4 Bl arine Hecord. =e = — - Published Every Thursday at 144 Superior Street, [Leader Building) Cleveland, O- A. A. POMEROY, EDITOR AND PUB BRANCH OFFICE: 2652 South Water Street, Chicago, Tilinois, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Associate Editor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, postage paid Six months, postage paid........ssscese reeves i Invariably n advance. ++0$2.00 1,00 THE MARINE RECORD can ve found for sale by the following news dealers : CLEVELAND, O.—G. F. Bowman, corner of Pear} ‘and Detroit Streets, Evans & Van Epps, Superior street, Cleveland. R. A. Castner, 254 Detroit street, Cleveland, ASHTABULA HARBOR, O. =, Us arge. CHICAGO, ILL,—Joseph Gray, 9 West Ran- dolph Street. CHICAGO, ILL,—H. B, Hansen, 33 West Randolph Street. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Miss McCabe, Elk Street, near Ohio. DETROIT, MICH.—Connors’ Marine News Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—T. S. GRAY, CO. 196 Wisconsin St. SAULT STE MARIE—J. P. Haller. ASHTABULA HARBOR—O. M. Kahne ERIE, PA,—Reed Caughen, 816 State St. DULUTH, MINN.—C. F. Johnson, 323 West Superior Street. MARQUETTE, MICH.—J. A. Vannier. ESCANABA, MICH.—Wm, Godley. ESC ANABA, MICH,—George Preston, SARNIA, ONT.—D. McMasters, OWEN SOUND, ONT.—J. Sharpe, Jr. KINGSTON, ONT.—F, Nisbet, corner Bri ck and Wellington Streets. Subscribers and others are respectfully invited to use the columns of the MARINE RECORD for the discussion of pertinent topics, Entered at the Post O@ice at Cleveland as second- class mail matter. CLEVELAND, O., SEPTEMBER 13. CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS’ ASSN’ ORGANIZED IN 1880. __* -[Membership, 1887] xty-five nibamert’ aggregating....---.... 67,865 ons ao iland consort, aggregati: ,089 ons, D offices at Cleveland and Ashta- protects crews, and | if EO AE Ghe Marine Record. before being sutctioned by the American members of the conference, for it mu-t be clearly understood that the present laws are not decided individually; nor are the rules determine’, in one way, by one nationality and ina different spirit by another, (for if this were the cave the immense traflic on the oveans would long ago have pointed out the weuknese of the sailing und steer- ing articles,) but are considered as iron bound international rules to)be strictly ob- served by «ll who wish to navigate the waterways of the world in safety; and in this natter it would be in order for us to no- tice the insny suggestions offered in the way of Jamp signals and side lights, three lights | on each sid- having been advocated recently by certain individuals, forgetting that in the nulliplicity of signals lays confusion, and also that if one good Jight is not visible neither would two or more be seen under similar cireumetances, and although tle vessel carried a spsre room full of lamps urd glasses the chances of vo.lision would not diminish on that account. Rather advo- cate one good, brilliant light than several of only a moderate power. Individual talent has, according to their own showing, given the marirer infallible proofs that he may determine the course of a passing vessel in fog, mist, or falling snow almost to a de- gree, and naritime circles have been fairly deluged with ideas and inventions of thia sort for the last decade, yet there is not one in fifty of these unique and theoretical, so called, systems that would stand the test of a practical applievation; hence the necessity of going slow before adopting a system that may apparently be correct in theory, work capitally on paper and yet be useless {n act- | ual practice. The intended discussion of the various systems employed tor the saving of life and property fiom ship wreck, will be an ex- cellent means of ventilating our life saving appliances and must certainly redound to the national prestige; at the same time evi- dence will be broi ght forward by the French and English delegates proving the uecessi'y of having a sysiem of distant or semaphore signals to be used in communi- eating with all life saving stations on these waters; and this system so persistently ad- vocated by the Frencb is exceedingly valua- ble as wants may be made known without the assistance of a code of flags and signal book, and in these waters especially a knowledge of the semaphore or distant sig- nals would be of much more benefit to our mariners than compelling the vessel to carry a full code of flags as has been re- cently suggested, and of which nouse could | |be made either. saiste small: poate or ona es beach. H. M. Hanna, H. P, Lillibridge, M, A. Bradley, Geo. P. McKay, Thomas Wilson, R. K. Winslow, W. D