i é ; 4 , ¢ ea antok od. 2 BL D. COFFINBERRY, _ ROBERT W 2 eo ALLAC iad! Ties VICE PRES'T. . We fr es FELIND SHP-ULONG CONANT, = Det oat Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, — IRON SHIPS. eee ACENT, 2 ai & : Shartered, Bought and sold, Luke} .. reigh ts ane River Tow Bills Ci hoe Se es aegis tly re vic tai Marine and Stationary | ENGIN S AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, == AND MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS points near the es Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. — ALMER & BENHAM, fice on Viaduct. __ Se eee PHCEN LL Ix IRON = IRK iow ‘Bank Building, corner of Superior and «Mom Mtppank Strect, Cleveland. Ohio __ - fLOORE, BARTOW AND GILGHRIS®, rig “Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Chair Street, Room 15.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, Marine Insurance, one nm 3 & & z 5 pt es 5 i) & £. & Ey le} S eS 5 = nf 5 R < ® 2 2 3 2 za ta) CORRESPON DENCE SOLICITED. [is PAE na EE re d Go (a i / THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Freight and Vessel Agent, CLEVELAND, 0. W “O00000000 Oo OO 000 0000000000000000 60000 x seas OOOO OC OOOO QOQOO0Q0O oo YOOOOOOC OOO ) YC OBO ORE 100000 ¢ C ; | | | We KS a] Gen, Forwarder. ee KING, General Stevedoring. Discharging Load- ing and Ore Trimming Promptly At- tended to. A Large Force of Men always on Hand, Information in regard to DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKS IN | s) ec s celen S U e ASHLAND HARBOR end furnished. Quick dispatch guarahteed, ‘ ay / = Ps Pert Patronage Solicited. | r —— bce toss | Sora wea ©. A. KING, Asbland Wis. OOO A Le ij | | | +e + + + + + + + iS t+ tt + t+ + t+ t+ + t+ + +b 4 WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND. OHIO. _ Gies AOLSeB Buffalo | ‘Y. aut, Manufacturers of ae STEEPLE FORE AND AFT COMPOUND, AND TRIPLE EXPANSION é See Green Canned i sp Ss ne nEORT: a was MICH — ea ED J, KENDALL, J & OLDAAL, 6, 5, aammnmaTTmaTo) ROBERT E HILLS, MANUFACTURERS OF ! ce Nay a I ie hit Ue? if » M te ale phone paar ~ m ae eit essages Delivered to Pressing Vessels Da | 5 fF allie pporle, Maving.Uaspectet.|. or night, Weather Pang Ves . =| STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, SpecraL ExppRIENCE IN DESIGNING, Prices N yi at E Of , sx Exrpanence my Destoxtxo, Putous| wy 197 pepoRTs MAY BE RELIED ow, | Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings Colles r : SeLF-TromunG Hatcaes, Coat SHuUTEs rAKING THE PLACE OF| “o, age oe ae ee get mgiTaL anp BLaki’s Patent Borers. [eeeeeees YEARS EXPERIENCE. BNGINELR’S SUPPLIES. WOODEN BLOCKS FOR Boat Day or Night—Re ferenes “ | The Patronage of the Marlne Public Respect- cA y) ALL PURPOSES. Port Huron Savings Bank, 32 E xch an ge B Id ed fully Requested--Charges Reasonable. General Jobbing Work Done Promplly. . , CLE ’ 1’ H' 94 - 4 159 River St., CLEVELAND, O poTR HURON a ~ a MICq. BUFFAL 0, N. $ As es J. STIMPSON, MACKINAW CITY MICH Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Work Pes 4