,? Ihe Marine Revond. "ore" DETROIT DRY DOCK CO, Dove in the nobbiest style, according to monthly new fashion plutes; made by none but firet-clase mechwnics und none delivered unless to the entire taste or the Customer, can be procured by Jos, L. Kohn, pructical tailor avd cutter vt the tailoring depariment | ot Kohn & Co., 218 Derrvit street, second | door from corn “yr Pearl known as Boston | Dry Gouda Store, Cleveland, O. In the rear of the above Store a fine stock of the latest patterns of Cassimeres. Clothe, Over Coatings, Silk Vestings, enn be found | and owing tw the fuer, that this yonng genius | of a garment eutter Mr. Jos.,L. Kohn does | his own cutting, (which alone saves $89 per week) und has the appartment tn the nbove | Store tree of any expense tt ensbles him to} Save the Customers from $6 to $10 on every | Suit of Clothes. Convirce yoursell Py call- ing at 218 Detroit street, second door trom corner Pest] known as Zoston Dry Goods Store of KOHN & CO.. C leveland, O. | Sah a SO Sa ee | ~ WILLIAMSON BROS. COR. RIGHMOND AND YORK S¥S., | PHILADELPHIA, PA. HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP *TEERING EN- | gines; with elther HH aD al, Spur cr Worm Gearof various patterns to sui! all pur ares Grummond’s MackinacLine STWR ATLANTIC, tai nek LEAVY EX bS) CL EVEL AND EVERY FRIDAY AT 8 P.M., CITY TIME, For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, and way ports. For pas- sage or freight apply to ANDERSON & CO., Age nies Dock ft. of Superior-st. S$, B, GRUMMOND, Owner. _ SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES @opper, Brass and Sheet Iron Manufactory. “IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon % Mier: Compound, and Orme Patent “3 - Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, “Buffel lo, IN. re J. ©. GOSS. Sail Maker anc Rigger, 20 and 22, Woedward Ay. , DETROIT - - MICH LARGE STORAGE ACCOMMODATION FOR, VESSEL OU!FITs., Scott’s NewCoast Pilot! = Recond Edition, Revised and Enlarged, |= With new Maps and TiJustrations corrected tothe | == opening of Navigation in 1888, Is SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER. CEORCE SCOTT, At 162 LaRNeED sv., E, DETROIT, MIcH. M. M. GL EKLER, Cicans AND Te raccs., 156. Riverest., Cleveland, Phio No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marinecigars. FOR SALE. TRE HANDSOME NEW FORE AND AFTSCHOON- W. OC. Kimball, built at Manitowoe last winter, outfit all new and co mplete, 65 feet over all, 17 feet 4 inches beam, 4 feet 9 inches hold, Tonnage 81, 40 Apply to A. D JOHNSTON, Manitowoc, Wis. YACHT FOR SALE, LOOP YACHT NORDEN, 45 feet water line, 13}4 feet beam, in first-class sailing condition, for want of time to run, is offered for sale ata bargain. Address F,W. FINCHER, Pentwater, Mich. HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale Sn Is in first-class condition. Wor particu- Jars wri FE RED G ROCH, Sandusky. 2- FOK SALE. ARGE COL. BRACKET— Rie. carries 260M feet of UU. V Si KL CLOLS UL bVLEY DVESURLE vi) OV OF Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships “IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH Dry Docks and ee Yard, ft, of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. OWNER GF FIRST-CLASS Tugs for Wiedling Raft Tata Etc. STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON, Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. ‘Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Etc, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOT OF FIRST ST., ; L one - TUGS se D t it, RA . Winslow,’ ‘Leviathan,’ 'M. Swain,’ ampion,’ hee si aa A. Moor~ ,’ and ‘Oswego. e rol iC Also, Keanu Barge MARY PRING LE, with Steam Hoister and the Outfit on Board. R@F-OFFICE OPEN Day AND Nicut. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, “@a BRANCHOFFICES at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH | WRECKING TUG LEVIATHAN, CAPT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN With plenty of Wrecking Material on board and in Warehonse. Bo Lola Which Man is the Tallest? ae. You measure carefully the jig- ures in this cut you will find that the man who appears the shortest is in reality the tallest. coal your boats at my dock, udjoin- ing S. £. Hodge Iron Works, you city. 0. W, —— OFFICE: Corner Griswold and Larned Sts Tf you will , wilt get better dispatch and better fe COAL than at any other place in the EAGLE [RON WORKS, - — Hoisting & Deck Engines Line etc., etc. ‘sjoodg AsdAy 0} pajgauuo) sjal ; eg youl Ua) YIM sdwing sy adapted for Boat = uses, Raising Sail, Hoist- Ing Anchor, Pulling in Tow MPLESY AND tkst OF FEKEU—SATISFACTION GOARANTEED. SUB BW ERE ED HLT 130) BOILERS. Engines, Boilers and Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION, yj 9 rig ee and eee fess-sts, _ Detroit, Mich, ey Ra J. E y On Big INF 85 Iessaspmin teswsaiuecuns CconTRACTORE. AND BUILDERS OF SIMPSON’S PATENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK, NO. 35 BROADWAY, NEW YORK GITY, HH. B.& & B. BURGER, Ship- -builders and Contractors. MANITOWOG DRY DOGK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of | Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 tons. A large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, MANITOWOC. WIS. HULL’S RUBBER STORE Goodsel’s Rub- ber Back rib: f Parenrep Oct. 27,1885. Sh oes. SPECIAL GRADES OF WATER AND STEAM HOSE FOR MARINE USE. E. W. HULL, 237 2unerior st., CLEVELAND, 0, 2" DETROIT BOAT WORKS. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Olank’s Patent. ber Life — HIGHL Yawl Boats in stock 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. ‘ lite meees ‘Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Shoos ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETRO1 |Ship Ghanding Sail Makers and cwieesis. STEAM-BOAT SUPPLIES. 22 to 26 Market-St. near Randolph-St.. Chicago. SIGMA a Tee For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS 2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS “2 These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They ha ve been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers Over Ten Thousand Now in Use. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED ) French Wrought Iran Ranges and Broilers lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $200 worth of re- pairs last season. Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- tion this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, P ‘ort Huron: FOR SALE, A: stermlarge 125 thcusand conse wa carry 1.0 Nee only ene year 0 d twelve mile kc #t in ibe Lest, yorsible condition; will be sold tea: cratle erd on caky terms. For further particu- Jaze ir quire of ManwxE BECCED, C)cvelenc Ohio, ij) of all Sizes for Steamers and Hotels. bi) Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet tron Workers, = FELTHOUSEN & RUuSssELE, | 139 & 141 ZAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y¥, FOR . BARGES, TUGS, CANAL BOATS AND YAOHTS” y Two, nnee or Four | - Blades for SPEED OR TOWING IMPORTVRS AND WECLRALE \\ From 12 Inches to 14 feet in 7 VULCAN IRON WORKS| une 80 NoRTH nae ST-, CHICAGOILL. palncibiehe eee cibe so id api Wheeis. Pitta Guives, B { | % i