ees, J. H. Palmer. J. W. Moore, W. C. Richardson, ‘SHIPPING MASTERS. a R. Rumsey, 98 dock, Cleveland; Fred Bennet. assistant, 98 dock, Cleveland; Wm, Reunick, Ashta- bula Harbor. MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— EES EAN ST EY SY lO EIS PION GOES ES INTERNATIONAL MARINE CON- FERENCE, Much interest is manifested in lake ma- rine circles as to the legislation likely to arise from the mecting of the international marire cor ference to be hild in Warhing- ton next year, All interests involved seem to pvint to the fact that unless this conference is composed of a majority of thoroughly practical and capable men the efforts to alter or awend the existing laws may result disastrously in any case, whether the changes made are theoretical or practi- cal. The vessel owner will be called upon to sympathize financially in carrying out the i.eas of, let us hope at least, a wise and practical bedy of experts, As regards the rules of the road at sea, in making any alterations in the existing laws, it would be st rongly advisable to make haste slowly, for where collisions at sea have occurred and a full and complete inquiry has been held the officials having charge of the -case have been in a position to locate the faults with out any trouble and their decision accepted wi thout further Jegislation.; and when it is co nsidered that the present law applies to each and every position in which two or more vessels can be placed, and states ex- actly how each ought to act in the case of immioent danger, then having adopted the usual precautions of mariners, it is rather difficult to see just how many amendments could be worked into the present laws with- out tampering with the direct sense and _ Spirit of the existing “‘rules of the road.” * Individuals will be found who could guar- antee a more clear, concise and comprehen- sive code than that which we now observe. A syndicate may also be formed even at the convention who, for the sake of pergonal celebrity, may advocate certain, so called, necessary changes and advantages in the wording of the rules, only to find out that after a few year’s experience the present laws had better have remained in force. The many changes suggested aud the nu- merous amendments proposed will need to be keenly watched and carefully analyzed ERAN TN SI Tie pe heed emma ying pes dae asap ornare - For the quickest and best siettieds of re- | moving dangerous wrecks and obstructions to navigation the conference will soon de- | termine, and there can only be one way to treat a dangerous derelict of whatever na- tionality. Orce the international agreement is understood the north Atlantic will be cleared of the many floating dangere which has studded the surface for so longa period, menacing valuable life aid property. If tor no other, this cause alone is of sufficient importance to warrant the eliing together of an international marine conference. ST. CLAIR SHIP CANAL The } rompt attention given to this impor- tant waterway by the powers that be, dur- ing the recent trouble, encourages us to believe that if an influential body like the Luke Carriers’ association and the Cleve- land vessel owners were to adopt a resolu. tion favoring the plan of having concrete piers to form the sides of the canal instead of the present wooden structure, they would find liitle or no difficulty at Wash- ington in having this improvement carried out. The durability and strength of these concrete biocks would admit of iron posts, mushrooms and other appliances for moor- ing, or holding a vessel in the event of such a measure being desired. ‘These piers hav— ing been well located and firmly built would be a permanent improvement as opposed to a naturally decaying tabrie, and the first cost would be the only ou'lay for a lengthy period. The sand and smal) stones to be used in forming the concrete blocks could be eas'ly trangported to the present embankment, and there room enough would be found for working the compound into blocks ot one, two, or three tons weight, or any size or shape that would be found desirable for the different portions of the work. ‘These blocks could then be placed in position from the ground on which they were made, and since a large amount of money hus to be ex pended in needed improvements at this | LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION TO CONSIOT® AND TAKE ACTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS RE LATING T3 THE NAVIGATION AND CARRYING BUSINESS OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE WATERS TRIBUTARY THERETO, WITH THE INTENT TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTER OF THE SERVICE RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC, TO