Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), August 23, 1888, p. 2

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RIGHT AND LEFT. Hditor Marine Record, Cleveland, Aug. 13. Having noticed so many opinoins on the subject of having a uniform system of re- vised steering gear, I thought that it would do no harm for me togive you my opinion also, so that it may go before the public in the columns of your paper. My plan for regulating this diversified thing is as follows: First, All vessels and steamers should have their steering gear work the same way, the same as on the ocean. When the order is given to go to the left, to starboard, the man at the wheel puts the wheel to the left, with this the rudder goes to the left, and the ship’s head goes to the left. When the order is given to go t» the right, to port, the man puts the wheel to the right, with this the rudder goes to the right and the ship’s head goes tothe right. Where 1s the need of the words port and starboard? Why are the words port and starboard used at all in regard to steering so Jong as we can use the words left and right. When we adopted the wheel instead of the old tiller why didn’t we adopt a suitable order to be used with the wheel, and throw away the words port and starboard, which belonged to the tiller and not to the wheel. As the wheel works opposite to what the tiller did, surely the same order would not do. When the order port is given toa man steering with a tiller he puts his tiller to port, and when ordered to starboard, he puts it to starboard. This is how the orders port and starboard originated. But the mo- ment that we invented the wheel and patent screw, and when we proposed to work or turn it in an opposite manner to the way in which we put the tiller, atthat very moment there should have been an order given with it as much different from port and star- board as there is difference in the wheel and tiller. Of course I know that it is the ves- sel’s stern that goes out of line by the power of the water pressing against the rudder when the wheel is put to port or starboard; but what good will this do to know; if I see a vessel ahead, and think that she is liable to runinto my vessel; will it do any good for me to go and look over the stern? I answer,no. The head is what we must watch. If Iam leaving the port of Cleve- land bound for Detroit, and I get my vessel heading on the proper courre, where is the use in troubling myself about the stern £0 jong as I know that it will follow the other end. But this is not what I intend to speak about somuch. I ment to propose a proper method of reeving steering gear, and also a proper order for its use, and that, by the way above stated; have the rudder, the wheel, and the ship’s head vo in the same direction and use the words left and right, in- stead of the improper words port and star- board. Is it not as easy for an officer to #ay left a little, or right a little,as it is for him say porta little, or starboard a little. Yes, justthe same, and it can be uncer- stood by a sailor, by a lJandsman, and bya man who never saw the sea or lakers. If this proposition should be adopted by the United States government, and also by the vessel owners, you would soon find the whole world would tuke it up, and there would be no more dread of collision or disaster by wisunderstanding the order at the wheel. I know that there are some old eailors who willsay that it was no sailor that proposed this. Well, I would be very happy to meet such tars, so they may tell me where] am wrong. They will say that such an order would not be shipshape. Well, if I was to call my left arm my port arm and my right arm my starboard arm, I suppose that they would say that was not shipshape. Surely there is as much sense in calling a sailor’s rightarm his starboard arm, as there is in calling the right side of a vessel her starboard side. We cannot have everything shipshape. - What we want is something that can be understood by seamen andlandsmen. it is believed that more than half of the collis- ions that happened here on the lakes was caused by the useless words port and star- board. While the old tiller was used the orders were all right; but when we adopted the wheel with the diamond screw, or steer- ing chains, at that moment the words port and starboard became the mother of collis- ion and disaster, and I venture to say that there is many a gallant, stout sailor rolling on the bottom of sea and lakes, and many a motherless and fatherless child straying around the world without a home all on account of those senseless, dangerous or- ders, namely, port and starboard. Of course it is better and handier to throw away those words than itis to change the steering gear; and if we were to change the steering gear it would only make the complication worse than ever. All who adopt this plan will never be sorry for doing so; and, indeed, I would be very glad to hear of its adoption for the sake of saving life and property. Remember that it was the order that was wrong, and not the steering gear. PaTRICK CAROLAN. Mr. E, M. Peck, president of the Northwest. ern Transportation Co, says: It gives me pleas- ure to state the Duplex hoisting engine, pumps and boiler farnished us by the Eagle Iron works of Detroit, Mich., for the Susan E, Peck have given the best of satisfaction, and we rec- Mhe Marine Reconil. commend them in every paticular. We have been so well pleased with their performance that we felt fully warranted in placing cur recent order with you for outfits for our Schooners Harvey E. Brown and Wm, sicGregor. We think they are the simplest and best on the market; can be operated by inexperienced hands, and to anyone needing this class of ma- chinery would advise them to examine yours be- RAN AWAY WIIH A SCHOONER. | A letter has been re eived from thesteward | of the schooner H. B. Griffin, Captain George Nelson, now absent on the Banks, in which it is stated that thev have met with an unusual experience, viz., that of being towed bya whale. The affair occurred one fine day when all the dories were out attending the fore placing their order, STOP ENCROACHMENT. P The foothold obtained by the Canadian P ac fic on the United States side of the line has | aroused congress, and Seuvator Cullom’s resolui| tion instructing the committee on interstate com- merce to ascertain and report whether an. Uni- ted States railroad lines are owned or operated by the Grand Trunk or the Canadian Pacific or | any other Canadian railway companies which was offered a few days azo was adopied without | a division. Senator Callom demanded that | something should be done to protect American | interests a-ainst the encr: achments of Canad an | corvorations, The Canadian Pacific :ailway ran from Halifax and Quebec, skirting the St. Law- | northern border of the | rence river and the