| | erally preceded several 1 the lakes in the direction of ( mat, and a return or under cur- city and depth of the surface cur- i the velocity and duration e under current, in its gen- , is in the line of easiest re- vint whence the eurface cur- The effect of these cur- ge between atmospheric hallow | and deep lakes is he smaller oscil- nt the normal con- ange in atmospheric. pree| 7 pe yvind always produces | a he Avda ARC a. | keeps a yacht thet cost $75,000, was once an ‘ tically in the opposite direction. | LATING TO THE NAVIGATION AND CARRYING BUSINESS OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE WATERS TRIBUTARY THERETO, WITH THE INTENT TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTER OF THE GENERAL WELFARE* BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1888, Tomas MARTIN, Se cea ae a Bu Cece, “Ye Preston - RADLEY, = - - Gisrdn 8 velar ~ Chicago, Ml. - =Milwak; Wis. - > Milwaukee, Wis. - = +» Duluth, Minn. hoes Baffaio, N. Y. AS. CAREY EVANS, » «* Buffalo, N. ¥. MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER, FORE AND AFI. Arthur E. Bateman, the banker, who apprentice boy in the United States-navy. The Furness line, which has been trading from Biltimore to European ports during the pust eighteen months, have just added another new steamship to their already large fleet, which now consists of nineteen steamships. i A correspondent writing to the Brooklyn Eagle wants steamboat whistle blowing abolished. Schooner Agustus Hunt arrived at Bath, Me,, Sept. 5, from Norfolk with 1900 tons of coal, one of the largest cargoes ever at Bath, | A submarine controllable torpedo, made by the Ward & Height company, of New Haven, has been shipped to France and | will be used by the government there. gh| George §, Haight, the inventor, has also he water in the Jakes 82 degrees Fahranheit, 70,an extreme annual while that of the at- y reaches 110 and some- egrees, ensity, and in its temperature begins to recede a mingles with the body has reached that tem- that, as the weather grows rface assumes a temperature y reason of its lighter specific turbed, slowly by compari- sthis temperature to the water ‘ the surface is covered with ice, his process is reversed, and during d freezing weatler the tendency is for mperature to riseor returnto about 30°. b sehhen = * * * * * : RESUME, _ Reviewing the northern or Chicago divide from its beginning ata point on the west ‘branch of the Chicago river, five miles frora its mouth, to which point it is now naviga- ble for large vessels, the distance to Lock- port is only 28 miles, and the highest point is only 12 feet above datum, and that only for a short distance, and at the lowest point 12 feet below. There are short stretches of morainic deposit along the 138-mile level, _ reaching nearly to the water’s surface, but it is believed no solid rock worthy of not- ice will be found above datum until we reach Lemont. This, as before stated, be- gins at 9 feet above datum and drops to 24 below innine miles. In short, notwith- standing it tends to disprove the statements _ of Professor Gilbert in the Forum if an av- erage were struck in the elevation of the divide, Lake Michigan would to-day, toa considerable degree, be tributary to the Mississippi. * * * * * * = * * “The drainage.basin of the great lakes (shown in Fig. 1; omitted) is a reduction of acareful compilation of the best authori- ties.’’ ete. It shows also that while the line of deepest water does not coincide with the middle line of lakes, it does approximately with the medial line of lake basin. It will further be observed that,rwith the exception of Lake Erie, the points of greater, depth quite nearly coincide with the centre figure ofeach basin, This is believed to be a fact never before noticed. TRANSFERRING THE CENTER ‘OF TRADE. Chicago is the trade center of the civilized world. To overcome the inertis of this trade center would {bea stupendous task, one which will never be undertaken. orders as follows: Eight 22 foot metallic life boats and four life rafts for the twin screw steam- ship building, by Cramp, for W. P. Clyde & Co., of New York; three 22 foot and one 24 foot me- tallic life boat and one 21 foot clinker built wooden life boat and raft for the Merchants and Miners Steamship Co., one 16 foot metallic, and one 16 foot wooden life boat and 300 cord life preservers fora New York ferryboat; two 16 foot metallic boats for Memphis Steamboat Co.; two 18 foot and two 16 foot metallic boats for At 39.4 degrees | 3 process is continued | Thos. Drein & Son, of Wilmington, Del., have | sailed for France and will remain away sev- ‘| eral months teaching the Frenchmen