Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), August 23, 1888, p. 5

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ke an esti- comp ny this ichi- satis. secretary of the De- nt has been in liking and a new urratte is in com. aite goes into the Wind, built by the too large to enter the y dock. The w! k co pany’s big street but it w Sree ro the dock closed, pumped Detroit in the stocks at of the Detroit Dry Dock ach ing completion. She are now putting on her ready for launching al out has also began in earnest Onew composite boats to be dimensions we gave a few consort of the Iron Duke, ¢ r while passing through | last Friday morning, ’s smokestack off even otherwise damaging her ¥. The Iron State only ‘The collision was owlng to d up, sheering out. The trike her head on or go rs of t steamer California fo her, and the probabilities sold to Detroit parties. Walter H. Oades left Detroit bound for Buffalo with wheat. ith the schooner R. Halloran ast Tuesday morning, two miles dummy, and sank half an hour after- [he other schooner went on without. Thecrewand the captain’s daughter ighthouse and remained there un- Tuesday morning. The cargo es was 16,000 bushels, valued at nd insured for 13,700. The Oades tons Meastirement, built fa Detroit Oades in 1869. In 1886 she re extensive repairs. She was valued at 000. Her hull was insured. The Hallo. ‘ranarrived at Toledo, Wednesday, and was aged to the extent of about $100. _ The schooner Walter H. Oades, which now liesat the bottom of Lake Erie, was one of _ the most unlucky boats on the lakes. When ‘building, a fire broke out and one side of her was nearly all burned. When nearly ready to launch, the ways settled and she fell three feet, making necessary a heavy expense in getting her into the water. Then she ran ashore at Rond Hau point, after which she was sold by her builders. Once, while at anchor in the St. Clair river, she was run in- to by one of the big line steamers. She went on the bank in shallow water and, when the wreckers were at work, slipped off into deep water. She was repaired at the Detroit dry dock, and while waiting settlement with the insurance companies she was run into and lost her jibboom. She was once washed upon the Buffalo breakwater, and the number of minor accidents to her would fill a book The extent to which her fame for hard juck had gone is shown by an incident that hap- pened just before she left on her last trip. An insurance agent heard that she had just been chartered for wheat to Buffalo. He tel- ephoned the fact to the head office, asking if he would see about insuring her, and added “you knowshe is-very unlucky.” The answer came back promptly to take no insurance on her, and, as a consequence, the companies represented by that agent suffer no loss.— Detroit Free Press. WEST BAY CITY. The new propeller John B. Moran, be- longing to Ward’s new Detroit ard Lake Superior line, was launched Jast Saturday. She is 214 feet keel, 3 feet beaw, and 22 hold. Shipbuilding at Davidson’s yard, Bay City, has been seriously delayed by the burning of the sawmill connected with it. The loss is $35,000. EAST SAGINAW. Lumber freights: Bay City to Buffalo and Tonawanda, $1.75; Saginaw to Buffalo and Tonawanda, $1.874¢; Bay City to Ohio ports, $1.50; Saginaw to Ohio ports $1.62}¢. Hubbell & Co.’s dredge foundered in Sag- inaw bay, seven miles northwest of Port | Austin, Saturday night, and the crew hada | narrow escape. The dredge was valued at $8,000. TOLEDO. The Wabash propeller J. C. Gault was aground on the upper range inthe bay Lighters were sent to release her. out of the "The contract for dredging out the Black Rock harbor and the Ohio and Erie basins, for which the legislature voted $30,000, has been let to ‘Hingston & Woods and one dredge was set to work Friday a.m. The number will ‘be in- creased t rsoon, and all these waterways will be put in good shape. The matter to be re. pam, Yaga en deposits, and the appropri- ing. ; _ The damaged corn corgo of the schooner J. D, Sawyer of the St. Louis tow was taken out Fri- day and the eleyotor rejected 762 bushsls. This