United Sta‘es, to Vancouver oa the was reaching into the United States by the ; ur- chase of and building of railroals in this coua- try, for instance, lines from Sault ste Marie’to Duluth and Minneapolis, which were to be teed- ers to the Canadian Pacific, In addition» to this, the British,government or the Canadian govern- ment had recently subsidized a line of steamers to China and Japan for the purpose of securing the commerce between those countries and the United States and Europe. What ever might be the exact facts in these matters all senators would agree that, whatever could be done con- sistently with the relations between the two governmente and under the constitution of tne United States, cught to be done s» that the com- merce between China and Ja an and ihe United States shall be carried on American rvads in- stead of Canadian roads. His purpose in offer- ing the resolution and ordering an investigation of the subject was that some legislation might be recommended to secure to the people of the United States the advantages they ougtit to have in this transportation, At a meetine of the board of directors of the Canadian Pacific railway held in Montreal on Tuesday of last week, Sir George Stephen ten- dered his resignation as president, aud W.¢. Van Horne was unanimously elected in his stead.—Sault ste Marie News. Pacific and | | sel being tewed under. | Jersey City, N. J. trawls. The captain and steward were on ' board as usual, looking after the vessel and | keeping an eye onthe dories, when all at once they felt a sudden jerk, and soon the vessel was going through the water at a rapid rate and no motive power visible It takes considerable to startle a fisherman, but this was something so uncummon, a vessel dash- jing through the water atarapid rate with her sails turled and anchor down, that they | hegan to look alarmed Suddenly the cause made itself manifest, when a monstrous whale ruse tothe surface, with the anchor fast either in his jaw or blow-hole. He tore} through the water at a high-pressure rate, and | was fast taking the craft out of the sight of the dories, thus leaving the crew exposed; and besides ttis, there was danger of the ves- The only remedy was | to cut the cable. his was done, and his | whaleship went off with the anchor in tow. | The jib and foresail were hoisted, and the | vessel was soon engaged in picking up her dories, and on the way to Newfoundland, where a new anchor and cable were secured There are but two similar cases of which | we have any record, which we have found in | the files of our paper, viz: Schooner C. H.! Price was towed a day and a half by a whale | in 1873, when the fluke of the anchor broke | and she was released. ‘Ihen, again, on the 16th of Decemi er, 1874 while the schoon r Sultana, Captain Peterson, was at anchor] on the Grand Bank, a sudden motion was felt and svon the vessel was speeding through the water at atwelve-not speed. The captain, not wishing to lose sight of his dorymen, cut the cable after he had been towed some dis- tance, otherwise he thought he might have captured the monster There was acompanion whale which swam with the one who had the anchor, and he was evidently astonished at the predicament of his mate.—Cape Ann Ad- vertiser. Dixen’s Black Lead [OR POT LEAD] For Bottoms of Yachts. Speciaily Prepared for the Purpose and Une- qualled for Purity and Uniformity of Grain. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., New York Office, 68 Reade St, EACLE TRO N WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF Dup if uses, for Raising Sail Specially adapted for Boat Hoisting Anchor, etc., etc lex, Hoisting «Deck Engines "sioods Asdfy YIM pajgauUog sjal -J2g Youl Ud} YIM sdwin THE SIMPLEST AND BEST Of FERED—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SUBMERGED HUUE BOILERS. Engines, Boilers and Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment, CIRCULARS AND PRICFS ON APPLICATION. Woodbridge, Fifth and Congress-sts, Detroit, Mich, HULL’S RUBBER STORE SPECIALGRADES OF W E. W. HULL, 237 2uperior PaTENTED Oct, 27,1555, ATER AND STEAM HOSE FOR MARINE USE. Goodsel’s Rub- Sber Back Flax Packing,Stearn Packing, Valves "im Gaskets, ete. *Rubber Cloth- IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft, of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. ing Boots and Shoes. Send for s Price List. st., CLEVELAND, 0 MARTIN MULLEN, Agent, DEALER IN Youghiogheny & Massillon Coal DOCKS AT GOVERNMENT PIER AND RIVER BED'SLIP, Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone No. 2701. BOATS COALED DAY OR NIGHT, SPIEGLE BROS. MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; Hresh & Salt Moat of alll Kimd, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam beat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, Cosmopolitan Hotel. HIGH STREET. ASHTABULA HARBOR, 0. (. Timmerman. Proprietor, Vesselmen will find this hotel first-class for clean, comfortable rooms and plenty of excellent food and good acom ns. SIGNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS 2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in Steamboat Copper, Tin, FELTHOUSEN 139 & 141 MAIN STI., BUFFALO, N, They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED French Wrought Iran Ranges and Broilers of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. % = a > oe CJ CON SLR CL KY DESCHIPIION OF Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships. J ORS Us LI Ee Lb we OWNER OF FIRST Tugs for Wrecking, Raft Towing, Ete. STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON, Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulie Jacks. Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Etc, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOT OF FIRST ST., onnEe oF TUGS ch 1 . é ‘Winslow,’ ‘Leviathan,’ 'M. >wain,’ ‘Champion,’ D Mi h ee ‘wm. A. Moor. ,’ and ‘Gsw: go ) etro It, ic . Also, Steam Barge MsRY PRINGLE, with Steam Hoister and Wreaking Outfit on Board, se@e°Orricr Open Day anp Nien. Sarisraction GuARANTEED.“@a BRANCH OFFICES at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH WRECKING TUG LEVIAT HAN, C/FT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN With plenty of Wrecking Material on board and in Warehouse. A PUZZALS Which Man is the Tallest? — If you measure carefully the ji ures tn this cut you will find that the man who appears the shortest ts in reality the tallest. Lf you wilt coal your boats at my dock, adjoin~ ing S. F. Hodge Iron Works, you wilt get better dispatch and bette COAL than at any other place in city. : 0. W. SHIPMA OFFICE: = Corner Griswold and Larned Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Ri STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES 22 to 26 Market-St. near Ran dolph-St., Clni and Sheet Iron Workers, & RussELL, ¥.

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