how to handle the explosive. The torpedo is cigar-shaped and can be run under water ‘at arate of twenty-six miles an hour, It ean be sent out from a vessel against an- other object two miles away. A new line of steamships is about to be- gin running between Boston, Halifax and Charlottetown, P. E. I, under the name of the Canada Atlantic Steamship company. The first steamer to make the trip will be the Halifax, a fine new boat built this sum- mer at Govan, Scotland, by the Londou & Glasgow Engineering and Shipbuilding company. She isa screw steel steamship of 1600 gross tons, with triple expansion en- _gines‘ of 2800 horse power, and ‘a contract speed of 15 knots an hour. The owners have decided to leave the name of their steam barge Arizona the same. She will be ready for business about the latter part ot next week, when *| she will leave Port Huron for Toledo to load a cargo of coal for Green Bay. She is rated now as Al}. Forest fires are reported by the captains of boats passing down. They say the smoke is so thick on Lake Huron that they cannot gee any distance. The barge Harriet Rose and propeller Yo- eemite will receive extensive repairs at the Wolverine drydock, Port Huron. Thomas H. Walsh, of Cleveland, is re- joicing over the advent of a baby boy. There continues to be a good demand for yrain carriers at Chicago, and the supply being far short of meeting it, rates are naturally more firm and somewhat stronger. The schooner Iron City brought down 1,230 tons of ore for the Eureka Iron and Steel works, Wyandotte, on Monday. The heavy rain of Saturday night was accompanied by high wind, gusts at as high a rate as fifty miles an hour being reported by experienced seamen, The propeller Albany which went on Bois Blanc Island was released by the Levi- athan uninjured. The schvoner Charles Foster was dam- aged $100 in going on Fisherman’s Shoal, The Western Transit line is to double its warehouse capacity at Chicago, giving load- ing space for twenty-three teams at a time, The damage to the steamer Toledo by fire amounts to $8,000. It will be two weeks before she can resume her place in the line. The steamer St. Joseph, owned by the Haryey Lumber company, burned to the water’s edge near Sarnia on Saturday. She was valued at $35,000 and is a total loss. The crew were saved. The Scotch built steamship Aigonquin has been playing in bard lines since her ar- rival on this side. Here at Duluth her stern was rebuilt so that she could steer well and now at Chicago her boilers have been found defective and had to be patched up, and when this was finished her steam gear broke down. Perhaps the glimmer of fact will come to these ambitious Canadian ship builders before long, and they will see that in not one case has an English built ship proved a success on the lakes. TheC. P.R. steamships have been far from the success their cost would indicate. Canada should and can build her own ships better than the Co, ! Clyde can turn out. TO CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS RE The den-e smoke which overspreads Laka | went.o Huron renders navigation extremely peri- lous. Forest fires prevail all the way to Point aux Barques, and unless a heavy rain comes soun the risks to vessels will increase. The construction of tbe great ship canal from Liverpool to Manchester Is certainly being prosecuted with vigor.. At the end of last mo: th there were employed on the canal 8,568 men and boys, 161 horses, 98 locomotives, 3.221 wagons, 51 steam navvies, 49 steam cranes, and 104 pumping and other steam engines. At this rate it will not be ‘ong before Manchester becomes a seaport, The tug Custle released the schooner Sun- rise, ushore at Grindstone City and will tow her to Port Huron f: r repairs, The steamer Haskell ran aground ona shoal on the American side of the river about twenty one niles above Ogdensburg. After a good part of her cargo had been lightered she was released without damage. The keel fora three masted schooner of 575 tons has been laid at Kelly & Spear’s yard, B.th, Me, Mr. Frank Lemhard, who has oceupied the position of night clearance clerk so ac- ceptably this season, has received a deserved promotion, assuming the post of statistical clerk, tormerly held by Mr. Albert Thun- nell, Mr. Burt Thompson has been ap- p inted night clearance clerk. Having been connected with Maytham’s tug office several years and being otherwise well fitted for the place, the appointment isa specially good one.