<H&60,, ISHED IN 1856.] charter Vessels for Lake Trade. ‘to Chartering Vessels in the re Trade, both forthe season and DING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio, ~ Iffice, No. 338. tetbadence: No. 1328. VER & BECKER, ‘ents andBrokers, 6 Lae 10, de B'ld., 101 St. Clair St, “GLEVELAND, OH16. EDWARD SMITH Brokers and Agents. ttention given to Surveying, Apprais- = and Settling Marine Losses, 2 Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N. Y. LEX McDOUGHALL, SEL AGENT AND BROKER, oa to a lg te Boe a ig and masters f vessels wishing to get cargoes from or rill do well to confer with me. information 1 0 care x of Superior and ank and, Ohio. MOORE, BARTOW -AND GILCHRIST, ‘Ship Brokers and Agents, 9. 101 St. Clair Street, Room 15. i OL EVELAND, -’ OHIO. JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, Marine Insurance, om 6, Exchange Building, Duluth, Minn. Piave an excellent gang of Trimmers this sea- son, Captain Miller’s old Crew. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, and seeing that they zet dispatch in Port, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. C. A. KING, General Stevedoring. Discharging Load- ing and Ore Trimming Promptly At- tended to. A Large Force of Men always on Hand. Information in regard to DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKS IN ASHLAND HARBOR gladly furnished. Quick dispatch guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. Cc. A. KING, Ashland Wis, WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. - ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. {ERB AAT IG AeA N DEALER IN GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Green Canned eS eee: goods, FAMILY AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PAKTS OF THE CITY 121 River-st , Cleveland, 0.:Telsphone 745. Cleveland Block Co, MANUFACTURERS OF lronTackle Blocks ‘TAKING THE PLACE OF ) WOODEN BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. Gen. Forwarder. ial aca) os STAB. A MYBRB,|): | 11) jhese COFFINBERRY, VELIND § eerie R stand. hs “ROBERT WALLACE, VICE PRES'T: HIP-BU 6000) WMOM: FITCH IRON SHIPS. | Marine and Stationary KNGINES AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, AND MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. SNe 23k tes A SS NS Ke BS SEES AGS, I NY] IN et eae pe ASSET AY NS The Marine Reporter Collections _Made and Prompt Remittance, Orders Promptly Delivered with Small Boat Day or Night—Reference Port Huron Savings Bank, PORT BURON - - MICH Gies & Ca,Buffalo. NY Manufacturers of STEEPLE FORE AND AFT COMPOUND, AND TRIPLE EXPANSION MARINE ENGINES WITH BOILERS OF MODERN DESIGN. PORT HURON, MICH. Nayall Architect, Maring Inmspegtor. SPECIAL EXPERIENCE IN DeEsiGnina, Prices Se._r-Trimmine Haroues, Coan SHoots AND BuLAKu’s Patent Borers. 32 Exchange Bid.; BUFFALO, N. Y. | MARINE REPORTER AT THE STRAITS: | ROBERT E. HILLS, Reports of Passing Vessels a Specialty. 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Tl, Telephone 3321. Messages Delivered to Passing Vessels Day STEAM FITTING AND HEATING or Night, Weather Permitting. MY IOE REPORTS MAY BE RELIED on, | Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. ENGINEER'S SUP PLIGS, The Patronage of the Marine Public Respect- (eneral Jobbing Work Done Promptly. fully Requested--Charges Reasonable. F-J- STIMPSON, MACKINAW crityimice, Als, Proprietor of North Side Brass Work LONG COMPANY, Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, ea AS i nc SAMMI ec aS DORR Stray POC ate Res eer