PRO- TECT THE COMMON INTEREST OF LAKE CARRIERS, AND PROMOTE THEIR GENERAL WELFARE- BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1888, THOMAS MARTIN, - - - - Oswego, N. Y. James AsuH, - - - - - Buffalo, N. Y. W. BULLARD,- — ~ » = Buffalo, N. Y. 8. D. CALDWELL Ly President - - Buffalo, N. Y. FE. T. EVANs, - Buffalo, N. Y. W. P. Henry, - ° - Buffalo, N. Y. P. P. MILLER, - - Buffalo, N. Y. Frank J. Firtu, Vice President, - Erie, Pa, M. A. BRADLEY, - - Cleveland, O. H. M. HANNA, - - Cleveland, 0. Cleveland, 0. Toledo, O. -Detroit, Mich, THoMAs Wi1son, Vive President, - A. W, Cotton, - - JAMES W. MILLEN, Vice President EBER Warp - - - - Detroit, Mich. JAMES DAVIDSON, = - - - Bay City, Mic Jos AusTRIAN,- - = = © Chicago, Ill. W.M.Eaan, - - Chicago, Til. Ira H. Owen, Vice President, - + Chicago, Ill. R.P. FirzGeraLp,- = - Milwaukee, Wis. DaviD VANCE, - - - - Milwaukee, Wis. ALEX McDouGALtL, - - . Duldth, Minn. HARRY MuRPHY, Secretary, - Buffaio, N. Y Jas. CARKY Evans, Treasurer, - Buffalo, N. Y. MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER, ST. CLAIR FLATS CANAL, Special correspondent to the Marine Record. A well attended meeting of the board of managers of the Lake Carriers’ Association was held in the committee rooms of the Mer- chants exchange, Buffalo, at 10:30 a,m Saturday, the 8th inst., Mr. S. D. Caldwell, president, in the chair, This meeting was first called for 2 p. m., September 7th, but as the Detroit vessels owners were that day to have a conference with General Poe upon the subject of the blockade at St. Clair Flats canal, the meet- ing was postponed until Satirday, the 8th when, after hearing the result of that con- ference, it was thought the Lake Carriers’ Association would be better able to deal with the subject. * Ic appeared from corresp¢ndence read, that, prior (o the day set for the meeting, and atter the call had been issued, it was made apparent from the number of vessels ground- ivg at the St. Clair Flats that something must be immediately done to relieve the situation, atd it was suggested that, as General Poe had no authority to at once re- move the obstructions in the canal, the managers here advance a fair share of the amount necessary to dredge and make pas- sable the channel in the canal. This was agreed to, and the agreement telegraphed to the Detroit vessel owners. In the mean- time Mr. Caldweil, on behalf of the Lake Carrieis’ Association, had telegraphed Presi- dent C’eveland, calling his attention to the serious delays caused by the obstructions in | the canal, and. asking | him to give to General | Poe such. special: authority and instructions as would enable him to proceed t to remove enaeaatier ‘the obstructions. A telegrs -from Detroit ‘was read at the ‘meeting, stat- ing that. no subscription ‘would be required, /as President Cleveland had ordered that the work of dredging be at once proceeded with, at the expense of the government and un- der direction of General Poe. This prompt action on the part of the President was heartily commended. After a good deal of ‘discussion of the subject of the immediate neces-ities of the canal, the following resolu- tions were unanimously passed: Wuereas, During the Jast few days a large pumber of vessels have grounded in the Sr, Clair Fiats ship canal, causing almost entire suspension of lake traffic, and WHEREAS, [t bas become urgently neces- sary, in order to prevent a repetition of the serious blockades which have lately oe- curred there, that some responsible party be given absolute control of the ship canal, with full power to enforce orders designed to keep the passage clear 3 Resolved, That the Lake Carriers’ Associa- tion, believing that General O. M. Poe would be the proper party to assume such control, if he has not already authority so to do, re- quest that gentleman to advise the president of this association what steps are necessary to be taken to place the control of the canal in his hands; Resolved, That if the necessary authority is now, or may be hereafter, vested in General Poe, he be requested to issue an order prohibiting the passage of vessels through the St. Clair Flats canal drawing more than 15 feet 6 inches, and to regulate tbe passages so that downward bound ves- sel: will have the right of way; Resolved, That certified copies of these resolutions be forwarded to Genera! Poe and to other interested parties, The subject of the permanent improve- ments was then taken up, and the following resolutions passed : Wuergas, An appropriation of $75,000, was made by congress during the present year, to be expended on the St, Clair Flats canal and the Grosse Pointe bar, or on the point a