—Buffalo Express. Charl-s Frederick Herreshoff, of Bristol, died there Saturday eveni.g last, aged 80 years. He is the father of the famous Herreshotts, the boat builders. Many of the fastest boats built by the Herreshoffs when they began business were modeled by the father, Tallymen report that there are very few grain shortages now, even from the ports most complained of last month. The schooner Sunrise, ashore on Port Austin Reef with grain for Buffalo, has been released. Ste will probably be taken to Port Huron for repairs. The board of trade have awarded a bi- nocular glass to Captain G. Cocurullo, mas- ter of the Italian ship Ciampa Emilia, of Castellamare, in recognition of his kindness and humanity to the ship-wrecked crew of the British schooner Wenonah, of Swansea, which was abandoned at sea on the 14h of October, 1886.—London Nautical Magazine. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON PILOTAGE, Your committee have held 20sittingsin which they have taken evidence from pilots and the representatives of pilots belonging to various ports in the United Kingdom, in regard to com- plaints which have ia recent years been made by certain members of their body as to the existance of grievances in the pilotage service. They have also taken evidence from leaaing members of some of the chief. looal pilotaze authorities respecting these alleged grievances. Thus, in 1888, we at once celebrate the cen- tenary of the marine engine and the jubilee of trans-oceanic steam navigation, The first really practical steamboat, the Charlotte Dundas, was designed by Symington in 1801, and tried on the Forth and Clyde Canal eary in 1802. It was propelled by a Watte double-acting engine, turning a crank on the paddle shaft, and was able to tow two vessels, each of 70 tous burthen, a distance of twenty miles against a strong head- wind in six hours. The proprietors of the canal Tearing injury to its banks, declined to adopt the new system of towing, and we hear of noth- ing further being done by Symington, The next step in the matter was taken by Fulton, in Amer- ica,who,in 1807,built the Clermont,a steamer 133 feet long, which ran 150 miles in 32 hours, re- turning in 30 hours. Fulton built a number of other vessels, and to him belongs the honor of having made steam navigation a pecuniary suc- cess. In 1812 Henry Bell designed the first steamer plying on British waters, the Comet, which ran at six miles an hour, but was soon eclipsed by John Wood’s Elizabeth, running nine miles an hour, the first remunerative stea. mer in Britian. From this time steamers grad- ually increased in numbers and in size, till in 1838 regular transatluntic navigation was estab- lished by the voyages of the Sirius and Great Western, They were not the first steamers to cross the Atlantic, that was done in 1819 by an American vessel the Savannah, and again in 1833 by the Royal William. The voyage of the Sir- ius was svon followed by the establishment of some of the well known steamship lines which are still in existence. Mr. Dyer then described the characteristics of the early engines of pad- dle steamers, and afterwards the introduction of the screw-propeller in the Archimedes in 1839, The next great step was the compound-engine, the first vessel fitted with this being the Bran- don, in 1854. Her rate of consumption was 3} lbs. of coal per I. H. P., while the lowest pre- vious rate was 4 to 4} lbs. The Pacific Steam Navigation company adopted the new type of engine; but for some years little progress was made with it, except by that company. With the introduction of the receiver type of engine, with cranks at right angles, a rapid increase took place in the number of compound engines about 1868. Steam pressure soon went up to 80, and then to 100 lbs,, and these high pressures led up to the introduction of the triple-exansion engine. The old compound-engine, however, practieaJly held the field till 1881, when Mr. Kirk designed and constructed the engines of the Aberdeen. Her success has led to the gen- eral adoption of the new type. Mr, Dyer then went on to give historical paticulars of the mar- ine boiler, the surface condenser, &c, and eon- cluded his very interesting paper by an account of the vet result of the improvements of the Jast fifty years as affecting the consumption of coal, both compared with theI, H. 2, and with the eargo carried given distances. Many of these paticulars have been often stated in various con- nections in our pages, and we therefore do not reproduce them.