was sold by the underwriters fur 314 cents per bushel. A survey was begun by Mr. 8, V. Par- i, | sons'and Captain Thomas Collins to decide on '| the coudition of the boat, The amount damaged in the Potomac of the same tow was only about 200 bushels, Superintendent Dobbins returned Saturday from @n inspection of his life-saving district. € visited every station from Louisville, Ky., the St, Lawrence, and reports every thing in good shape, and that the work recently done at the Cleveland station has placed the station at hat port in the best possible condition. The re- pairs cost ubout $3,000, but it was money well < y : expended, The marine monster was |. It appears that the surveyors of the schooner J, D. Sawyer failed to agree and the work may have to be done over again. The damage to the cargo has been estimated at $2,100. ' The heavy machiuery is being put into the ex- tention of the Wilkeson elevator, The propeller Chemung, in passing up the creek lately, picked up a lvg in the channel just above the salt dock, It came np against her hull with a crack that could be heard some dis- tance, but did not injure her. Being an old wa- ter-logged affair it at once sank again, where it | waits its chance of laying’out'some other unsus- pecting vessel. Wouldn’t it be well for the pro- per anthorities to fish it out and take it away.—’ Buffalo Express. The corn cargo of the schooner Sawyer was short 733 bushels, that amount being badly damaged. The rest of her cargo is not in good condition, A survey is being held on the Saw- yer, which will probably put her out of thegrain trade until repairs are made, _ The City of Rome’s machinery is fully repaired from the break that happened twenty days ago. She went light to Detroit for grain cargo. On her return she will pick up her consort, Her owners lose about $7,000 by the mishap to her engine, — LoS [ All grain elevators quit work from 10to 4p. m. Tuesday because the scoopers at the Niagara houses retused to work under ané objectionable boss, A new boss was appointed, which settled the difficulty. ¢ The Chemung arrived from Milwaukee in fif- ty-seven hours and a half the best time ever made, : ‘ The propeller Gault is in dock repairing a bole in her bottom caused by striking at Toledo a dangerous snag right in the channel. . Four Brown hoists, from Cleveland, for New, Wick & Co’s ore dock, have been received, and it is expected that the dock will be ready in ten duys to unload vessels at the rate of 1,000 tons a day. The Ballentine and Ironton ,are the first boats to be unloaded there, : ALPENA. The barge Arcturus, with 275 tons of coal, sank when crossing Saginaw Bay Sunday night, The crew were saved by atug. The Arcturus cleared from Gleveland last Thursday witha cargo of coal for Alpena, which it now seems has been lost withiu sight of its destination. She has been a purt of the tow of the tug George N. Brady, the other barges with her being tie J. S. Austin, M. Baker, J, F, Warner.* and H. W. Hoag. The entire tow, outside of carrying up cargoes of coal, has been engaged in bringing in lumber for Fisher, Wilson & Co., lumber deal- ers. She is an old vessel, having been built at Huron in 1853, but received large repairs last year. She hails from East Saginaw and is owned by A, A. Pinet, She was without class, rating on value in Inland Lloyds’ Register, and there- fore is probably uninsured, Itis not known whether there was any insurance on her cargo. A subsequent dispatch says; The barge Arec- turus was in the tug Brady in tow with coal for Alpena. Tbe weather wasnot boisterous. She sprung a leak, and went down quickly in deep water. The disaster occured at 2 o’clock Sun- day morning. No insurance on cargo or vessel. Tre crew are here, A still later dispatch says that the barge Arcturas is still afloat in Saginaw Bay with two feet of side out. DULUTH. The river and harbor bill having become a law by limitation Saturday last, Major Quinn prepare a project of improvement for the use of the appropriation of $80,000 for Duluth harpor, and submit it to the department at Washington. After this bids must