useful, strong and rightly piece of| canal alone, at the discretion of the United workmanship might take the place of the sheathed piling structure as suggested at the present time. Many more points might be advanced in favor of the concrete piers, and in this connection the writer would wish to remark, that in a recent conversa- tion with Mr, Grummond, of Detroit, that gentleman conceded with the above views, and suggested that with the building of one otber pier both an up anda down channel c ould be obtained at that point, States engineer; and, Wuereas, General O. M. Poe, engineer in charge, desiring to conform to the wishes of the shipping interests, has invited the opinion of vessel owners as to how the above named appropriation should be expended; Resolved, That the board of managers of the Lake Carriers’ Association join in the recommendation of the Detroit vessel own- ers, that General Poe be requested to spend $70,0C0, of this appropriation upon the per- F ir Se irteressies cr ghee tichar amare iy he 'ensure the proper testing of the elevator f sonics to their tull eoigetlang pagacliy, manent repairs ceeded at the Sc. Clair Flats ship canal, and the remaining $5.000, in re- moving boulders 4nd Jumps at Grosse Pointe bar. Resolved, That certified copies of these resolutions be forwarded to the secretary of the treasury, to General Poe, and to other parties interested. RAFT TOWING. The subject of the towing of rafts on the Jakes and in their connecting rivers was next taken up. It was vat the officer op wach can instantly use; with a small hand rocket encased in tin, he ean strike the end of it againat any hard sub- stance and by concussion cause it to ignite and ip less time than it would require him to remove his mitten he can convey the intelligence of the approximate course he ig steering If some more cunning device can be sug. gested I will be happy, and if mine affords some anxious mariner on a stormy night the the unanimous | slightest relief the pay is ample reward for opinion of the meeting that tre present|the study given to the subject. Frater- method of towing large rafts of logs with | nally yours, but a single tug, through the narrow cban- nels connecting tle menace to the safety of lake vessels of all | classes; and as this danger is constantly in- | creasing, owing to the increace in raft tow- | ing, it was felt that some steps should be | immediately taken to ensure greater safety to vessels meeting or pussing rafts, Many instances were cried where vessels were 60 crowded by large unwieldly rafts that they were compelled to run through and break up the rafts in order to keep from going ashore themselves. Various suggestions for relief were made, and it was finally agreed to instruct the secretary to inquire of the secre- tary of the treasuay whether the treasury department has power to regulate the tow- ing of rafts of logs, in the great lakes and their connecting rivers. HOUSE BILL 10,41. House bill 10,041, extending the criminal jurisdiction of the circuit and district courts to the great lakes and their connecting waters, was next discussed. It was under- stood that this bill had passed the house of representatives, but was still under con- sideration in the senate, and the president was asked to write Senators Evarts and Hiscock requestirg them to assist in procur- ing the immediate passage of the bill by the senate. GRAIN SHORTAGES. Attention was next culled to the numerous and serious shortages in grain cargors from Duluth. A number of instances were given where the shortages ranged from one to seven bushels per thousand. From informa- tion received by the secretary as to the tes'- ing of elevator scales at D»luth, it was be- lieved by the gentlemen present that the short- ages complained of were almost wholly due to the infrequent and imperfect testing of the scales in the elevators at that port, and the secretary was instructed to write the Duluth board of trade, stating these facts, and asking that they take such action as will jon oURERENORS WITH: ¢ i _ A communication wan read from Mi Frank J. Firth, vice president, suggestin, tbat the board take action’ nocessary to er sure the lake interests being properly con- sidered in any settlement that may be made of the pending differences with Canada. It was thought that nothing could be done in this direction at present, but it was under- stood that the: Lake Carriers’? Association | would watch. closely the progress of negotia- tions for a settlement of the difficulties, and when those negotictions had arrived at the prc per stage, take such action as seemed necessary to protect the interests of Amer- ican vessels navigating the lakes