—Nautical Magazine, WATERWAYS AND RAILWAYS. The new iailway regulation act passed by the English house of commons makes some decided changes in deuling with the difficult subject of travsportation regulation. It pro- videst hat freight rates on the canals sball be reduced by the commissioners whenever it shall appear that they are made unjustly high by the railways, This isso worded because the railways in England have acquired owner- ship of many of the most important canals, and have so arrang:d the water tariffs as practically to divert traffic totheir own rail lines. It was the opinion of the house of com- mons that the merchants should have the ben- efits of water competition, if necessary, under compulson of law. The question of water and rail competition is an old one, but has lately called out more discussion. Waterways are today receiving great attention from the governments of Con- tinental Europe. It is proposed to make the already fine rivers of Russia, Austria and Ger- many more capable of carrying a large freight traftic, while there are many proposals for artifi- ciai canals, such as the oneto the Baltic with the North Sea. In the United States we have al- -eady had deep sea conventions to urge the necessity of a suitable port upon the Guif of Mexico andthe importance of the matter to the citizens of Colorado and other western states, as well as the one more immediately interested —Texas, It is undoubtedly true that the days of usefulness for short and disconnected canals have passed away. Such waterways not forming parts in through routes cannot com- pete with the railroads, but the case is other- wise where such great through lines by water can be established. There is no danger of the commerce of our lakes falling into permanent decay, nor indeed, upon any canal or river connecting with them, except from neglect on the part of the government and the people directly concerned . Are such rivers and canals, supported at public expense, unnatural and unjust compet- | itors with railroads? Facts do not show avy real ground for this assumption. At first, indeed, we see the waterways taking from the railroads, by reason of lower prices, a cer- tain amount of business ‘which, were it not} for the waterway, would go by rail; but the], loss is not a real one. ‘There are certain arti- cles which for successful manufacturing de-| mand the lowest possible rate per ton, a rate which for any distance the railroads, under our present circumstances, can scarcely be expected to quote, or if they do it is under compulsion. But these raw materials once moved at cheap water rate, there arise large manufactories which give to the railroads carloads of finished product, tons of freight to and fro at comparately high figures, bread- stuffs and supplies to the tradesmen and fi- nally a large passenger travel. All these ad vantages to the railroad arise from the estab- lishment of a manufacturing center, whose profits in turn may depend upon the cheap water carriage of its raw material. Under such conditions it is an economic error to give undue prominence to the cheap traffic lost to the rail carriers without regarding the far more valuable tonnage at higher rates which these conditions secure to it. It is in the long run no disadvantage toa railroad to have even severe water competition; the situation of many of our most thriving railroads confirms this view. If this be the true view to take of the establishment or maintenance of connect- ing waterways, it follows that the oppesition to them on the part of our transportation men is not dictated by a far sighted policy, and their evident distrust of the first effects of the water competition should be allowed only its weight in considering the enlarging of our water system. What will in the end benefit the manufacturers and dealers will in the end benefit thecarriersalso, Here, too, appears the error in allowing the railroads to buy up and abandon or but partly use their competing ca- nals, The Pennsylvania railroad has followed English precedent in this respect, as we think to its own detriment as well as to that of town and cities interested. At least no more of our waterways should pass into railroad control without carefully guarded provisions as to operation. This, then is the justifica- tion for the spending of money by the govern- ment, either state or national, upon improved and cheaper means of transportation. It is apublic work, which if done in reason and with a wise policy, must insure to the benefit of all our interests our railways being in- cluded.—Tron Age. The Northwestern Fuel Company, having built extensive coal docks at West Superior, will bereafter receive all vessels at that port or Duluth at its own convenience and charters will be made only on that basis. Vessels bound for those porte with coal for that company will not know until arriving at a near destination where they will unload. As the ports are but a short distance apart they will not suffer any material inconvenience.