shipsmiths & Stearnfitters; ALSO, DEALERS IN Engineers’ Supplies, Ibubricating and Burning ils. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, ompass Adjuster, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners cen have their Compasses Ad justed for Local Attraction at the time of repairs by stating how much ney, are out on East or West ‘ourses, and which way it leads, “Novi or South of above Courses {61River St., Cleveland, 0. JOLN P. DEVNEY, Marine Collector. Gollections Promptly Attended to. ASHTABULA HARBOR, OHIO. GRAND YCURSION AUCUST 23 TO PUI-IN-BAY, Pe the Palace Steamer Fare, $1.00. Ciry or Drrroit. Steamer leaves 23 River St., a! 9a. m., city time, returning at 6:30 p, m. TO DETROIT: FARE $2 Changing to Steamer CITY OF CLEVELAND, FROM PUT-IN-BAY, Returning at 5:30 next morning, in time for business, BRASS AND STRING MUSIC, Adopted and in use by the p nee ae pee countries. Also flexible tubular metallic packing for slip-joiots on steam pipes and for h erga se “and Er EG aul PRICES, Address, 159 AND 163 RIVER-St, CLEVELAND, ©. | ERANK 8. MANTON, Agent P. 0. Dox 53, Providen H. M. HANNA, LUTHER ALLEN, PRESIDENT. SECRETARY AND JOHN F. PANKHURST, VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERALMANAGER. + QUEL D ERs oF IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHI AND VHSSHLS OF ALL DIMHNSIONGS, — Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low 1] MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINE ‘MARINE, STATIONARY ye FORTAR BOIL a Blast Furnace and Roling Mill Machinery, Hoisting and Pumping Engines, Portable Hoist- ing Engines. GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WOREER Boiler-Makers and Founders. OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Streeta, N SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St. Paul CLEVELAND, oHIO. GARPRTOR c¢ CPLR, reaker a Cleveland Diy Dock (0, | Port — Machinery & Supply Depot, Look Out For Break : FURNITURE & UPHOLST. ORT HURON. MICH. Builders ofr ON SE IPS “ONOKO,” “W ia a DEVEREUX,” En, CRISES STEEL STEAMERS “SPOKANE” “GAMBRIA,” “ J. SHEFRIELD,” “IRA H. OWEN” “CORSIGH ES SASSENGER pigetl to “DARIUS GOLK” B YACHYE “LAT.” faa ih ns IRON TUES “INTERNATIONAL” AND “REGORD.” 24% HOURS AT THE BAY. E. B. Wuircoms, T. F. Newman, GP. A. G. A, Mattrasses and Vessel rarnitiee Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- somanctarry Aen ‘Wreeuine pump DODGED ( ANVAS A SPECIALTY, Engineers Supplies, and Fit-: Warerooms 798 and 800 Loraip-st., near Ful- pairing and Spar Making. ton. Factory 10 Willet- ste CLEVELAND, OHIO, CLEVELAND, OHIO. for Steamers and canbe aboard, filled an rendy for. Lert 405 and 407 Water st., East.| wortmerH. Dodge, es