be advertised for and sub- mitted to head-quarters and contracts made and it will be October before any work can be done. As balf the money te be used is specifically ap- propriated to the dredging of a channel to Gras- sy Point along the no: th side of the bay and up the west side of Rice’s Point, only $40,000 is available for the present harbor. Of this the greater portion will probably be used in cutting a channel along the new dock line east of Rice’s Point and the rest in maintaining the canal piers and enlarging ihe harbor area, Bat little work can be done before next April. Duluth stocks of wheat keep up remarkably well considering the large shipments made. Re- ceipts are far larger at present than were expec- ted earlier in the season and wiil probably re- main so until the new crop begins moving. There ure in store to-day 2,118,590 bushels wheat and 132,283 bushels corn in Duluth elevators. Of the wheat 1,748,466 bushels are No. 1 hard. This is a decrease of only 241,000 busbels for the week, as against a total of 1,458,000 in store a year ago and a decrease of 441,600, Saturday’s shipments were 215,000 bushels and receipts 86,- 000, There are now on track 125 cars, or 67,000 bushels, —News. ght to pay fora large amount of dredg-| : SAND BEACH. Special to the Marine Record. The following sall and steam craft sheltered here last week: Steamer J. E. Mills, echoon- er John Rich, Ino, Carlew, Sunnyside and Sea Bird, steamer W. P. Fessenden, tug J. P,. Clark and consort, schooners Reliable, Forester and Lady Essex, tug O, W. Cheney, propeller Selica and three consorts, City of Concord and one consort. Sunday morning, August 19th, the tug Hercules came in and reported the Joss of a dredge, she was towing from Au Sable. to Port Huron. There was quite a stiff sea on and it is supposed that a plank started on the dredges bottom for she sunk instantly, the crew barely saved their lives by prompt action. The dredge sunk in about one hundred feet of water about six miles from Port Austin. ‘ T. ASHTABULA HARBOR, Special to the Marine Record. : Ashtabula Harbor is very quiet evefy thing working smoothly and without mishap. Our ship yard men seem to be busy in a small way. Noserious mishaps to record. The propeller Havana is getting a new smoke stack, Mr. Chas, L. Scoville of Ashtabula, O., chief engineer on the steamer Bulgaria, was granted a patent August 8, on a lubricater that encases the oil pipe on the connecting rod and thereby prevents the oil from clogging and chilling. This invention of Mr, Scovill’s is bound to meet with approval by all engineers, and its use upon marine engines will soon be general. Captain McKay of Cleveland, was in town to- day, looking after the interest of the Mutual Transportation Co’s fleet. By the way, the Cam- bria, Corona and Corsica were all in the harbor 1 Oa PORT ARTHUR. The Sentinel says: Port Arthur's new steel steamship Algonquin, the property of Messrs. Thos. Marks & Co., arrived last Monday even- ing and went up the river to unload, She has a cargo of 2,065 tons of coal. It would be use- less to repeat adescription of this magni- ficent new stcamship in these columns, it hav- ing already been given several times. Large numbers of citizens went up the river to inspect her and many words of adwiration were heard, Her massive steel hull, complicated and beauti- | ful machinery and elegantly finished cabins ren- | der her a great object of atiraction. Although only desigued as a freight boat she is much more elegantly fitted out than the ordinary freight boats on the Jakes, It is more thao likely that she will take arun into the harbor here before clearing again, and the citizens generally will have an opportunity to see her. MANISITIQUE, During the past week the elegant steamer Faxton was purchased by Senator Stockbridge and D, A, Arnold, and placed on the North Shore Line, ply ing between Manistique and St. Ignace. She takes the piace of the Charles West, and Captain John McCarthy will be her master, as he was of the West, He is without doubt the most popular captain that ever ealled in at the port of Manistique, and we congratu- late him on the fact that he now has a craft of which he need never feel ashamed. The Fax- ton is peculiarly wel! fitted for the North Shore Line.