and con- necting rivers. SECRETARY, Perea OS a SN eg EES THE SYSTEM OF NIGHY SIGNALS. Erie, Pa., September il. Editor of the Marine Record: Of course there are conditions when any system of signals will be inoperative. Mine will work admirably under many circum- stances and give information that no other scheme that I ara aware of will do. My experience has been large and varied, commencing when lights were not carried by any law of the sea, and only by the most cautious; a lamp on rare occasion was hung under the jibboom outside the cap of the bowsprit, when the binnacle light was of such a character that on stormy nights a boy was kept busy burning rope yarns to enable the be!msman to see the compass, and the slush lamp was the forecastle light; lucky if the salt horse gave off fat enough to meet the démand. Compasses were crude things in my time, oscilating and rotating in such a manner as to render it impossible to say just how the ship headed. Chronometers, sextants and octants were novelties out of the reach of ordinary navigators; hand spike windlasses were used to heave up anchors with, patent blocks were not dreamedjof, rope trusses and slings were in order, hemp rope was used for running rigging and the steering wheel was used as an auxiliary to the tiller in bad weather, and a ship that steered within four points was a dandy. 1 went to sea as an apprentice and served my time trading between Dublin and Quebec carrying out passengers, and timber home; have followed the sea and lakes over forty years, serving in every capacity on board of merchant and naval. vessels of all classes and size:, [ have been in command of a line of battle ship flying the flag of a rear ad- miral and as cook of a Mississippi flat boat carrying coal, so that I pride myself on hay- ng afairly good idea of the wants of asailor, My idea of signaling is to have something lakes, is a constant} ABRAHAM J. Lovucn. NIGH?T-LIGHYTS, Pirtssure, Pa., Sept. 10, | To the Editor of tne siarine Kecord. Having lately had oceasion to make a ‘trip in one of our line boats 1 was dumb- | founded at the apparent carelessnes: and neglect of some of the people whose vessels we pussed during the hours of darknesa, and if the publication of these few lines will tend to make men more cautious of their lives and property and the lives of others. entrusted to their care, you are at liberty to insert this letter in the columns of your paper. Having wy attention called to the undermentioned facts, I enquired from competent authority on board and found that this indifferent mode of navigat- ing was the rule and not the exception among a certain class of vessels. During my cruise many tows were overtaken and passed, and when two or more vessels were in the tow a stern light was invariably hung out from each vessel for the one ahead to steer by, yet the last barge or schooner in the tow, in almost every case, omitted using this hght, having the simple though crimi- nal excuse, that there was nothing behind her; and yet if a vessel overtaking the tow was to collide with this last vessel, the last vessel of the tow might be held responsible for damages arising from the accident, in- cluding detention and other expenses, and rightly s> too; at least such a ruling was formerly in accordance with the letter ot the law, and [ believe it to be so still; if not I am quite open to correction, and not h ing traveled for some time I may be consi ered hypercritical. Yours traly, D. A. Pato ——--—(ao__— STEAMEBS AND RAFTS. SAULT STE MARIE, Beptqmier Special to the Marine Kecord. asd A few daysago the steam barge Sparta tow barge Sumartra coming up the ri raft of logs, If the steambarge had ‘wai minutes they would not have had an: but she was bound not to stop, sh ABOUT cee Guadkee st good chance to ha two thousand dol! on account of their ca) We admit that vessel for the action of their state that. shipmasters sustain, hence wh that they must eithe be into a rait of timber course, if a ra‘t should carry siguals ville, ee The inventi class of small boats which vessels as a means of es one person to one bhundr and it is e-timated tha twenty feet in diamet 127 persons of an aver can be vetee by fou eight miles per hour, — ALTHOUGH the Minn pany have shipped about 22 since the opening of n have still a large and creasing quantity of ore at bor yards and docks. It is Duluth Herald that there tons of ore waiting for shipmen b ent time, and if the prop 450,000 tons for nee find themselves consi nial D] anticipated shipments The bar in Erie Harbor vigation; the Alaska and both been fasc on it lately. The president has a dredge out the St. Glair. quest of the Olevela t tion,