—Buffalo Express. Around the Lakes Continued from 1st Page.) EAST SAGINAW, A long rakish craft having the appearance somewhat of a revenve cutter, with two spars and a sky-scraping smoke-stack, worked her way up from the mouth of tha river about 8:30 o’clock Wednesday night and madea landing at Young Brothers? wharf, Bay City. [t was the tug Sea Gull, purchased by the Reid Towing company, of Bay City, at New York last winter and brought to the lakes for the purpose of en- gaging mm raft towing. She came into the river Wednesday afternoon witha raft of five milion feet of logs, which she brought from St. Ignace, having started on her way down ten days ago. The Sea Gull is a monster craft of her class, and her like has never been seen on Saginaw river. She has great power and will make a splendid boat for raft towing after she has qeen housed in ; forward and a reef taken in the emokestack. She has capacity for earrying fsix hundred tons of fuel. She turns a twelve-foot wheel, and draws sixteen feet of water. She will remain in port two weeks, BUFFALO, Av unreported collision between the H. J. Mills of the Hecla’s tow, bound down, and the Fontana, consort of the Kaliyuga, bound up, at the St. Clair Flats Canal, was adjusted here yesterday. The Mills received $157.50 from the Fontana, which was most at fault. The Mills will make temporary repairs here, One of the crew of the burned propeller St. Joseph was here yesterday. He states that nobody knows how the fire originated except that it was from the furnace. Before the hose could be turned on it the heat was so great that the engineer could not reach the pony engine to put it in operation and there was nothing todo but to beach her. She is insured for $10,000; according to some state- ments, for twice that amount. No examina- tion has been made of her,but part of the crew is watching her. This seems to be necessary for the pirates alongshore tore down her fore- sail to make off with it while thecrew were |tinat‘on from Riter Bro 4 ashore to escape the fire. The boat's stern is jn about 30 feet of water.— Buffalo Express, The boiler of Captain Maytham’s new tug, building at O’Grady’s, was being dragged to des- The demand for ore tonnage ae tins ues active, and in the light of reported charters yesterday ore carrying rates are quotable at $1.- 35 from Escanaba, $1.55 from Marquette, and $1.80 from Ashland, or Two Harbors. : Coal rates remain unchanged. Charters: steambarge H. C. Schnoor, coal, Cleveland to Cheboyvan, 50c; steambarge Burlington and barge Transport, coal, Cleveland to Bay City 40c; steambarge Michigan, coal, Cleveland to Point Edward, 40c. The steamers Kasota and Missoula load coal at Buffalo for Duluth on contract, BUFFALO, September 19.—Coal freights firm, Milwaukee rate advanced 5c; others unchanged, Vessel men hold that grain freights are as good as ore, so coal rates should be the same to MIl- waukee as Chicago. Canal freights dull and unsettled. Wheat, 3%c to 4c; corn, 34¢ to 3 3 5c to New York. CuHicago, September 19.—Ready tonnage was in good demand here but there is a scarcity of vessels. Rates to Buffalo are strong, being quoted at 3%c for wheat and 34c for corn. Erie canal rates are quoted at 43c for wheat and 4he for corn. TOLEDO, O., September 19,—Charters: Sch- ooners George W,. Davis and Jennie White, wheat to Buffalo at 21e, The collislon between the fire boat and the Willow street bridge proves to be more serious than it was thought at first, The boat struck with such force that it went into the bridge almost a foot. It is said that the boat was reversed, but that her engines are not powerful enough to give her a sudden stop. Engineer Rice was called to the scene of the collision, and as all travel by water was stopped, he decided that the best thing to do was to cut the bridge in two im- mediately. A detachment of men were put to work, and half of the bridge was cut off and placed on lighters, which had been provided underneath it. On Saturday morn- ing the lighters, with half the bridge on board, were towed to one side, and vessels began to pass through. A meeting of the board of improvements was held yesterday morning for the purpose of taking action on the matter to be decided what should be done. The question will be brought before the board at the meeting on Monday morn- ing. There is some talk of building a tem- porary pontoon bridge for use until the bridge is rebuilt. _—_—-oao-— Shipments of iron ore for the season are as follows: Marquette range, 1,182,701 tons; Gogebic range, 867,051 tons; Milwaukee range, 706,744 tons; Vermillion range, 36,609 tons.