—Sunday Sun, SAULT STE MARIE. The new steamer Baltic, of the Northern Transit line, reached the Soo recently, it being her first trip. She isaveritable floating palace. She is handsomely, even luxuriously, furnished, complete in all her appointments. The Baltic runs between the Soo and Collingwood, touch- ing at Mackinaw and St. Ignace, and then dou- bling back into the north channel and on through Georgian Bay. There was shipped by water from the mines of the Lake Superior region during the week ending with Wednesday, the 15th, 192,139 gross tons of ore, of which quantity 47,722 tons went from Marquette, 65,929 tons from Escanaba, 2,075 tons trom St. Ig- nace, 56,398 tons from Ashland. Wis,, and 20,019 tons from T'wo Harbors, Minn. The shipments for the corresponding week in 1887 were 198,818 tons, so it will be seen that the mines are continuing to send their product to market at about the same rate as they did last year. For the season to date the total shipments by lake are but 348,162 tons behind what they were at this time last year. By ranges the showing is as follows: Marquette range, 869,687 tons; Gogebic range, 651,837 tons; Menominee range, 526, - 980 tons; Vermillion range, 175,514 tons. AMHERSTBURG. Last Friday, the dredge Wild Irishman, tug Shaughraun and two scows returned to Amherstburg after completing their contract at Mackinac, Mich. The dredge is now being utilized in raising 100 cords of stone from the Limestone crossing, which was dumped near Grosse Isle some time ago. It is being taken to Detroit, to be used by H. Walker & Son in filling in a dock there. The Glasgow is here in a badly crippled con- dition, Her piston went through her cylinder head, makingea bad break of her engine. She will be taken to Detroit for repairs, and some other boat procured to tow her barges. SAUGATUCK, The schooner Imperial went on the beach south of the harbor during Tuesday’s gale, She ean be got off if she holds together, the sch ooner was builtin 1857, rebuilt in 1886, and extensively repaired the present year, and rated A2, The schooner Jack Thompson, lumber-laden sprung aleak on Lake Michigan in Taesday night’s weather, and came in Wednesday badly waterlogged. a CHICAGO, Special to the Marine Record, The fine new steamship Mary H. Boyce, in command of Captain W. F. McGregor, | wi arrived on her maiden trip to this port last Pp Thursday morning, from Grand Haven, where she was recently built by the Grand SS = eee ship yard Wednesday afternoon. She is named Jobn Rugee, If the outlook for next year is good, there 11 be several good sized boats built at thi ort this winter. It is;,doubtful if we ever see such @ year as last for shipbuilding, at any rate, Sheriffs are making wheels for the barge Ote- Haven Ship Building Co, She is 201 feet| 8°, Chipman, Rand, Areadia and tug Nelson and long over all, 34 feet breadth of beam, 14 feet | everal others, They are also making the re- depth of hold. She has a fore and aft com- | P#its on the barge Leuty. pound engine 22 snd 40'by 36, built by H. G. Trout, King Iron Works, Buffalo, and steel The Omaha No, 2 will be launched this week, Mr. and Mrs, 8. R. Smith and daughter left on boiler 10 by 15, two engines on deck for on extended tour through the east. Mr, Smith is hoisting and the American Ship Windlass ‘Co.’s, capstan and windlass. Her cabins are fitted out very neatly and comfortably and | ¢ she is an elegant and substantially built boat and does great credit to her builders. Dun- the office man of the firm of shipbuilders, Wolf & Davidson The barge Wolf unloaded the first ‘cargo of oal at the fuel company’s new dock, The new barge Helena arrived Monday with coal, and will go to Chicago and load wheat at can Robertson, shipbuilder, and Stephen | 3-cents, Captain Leisk says if he can finish his Munroe, one of her owners, came over to| load at one of the lower elevators, he will load Chicago on her. She is owned by Sherman H. | 