HOWARD H. BAKER & CO. "Ship Chandlers & Sal Makers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cordage, Wire Rope, Blocks, Canvas, Anchors, Chains, Paints, Oils, Naval Stores. Cylinder, Lard, Signal and Lubricating Oils a Specialty. AGENTS FOR THE Ameriqun Ship Windlass Company toy Rakes Brie and Ontario. Importers of gt alas al In pane of Every Descriptio 18, 20,. 22, 24, & 26 Terrace. | BRANCH eatide foc 1 Washington say ite erly D.8. stin & Co | Buffalo, N. Y-_ PENBERTHY’ S IMPROVED Automatic | njectors FOR STATIONARY, MARINE. PORTABLE AND LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. DURABLE. "GET OL G2 AONVY RELIABLE, Dace 06 LATT TIM SIMPLE, A Written Guarantee with each Injector. C.H.PRESL Y&CO., 24.8 WATER St. CLEVELAND, 0. Telephone No. 2383, KATZENSTEIN’S Tis SELF-. Seale METAL FOR PISTON ein Y Pa at priticipal ron pyar Fealars pane referen: neal address L KATZENSTEIN & CO 857 West St., between Leroy and Clarkson-st, N. Y. CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Lakes. McKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Harbor, Oe.» Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters; ALSO, DEALERS IN Engineers’ Supplies, Ipubricating and Burning Pils. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ‘Established in 1857. *. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASSCO. 2 Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain » and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank "land Steam Capstans, Wharf and Ferry ene Their Capstan Windé¢asses Ihave a Power Capstan with a single bg 1 nN 1 \ wf Whet4 x Rite & WORKS CENTRAL WAY \ \ Thos, B, Quayle, Geor mayle, » Wa atte, ” @lavalan@ © head which has power and speed ar- \rangement entirely independent of th |'Windlass, and which makes a direct ‘connection with the Windlass without the intervention of any gearing to com- |\plicate it and incvease the friction. In all their styles of Steam Wind- lasses they make uw direct connection be- tween the engines and the windlass without counter shafts or dditional gearing. This saves friction and liabil- ity to break down, and conduces to dur- ability and ease in operating. They also have a counterbalance for the engines nd an automatic lubricator for worm and worm gear, and the engines are placed together in tae most accessible position. The above improvements and others too numerous to mention, but which are familiar to Masters, Owners and Builders, are covered by Patents owned exclusively by this Company. For plans and information LAKE ERIE BOILER, WORKS. The hast ainpa plant in 1 America io the manga ture ot Modern Marine Boilers. BUFFALO, NEW) YORK Ss ery ; ee #3 a ae Silas GOOD BORK are Ey GUIS PRICKS Address, “T50 AND 163 RIVER-St, CLEVELAND, 0. "| FRANK §, MANTON, Agent P. 0. box 3, Providence, Ri. H. M. HANNA, LUTHER ALLEN, PRESIDENT. SECRETARY AND TREA THEGLOBE IRON WORKS COMPAN IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHIP AND VHSSHLS OF ALL DIMHNSIONS, Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low Presst MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, ‘MARINE, STATIONARY & ron esas BOILER JOHN F. PANKHURST, VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERALMANAGER.'% CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, ompass Adjuster, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners con have their Compasses Ad justed for Local Attraction at the time of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or West Courses, and which way it leads, Nor‘h or South of above Courses (60River St., Cleveland, 0. eis aE IPP DEVNEY, Marine Collector. Gollections Promptly Attended to. ASHTABULA HARBOR, OHIO. GRAND ©XCURSION, TO PU! IN-BAY, Farr, $1.00. Steamer leaves 23 River St., a! 9a. m., city time, returning at 6:30 p, m. TO DETROIT: FARE $2 Changing to Steamer CITY OF DETPOIT, FROM PUT-IN-BAY, On the Palace Steamer City OF CLEVELAND Returning at 5:30 next morning, in time for business, BRASS AND STRING MUSIC, 214g HOURS AT THE BAY. E, B. Wuitcoms, T. F. Newman, Gor. As G.A Blast Furnace and Roling Mill Machinery, Hoisting and Pumping Steam Pumps, Stea ‘and Hand Windla Winches, and Mari Appliances of Ev Description. Engines, Portable Hoist- ing Engines. Boiler-Makers and Founders. _ OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Street, N SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St. Paul CLEVELAND, OHIO Look Out For Breake Dont leave port without a “DODGE'S CANVAS OLL Mac Builders of ON ST SHIPS “ONOKO,” “Wh. G — nf DEVEREUX,” BG. HISHOE TWEEL SYEAMERS “SPOKANE” “CAMBRIA,” “ P J. SHEEMIELD” “TRA ‘OWEN. a COKSIOR ope. SYSSENGER STEAMER “DARIUS COLE” AND R VACHE “MTGE.” AND Been PARERTON & CORE, IRON TUES “aNTERNATIONAL’ AND “REGORD.” t Harep Machinery & Supply Depot, ry Lnorony.. Cereland Dy Dock, »nemann ese HENRY LEOPOLD. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of fine wh RY. Engines, Steam and reer a FURNITURE & UPHOLSTE. tt V Z - epenee Sail Nese sub tur Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re Engineers Supplies, and Fit : P ¥ js pairin (24 and Spar Making. aboard, filled and re ready lor use. You Warerpore: 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Ful- for Steamers) Sua. Vessels. season is over, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 405 and 407 Water st., East. Mortimer H. Dodge, 122 Water St, ton. Factory 10 Willet- ste CLEVELAND, OHIO.