First-class Merchant Tailoring. | ‘ i Vg 8 6 Dove tn ihe nobbicer. ery le, ace oelna to monthly new fashion plates; m ade but first-class a.echsn'es and none delivered unlers ‘o the entire taste ofthe Cn-tomer, can be procured by Jos, L. Koln, prve ienl tailor an¢ cutrer st the tailoring d-par men ot Kohn & Co., 213 De rvit street, second door fiom commer Pesrl kaown as Borton | tl I “3 by none | i Dry Goods Store, Cleveland, O. In bs rear of the above Srore a fine stock | of the latest patrerns of Cassimeres. Clothe, | Over Coatings, Silk Ves tings, can be found | that ches + ne oe tio cs of a garment cutter Me Jos. L. Kohn doer | his own cutting. (which alone saves 43) per wek) and hes the appurtment in the above Store tree of any exberse tt enwbles him to Save the Customers from $6 to $10 on every Suit of C ots. Convire: yoursett hy call- ing «t 213 Detroit strect. scot d door trom corner Peet] known ns m Dev Goode Store of KOHN & CO.. ¢ jeveliend oO. and owing to the tac WILLIAMSON BROS. . fe) WORM GEARED SHIP STEERING ENGINE, HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP STEERING EN- gines; with hrictional, Spur or Worm Gearof . various patterns to, suit all pury oses. 5 oe : Grummond’s MackinacLine STW’R ATLANTIC, Gaptain J RK. dones. LEAVES OLEVELAND EVERY FRIDAY AT 8 P. M., CITY TIME, For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena; Oscoda, and way ports. For pas- sage or freight apply to ANDERSON & CO., agents) Dock ft. of Superior-st. S. B. GRUMMOND, Owner. SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STBAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES ret Braes and. Sheet Jon : x _ Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, ‘and Oime Patent Safety'and Relief Valve. “No. 18 Ohio. Street, ‘Buffalo, a. =. silolr anges, | 20 and 22 Woodward Ay,, DETROIT - - MICH LARGE StORAGE ACCOMMODATION FOR VESSEL OUTFITS. Second Edition, Revised ad Enlarged, With new Maps nd IlLustrations corrected tothe opening of Navigation in 1888, Is SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS _ AND BY THE PUBLISHER. CEORCGE SCOTT, At 162 LARNED sT., E, DETROIT, MIcH. M. M. GLEKLER, Cigars : AND Toraccee. 156 River-st., Cleveland, Mhio. | = No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marinecigars. | FOR SALE. Sar BEN DIONE NEW FORE AND AF TSCHOON- - Kimball, built at Manitowoc last winter. outfit all new rary complete, 65 feet over all, 17 feet 4 inches bezm, 4 feet 9 inches hold. Tonn ge 81,40 Apply to A es JOHNSTON, Munitowve, Ww YACHT FOR SAEF, LOOP YACHT NOR iE 15, feet beam, in first-clas' catered fe BUR iN of tyme to.1un, is i A [ote TUG MYRTLE cheap../1s in first- lars write to B Jum ber, 420 tons of coal. pars last sea-on. lion this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron: —_ FOR SALE, “Sinise DGROCH. San FOR SALE. ‘Tugs < Wrecking Raft eee Etc.) MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN === AKGE COL, BRACKE!I—She carries 260M feet of | en adapted for Boat CONSE AE UL CL UA UL LV LK WESOHIELION OF Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft, of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. “SS x \\ OWNER OF FIRST- CLASS . STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON. Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, IL 6G, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOT OF FIRST ST,, OWNER OF TUGS . . ‘Winslow, ‘Leviathan,’ *M. wain,’ ‘Champion,’ Det roit M ich m. A. Moor: ,’ and ‘Osw: go. 5 s Also, Seam Barge MARY PRINGLE, with Steam Hoister and Wreaking oyifit on Board. g@°OFFICE OPEN Day anp Nieut. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.“@a BRANCHOFFICES at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH WRECKING TUG LEVIATHAN, CAFT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN With plenty of Wrecking Material on board and in Warehouse. TURES Which Man is the Tallest? PF You measure carefully the jig- ures in this cut you will find thai the reality the tallest. Lf you will coal your boats at my dock, adjoin- man who appears the shortest ts in\" fp nies creig IRON WORKS, - MANUFACTURERS OF 0 . = oT © x oe =i W =a >) 9 9: OG: © QO 2 m 5 e 5 7 an Lt = Oo {aS = = = a bee Steg om = 3 oe on = 00 See = [ons a: a oo = =o . — Cm | — to = = = Pe x ca ow DQ = Go ao = ‘ws 2 QD eS — ee bo ee OS ama CD — 25 eS HD = oO D ao co ae fat) = ee, TH HE SIMPLES? AND wLst OL EKED—SA List aCllON GUARANTEED. c) SUBMERGED Rit BOILERS. | Engines, Boilers and’ Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment, CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION: Woodbridge, Fifth and Congress-sts, Detroit, vit, Mich, J. E. SIMPSON & , CO., GENERAL lneteting pnts AND BUILDERS OF SIMPSON’S PATENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK, NC. 83 BRCADWAY, NOW YORK OLTY, Hi, B. & &. B. BURGER, Ship-builders and Contractors. MANTITOWOG DRY DOGK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a seto Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. g Bs ssels of 350 tons. A VES:ELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, MANITOWOC. WIS. 3 HULL’S RUBBER STORE _ Goodsel’s Rub- ber Back Flax | Packing,Steary Packing, Valves Gaskets, ete. Rubber Cloth- ing S. #. Hodge Iron Works, you wilt get better dispatch and better COAL than at any other place in the city. 0. W. SHIPMAN, OFFICE: aa Griswoldfand Larned Sts 1 a. Yawil Boats °° 5 18,20 and 22 feet long. ing Boots and Shi = * seas Ocr, 27,1885. SPECIAL GRADES OF WATER AND STEAM HOSE FOR MARINE U; E. W. HULL, 237 2uperior st., CLEVELAND, | e pac BOR HHO) | SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF 7 16, 18,20 and 22 feet BONS Steam and Hand Stennis Whee Shons ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETROLL STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES. 22 to 26 Market-St. near Ran dolph-St., Chicago. SIGNAL “LAME. For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. pho FLUTED LENS 2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND. AVOID COLLISIONS. 2 These Lamps give a more brillant light than avy Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal,Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED French Wrought Iran Ranges and Broilers of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers, steambarge 125 thousand capacity; ett carry 1.0 passengers, only one year old; a good twelve mile bcwt in the best, porsible condition; will be sold an opable and on easy terms. For further particu- 2: i cuire of MARINE RECORD, Cleveland Ohio. FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 CAIN ST., BUFFALO, N, Y¥, Ship Ghandiore, Sail Makers and Riggers. = ene Wheeis. Jae GRO FO) BARGES, TUG 5 i boats and Yacnis | SHTP ©! Two, T wO ptedes tor "| SAIL MAKERS AND SPEED OR TOWING] I™Porrrrs ayp WHor From 12 Tans to 14 feet in t e Rope, ” VULCAN TRON WORKS dort Gauss rcs | aha 80 NoRTH CLINTON ST., CHICAGO ILL. Ce een ncreeea SUSAR enn nan eee