80 even 100,000, as there is now no doubt of her Boyce, (and is named after his wife), Nelson | carrying that much. Howlet, Stephen Munroe and Captain W. The Bangs wheel will not come into general F. McGregor, who commands her and who| ™¢ on the lakes, as after four trials it does not 80 skilfully commanded the fine steamship | °° UP to the old style of wheel in ranning, Wisconsin, summer and winter, for several | #4 it does not back well, J. years, Milo Flanders is first engineer, Edgar 8. Brice second engineer. She loaded 44,000 GRAND HAVEN, There was a heavy storm Tuesday night. The bushels of corn at this port for Midland, | Milwaukee, due at 5 o'clock, arrived at 10 Pp. m. Captain Henry Downer of the scow Alma Harry Metcalf, third officer, aged nineteen, was called on your correspondent Tuesday and | SWP! Overboard and drowned, His home is at wae surprised and not very much gratified | Minneapolis. that it had gone the round of the newspapers, “that it was feared he and his crew were lost.” He says he left Chicago, Monday,}| w. August 6, for Kenosha, came back to Chicago five days later and has made two more trips between Chicago and Kenosha since then and he entered and cleared at the custom house as usual. He would be glad if per- sons publishing such reports would first take the trouble to inform themselves of the truth of them as it has caused véry much uneasiness amongst bis relatives and friends, who feared some calamity had befallen him, Captain George Hammer, who perished on the steamship Geiser, last week resided in and sailed ont of Chicago very many years, his command being the schooner Ashtabula, which he owned and sailed for many years. A few years back he left here and located at Gladstone, Wis., where he purchased some land and builta summer resort. Recently a railroad company purchased his land and premises tor a considerable amount. He gave his only son $10,000 and invested the remainder for his own and wife’s use, and then took his departure to visit Norway where he was born. He was 70 years of age and greatly respected and his many old friends in Chicago feel much regret at his sad end and sympathize deeply with his widow and only son whom he has left be- hind. — Miller Bros. handsome sloop yacht Minnie M. won the race in class B, beating the cut- ter yacht Verve, also of Chicago, and sloop yacht Cora, formerly of Chicago, at Macki- naw, on Friday last. The Minnie M. showed splendid sailing qualit es and won easily. Captain F. R, McGregor of the steamer Josie Davidson says: I cannot say too much in favor of the Sheriff wheel. In the short trip to the North Government Pier and return, about 44 miles, the best time we could make with our old wheel was 28 minutes, steam 110 pounds, num- ber of revolutions 120, size of wheel 52 inches With our Sheriff wheel we make the trip in 22. minutes, steam 110, number of revolutions 200 and the saving in fuel is surprising. WILLIAMS. MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Record. ‘ The new steambarge Helena is the banner wooden boat of the lakes. Her builders, Messrs. Reiboldt & Walters, of Sheboygan, although the youngest shipbuilders on the lakes, can take the broom. The Helena Inaded 96,313 bushels of wheat here and overran twenty bushels at Buffalo, making about 97,000 on 15 feet 10 inches aft and 15 feet 8 inches forward, and it is expected she will carry 3,000 tons on 16 feet. TheF. & P. M. No. 4 hasarrived and ta- ken her place on the Manistee and Luding- ton route in connection with the No. 3. Nos, 1 and 2 will run regularly between Manistee, Ludington and Chicago. No, 4 isten feet longer than the 8 and has a triple expansion engine, otherwise sheis a duplicate of the No, 3. It is expected she will run faster than the others when she gets worn down, The tug Williams was in dock for repairs to stern bearing. Milwaukee Tug line will sell the tugs Holton and Dexter and build a ‘arger tug to take their place. The steamer Marshall has been laid up for alteration to her machinery, she having failed to act well while under steam, It looks as though freights would advance to a paying basis soon. There has been inquiries every day for room, but none was to be had. Wolf & Davidson’s new boat is receiving her machinery and will likely make a trip this fall, pee Stes SL BN a> RL ot LAKE FREIGHTs. Movements on the lake freight market ere wore productive yesterday and ree sulted in actual charters, The feeling was strong every way as to carrying rates, and the following were among the reported en- gagements: Steamers Mark Hopkins and H. S. Piekands and schooner Melvin S. Ba- con, all ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, $1.10; steamer Rosedale, coal, Cleveland to Mc- Kays Harbor, 80c; schooner Antelope, coal, ‘Cleveland to Kingston, $1.15; schooner Aunt Rath, coal, Huron to Marine City, 45c; schooner J. G. Worts, stone, Cleveland to Toronto, $1.65; schooner J. B. Kitchen, coal, Cleveland to Escanaba, 60c; steamer S. J. Macy and consort Camden, ore, Esca- nabd to Ohio ports, $1.10; same vessels, coal, Buffalo and Cleveland to Milwaukee, 70c; schooners M. L. Higgie and David Stewart, ore, Escanaba to Toledo, $1.10; schooner 8. L. Watson, ore, Escanaba to Sandusky, $1.10; steamer Yosemite and consort Ryan, coal, Cleveland to the Sault, 60c mer Henry Chisholm, coal, Tole rior, 70c. foe Burraro, N. Y., Aug. 22.—Coal Quiet at old figures. Vessels still being d layed in loading. Charters: Northerner, Cuba, Chica 70, 75¢; C. J. Kershaw, 8. Macy, Isabel Reed, Milwaukee, T0c; E. Hale, Dulnth, 60c; Atmosphere, Detroit, Canal freights steady: wheat, 4%{c; corn, 3%c, to New York. : en Curcago, Int,, Aug. 22.—Lake rates to Buftalo were advanced to 34%c for wheat and 3c for corn today on the scarcity of spot room here, Engagements were limited to 74,000 bushels of wheat and 93 ,000 bushels of cora. One of the pleasurab.e occurrences at the yard of the Cleveland Shipbuilding com- pany recently was the presentation of a valuable gold watch to Mr. Henry Hall, a practical draftsman, who accompanied Mr. Bristow to this city from Detroit, by his fellow workmen. The inscription on the watch reads: “Henry Hall, from his fellow workmen at the Cleveland Shipbuilding company, 9th August, 1888.’? Notwithstanding the comparatively light coal shipments by lake of the past few weeks the total shipments up to last Satur. day evening, 1,374,920 tons, are 379,560 tons ahead of the amount sent forward up to the same date last season. It is also worth no- ting that the average shipments for each of the past four week, small as they are be- lieved to have been, were fully 20,000 tons larger than the average for the correspond- ing weeks last year. Meteorological summary for the week. ending August 21, 1888: Mean actual barometer......... -- 29.98 Mean temperature,,,...........- 72.3 Mean humidity................- 79.3 Total precipitation............. oe IZ Prevailing direction of wind,......... 8. W. Total wind movement......., ......- 104! Av, cloudiness............ eo Le Ay, state of weather..... Cloudy. Max, temperature, highest. 91.8 Min temperature, lowest........-....- 59. W. H. HAMMON, Sergt. Sig. Corps, U, S. A, The yacht Wasp arrived from Mackinac Wednes« day morning. She had asplendid run. The Cora left Mackinac Sunday and has probably sought shelter in or somewhere about ‘Thunder Bay, not having reached Sand Beach or the river§ The City of the Straits started, but it is not likely that she went outside before the gale sprung up. The largest chainfever manufactured is said to be in the Imperial Arsenal at Vienna, It has The matter in relation to a fast line of|§,000links, and was thrown across the Danube boats from Milwaukee to Chicago are fast | in 1529 by the Turks. assuming some shape, and there seems to be no doubt of its being a settled fact RA SLC SL EE FUR SALE, TEAM pleasure boat, capacity 50 people, 44 feet A new steamship of 60,000 bushels capac- S over all, 1] feet beam, draws 434 feet of water, ity, built for a syndicate of Milwaukee yes- | 004 macvinery. Apply to sel men, was launched from the Milwaukee D. RANKIN, jaa Room 2, 127 La Salle 8t., Chicago, Ill,

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